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ABSTRACT This paper estimates land use conversion anticipation when zoning is the primary tool of land use regulation. Extending the Capozza and Helsey model (1989) to the case of uncertainty in future land use zoning, a spatialized hedonic model is proposed to estimate such anticipation phenomena at a fine level (cadastral unit). Estimations use Mixed Geographically Weighted Regression (MGWR) techniques with a two‐stage model that links agricultural and developable land markets. This allows for mapping varying spatial parameters that measure anticipation effects within the theoretical framework. Results confirm the influence of anticipation on agricultural land prices in the Provence region. Moreover, the level of data spatialization allows us to take into account intra‐municipalities' heterogeneity of land use conversion anticipation.  相似文献   

Escalating legal confrontations between private enterprise and government over land use controls are raising the costs of land development and slowly eliminating the potentials for reasonably priced family housing. Equally important, these confrontations are beginning to have more and more of the negative aspects of public utility control processes without any of the associated benefits. Now would seem to be an ideal time in which to review the “public utility” approach to land use controls since it can offer many more benefits than current control systems, while balancing society concerns and private developers' fair return objectives.  相似文献   

This paper develops a new methodology to predict the interregional and interindustry impacts of disruptive events. We model the reactions of economic agents by minimizing the information gain between the pre‐ and postevent pattern of economic transactions. The resulting nonlinear program reproduces, as it should, the pre‐event market equilibrium. The methodology is tested further by means of a comparison of this base scenario with two regional production shock scenarios and two interregional trade shock scenarios. The outcomes show a plausible combination of partially compensating demand, supply, and spatial substitution effects, which justifies the further development, testing, and application of this new approach.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT We review the usefulness of urban spatial economic models of land use change for the study and policy analysis of spatial land use–environment interactions. We find that meaningful progress has been made in econometric and monocentric models extended to account for multiple sources of spatial heterogeneity and in the development of general equilibrium models with spatial dynamics. Despite these advances, more work is needed in developing models with greater realism. Most agent‐based computational models of urban land use change currently lack economic fundamentals, but provide a flexible means of linking microlevel behavior and interactions with macrolevel land use dynamics. In combination with empirical methods to identify parameters, this framework provides a promising approach to modeling spatial land use dynamics and policy effects.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. During the last thirty years there has been much research effort in regional science devoted to modeling interactions over geographic space. Theoretical approaches for studying these phenomena have been modified considerably. This paper suggests a new modeling approach, based upon a general nested sigmoid neural network model. Its feasibility is illustrated in the context of modeling interregional telecommunication traffic in Austria, and its performance is evaluated in comparison with the classical regression approach of the gravity type. The application of this neural network approach may be viewed as a three-stage process. The first stage refers to the identification of an appropriate network from the family of two-layered feedforward networks with 3 input nodes, one layer of (sigmoidal) intermediate nodes and one (sigmoidal) output node (logistic activation function). There is no general procedure to address this problem. We solved this issue experimentally. The input-output dimensions have been chosen in order to make the comparison with the gravity model as close as possible. The second stage involves the estimation of the network parameters of the selected neural network model. This is performed via the adaptive setting of the network parameters (training, estimation) by means of the application of a least mean squared error goal and the error back propagating technique, a recursive learning procedure using a gradient search to minimize the error goal. Particular emphasis is laid on the sensitivity of the network performance to the choice of the initial network parameters, as well as on the problem of overfitting. The final stage of applying the neural network approach refers to the testing of the interregional teletraffic flows predicted. Prediction quality is analyzed by means of two performance measures, average relative variance and the coefficient of determination, as well as by the use of residual analysis. The analysis shows that the neural network model approach outperforms the classical regression approach to modeling telecommunication traffic in Austria.  相似文献   

With the view that travel behavior stems from the principle of utility maximization, in this paper I present a spatial translog demand model that accounts for interdependence among travel alternatives and that handles varying elasticities of substitution for various destination pairs. Using simulation as the mode of inquiry, this model describes the effect of spatial size, spatial configuration, and spatial substitution on spatial interaction. In addition to indicating how varying spatial sizes and configurations affect the average trip length and the trip making pattern, the simulation results also point out the possible effect of having spatially dependent locations in the system. Competing destinations increase the attractiveness of nearby locations, and complementary destinations reduce the impeding effect of space. The model is primarily relevant to the demand for shopping trips.  相似文献   

Landsat imagery is a valuable source of information about the land use and land cover of inaccessible areas. In this study, the objective was to compile a map of eastern China, with particular emphasis on agricultural activity, from enhanced Landsat imagery using the diazo and density slicing techniques. Area measurement of major land uses was based on the land-use interpretation map, but because of the lack of ground verification it was necessary to turn to other sources of published and unpublished information as a control.
L'objectif de cette étude est la compilation d'une carte géographique de l'Est de la Chine, avec accentuation particulière des activités agricoles. Comme les images Landsat sont souvent la source unique d'information sur la végétation et l'utilisation de terrains inaccessibles, cette carte a éte cornpilée à l'aide d'images Landsat agrandies par les techniques diazo et density slicer. Les mesures des surfaces des régions principales sont celles de la carte d'interprétation de l'utilisation des terres. Faute d'une méthode de calibrage, il a fallu accepter les données de sources secondaires publiées et nonpubliées comme base de contrôle.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Standard spatial autoregressive models rely on spatial weight structures constructed to model dependence among n regions. Ways of parsimoniously modeling the connectivity among the sample of N=n2 origin‐destination (OD) pairs that arise in a closed system of interregional flows has remained a stumbling block. We overcome this problem by proposing spatial weight structures that model dependence among the N OD pairs in a fashion consistent with standard spatial autoregressive models. This results in a family of spatial OD models introduced here that represent an extension of the spatial regression models described in Anselin (1988) .  相似文献   

