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This paper compares the intent of three Australian social housing policy interventions in the decade to 2011 with outcomes shown in time series data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics Census. The three policy interventions are the supply stimulus that occurred in 2009 with funding to construct almost 20 000 new social housing dwellings by 2012, the push to diversify social housing supply through the transfer of public housing stock to community not‐for‐profit housing providers, and the physical renewal of public housing estates to reduce concentrations of social deprivation. Its aims are threefold: to understand how the supply and geography of social housing dwellings has changed over the past decade; to relate these changes to the objectives of social housing policy in the time period; and to identify issues for the future of social housing in Australia emerging from identified disparities between policy rhetoric and supply reality. The paper employs quantitative analysis of social housing supply for all of Australia and mapping of social housing supply changes in the east‐coast mainland state capital cities. This analysis reveals the overall stagnation of social housing supply in Australia over the previous decade, combined with evidence of stock loss in areas of renewal in some cities.  相似文献   

针对国内外印度华侨华人研究边缘化的现状,从人口特征、职业特征、文教事业及社团、宗教信仰及族际通婚等方面对20世纪50年代的印度华侨社会进行了分析,对印度排华运动、由此造成的印度华人社会的衰落,以及中国政府接侨及归侨的安置情况进行了阐述,认为印度社会经济的快速发展和两国关系的改善和发展,将会对印度华人社会产生积极的影响。  相似文献   

In 943, a pagan king called Setric arrived with a fleet on the Seine, seeking to ‘take over the whole area without a grant from the king’ and to bring the young Richard and his Rouen Northmen back ‘to the worship of idols, and to bring back pagan rites’. But this was not to be because the young Carolingian king Louis IV d’Outremer was quickly on the scene and engaged Setric and his dux Turmod in battle. Louis’s mounted forces were victorious and both Setric and Turmod were killed. As the great French historian Philippe Lauer said: ‘La défaite du viking Setric et du renégat Turmod est un événement important dans l’histoire de l’établissement des Normands en Neustrie’. The mystery examined in this article is, who was this pagan king Setric (ON Sigtryggr) who had been sent to Valhalla? And where had he come from —York or Denmark? It is shown that whilst a Danish origin for King Setric cannot be completely excluded, the equation of a King Sihtric of York with King Setric on the Seine is more likely and is supported by a plethora of onomastic, chronological, numismatic and contextual evidence.  相似文献   

经过 2 0余年的改革开放 ,我国已进入一个新的新型时期。在社会转型过程中 ,社会结构发生了显著的变化 :产业结构由低级向高级推进 ,所有制结构由单一向多样发展 ,城乡二元结构出现松动 ,阶级、阶层发生深刻变化。这必然对统一战线的内部关系产生重大的影响 :工人阶级内部结构复杂化 ,使工人阶级实现自身团结统一的问题突出起来 ;农民阶级的急剧分化 ,使工农联盟的巩固面临新问题 ;私营企业主阶层的产生及其迅速扩大 ,使统一战线内部关系出现前所未有的新变化 ;产业结构优化升级和信息时代的到来 ,对做好知识分子工作提出了更高的要求 ;大量新的社会阶层的出现 ,客观上给民主党派的社会基础带来新的变化 ;“四个多样化”的出现 ,要求统一战线在处理内部关系时 ,应以“三个代表”的思想为指导 ,更加重视照顾同盟者利益和在政治上扩大民主。  相似文献   

过去的30多年,有着鲜明计划经济烙印的社会福利制度随着经济转轨经历了从初始的起步探索,到后来逐渐转型和步入正轨的艰辛的改革历程。职工福利分解、社会福利社会化推进、社区服务普及、农村社会福利重构、适度普惠型福利探索等凝结为改革成果,初步形成了新型社会福利体系,但这些改革在社会福利的目标模式上是初级的、不全面的和不平衡的。面对变化的国情,处理好发展与公平的关系,构建适度普惠型社会福利制度,是中国社会福利的目标选择。  相似文献   

