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Fair Isle is one of the best known of the Scottish islands having given its name to a shipping forecast region and to an internationally known style of knitting patterns and also because it has a world renowned bird observatory, and is the most remote of the inhabited British islands. Over the last five decades it has experienced major changes in its economic and social fabric, reflecting the influences of both endogenous and exogenous forces. This paper reviews and interprets those changes, utilising two surveys made fifty years apart using the same survey instrument and the same methodology in order to provide a basis for a consistent comparison. The paper discusses the changes that have taken place in agricultural practices, in infrastructure, in the economic base and the successful stabilisation of population numbers, and in tourism to the island, which reflect changes in ownership of the island and the impacts of North Sea development and local government re-organisation.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
The treasure of the Atocha DUNCAN MATHEWSON III
The Shetland boat: South Mainland and Fair Isle ADRIAN G. OSLER
The port of Roman London GUSTAV MILNE
Nautical instruction (1587) DIEGO GARCíA DE PALACIO
Legacy of the Machault CATHERINE SULLIVAN
Weaponry from the Machault DOUGLAS BRYCE
The Counter-Armada: 1596 STEPHEN and ELIZABETH USHERWOOD
Les Épaves de Tarraconaise á chargement d'amphores Dressel 2-4 MARTINE CORSI-SCIALLANO, BERNARD LIOU and A. J. PARKER
Prehistoric boats and ships, of Northwestern Europe GAD RAUSING
Secrets of the Bible Seas ALEXANDER FLINDER
Aspects of maritime archaeology and ethnography SEÁNMcGRAIL(Ed.)
L'Archeologo subacqueo ENRICO CIABATTI
Beach boats of Britain ROBERT SIMPER
International register of historic ships NORMAN J. BROUWER
Arkaeologi og geofysiske sporings metoder (Archaeology and geophysical prospections) J. T. MØLLER
Legal aspects of marine archaeological research L. H. van MEURS  相似文献   

本文以中国出口商品交易会(广交会)为案例,剖析会展业对城市酒店业的空间结构影响、效益带动作用以及参展人员对酒店的行为偏好,探讨其与城市酒店配置的关系。研究表明,广交会对广州酒店业意义深远,不仅在广交会展馆附近形成了广州星级酒店的空间聚集带,而且提升了广州酒店业整体经济效益。研究还显示酒店受益幅度遵从距离衰减规律;参展人员对高中档酒店需求旺、其中五星级和三星级酒店更受青睐;国内外参展商的住宿需求偏好各异;高档酒店集聚了主要的利润等。这些特征对研究城市会展与酒店配置的关系提供了重要依据。  相似文献   


The paper considers the assemblage of bird and fish bones from a Romano-British settlement on the Isle of Portland, on the southern coast of England. Compared with contemporary sites, the assemblage includes an unusually large number of fish bones from a wide range of marine species, including large cod, other Gadidae, several species of seabream, scad and bass. The bird assemblage includes bones of a butchered great auk. This provides the first evidence that this extinct species was nesting off the shores of central southern England and being exploited for food in this period. Other seabirds identified included razorbill, great northern diver and gannet. The species represented are discussed in relation to other Romano-British sites, particularly the Roman town of Dorchester, situated 15 km away. Many of the species have been discovered on only a few contemporary sites and the presence of the seabream in particular indicates that seawater temperatures may have been warmer than until very recently. Possible cultural changes in diet and food procurement in the Roman period are also considered.  相似文献   

广交会是大陆开展对台经贸工作的平台之一。创办之初,广交会主要通过在香港的台湾办庄和台商开展工作。20世纪60年代末70年代初,通过海外侨商开展对台经贸工作。改革开放后,大陆积极发展对台贸易,台商间接参与广交会。1987年,台湾开放民众到大陆探亲,为台商直接参与广交会创造了条件。总结广交会台商工作的政策沿革和实践发展的历史经验,对当前推进两岸经贸交流、完成祖国统一大业有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Early maps of Scotland at a national scale provide historical geographers with an important source of data. One of the most important of these maps but still relatively unexploited and poorly understood is the Military Survey of Scotland or Roy Map. Examination is made here of its two versions, the Protracted Copy and the Fair Copy, to check the veracity of the draughtsmen who produced the latter and most commonly consulted version. An examination is made by focussing on two areas of Fife.  相似文献   

Following the 1654 elections, the first to be held after the imposition of the Instrument of Government, petitions of complaint were presented by voters from various constituencies to Cromwell and his council. Most of the petitions were investigated, some MPs being subsequently barred from taking their seats, but only one was excluded on the grounds of immorality: George Glapthorne, an MP for the Isle of Ely. This re‐examination of his case indicates that Glapthorne, an unpopular local figure because of his involvement in drainage and enclosure, had been the subject of a successful smear campaign. The Instrument of Government had redefined the franchise, which, it has been argued, decreased the size of the electorate. Annexed to the petition presented by voters in the Isle was a list of 124 men who had been physically prevented from entering the polling hall. This list reveals the presence of Walloon settlers in the Isle; local records indicate that such men qualified for the new franchise because they were leasing fertile, drained land in the Fens, thus increasing the electorate in that area. By considering the local context of a disputed election, this study adds to the debate concerning the interpretation of the Instrument of Government in terms of the eligibility, not only of a parliamentary candidate, but also of voters.  相似文献   

