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This article undertakes an econometric analysis of the constellation of factors that serve to determine some outcomes with respect to demography and to schooling in India. These are: the numbers of pregnancies, live births and infant survivals to women, the chances of children being enrolled at school and, if enrolled, of continuing in school. The econometric estimates are based on unit record data from a survey — carried out by the National Council of Applied Economic Research, New Delhi — of 33,000 rural households in sixteen states of India. The study concludes that a broad spectrum of factors affects these outcomes. The literacy of women is important but so is the literacy of men. Infrastructure, in the form of safe drinking water and easy access to medical facilities, is important for infant survivals and, in the shape of easy access to schools, is important for school enrolment. Parental occupation matters for both infant survivals and schooling: children born to women who work as labourers are disadvantaged, relative to other children, in terms of their chances of surviving infancy and, if they do survive, of receiving schooling. The number of siblings that a child has affects his/her schooling outcomes, and gender, religion and region play an important role.  相似文献   

Saltpetre (KNO3) manufacture was a principal monopoly industry in early Modern India when the United Kingdom governed the social and economic systems. The process represented microbial transformation of excrementitious livestock and human wastes deposited around habitats, resulting in formation of salt efflorescence at an economic scale. Low caste people collected these wastes for extraction and production of rough saltpetre under the administrative control of British India. Stable isotope composition (δ15N and δ18O) was used to trace details of the microbial transformation processes, often involving the isotopic fractionation of nitrogen and oxygen. Marked elevation in δ15N and δ18O values for nitrates in soils and deposits, relative to those of primary organic nitrogen in diets and water sources, characterizes the unique processes of historic saltpetre manufacture in British India.  相似文献   

Studies of Indo–British relations in the 1950s have been usually dominated by the personalities of Jawaharlal Nehru and, after him, VK Krishna Menon. This article instead focuses on Vijayalakshmi Pandit and her tenure as India’s High-Commissioner in London. Pandit came to London having served as Nehru’s envoy to the Soviet Union, the USA and the United Nations. Based on government records and private papers in India, Britain and America, this article shows that her time in London offers insights into the wider context of changes in Indo–British relations and presents her High-Commissionership as a microcosm of the inter-governmental relations.  相似文献   

战后印度制定了它的对日媾和政策,其中要求中苏参加和会。这与美国的主张背道而驰。而后,印关间进行反复交涉,最终印度从本国利益和本国外交理念出发,拒绝参加旧金山和会。但它却于会后不久即同日本谈判和约之事。总之印度执行的是一种中间路线。  相似文献   

Protestant missionaries in India developed a fully articulated ideology of female education in the 1840s. They employed a separate spheres gender construction in a colonial context, assigning to the female the leading role as the custodian of culture, thus regarding her as the key to successful proselytism and cultural transformation. This ideology was the work of male missionaries before females entered the field in large numbers, and was deeply dependent on prior Indological discourse. The ideology and its emphasis on the formation of character influenced both colonial educators and nationalist writers in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.  相似文献   

Multidisciplinary spatial studies are relatively limited in Indian archaeology, despite their potential for research and heritage management. This paper discusses applications of satellite remote sensing, field studies and GIS, in the context of Palaeolithic archaeology. The study region covers an area of around 8000 km2, in the state of Tamil Nadu, South India, and is characterized by a rich and diverse Palaeolithic record. Satellite images of varied spatial resolutions were interpreted to address both regional and site-specific research questions. Thematic maps were generated from satellite data and refined with intensive field investigations. These were used for demarcating sources of raw material, and in investigating variability in the distribution of sites through time in relation to a range of geological and geomorphological features. Satellite data and field studies also aided in mapping impacts on sites resulting from modern landuse patterns. The paper also discusses the development and testing of a model to detect potential areas where new sites may be rapidly located.  相似文献   

Between 1856 and 1861 Minnie Blane and her husband, Captain Archibald Wood, wrote dozens of letters from India to the Minnie's mother in England. These letters and those associated with a military investigation into the couple's relationship in the 1860s detail the connections between the breakdown of the East India Company's rule in India and Minnie Blane's marriage. In particular, this correspondence shows some of the ways in which bourgeois identities were constructed in relationship to money and objects, place and race. It also exposes the fissures between family members, allowing us to see the gender, generational and cultural conflicts within such imperial families. The article raises concerns about the ways in which personal letters have been used as documents in the study of European women's imperial history.  相似文献   