明清时期徽州宗族社会关系控制初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈瑞 《安徽史学》2007,(2):109-116
明清时期徽州宗族通过族规家法等制度设计,对处理与其它宗族和成员以及国家之间的关系制定了相应的规范措施,并通过对这些规范措施的积极执行,在一定程度上实现了对自身及其成员社会关系的控制.而这对维持该时期徽州宗族社会的长期繁荣及社会秩序的长期稳定起到了一定的积极作用.  相似文献   

Over the last 40 years museums have become important sites to understand the politics and poetics of heritage management, display, and knowledge production. The books under consideration here all help demonstrate how museums as relational entities—containing dynamic relations between persons and things, as well as generating them—are emergent processes. Each work helps demonstrate why museums in their many guises remain critical terrains for the negotiation of identity, history, and culture in the push for more collaborative accounts of our world and the circulation and display of things.  相似文献   

在土地改革期间,中国共产党针对基层党员干部发动了广泛而深入的整党运动。整党运作的基本特征在于让党外群众介入其间,并对基层党员干部行使审查评议之权,即所谓"开门整党"。整党运动中党组织、党员与群众之间的关系,表征了乡村权力结构和共产党乡村治理模式的深刻变化。借助群众力量进行整党,不仅可以实现对基层政治精英的有效监控,也有助于将乡村民众整合到党和国家的权力体系中来,因而对乡村治理目标的实现具有重要意义。  相似文献   

世界农村发展及其演变   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
熊先根 《人文地理》1992,7(2):41-46
本文探讨农村概念入手,较详细地阐述了农村发展的内涵和战后世界农村发展的演变过程。  相似文献   


This article analyses the relationships between the colonial government in the Federated Malay States (FMS), international social movement organisations, the League of Nations and sex trafficking. While there is considerable scholarship on social movement organisations and the League of Nations, far less is known about the links between internationalism, colonialism and sex trafficking.

After the First World War, trafficking became the focus of social movement organisations and the League of Nations, but colonial regulation of prostitution and tolerated brothels complicated international responses to trafficking. Colonial administrators saw prostitution as an essential service, whereas feminist and international social movement organisations saw prostitution as an impetus for trafficking. This article engages with newspaper reports, colonial correspondence and Chinese petitions, archival material from social movement organisations, and reports by the Association of Moral and Social Hygiene, the League of Nations and the Chinese Secretariat to extend the literature on the historiography of trafficking and the British Empire.  相似文献   

在中国古代,宴饮活动承载着一定的政治、社会和文化的功能,对国家权力的建构和社会秩序的维系,起到某种微妙的作用。汉代民间的宴饮活动可以分为政治性、宗教性和生活性三种类型,对建构乡里社会的秩序结构、满足百姓的精神需求和人情需要、促进基层社会关系和家族内部关系的协调,具有重要的作用。民间宴饮成为透视乡里社会形态和特征的一个特别视窗。  相似文献   

杜宗斌  苏勤 《旅游科学》2013,27(3):61-71
乡村旅游地居民是社区参与的主体,社区参与是乡村旅游地可持续发展的重要前提,目前社区归属感对乡村旅游地居民社区参与的影响机制和路径研究较为薄弱。基于文献回顾,引入旅游获益中介变量,构建乡村旅游地居民的社区归属感——社区参与结构方程模型。以浙江安吉为例,通过实地问卷调查采集数据,探讨社区归属感对社区参与的影响机制及路径。研究表明:乡村旅游地居民社区归属感对旅游获益和社区参与均有显著正向影响,旅游获益是社区归属感影响社区参与的中介变量;社区归属感对社区参与既有直接效应又有间接效应,其直接效应(0.48)远远高于通过中介变量旅游获益对社区参与的间接效应(0.55×0.27);旅游地居民对个人职业与旅游业的关系的重视程度要高于家庭成员职业与旅游业的关系。最后提出了促进乡村旅游发展的若干建议和研究不足。  相似文献   

