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谢跃平  蒋立科 《神州》2012,(28):202-203,205
随着全球港口海运的蓬勃发展,中国港机出口量越来越大。针对海洋环境下腐蚀和防腐蚀疲劳问题而展开卸船机钢结构和配套件防腐蚀研究日益受到人们的关注。文中通过对国内外卸船机钢结构和配套件防腐现状的介绍,分析和展望海洋环境卸船机钢结构及配套件防腐涂装体系的发展趋势,并就存在的固形物污染物的治理提出简浅的动议供从事同行工作者在对卸船机钢结构和配套件防腐蚀、增强该类设备寿命、实现在设备维护并提升我国同类产品机能和动力水平工作参考。  相似文献   

许艳红 《风景名胜》2021,(5):0341-0341
钢结构是一种质轻高强、抗震性好、节能环保,并能够循环利用的建筑结构。伴随着国家经济的蓬勃发展、钢材产量的巨大提升和国家电网关于变电站建设实行模块化设计、标准化生产、装配式施工的生产理念,钢结构在变电站建设中广泛应用于户外构支架和生产用房。但钢材耐腐蚀性差,极易锈蚀,严重危及结构的安全运行,甚至引起灾难性事故。据相关统计,我国每年由于钢结构腐蚀造成的金属结构、设备和材料损失量大约是当年钢产量的10%~20%,造成的经济损失约占国民生产总值的 2%~4%。因此,进行钢结构的腐蚀机理和防护措施研究具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

基于海洋环境立体性、公共性和全球性的特点,海洋环境史探究人类历史上认识海洋、改变海洋的过程,研究人类社会与海洋及沿海地区环境的互动关系。当前的海洋环境史研究注重吸收海洋生态学、海洋生物学、环境考古学等其他学科的研究成果,采用跨学科的研究方法对海洋环境史理论、海洋捕捞业、海洋环境思想以及海洋灾害和污染等问题进行了深入的论述,为环境史扩展了新的研究领域,体现了全球史观。尽管海洋环境史已经取得了卓越的成果,但其研究内容与研究区域有限、研究方法不足。拓宽海洋环境史的研究内容、深化与其他学科的交叉合作,是未来海洋环境史发展的重要方向。  相似文献   

刘晓卉 《世界历史》2023,(3):108-121+174-175
海洋环境史是20世纪晚期兴起的史学新领域,它关注的是历史上人类与海洋环境的互动和相互影响。20世纪下半叶世界范围内出现的渔业资源衰退和海洋生态危机在很大程度上推动了历史学者对海洋环境的关注。发轫于西方的海洋环境史在发展初期主要关注海洋渔业资源的多寡与人类活动之间的关系,随着研究的深入,研究视域扩展到历史上人类与整个海洋生态系统的相互作用。海洋环境史研究在其发展过程中同时受到自然科学发展和史学新潮流的影响。海洋环境史研究不但拓展了环境史的研究范畴,挑战了传统环境史研究中陆地本位的历史观,而且证明了历史学者跨越学科界限与自然科学学者进行合作的可能性和必要性,为环境史的书写提供了前沿范式。由于发展时间较短,西方海洋环境史研究在内容、方法、理论等方面遭遇一定的困境。  相似文献   

韦保安 《风景名胜》2021,(4):0199-0199
当前施工建筑中有很多都使用到了钢结构,存在很多的问题。想要对于钢结构进行合理、适当的使用,就需要从钢结构本身出发,对钢结构在建筑施工中的技术和管理进行深入探讨。  相似文献   

超高层建筑目前越来越多的运用钢结构进行修建,但是超高层建筑钢结构的设计,相较于其他的建筑形式来说,在抗震性能设计上要求更为严格。本文针对超高层钢结构抗震性能进行了简要的分析,并结合工程实例,来对超高层钢结构抗震性能进行优化设计,通过本文的探究,能够为相关的人员提供一定的参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

木材防腐处理是一项专业性很强的工作,在西藏偏远地区缺乏专业设备的条件下要保证处理效果,需特殊的处理工艺与高效的检测手段。透入度和载药量是衡量木材防腐处理效果的两个重要指标:载药量可通过换算得出结果;透入度一般需要在实验室使用仪器检测。便携式X射线荧光光谱仪的发明使得以前需要在实验室开展的工作可在现场完成,该仪器通过检测木材中防腐剂所含的金属元素确定透入度,具有检测速度快、操作简单的特点。研究结果可为西藏偏远地区寺庙木材防腐防虫处理工程质量控制提供借鉴。  相似文献   