In granitic rocks, fracture networks typically provide pathways for groundwater flow and solute transport that need to be understood to assess the long‐term performance of deep underground storage or disposal facilities such as radioactive waste repositories. However, relatively little is known about the long‐term processes of fracturing and/or the longevity of flow paths (FP) in granitic rocks distributed within orogenic belts. To clarify these issues, Japanese plutons of different ages and in situ fractures in granite at the Mizunami Underground Research Laboratory (MIU) located in central Japan were studied. Detailed structural characterization and geochemical analysis of in situ fracture fillings sampled from a depth of 300 m were carried out to clarify the relationship between fracturing and mineral infilling processes. Different plutons show identical episodes of fracturing and fracture filling, consisting of: brittle tensile fracturing, due to decreasing temperature through the ductile–brittle transition after plutonic intrusion (Stage I); relatively rapid uplifting (ca. a few mm/year) accompanied by hydrothermal water circulation, which produced uncrushed layered mineral fillings (Stage II); and a period of low‐temperature meteoric water circulation following exposure after uplift (Stage III). The parageneses of carbonate mineral fracture fillings and their carbon isotopic compositions (14C, δ13C) show that there were distinct episodes of carbonate mineral precipitation during the rapid uplifting of a pluton. The carbonate minerals that formed during each episode incorporated carbon from a distinct source. The evolution of fillings identified here enables development of a specific model of fracturing and persistence of fluid‐conducting systems in the plutons of the orogenic field.  相似文献   

Neera Desai (b. 1925), best known as the founder of India's first Women's Studies Research Unit, also wrote the first analytical history of Indian women. In Woman in Modern India, published in 1957, the central concern is women's lack of opportunity and progress from the Vedic period to the 1950s. A college student at the time of the Quit India movement in 1942, Neera belongs to a generation of women who entered the professions in newly independent India and continue to ask the hard questions about gender and power.  相似文献   

Isotope and trace-metal analyses were used to determine the origin of plants used to manufacture prehistoric textiles (basketry and matting) from archaeological sites in the western Great Basin. Research focused on strontium (87Sr/86Sr) and oxygen (18O/16O) isotope ratios of willow (Salix sp.) and tule (Schoenoplectus sp.), the dominant raw materials in Great Basin textiles. The oxygen-isotope data indicated that the willow and tule used to produce the textiles were harvested from the banks of rivers or in marshes characterized by flowing water and not from lakes or sinks. The strontium-isotope data were useful in showing which plants came from the Humboldt River and which came from rivers headed in the Sierra Nevada.  相似文献   

Britain's post-war interventions in former colonial territories remain a controversial area of contemporary history. In the case of India, recent releases of official records in the United Kingdom and South Asia have revealed details of British government anti-communist propaganda activity in the subcontinent during the Cold War period. This article focuses attention on covert or unattributable propaganda conducted in India by the Foreign Office's Information Research Department (IRD). It specifically examines the 1960s: a time between the outbreak of the Sino-Indian border war in 1962, and the Indian general election of 1967, when IRD operations peaked. The Indian government welcomed British support in an information war waged against Communist China, but cooperation between London and New Delhi quickly waned. Britain's propaganda initiative in India lacked strategic coherence, and cut across the grain of local resistance to anti-Soviet material. The British Government found itself running two separate propaganda campaigns in the subcontinent: one focused on Communist China, and declared to the Indian government; and a second, secret programme, targeting the Soviets. In this context, Whitehall found it difficult to implement an integrated and effective anti-communist propaganda offensive in India.  相似文献   

