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题记:冬季从立冬开始,经过小雪、大雪、冬至.小寒、大寒,直至立春前一天。“冬,天地闭藏.水冰地坼。”从自然界万物生长规律来看.冬季是万物闭藏的季节.自然界是阴盛阳衰,各物都潜藏阳气,以待来春。冬率之风为北风.其性寒。“寒”是冬季气候变化的主要特点。因此,冬季保健就显得更为重要,  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to assess the quality of health and health care services available to rural Texans. Specifically, we seek to answer two related questions. First, do people living in rural areas of Texas generally suffer from poorer health than people living in urban Texas? One undoubtedly would think so, given frequent references to the low quality of personal services in general for rural America. Moreover, the persistence of the congressional Rural Health Care Caucus over the past two decades points to a rural health care crisis. Second, to what extent are these differences in health conditions explained by differences in access to health care enjoyed by people living in the two different regions? Access certainly appears to be the problem alluded to above. Rural people apparently lack physician care. In addition to providing answers to these questions, we also examine the difference in the health conditions and access to care enjoyed by minority and non‐minority rural Texans. Is this a part of the rural health care problem given the high incidence of non‐whites in rural Texas? If so this may be minority rather than rural neglect. We briefly conclude the article with some recommendations for improving the problems we identify.  相似文献   

TibetanBuddhismBoominginAbaZHANGLIHEAbainSichuanProvinceislongfamedasSnowMountainandGrasland.LocatedinsoutheastoftheQinghaiT...  相似文献   

藏医药宛如甘露,源于雪山珠串环绕清静圣境中,历代圣贤论典卷帙浩繁,稀有殊胜熠熠生辉,似日月光辉遍照天地,消除寒热病症,起死回生甘露宝瓶,关怀众生无疾安康,汲取天地营养万物精华,滋养亿万生物相依相生。六章《根本医典》生命树根深枝繁叶茂,蕴集医药学精华要义。  相似文献   

Iran’s rural mental health care system emerged in a context that included experiments in health care prior to the 1979 Revolution and the establishment of a primary health care (PHC) system after the Revolution. Beginning in the 1980s, Iran integrated mental health care into the existing PHC system by treating mental illness much like a communicable disease. Iran advanced treatment options compatible with the existing system, added new training for existing care providers, and incorporated specialists. The integration of mental health care led to the rapid improvement of health outcomes. The integration also created the unintended consequence of privileging pharmaceutical treatments and overlooking mental illnesses affected by somatization.  相似文献   

LocatedontheupperreachesoftheYangtzeandtheYellowRivers,AbaissituatedinnorthwestSichuanProvinceatthesoutherntipoftheQinghai-TibetPlateau.Insidethispartoftheworldarerangingemeraldmountainsandvastsweepofforests.ItisknownasaGreenReservoir.Statisticsshowthattherewere3millionhectaresofforestsinAhaintheearly1950s,withtheforestcoveragehitting36.12percentthen.ThismadeitpossiblefortheStatetobuildupitsfirstforestenterprise-theWesternSichuanTimberCo.-in1953.Inthe1960s,theStatesetup15moreforestindu…  相似文献   


This paper presents an overview of some recent applications of methods of statistical physics to financial problems such as stock market behaviour and crashes. This field of research has seen intensive developments over the last ten years and is today known as econophysics. The first section of the paper oers a review of the main directions of research in experimental, theoretical, and applied econophysics. A second section then introduces a case study of physical modelling of a financial event, namely a stock market crash seen as a higher order phase transition. The model used is the Ising model in Bethe–Peierls (‘quasi chemical’) approximation. In spite of its minimal character, the model exhibits a statistical pattern of stock market prices consistent with that observed empirically.  相似文献   

Market‐oriented reforms in the health sector continue to dominate health policy agendas in many developing countries despite growing evidence of their negative impacts. This article critically examines eight key arguments that are used to justify market‐oriented reforms and that continue to hold widespread appeal among policy makers and analysts. The authors conclude that although the axiom that health care is atypical due to pervasive market failures is widely acknowledged by reformers, the scope and depth of the negative consequences of market competition and private sector involvement are systematically underestimated in policy design and implementation, while the regulatory capacity to overcome them is overestimated. Their analysis suggests that while there is considerable scope for market‐oriented reforms, the success of such reforms depends on a tight set of conditions that are often absent in the health care sector, especially but not exclusively in developing countries.  相似文献   

This article explores the role of reconciliation in the passage of health care reform in the 111th Congress. Although counterintuitive, the analysis suggests that the loss of a filibuster-proof super-majority with the election of Senator Scott Brown (R-MA) aided Democrats in clearing the overhaul package by facilitating the use of reconciliation. Reconciliation provided the critical procedural mechanism enabling health care reform to be enacted into law. Despite reconciliation's importance, substantively the reconciliation “fixes” were relatively modest amendments. Moreover, notwithstanding the use of reconciliation, Congress passed the health care legislation with largely conventional means—separate health care reform measures cleared the House and Senate in 2009, in 2010 the House approved the Senate bill, and then both chambers quickly passed the reconciliation addendum. This research draws on discussions I had with over a dozen key actors after health care reform passed.  相似文献   