李博 《风景名胜》2021,(5):0366-0366
近年来,钢结构在建筑结构中的应用越来越多,其在材料性能、材料价格以及施工效率等方面具有较多的优势。但是,在钢结构厂房的施工过程中,还存在非常严重的质量问题。出现这些情况主要是由于施工单位过于重视工程的施工进度,忽视了对工程质量的控制,使钢结构厂房施工在质量方面出现了非常多的问题。本文根据闵开发 G18、19 地块标准厂房项目就对钢结构厂房施工与安装质量控制要点相关方面进行分析和探讨。  相似文献   

明中叶以降,海洋环境剧烈变化。本文以圭海许氏家族为例,根据地方志书、族谱和田野调研所得,试图透过一个家族的个案,分析其在明中叶至清前期闽南海洋环境中生存与发展的应对之策,以及海洋社会中许氏族人的经济活动,进而探讨海洋环境与家族发展之间的关系。明末清初,圭海许氏家族的发展呈现出鲜明的时代特色。  相似文献   

陈百胜 《风景名胜》2021,(2):0228-0228
随着我国经济的快速提升,我国科技的发展,很多工程在进行施工建设的时候都逐渐引进高科技的技术和材料,建筑工程也不例外,随着建筑施工技术、材料的提升,我国建筑行业整体质量也有着很好保障。其中建筑钢结构施工技术也逐渐被重视,采用钢结构材料可以在很大程度上提高建筑的使用寿命和抗震能力,但是在建筑实际施工中,钢结构施工技术仍存在很多问题,如何提高建筑钢结构施工技术与质量控制是每一位建筑工作人员都应该思考的问题。本文就建筑钢结构施工技术与质量控制进行分析,针对钢结构的特点提出相关措施。  相似文献   

2005~2006年,中国社会科学院考古研究所汉长安城工作队对长乐宫六号宫殿遗址的主体建筑及其附属建筑进行了发掘。附属建筑分两部分,均由殿堂、廊道、散水和院落组成。从出土遗物看,该建筑始建于西汉初期并一直沿用到王莽时期。根据发掘资料并结合文献记载,六号宫殿遗址应是长乐宫的前殿旧址。  相似文献   

This paper examines the forces underlying the development and form of the Brasilian steel industry since the 1930s. Foreign direct investment has been limited by Brasilian nationalist policies and by higher costs of steel production, but large scale, integrated plants could not be built by private capital due to insufficient resources. Thus the Brasilian steel industry combines large scale state owned plants (financed by foreign capital) and smaller scale privately owned plants. The operations of the plants are coordinated to reduce market uncertainty, permit the steel sector to advocate its own expansion plans, and delimit the spheres of public and private capital while excluding foreign commodity and productive capital. Even so, in the 1980s the steel industry in Brasil has faced a crisis of declining local demand, prompting a rapid expansion of exports.  相似文献   

Current research on USS Arizona is focused on a minimum-impact technique for calculating corrosion rate of the battleship's steel hull by analysing physical and chemical properties of marine encrustation covering the exposed hull. An equation is derived that allows concretion thickness, density, and total iron content to be used to calculate corrosion rate of steel hull plate.
© 2006 The Authors  相似文献   

Technological advances in the Soviet iron and steel industry are producing changes in the locational pattern of the industry. The increasing concentration of production in large iron and steel plants requires the use of large iron-mining establishments of the order of 30 million tons of crude ore. Iron and steel plants were once viewed in the Soviet Union as oriented toward the market of a particular economic region. But the growing plant capacity and a trend toward specialization in particular types of finished products tend to expand the marketing zone of individual plants far beyond the boundaries of single economic regions. Future planning of the industry is in terms of five basic iron and steel zones: Central Russia, Urals, South, Siberia and Kazakhstan, of which the Urals and the South are fully integrated and the three others are in varying stages of formation. The declining share of coke in the blast-furnace charge tends to shift the locational pattern increasingly toward iron-ore sources, and this accounts to a certain extend for the gradual shift of iron and steel capacity toward Central Russia, with its ore reserves of the Kursk Magnetic Anomaly.  相似文献   