Two Centaure rockets were launched from Thumba (0 47′S dip). India, with a new arrangement of double probe sensors for the simultaneous measurements of the irregularities in the electron density and the electric field along and perpendicular to the spin axis of the rocket. These experiments were carried out during the period when type I irregularities were observed with the VHF backscatter radar at Thumba. Irregularities with scale sizes ranging from a few meters to a few kilometers in the electron density and in the electric field components both in the east-west and the vertical direction could be studied with these experiments. Irregularities in the electric field in the medium scale size range (30–300 m) were observed with peak to peak amplitudes up to 20 mV m−1 and in the small scale (⩽ 15 m) with peak to peak amplitudes up to 5 mV m−1. Horizontally propagating waves with horizontal scale sizes up to 2.5 km were observed in the region below 105.5 km. Using linear theory for the electrojet irregularities, it was found that for 5 % perturbations in the electron density, the amplitude of the electric field can be as large as 20–30 mV m−1. The spectrum of the irregularities in the vertical electric field in the rocket frame of reference was calculated and it was found that for the range of scale sizes between 10 and 70 m, the mean spectral index was −2.7 and −2.6. while in the scale size range 2–10 m it was −4.0 and −5.1 for the flights C-77 and C-73, respectively.  相似文献   

To an extent unusual among holders of papal office in late antiquity, we know something of the family of Gregory the Great (590–604). His father, Gordianus, was a wealthy Roman who had married a lady named Silvia, who herself had a sister named Pateria, while he had another three aunts, Aemiliana, Gordiana, and Tarsilla, the sisters of his father.1 He also seems to have had one, and possibly a second brother.2 We know from his writings that his three aunts on his father's side adopted a religious life in common, but they attained very different levels, for Gregory reports that, whereas Gordiana disgraced herself by marrying a farmer on her estates, Tarsilla reached the highest level of holiness. He describes his great‐great‐grandfather Felix, a bishop of the Roman church, appearing to her in a vision in which he showed her a mansion of great brightness and told her to come, for he would receive her there; soon afterwards, she died of fever.3 While such details may appear sparse, they provide a basis on which we can make some general statements on the kinds of people who became pope in the period from the late fifth to the early seventh centuries; a table of these popes is appended to this paper. We shall suggest that there was a set of criteria which were met by new popes time and time again, and that these remained surprisingly constant across the period.  相似文献   

Saltpetre constitutes one of the major ingredients of gunpowder, which was a driving force during the political changes in late medieval to early modern times in Japan. Two types of model saltpetre mineralization are studied. One represents efflorescent saltpetre formed as the byproduct of indigo dye manufacture, whereas the second is anthropogenic, derived from relict nitre‐beds. Here, oxygen and nitrogen isotopic analysis, as expressed by δ18O and δ15N notations, is applied. The calculated δ18O values for ambient water, responsible for the microbial‐mediated oxidation of ammonium into oxygen in nitrates, tended to have higher ranges than average local meteoric waters of the relevant regions. An overall trend could be seen, showing the apparent positive nitrogen isotopic fractionation during the microbial transformation from initial organic nitrogen into nitrate product. Dual isotopic analysis for industrial nitrates provides a useful tool for investigation of the provenance of historic gunpowder. Present anthropogenic saltpetre involves positive control over temperature–moisture regimes and oxygen fugacity during formation, the process being distinctive from those prevailed in British India and other European countries.  相似文献   


The ability to maintain human brain explants in tissue culture was a critical step in the use of these cells for the study of central nervous system disorders. Ross G. Harrison (1870–1959) was the first to successfully maintain frog medullary tissue in culture in 1907, but it took another 38 years before successful culture of human brain tissue was accomplished. One of the pioneers in this achievement was Mary Jane Hogue (1883–1962). Hogue was born into a Quaker family in 1883 in West Chester, Pennsylvania, and received her undergraduate degree from Goucher College in Baltimore, Maryland. Research with the developmental biologist Theodor Boveri (1862–1915) in Würzburg, Germany, resulted in her Ph.D. (1909). Hogue transitioned from studying protozoa to the culture of human brain tissue in the 1940s and 1950s, when she was one of the first to culture cells from human fetal, infant, and adult brain explants. We review Hogue’s pioneering contributions to the study of human brain cells in culture, her putative identification of progenitor neuroblast and/or glioblast cells, and her use of the cultures to study the cytopathogenic effects of poliovirus. We also put Hogue’s work in perspective by discussing how other women pioneers in tissue culture influenced Hogue and her research.  相似文献   