Abstract: Ethical labeling campaigns have become a central means for diffusing and negotiating conflicts between social movements and market actors. Fair Trade was a pioneering ethical label and, by many accounts, a success. For nearly a decade, United Students for Fair Trade (USFT) activists worked to build the reputation of the Fair Trade Certified (FTC) label, but in Fall 2011 they withdrew their support and urged ethical consumers to do the same. This paper is an urgent reflection on USFT's trajectory from guerrilla marketing to boycotting FTC products. While their actions may appear shortsighted and contradictory, their decision to withdraw support from the FTC label has roots in a long struggle for control of Fair Trade. We argue that their actions signal a new stage in consumer action, as activists lose faith in the legitimacy of ethical labels and instead target the agencies that own the ethical brandscape.  相似文献   

Over the past decade, sales of Fair Trade agro‐products have risen sharply, fuelled by innovative marketing campaigns that use imagery to ‘connect’ Western consumers to impoverished farmers in developing countries. The success of Fair Trade has led to speculation over whether its portfolio could be broadened to include non‐agricultural products, a debate which, in recent years, has focused heavily on the precious minerals and stones being extracted by impoverished artisans. A lack of policy oversight, however, has resulted in Fair Trade being interpreted very differently in this context. In the absence of certified, internationally‐recognized guidelines for the implementation of Fair Trade mineral schemes, designers have drawn inspiration from a global mining development agenda that has become preoccupied with anti‐corruption and traceability. This article draws on the case of Malawi's NyalaTM ruby, described as a ‘Fair Trade Gem’ by its supplier, to illustrate how ethical mineral programmes are potentially being misbranded as Fair Trade. Although the scheme delivering NyalaTM ruby to markets is supplying a traceable commodity, in the process helping to alleviate consumers’ concerns about conflict minerals, it seems to be providing very little benefit to poor producers — the primary objective of Fair Trade.  相似文献   

The remains of a wooden V-shaped fish weir and associated structures have been discovered near Ashlett Creek on the tidal mudflats of Southampton Water in Hampshire, southern Britain. Radiocarbon dating of oak roundwood stakes taken from the main weir structure date it to the middle Saxon period. Clusters of as-yet undated roundwood posts within the catchment area of the weir are interpreted as the frames for fish traps that are assumed to pre- or post-date the operational period of the weir itself. The weir is contemporary with wooden V-shaped fish weirs found elsewhere in southern and central Britain, and also Ireland, but its circular catchment ‘pound’ remains restricted, in these islands, to the Solent and Severn estuaries: it has a close parallel with another Saxon-era weir on the nearby Isle of Wight. It also shows striking structural similarities with examples in use today in Basse Normandy, on the southern shore of the English Channel. The paper discusses the function and operation of the weir, and places it in its social and historical context. Regressive cartography demonstrates that the structures have become exposed as a result of saltmarsh retreat in this area of Southampton Water since the nineteenth century. The radiocarbon dates returned for the posts demonstrate that this transgression of the marsh must have been preceded by a prolonged period of progradation, which covered and preserved the site; its subsequent re-exposure has negative implications for its survival.  相似文献   

Stephen Miller 《Folklore》2013,124(2):176-193
The activities of the Gill brothers—W. H. Gill (1839–1923) and Deemster J. F. Gill (1842–99)—as folksong collectors and editors in the Isle of Man in the 1890s have been largely overlooked to date. Instead, it is the other collectors of folksong in this period, namely Dr John Clague (1842–1908) and A. W. Moore (1853–1909), who have received the greater attention and acclaim. However, the recently released private papers of Deemster J. F. Gill allow for a reassessment of the work of both brothers in the area of folksong collecting and publishing. This paper deals with the preparations the brothers made for their collecting trips about the island in 1895 and 1898. It is evident from Deemster Gill's correspondence discussed here that he built up a network of helpers who were willing to find potential singers for him and his brother, besides affording them other kinds of assistance in the work of collecting. The members of the Demester's circle of helpers can all be clearly identified, allowing us to see just who was supporting folksong collecting in this period in the Isle of Man.  相似文献   

The semi-domestic status of the European fallow deer (Dama dama dama) renders its ancient biogeography a reflection of human activity with the potential to provide important insights into the movement, trade patterns and ideology of past societies. Given this potential, fallow deer have received surprisingly little attention from scientists within the fields of archaeology, biology and zoology. Here we present new AMS radiocarbon dates, stable carbon and nitrogen isotope data and genetic evidence (the first ancient DNA sequences for the species) resulting from the analysis of a set of remains recovered from the Roman settlement at Monkton on the Isle of Thanet, Kent, UK. By viewing our results against the very limited available comparative data, this paper provides new information for the establishment and management of fallow deer in Britain. We argue that much more could be achieved with even a slight increase in sample sizes and a plea is made for greater research into this culturally significant species.  相似文献   