Rachel Goffe 《对极》2023,55(4):1024-1046
A protracted process of policy development has been underway in Jamaica to curtail the widespread incidence of informal settlements. Against the logic of emerging policy, this article aims to reconnect present-time unauthorised use of space to ancestral refusals of plantation land monopoly. Through ethnographic research and a reconsideration of historical texts, the article situates insecure tenure in a long history of conflict over land and livelihood—conflict that produces a boundary around the authorised use of space. That boundary is porous and mobile, the outcome of a palimpsest of colonial violence and its negation. This argument interrogates the gap between “landless” and “ownershipless”, revealing both the role of incomplete dispossession in racialised social reproduction and the spatial practices through which Jamaicans “make life” even in the shadow of premature death.  相似文献   

英国工业革命中出现的乡村工业社会,是大工业在乡村发展的必然结果和乡村城市化过程的初始阶段。工业家是乡村工业社会的创建者和主宰,主要通过提供住房和管理公共卫生、控制社区的宗教和教育事业、掌控公共管理权力等3个方面来实现对乡村工业社会的控制和管理。开展关于英国早期乡村工业社会的研究,对于了解工业发展与社会转型之间的微妙关系,揭示工业企业家群体对社会事务的广泛渗透和控制,具有一定的启发意义。  相似文献   


This article triangulates intergenerational (childhood, adulthood, and old age) visions on the social representation of childhood in rural areas of Chile. These visions were considered within the framework of identity constructs (perceptions, social behaviours, preferences, and ambitions) and were compared against emerging transformations in the spheres of family, and gender relations. A qualitative methodology was used to analyse 68 individual interviews (41 children; 21 women old age; and 6 adult women). It was concluded that, in a context of globalization, rural boys and girls use modern, urban symbols and conform to traditional gender stereotypes. In a familial environment, rural children have acquired discursive protagonism in alliance with older women, a reality that conflicts with the conservative vision of middle-aged adults who have poor awareness regarding the participation of children. Contrasting visions exist between adult women and seniors concerning the responsibilities assigned to children in general and, particularly, to girls.  相似文献   

“自下而上”:当代中国农村社会研究的社会史视角   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
从互助组到人民公社体制结束,是一个前后相继、不可割裂的时代。从"自下而上"的社会史角度对此进行研究,可以纠正以往研究的缺失,丰富我们对新中国历史的认识。中国社会史研究应当引入到现当代史的研究,这亦是社会史研究应有的社会关怀。  相似文献   

Growing interest in non‐capitalist ownership models raises empirical questions about the political implications of such models. In this paper we ask: are non‐capitalist property ownership models inherently politically transformative? A study of community land trusts (CLTs) based in Minnesota illustrates that alternative property models do not necessarily produce transformative political outcomes. Interviews of those involved in CLTs revealed that they most often engage in affirmative politics, rather than challenging structural problems. Seeds of transformation were evident in these CLTs as well, however, and we explore these moments through four lenses of transformation in order to see the potential building blocks toward other worlds. To this end, we highlight changes in participant subjectivities, collective relationship building, the cultivation of community control, and the subversion of power hierarchies. While these moments offer pathways toward greater transformation, this study reveals the necessity of intentionally transformative practice in alternative ownership models.  相似文献   

潮龙起 《清史研究》2006,1(3):59-65
天地会的产生与发展是清代中后期社会经济变迁的结果。天地会成员的游民身份及其所从事的活动导致主流社会对它的压制和打击,其结果使它始终处于社会的边缘。而当它来到马来半岛后,则面对着一个政治统治薄弱、社会动荡不安以及经济处于开发之中的社会,这给它带来了很大的发展机遇,带有暴力色彩的秘密会党,凭着自身的实力,在实现空间位移的同时,也完成了社会地位的提升。  相似文献   

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