瑞典是18世纪最早与中国有贸易往来的西方国家之一。瑞典败给俄国后,失去了她作为欧陆大国的地位。瑞典东印度公司曾派遣129个远征队来到广州。一些乘坐瑞典东印度公司船只的乘客写下了旅行游记,有助于建立瑞典人眼中早期的中国形象。通过研究三位著名旅行家的游记发现:游记作者们对中国的印象不仅仅建立在单纯的观察基础之上,同时也深受欧洲学术潮流的影响。  相似文献   


Studies of neoliberalism’s rise in the second half of the twentieth century have focused on influential US and European thinkers and global economic institutions. They rarely mention India. This article argues that, in the 1950s and early 1960s, Nehru’s India served as both a central laboratory and a discursive field for international economists debating the proper role of the state in economic development. US economists like John Kenneth Galbraith held up India planning as a proxy for the ‘American way’ of capitalism in Asia; neoliberal economists like Milton Friedman and B.R. Shenoy excoriated Nehru’s ‘road to socialism.’ As India’s economy stumbled in the late 1960s, neoliberal economists used Indian foundations to build an empirical and rhetorical case against scientific planning. Their cautionary tales about India’s ‘Permit-License-Raj’ helped to construct and sustain the project of delegitimizing state action and celebrating markets.  相似文献   

In 1909, a Criminal Intelligence Department official in Delhi warned of Russian-born anarchist Emma Goldman's trip to India scheduled for the following year. The ‘arch priestess of anarchy’, as she was called in the file was planning to arrive from the US for a lecture series across India. Because she posed a definite threat to the British Raj, officials moved quickly to bar her entrance at either Bombay or Madras. This essay, nevertheless, reframes Goldman's stalled South Asian lecture tour to focus on the ways in which the anarchist still appeared in Delhi and Lahore over the next twenty years, especially in the writings of Bhagat Singh.

Though Goldman and Singh never formally met – Singh never left India and Goldman, in spite of her plans, technically never arrived – the two share a common vocabulary. Attention to this adds not only greater texture to the two thinkers’ sensitive and ambivalent view of revolutionary action, but also illuminates the broad network of thought in which the two writers located themselves.

This paper moves examines, in turn, four central metaphors of Goldman and Singh's texts: the mass and violence; humanity and love. In my analysis here, I suggest that we see two metonymic pairs of concerns. In this sense, the mass is metonymic to humanity and, subsequently, mass violence is metonymic to a love for humanity. Metonymy, in contradistinction to metaphor, renders in starker relief the textual gymnastics of revolutionary thought. Consequently, ‘humanity’ stands not only as an extension of ‘the masses’, but moreover humanity retains its central proximity to the crowds which form it. Similarly, and written with equal vigour in the texts under analysis here, is that ‘love’ is both ‘violence’ extended to humanity, and ‘love’ is in intimate proximity to ‘violence’. The sustained interest in the masses, violence, humanity, and love turns our attention, in the final instance, towards a commitment to cosmopolitanism as an aggressively affiliative textual stance.  相似文献   

Research over the last two decades on the economic divergence of Europe and China before the nineteenth century has stimulated much recent scholarship investigating similar diverging paths between Europe and India. Following the lead of Kenneth Pomeranz, this work focuses on the demographic, ecological, and geographical factors in this divergence and argues for the direct comparability of the most economically advanced parts of Europe with such places as Gujarat and Mysore in Mughal India, which showed considerable proto‐industrial development before their relative economic decline and deindustrialization in the nineteenth century. The book under review approaches this topic by deploying a modified Marxian‐Weberian framework and draws on extensive research in Indian and British archives to argue that both Gujarat and Mysore might have embarked on paths of sustained economic growth through natural commercial expansion and deliberate mercantilist statecraft hindered by the East India Company. Despite resurging interest in Marx, much recent work in global economic history highlights the limitations of modernization theories drawn from a long tradition of Western social science indebted to the theories of Marx and Weber.  相似文献   

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