中国汉族传统庙会是由古代的宗庙社郊制度演化而来的。曾活跃于中国的广大地区,是真正活着的民俗,很多学者将其称为"中国人自己的狂欢节"。但它在当今中国社会的转型时期,却陷入困境。通过对汉族传统庙会与欧美民族的狂欢节进行多角度、多层次的比较,为未来传统庙会在现代化背景下的生存条件和转型方向提供了借鉴。  相似文献   

This paper presents a discussion and catalogue of the Iron Age coins found on the Isle of Wight which have been recorded, or are extant, on the island. These coins show a wide variety of links with the mainland and Continental Europe. Many of the coins are of unusual or unique types, suggesting a political division between the Isle of Wight and recognized major tribal groups for at least some of the Late Iron Age. Links are indicated with the intermediary Hampshire group introduced by Sellwood (1984). Strong links are shown with the Durotriges group to the west, and to a lesser degree with the Atrebates/Regni group to the east of the island. There are also preliminary indications of political and social centralization on the island for the first time, from numismatic finds.  相似文献   

This paper makes comparisons between various sources—historical, ethnographic and archaeological—that relate to birds on the Isle of Man, in order to give a picture of the former uses of birds by the Manx people. Written references suggest that seabirds in particular were an important source of the essentials of life, and this is reinforced by recent archaeological evidence. The bird bones discussed are from excavations at St Patrick's Island off the west coast and Castle Rushen, Castletown. Manx Shearwaters Puffinus puffinus were present in greater numbers than they are now, and two fragments of the now extinct great auk Pinguinis impennis were identified, confirming the presence of this species on the Isle of Man. The evidence points to over-harvesting of the shearwaters and members of the auk family. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

研究会展社会影响尺度与独立变量的相关性是会展社会影响研究的重要组成部分,对于扩大积极的会展社会影响和控制消极影响有着重要的实践意义。研究了11个独立变量与会展社会影响尺度的3个公共因子之间的相关关系,结果表明,独立变量对公共因子的影响有限,只有性别、居住地、居住时间、文化程度、收入和在相关行业工作等6个独立变量与会展社会影响感知显著相关。广交会案例表明:第一,性别方面,女性的个人收益感知强于男性。第二,居住地方面,海珠区居民对广交会社会影响的正面感知最弱,负面感知最强;天河区和广州其他区居民对广交会社会影响的正面感知相对较弱,负面感知相对较强;而越秀区的居民对广交会的正面感知最强,负面感知最弱。第三,在广州居住年限越长的居民对广交会社会影响的感知越消极。第四,文化程度越高的居民,对于广交会社会影响的感知越消极;第五,收入方面,居民月均实际收入越高,对个人收益感知越弱;第六,在相关行业工作的居民的个人收益感知比不在相关行业内工作的居民感知更强烈。  相似文献   

In 1893, Chicago attorney Ellen Martin sent an invitation to her sisters in law to attend a first ever Congress of Women Lawyers, a convention to be held in conjunction with the Chicago World's Fair. Her announcement went out to “All women in the United States and elsewhere who have been admitted to the bar of a court of record or graduated from a law school.” Martin and Fredrika Perry, her law partner, had chronicled the rise of the woman lawyer in an 1887 article titled “Admission of Women to the Bar.” 2 Thanks to their survey and the 1890 national census, Martin knew there were more than 200 female attorneys in the United States—what we may think of as the first generation of U.S. women lawyers. 3 Speculating that many of them would come to a meeting that coincided with the World's Fair, Martin made the argument that her sisters needed to form a professional association for the purpose of learning from each other and binding themselves more closely together.  相似文献   

This article explores how "New Federalism" under President Ronald W. Reagan manifested itself in the implementation of fair housing policy. We examine the Fair Housing Assistance Program (FHAP) and how it led to state and local civil rights agencies playing an increasingly vital role in implementing the Fair Housing Act of 1968. Relying on data provided by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), we show that a significant number of fair housing complaints were shifted from HUD to state and local agencies.  相似文献   

Housing benefits and income transfers realized by Section 8 program participants are examined. The distribution of benefits depends on income eligibility rules and the level of Fair Market Rents, the latter establishing an upper limit on the quality of housing available to households. By establishing Fair Market Rents for an entire urban area, program regulations tend to exclude the poor from better quality neighborhoods. Subsidy costs for newly constructed units are twice as high as for existing units. Income eligibility rules are such that many more households are eligible than can be supported, creating difficult problems of horizontal equity. Lowering Fair Market Rents or raising the required share of tenant's income paid in rent would tend to reduce these horizontal equity problems.  相似文献   

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