Two geographers specializing in China TYalyze that country's health care inequality from 1990 to 2008, for the purpose of: (1) examining spatial-temporal variations of health care inequality at multiple scales (the regional, provincial, and county levels); (2) exploring whether economic growth and transition to a market economy have exacerbated the unevenness of health care; and (3) analyzing the impact of health care inequality on health outcomes, especially mortality. The authors apply GIS-based spatial statistical methods to detect spatial-temporal patterns of health care, and use multilevel regression to examine the linkages between health care, mortality, and regional economic inequality, and ultimately to assess the sensitivity of health care inequality to geographic scale and examine whether reforms implemented to date have resulted in more equitable access to health care. The paper also demonstrates how the concurrent transitions of decentralization, marketization, globalization, and urbanization in China have interactively contributed to health care inequality and mortality.  相似文献   

Health care behaviour of Hmong refugees in Sydney was investigated after research in the United States had shown that, within the Southeast Asian refugee community in that country, Hmong refugees not only had the lowest rates of use of Western medicine but also were the most likely to assess their quality of health as only fair ( Brainard and Zaharlick, 1989 , 849). In contrast, this study found that the Sydney Hmong generally used Western medicine as a system of first choice. At the same time, most continued to use traditional medicines, albeit in a modified form. Minimal costs, freedom to choose their own doctor and appropriate, long term health education were the most important factors in Hmong using Western medicine in Sydney. Other contributing factors included the structure and size of the community, the presence of a long‐term Hmong resident in Sydney upon arrival and familiarity with Western medicine. Thus, the Sydney Hmong community was able to maintain a reasonable quality of health at an affordable price. An unexpected finding was the improved social, economic and health status of Hmong women. Such differentiated results are a powerful argument for not looking at refugees as a homogenous group, even when investigating a single, national, ethnic or cultural group. This study highlighted both the multidisciplinary and transdisciplinary nature of health care behaviour and the contribution that a small in‐depth case study can make to health and migrant policy.  相似文献   

In the 1950s, the Ministry of Health, supported by interested groups outside government, recognised the political importance of productive efficiency. For leadership, organisational models and techniques the Ministry looked to the movement for industrial productivity. The NHS was receptive, but private-sector approaches were modified and dampened as they were imported. NHS management was to be the provider of technical expertise, but the deployment of this expertise was limited by clinical autonomy and de-coupling from financial incentives. This article casts new light on the history of productivity policy, NHS management and the moving frontier between state and civil society.  相似文献   

Peter Hossler 《对极》2012,44(1):98-121
Abstract: Free clinics are an important part of the US health care safety net and their numbers are rising. This article offers a critical analysis of the politics of free health clinics in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. It uses the geographies of resistance literature to assess free clinics as a response to the neoliberalization of health care delivery. It underlines the multiple political spaces free clinics occupy as a result of the entanglements of a diverse range of identities and practices within the clinic space. In Milwaukee, the primary entanglement occurs between the progressive Christian identity inspiring the practices of the free clinic's volunteers and the commodified identity of the corporate non‐profit health care systems that dominate health care delivery in the city. This research suggests that understanding the transition from oppositional identities, such as progressive Christianity, to resistance is an important next step in constructing more robust responses to neoliberal capitalism and other exploitive social relations.  相似文献   


For more than a century before the opening of Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children (1852) children in England were treated by and even admitted to Voluntary Hospitals. Amongst the earliest English 18th-century records to give the patient's age, are held in Northampton General Hospital, in an archive dating from its foundation as the Northampton Infirmary in 1744 afford a fascinating glimpse into in- and out-patient child health. The hospital archive has recently rediscovered the 1743 Statutes, contemporary patient literature, minute books, contemporary engravings of the outside and inside of the hospital and menus. Thus we can speculate with a high degree of certainty as to what would be the then current Infirmary environment and treatments for illustrative examples of the children seen in the period 1744–45.  相似文献   

抗战时期是四川近现代史上公共卫生事业大发展时期。从发展速度、规模,开展工作的数量、质量等方面看,战时四川公共卫生事业与全国其他省份相比更具特殊的地位和价值。经过抗战时期的发展,四川奠定了在全国的公共卫生事业大省的地位。疫病防控、空袭救护、医药治疗是战时四川公共卫生工作的三大主要内容。但受经费的短绌、质与量发展的不协调、卫生行政体制的弊端等因素的制约,战时四川公共卫生事业还远远不能满足社会和民众的需要。  相似文献   

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