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朱志明 《神州》2011,(3X):52-52
随着基础教育改革的不断深入,要求教师以研究者的姿态出现在学校的舞台上。教师参与教育科研可以提高教师的素质,使教师在实践中锻炼,在改革中成长。  相似文献   

Earth Science and Geography teacher preparation has developed to some degree along different lines, despite sharing many of the same issues, especially with regard to challenges in teacher education. The conference “International Perspectives on Geography and Earth Science Teacher Education 2016” wanted to bring together educators from both sciences from around the world together to move the debate about these challenges forward. From the research presentations and the discussion during and after the conference, several issues emerged: (1) the importance of the two subjects not losing sight of each other; (2) the need to overcome language barriers; (3) the question of standards/objectives for geography teacher education (e.g. with regard to teachers’ (P)CK); (4) media used in teacher education (including ways to improve them); (5) ways to improve learners’ geography and earth science content knowledge; and (6) strategies to increase teachers’ professionalism. We already suggest some specific steps teacher educators in the two fields can take to improve teacher education. Yet, it also became clear that more research and strengthening international collaborations are needed, as well as better communication of the results of these efforts to practitioners.  相似文献   

郭娟 《神州》2011,(9X):133-133
初中语文教学长期采用“课堂十课外练习”的传统教学模式,学生围绕着教师的指挥棒转,忽视了学生学习语文的创新能力和实践能力的培养,因而学生的创新思维受到束缚,表现出厌学的情绪。要改变这一现状,教师在课堂教学的各个环节中增“趣”添“味”是一种很有实效的做法。它能刺激学生积极去学,有效地提高学生的语文素质,培养学生的创新能力和参与实践的能力。  相似文献   

How to improve geography education via teacher preparation programs has been a concern for nearly three decades, but few examples of a single, comprehensive university-level course exist. The purpose of this article is to share the model of a pre-service geography education methods course. Within the course, geography content (physical and social) is paired with different pedagogic strategies (visual, kinesthetic, technology) and other content areas (reading, history) to refine pre-service teacher conceptualizations of geography as a subject and to see geography’s potential inclusion across various grade levels. End of course student evaluations demonstrate student satisfaction and learning, while post-course interviews similarly indicate that the class was (1) more useful and practical than other education program coursework for beginning ones teaching career, and (2) stimulated the continued use of geographic concepts and materials.  相似文献   

陈丽琴 《神州》2011,(3X):153-153,155
多媒体的运用,为文言文教学开辟了广阔的天地。形象生动的画面,悦耳动听的音乐,充分调动学生参与学习活动的热情,充分有效地发挥教师的主导作用、学生的主体作用和多媒体的桥梁纽带作用,吸引学生参与到课堂学习活动中,使语文课更有魅力,让语文课堂教学更精彩。  相似文献   

康厚春 《神州》2011,(3X):84-84
实施语文新课程教学,首先要注重培养良好的语文学习习惯。语文能力的发展是跟良好的习惯的养成紧密联系的,学生一旦养盛了良好的习惯,就变被动为主动,变依赖为独立,进入自主学习境界。教师要关注学生的自主探究和合作探究,促使他们自己去获得知识,发展能力,让学生在探究性学习中学有所思,思有所疑,疑有所问。  相似文献   

There is general agreement that geographical information systems (GIS) have a place within the geography classroom; they offer the potential to support geographical learning, exploring real-world problems through student-centred learning, and developing spatial thinking. Despite this, teachers often avoid engaging with GIS and research suggests that the lack of GIS training in initial teacher education is partially to blame. In response to this, this article explores how 16 trainee geography teachers were supported to develop their use of GIS across a one-year, postgraduate teacher training course in England. The project, an interpretive case study underpinned by a constructivist epistemology, used questionnaires and interviews to elicit trainees’ understandings of the nature of GIS, and to explore their engagement with it across their training year. Results suggest a programme of embedded training developed in trainees a more nuanced understanding of the value of GIS for supporting geographical learning and, thereby, increased self-efficacy towards and engagement with it in their teaching practice. However, not all trainees embraced GIS as a pedagogical tool and the study raised several key issues for geography teacher education, including the knowledge culture within schools in the teacher training partnership, and the importance of trainee self-efficacy towards GIS.  相似文献   

周波 《神州》2011,(12):40-41
教学中社会与学校、教师与学生、课程与生活、知识与经验等二元结构是客观存在的,也是无法从根本上剔除的。一位优秀的教师是要承认二元的存在,同时又协调二元的关系,也就是我们时常讲的“对立统一”。借助信息技术(多媒体教学)做到“对立统一”是一个极好的方法。无论运用何种手段。只要能够打破教学中的时间、地点、人物、任务和结果的单一性,真正做到“社会即学校”、“以学生为师”、“生活即学习,学习即生活”,这就叫“无边界学习”。“多媒体技术运用”和“远程教育”都不能讲是“无边界学习”。  相似文献   

李凤芹 《神州》2011,(3X):98-98
提问是幼儿教育阶段语言活动中最常用、最直接的交流,不仅能很好的促进师幼互动,更能激发孩子的思维,触动美的心灵,启迪孩子幼小的心智。  相似文献   

郭艳丽 《神州》2011,(3X):90-90,92
“有效教学”是充分利用各种教学设施,采取恰当的的教学策略,最大限度的提高教学效率为终极目的的一种新的教学思想,作为初中语文作文教学来讲,更应从有效教学的理念出发,以促进学生的发展为根本,并能把有效教学的理论与作文教学紧密联系,从而探索出作文有效教学的成功经验,这是当前语文老师所面临的又一新的课题。  相似文献   

