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准格尔地区自晚奥陶世抬升以来,经过1亿多年的风化剥蚀,到晚石炭世复又下沉。海水时侵时退,为植物的繁衍与发展创造了条件,并生成巨厚煤层。成煤植物从早到晚分为欧美、华夏植物群过渡类型、华夏植物群早期类型和华夏植物群繁盛期类型,伴随着植物的发展与演替,环境也发生着相应的变化。  相似文献   

淮南煤矿是国民政府建设委员会创建的官办煤矿.日军侵占淮南煤矿,目的在于掠夺淮南煤炭资源,为其侵华战争服务.为此,日本帝国主义采用高度垄断的方式和掠夺式的开采方法经营管理淮南煤矿,使日伪时期淮南煤矿的经营管理具有垄断性、掠夺性和残酷性特征.  相似文献   

在河北省区志培训暨研讨会议上,笔者得到一部刚刚出版还散发着油墨香气的《井陉矿区志》。与已出版的第二轮志书相比,这部志书有许多不同的地方。它不是续志,而是井陉矿区贯通古今的第一部通志;它不是一部煤矿志,而是一部综合性的行政区域志。《井陉矿区志》给读者最深印象,是在记述地情的基础上,着力突出煤炭、彰显地方特色。  相似文献   


Rosalind Franklin's earliest research involved studies of coal, carbon, and graphite. She made a number of enduring contributions in these areas, most notably identifying the fundamental distinction between graphitising and non-graphitising carbons. Her work on carbon also provided a valuable background for her later biological work.  相似文献   

Two stone flakes partly covered in birch-bark-tar and a third without tar on it were discovered in fluvial gravel and clay in central Italy, in association with the bones of a young adult female Elephas (Palaeoloxondon) antiquus and several micromammals. The probable chronology of the stone flakes is compatible with the late Middle Pleistocene suggested by the site's small mammals and geological context. The fauna indicates a cool stadial episode before isotope stage 6. That age means the flakes are the oldest ever found hafted with tar and indicate a greater capacity for late Middle Pleistocene hominins to utilize raw materials available during cold phases.  相似文献   

This article analyzes Chinese-financed infrastructural projects in the Balkans to further our thinking about how infrastructures shape international politics. By adopting an assemblage approach, which views infrastructures as part of a complex and dynamic interaction of both human and non-human actors and capacities, it questions the vascular trope that sees infrastructures as arteries of influence and power. Building on research into the construction of roads and coal power plants, assemblage analysis provides the nuance that refutes simplistic accounts of China's grand strategy in its Belt and Road Initiative. Chinese actors are not geostrategic players exerting influence from afar, but have become thoroughly linked to the region's politics through their specific modes of entry. The business priorities of Chinese state-owned enterprises required formal disentanglements, yet the political arrangements underpinning such deals have ironically caused Chinese actors to become entangled in the Balkans through its political instability, developmental discourses, fiscal exigencies, the traces of previous infrastructures on its society and ecology, and the often overlooked anchoring role of materials such as concrete or coal.  相似文献   

本文通过整理考古发现的火炕遗迹,并与文献相结合来探讨火炕形制的演变、建筑材料的变化、功用以及起源等几个问题,阐明作为北方古代居民御寒的主要取暖设施--火炕的演变规律.  相似文献   

A sudden decline of solar activity around 850 calendar years BC caused a shift to a cool and wet climate in northwest Europe. Food production suddenly became problematic because of shorter, wetter growing seasons and increased night frost. This climate change triggered innovation and the development of a new agricultural system in continental northwestern Europe: arable farming on raised beds (Celtic field banks) laid out in a more or less checked pattern. This kind of agriculture mitigated the effects of the climate shift by providing better drainage and lessening damage by night frost and thus lengthening the growing season. Once the advantages of this kind of cultivation, soil enrichment and optimum root growth besides the hydrological effects, became obvious it will have been practised on a large scale and introduced when people thought it useful, independent of the local hydrological situation.  相似文献   