The recent expansion of tree plantations is the most important agrarian change in many parts of Brazil. This article uses the results of extensive field research to analyse the different ways paper and pulp companies assure their land base for eucalyptus plantations. The mechanisms of land access have changed little over the decades, amounting to a process of primitive accumulation which seems to be controlled by the ways the pulp industry influences land markets and prices, the strength of any resistance, and particularly the government support enjoyed by industry. Many paper and steel companies, either directly or indirectly, are increasingly relying on eucalyptus plantations, with negative impacts in many places. The expansion of tree monocultures with rural exclusion is characteristic of the wider phenomenon of land grab which is driven by the dominating financial logic of current capitalism.  相似文献   

故宫灵沼轩是一座砌体结构与钢结构组合而成的文物建筑。为有效对其保护,采用数值模拟方法,研究了风振作用下结构的动力响应。基于灵沼轩结构现状,建立了有限元模型。通过模态分析,获得了灵沼轩的基频和主振型;通过对结构施加y向脉动风荷载,研究了重现期为50年时结构的风振特性,评价了结构在风荷载作用下的安全现状。结果表明:灵沼轩结构基频为f=5.75Hz,在x及y向的主振型以局部振动为主;脉动风压作用下,结构保持稳定振动状态,但顶部位置加速度峰值偏大。另风压作用下,砌体结构部分位置的抗拉强度不足,应在日常维护中予以重视;钢结构部分由于材料强度大,因而不会出现强度破坏。  相似文献   

Recent damage examples of aged steel bridge infrastructures around the world are so alarming. They intensified the importance of careful evaluation of existing structures for the feasibility of current usage and to ensure public safety. Corrosion and fatigue cracking may be the two most important types of damages in aging structures. Furthermore, recent earthquakes demonstrated potential seismic vulnerability of some types of steel bridges. Corrosion and its effects can trigger the damages caused by earthquakes, and it will be vital to understand the behavior of existing steel bridges which are corroding for decades in future severe seismic events as well. This article comprises the results of nonlinear FEM analysis of many actual corroded plates with different corrosion conditions and proposes a simple and reliable methodology to estimate remaining seismic strength and energy dissipation capacities by measuring only the minimum thickness of a corroded surface, which can be used to make rational decisions about the maintenance management plan of steel infrastructures.  相似文献   

中国钢铁工业的诞生考释   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中国钢铁工业诞生的问题学术界至今没有统一的认识。按照当今中国钢铁工业协会所定标准,福州船政局所属锤铁厂和拉铁厂应为中国最早的钢铁加工企业,它的创建标志着中国钢铁工业的诞生;青溪铁厂是中国第一家钢铁联合企业;汉阳铁厂则是中国第一家大型钢铁联合企业。  相似文献   

A variety of approaches used in Soviet economic geography to define and measure the productive specialization of an economic region are reviewed. In the author's view, a regional activity qualifies as regional specialization if it helps shape the basic character of the regional economy. It is not sufficient for a regional activity merely to represent a major portion of a particular national sector of the economy. For example, the asbestos industry in the Urals represents the major portion of Soviet asbestos output, but asbestos does not shape the basic character of the Urals economy and is therefore not a principal specialization sector. Regional specialization derives from relationships among the various sectors of the regional economy, not from the significance of any particular commodity. A classification of economic sectors is proposed as an aid in analyzing the functioning of a regional economy: (1) the principal specialization sectors; (2) basic raw-material sectors; (3) associated sectors using the wastes and by-products of the principal sectors; (4) complementary specialization sectors, such as asbestos in the Urals; (5) auxiliary sectors, such as metallurgical fluxes for the iron and steel industry; (6) service sectors, including utilities, transportation, construction, trade; (7) local sectors, working for local consumption.  相似文献   

This research was carried out to investigate the seismic performance of RC beam-column joints under acid rain circle via comparison of energy dissipation behavior and failure mechanism of joints with different corrosion levels and axial compression ratio. At the initial corrosion level, the strength, ductility, and energy consumption of RC beam-column joints improved slightly; at a later stage, the bearing and deformation capacity decreased as the corrosion rate of steel rebars increased. The test shows that with the increasing of the axial compression ratio, the initial stiffness and ultimate bearing capacity of the joints will increasing if the corrosion levels are the same, but the ductility of that will decrease.  相似文献   

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