吴庆军 《神州》2012,(6):387-388
班主任是班级工作的领导者、组织者、管理者,是班级的核心。初看起来,班主任工作平凡且十分繁琐,但正是这平凡而繁琐的表层之下,却蕴含着重大意义。  相似文献   

陈茜 《神州》2011,(3X):45-45,47
中西文化存在很大的差异,语言是文化的载体,不可避免地映射了中西文化差异。因此,在商务英语的教学过程中,任课教师要潜移默化地渗透中西文化差异教育,让学生了解不同的历史背景、风俗习惯、风土人情和文化传统,这样才能使他们掌握语言的背景、内涵,从而恰当地运用商务英语进行商务活动。  相似文献   

张丽华 《神州》2012,(6):107-107
语文是一门应用最广泛,最接近生活,内容最丰富多彩,最有情趣的学科,语文也应该是学生最感兴趣的课程。然而,深受应试教育影响的中学语文教学将充满人性之美、最具有趣味性的语文变成枯燥乏味的技艺之学,知识之学,乃至畸交为一种应试训练。这种现状与时代发展和社会变革对素质教育的要求相对立。语文教学要走出应试教育的误区,教师必须充分展示课堂教学的魅力,使语文课成为学生求知的乐园。  相似文献   

邢昭 《神州》2011,(3X):91-92
新课程要求改变传统的教学方法,把课堂还给学生,让学生有更为广阔的学习空间和更多探究的时间。对此我们务必注重以下几个方面的改革:改传统知识传授为探究能力培养,改传统教师中心为学生主体,改单纯智能培养为德智体美劳全面发展;改平均教育为因材施教等。以期在新一轮课程改革的浪潮中探索一条更高效实用的语文教学之路。  相似文献   

Representative bureaucracy theory is central to public administration scholarship due to the likely relationship between the demographic composition of the public workforce and both the actual and perceived performance of public organizations. Primary school classrooms provide an ideal context in which to test the predictions of representative bureaucracy theory at the micro (student) level. Specifically, as parents have at least some agency over primary school students’ daily attendance, absences partially reflect parental assessments of their child's school, classroom, and teacher. Ensuring students attend school each day represents an effort at coproduction on the part of parents. The representativeness of the teacher workforce, and specifically that of the student's classroom teacher, is therefore likely to influence student absenteeism. Similarly, student suspensions reflect students’ relationships with their teacher, students’ comfort level in the classroom, and teachers’ discretion in the referral of misbehavior. These academically and socially important outcomes provide convenient, objective measures of behaviors that are likely influenced by street‐level representation. Using longitudinal student‐level administrative data from North Carolina, we use a two‐way (student and classroom) fixed effects strategy to identify the impact of student–teacher demographic mismatch on primary school students’ absences and suspensions. We find that representation among street‐level bureaucrats significantly decreases both absenteeism and suspensions and that these effects can be given a causal interpretation. This pushes literature forward by establishing the importance of demographic representation in shaping productive relationships between individual bureaucrats and clients.  相似文献   


There is evident lineage between the concepts of teaching English as a foreign language (TEFL) and tourism, represented through evocative marketing material, the commoditisation of the TEFL product, teacher motivations and experiences. Yet, to date there has been little attention paid to this relationship. The amalgamation of the two concepts brings rise to the introduction of the niche form of tourism ‘TEFL tourism’, where the tourist travels outside of their usual environment to teach English as a foreign language and whose role shifts between tourist, educator and educatee at various points in their trip. The TEFL tourism phenomenon is explored through the use of a two-phase research approach employing the qualitative examination of blogs written by TEFL teachers and quantitative surveys. Drawing parallels with associated tourism forms including volunteer, education and philanthropic, it is concluded that TEFL tourism is an entity in its own right, with unique characteristics and motivations presented by TEFL tourists. The use of logistic regression facilitated the analysis of TEFL teacher types, presenting a typology classifying tourists as leisure-minded, philanthropy-minded, career-minded and expatriate-minded. This case-study examination facilitates initial comprehension of the TEFL tourism industry, providing basis for subsequent research to be undertaken to enable enhanced sustainable management of the TEFL industry worldwide.  相似文献   

田博 《神州》2011,(9X):127-127
在新课改背景下,身处新课改第一线的语文教学工作者,只有不断更新语文教育理念,主动融入语文新课改的潮流,充分利用课堂教学这块天地,激发学生语文学习的若趣,调动学生的参与意识,培养学生的问题意识,发展学生的创造性思维,构建起崭新的语文课堂,才能为我们举步维艰的语文教育改革注入新鲜的血液,开创语文教学的一片新的天地。  相似文献   

索艳军 《神州》2012,(6):108-108
语文是最重要的交际工具,是人类文化的重要组成部分。比起其他学科,语文能力与一个人的日常生活联系更紧密。要让学生真正扎扎实实地掌握并得心应手地运用语文这一人生的工具,就必须打破语文与生活之间的“厚障壁”,让语文教学与学生心灵相沟通,让语文课堂与社会天地相接壤,使语文教学“生活化”,使学生生活“语文化”。  相似文献   

胡桂春 《神州》2011,(3X):125-125,129
数学教学的核心是学生的再创造,让学生经历知识的再创造过程,培养了学生的创造性思维。学生从教师的教转向主动地学,在教师的指导下去建构数学知识,为学生能够顺利地用数学知识解决实际问题奠定了良好的知识基础。  相似文献   

许卫丽 《神州》2012,(6):103-103
语文教学中的情感教育。有以下一些途径:挖掘教材的情感因素,恰当地运用移情;丰富学生的情感;创设特定的情境氛围,调动学生的情感体验;运用语言的感染力,体味教材的优美形象。  相似文献   

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