郁秀峰 《神州》2011,(3X):178-178,181
古交地区有矸石煤坑口电厂三座,总装机300万千瓦,年排放粉煤灰400余万吨。生产高掺量粉煤灰水泥是减少粉煤灰污染提高水泥厂效益的有效途径。2010年,我们在山西-煤气化集团水泥粉磨站进行了高掺粉煤灰水泥的试验,生产高掺量粉煤灰水泥5万吨,吃干灰2万吨,试验的成功对全市推广商掺粉煤灰水泥极具示范意义。  相似文献   

An initial study of a collection of fossil conifer wood is reported from the late early Miocene Yallourn Clays, an interseam unit intergrading into the base of the early to middle Miocene Yallourn seam of the LaTrobe Valley, Victoria in southeastern Australia. The fossil wood shares characteristics with the modem genera Dacrycarpus and Dacrydium. On the basis of contiguous, uniseriate tracheid pitting and 1–2 podocarpoid cross field pits, it is placed in the form genus Podocarpoxylon, and the new species P. latrobensis. The wood is compared with extant Podocarpaceae and other Australian fossil woods. Its ring anatomy is consistent with low temperature or rainfall seasonality in the early Miocene.  相似文献   

This article demonstrates how the security of an extractive corporation is related to the governance of the lives and deaths of local inhabitants living in the area around a large coalmine and its railway in Colombia. Making legible the corporate security technologies that manage railway mortality and work along a spectrum from “hard” to “soft”, this article explores the productivity of corporate security in relation to the lives and deaths of local populations. Offering a specific lens on corporate railway security, it shows how corporate security technologies influence not only the lives of local residents but also their deaths. The findings also suggest that deaths and/or suicides be understood as both a product of and a productive force for corporate territorialization. Drawing on conceptualizations of ‘social death’ from genocide studies and Foucauldian ideas about death and technologies of power, I discuss the implications of corporate sovereignty (deciding over lives and deaths) as a technology of the corporate protection of mining infrastructure that normalizes corporate territorialization and justifies corporate social control.  相似文献   

A trial airborne electromagnetic (AEM) geophysical survey was carried out across a 13 × 9 km area of the northern Nottinghamshire (UK) coalfield. One of the objectives was to examine the influence of coal mines (collieries) and associated spoil heaps situated above the Triassic Sherwood Sandstone aquifer. The conductivity models obtained from the AEM survey revealed extensive zones of enhanced subsurface conductivity in the vicinity of all the collieries in the survey area. The present study provides information regarding subsequent investigations (ground geophysics and borehole) to confirm the AEM results and to investigate the geochemical nature of the conductive zone identified in the vicinity of one of the collieries.Following ground geophysical confirmation of the airborne results, three boreholes were drilled into one of the conductive zones to the east of a working colliery. Geophysical logs and analysis of pore fluid geochemistry demonstrate that there is a very strong correlation between the borehole induction logs (formation conductivity), total dissolved solids (TDS) and chloride in the pore waters. The three cored boreholes have confirmed that there is a groundwater plume with high concentrations of TDS, compared with background, moving east from the Thoresby Colliery on a hydraulic gradient of 0.023. Porewater geochemistry obtained from core has been compared with that of local aquifer waters and with samples obtained from the colliery. The results indicate that the plume chemistry could result from the mixing of a typical Sherwood Sandstone composition with colliery spoil leachate. The AEM conductivity models have been successfully correlated with ground geophysical models, borehole induction logs, TDS and chloride in the pore waters. By implication, the geophysical results obtained over a larger area indicate the wider extent of such impacts in relation to both former and current mining activities.  相似文献   

To quantify and rank gas wettability of coal as a key parameter affecting the extent of CO2 sequestration in coal and CH4 recovery from coal, we developed a contact angle measuring system based on a captive gas bubble technique. We used this system to study the gas wetting properties of an Australian coal from the Sydney Basin. Gas bubbles were generated and captivated beneath a coal sample within a distilled water‐filled (pH 5.7) pressurised cell. Because of the use of distilled water, and the continuous dissolution and shrinkage of the gas bubble in water during measurement, the contact angles measured correspond to a ‘transient receding’ contact angle. To take into account the mixed‐gas nature (CO2, CH4, and to a lesser extent N2) of coal seam gas in the basin, we evaluated the relative wettability of coal by CH4, CO2 and N2 gases in the presence of water. Measurements were taken at various pressures of up to 15 MPa for CH4 and N2, and up to 6 MPa for CO2 at a constant temperature of 22°C. Overall, our results show that CO2 wets coal more extensively than CH4, which in turn wets coal slightly more than N2. Moreover, the contact angle reduces as the pressure increases, and becomes < 90° at various pressures depending on the gas type. In other words, all three gases wet coal better than water under sufficiently high pressure.  相似文献   

Climate change mitigation triggers both spatial and moral complexities, as demonstrated by the contentious issue of phasing out coal power. The success of the Paris Agreement depends on, among other things, the acceptability of climate policy measures and thus, from a moral perspective, on the ability to organize transition processes in ways that do not damage the livelihoods of workers, communities, and entire regions. Spatially, the unequal distributions of burdens and advantages of both climate change and respective mitigation measures provoke struggles over their legitimacy in contexts ranging from local to global. Phasing out coal mining and the respective power generation capacity thus triggers processes of structural transformation that cut across geographic scales, vertical levels of policy and politics, as well as sectoral boundaries.In light of the urgency of the climate crisis, countries such as Canada and Germany have established stakeholder-driven commissions to develop proposals for just transition pathways for phasing out coal production and consumption. We argue that these commissions are arenas in which spatial, moral, and sectoral (re-)negotiations materialize. Comparing the Canadian and German stakeholder commissions through expert interviews with their members, the article traces how governments use commissions to legitimize their transition policies. Expectations at different levels and from different actors in turn place commission members under pressure to justify their involvement and the outputs of the commissions. We find that the Canadian task force showed greater commitment to collecting and reflecting the needs of communities in its coal regions, and to communicating these to the federal government. In the German coal commission, legitimation strategies focused mainly on a broad representation of interests, and on government spending for affected regions, workers, and industries. In that case, a compromise was reached that satisfied most, but not all, of the diverse requirements.  相似文献   

Shale gas reservoirs like coalbed methane (CBM) reservoirs are promising targets for geological sequestration of carbon dioxide (CO2). However, the evolution of permeability in shale reservoirs on injection of CO2 is poorly understood unlike CBM reservoirs. In this study, we report measurements of permeability evolution in shales infiltrated separately by nonsorbing (He) and sorbing (CO2) gases under varying gas pressures and confining stresses. Experiments are completed on Pennsylvanian shales containing both natural and artificial fractures under nonpropped and propped conditions. We use the models for permeability evolution in coal (Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, Under Revision) to codify the permeability evolution observed in the shale samples. It is observed that for a naturally fractured shale, the He permeability increases by approximately 15% as effective stress is reduced by increasing the gas pressure from 1 MPa to 6 MPa at constant confining stress of 10 MPa. Conversely, the CO2 permeability reduces by a factor of two under similar conditions. A second core is split with a fine saw to create a smooth artificial fracture and the permeabilities are measured for both nonpropped and propped fractures. The He permeability of a propped artificial fracture is approximately 2‐ to 3fold that of the nonpropped fracture. The He permeability increases with gas pressure under constant confining stress for both nonpropped and propped cases. However, the CO2 permeability of the propped fracture decreases by between one‐half to one‐third as the gas pressure increases from 1 to 4 MPa at constant confining stress. Interestingly, the CO2 permeability of nonpropped fracture increases with gas pressure at constant confining stress. The permeability evolution of nonpropped and propped artificial fractures in shale is found to be similar to those observed in coals but the extent of permeability reduction by swelling is much lower in shale due to its lower organic content. Optical profilometry is used to quantify the surface roughness. The changes in surface roughness indicate significant influence of proppant indentation on fracture surface in the shale sample. The trends of permeability evolution on injection of CO2 in coals and shales are found analogous; therefore, the permeability evolution models previously developed for coals are adopted to explain the permeability evolution in shales.  相似文献   

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