It can be argued that the relational approach, and especially the so‐called relational economic geography, would benefit from deeper engagement with the practical and strategic dimensions of spatial relations. The article proposes a notion of engineering spatial fix as a way to conceptualize these dimensions. The idea is to widen the conceptual sphere of relationality from spontaneous ties or abstract networked power effects towards relational spatial practices. Theoretically, the article aims to bridge the strategic‐relational and the network‐topological approaches through a stylized meso‐level practice‐oriented approach. It is suggested that in economic geography, relations can be grasped through two basic perspectives: relations as analytical lenses and relations as spatial practices. The article proposes that the relational spatial practices can be divided into two dimensions: topological and strategic. The article presents a case study of a science‐technology district of Turku in 1985–2001, which fleshes out the theoretical elaborations. In the process, the relational concept of synergy is utilized as a context‐specific strategic resource as the district evolves from an initial separate building to a distinct and materialized geographical structure.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. This paper investigates the potential offered by the model of spatial competition for the study of central place theory. We consider n firms selling m substitutable or complementary goods to a continuum of consumers evenly distributed along a linear segment. Consumers have the same income and the same utility function which is quadratic in the goods supplied by the firms and linear in the numeraire. The main results are as follows. (1) In any location equilibrium in which all goods are consumed everywhere, each good supplied by a single firm is sold at the market center. In Christaller's terminology, this means that when the exhaustive principle holds in equilibrium, highest-order goods are made available at the center. (2) When all goods (excluding the numéraire) are complements to each other and each good is sold by a single firm, there always exists an equilibrium in which all the firms locate coincidentally. (3) If the stores selling a given good are under the control of a single owner then, in any equilibrium for which the exhaustive principle holds, the stores are located in a way such that the total transport cost (borne by consumers) is minimized.  相似文献   

基于社会交换理论的西递古村落私人空间转化机制研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
古村落具有双重性质,即具有一般农村社区的特征,同时也具有旅游社区的特性,这种双重性质使得有限的村落空间成为游客与居民争先占有的场所。本文尝试以空间为观察视角,理解和认识古村落内部私人空间转化现象发生的作用机制,并引入社会交换理论来阐述和解释转化动机这一重要的转化前提。通过对西递案例的研究发现:私人空间转化动机包括微观层面上的经济利益、荣誉感和宏观层面上的集体决定、示范效应、共同价值观,并且(1)私人空间转化为游客空间并不是单向发生的过程;(2)当空间转化结果不如行为主体预期时,转化后的空间有可能重新变为纯粹的私人空间;(3)私人空间转化为景点能够延续的前提就在于空间所有者能够从这种转化中获取相对应的收益。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT.  This paper reports results of spatially explicit analyses of external scale effects across a variety of sectors, including manufacturing. Using data from New England counties, earnings are found to exhibit increasing returns to urbanization in every sector. Returns to sectoral localization are mixed, however, with increasing returns in one sector, constant returns in five sectors, and decreasing returns in two sectors. External scale effects are fairly confined in their spatial extent, with only retailing and services particularly marked by spillover effects from neighboring counties.  相似文献   

A statistical approach to the display of sets of 14C dates is suggested. All available dates of any particular culture are used to calculate the two quartiles and the median dates for it. The ‘dispersion’of the dates is then displayed as a bar showing the extreme dates, the quartiles and the median; thus neither individual dates nor their standard deviations are shown. This ‘dispersion diagram’saves much space when the dates of several cultures are to be displayed. The argument is developed that the inter-quartile range, which does not change very much when new dates become available and are added to the set, is a good index of the time span during which a culture flourished, and this range should normally be quoted rather than the mean, median or extreme dates of the culture. With samples of nine or more it can be shown by the Hypergeometric Distribution that there is a 97% chance of two cultures being different if their inter-quartile ranges just fail to overlap, so that this method of display is useful in assessing the overlap of cultures. The fact that the dispersion diagram contains within it a measure of the statistical uncertainties of the individual estimates and therefore can replace the standard deviation of each individual 14C date is discussed.  相似文献   

Quantitative fabric analysis was applied in order to discriminate better among white marbles from various quarries of archaeological interest. This method provides an effective complementary tool to a characterization based upon petrography, cathodoluminescence microscopy and stable isotopes. Very good discrimination of marbles is achieved with the help of simple variables such as major axis and the shape-specific PARlS-factor. Using quantitative fabric analysis, marbles with similar cathodomicrofacies, as, for example, the Naxian quarries of Apiranthos, Koronos, Flerio and Kinidaros and the quarry of St. Beat (French Pyrenees), can be distinguished from each other. Marbles collected within one quarry may display dissimilar cathodomicrofacies. The common origin of such specimens can be determined with the aid of quantitative fabric analysis, as shown for the quarries of Kinidaros as well as St. Béat.  相似文献   

Due to women's increased participation in the labour force, more and more family‐households are now juggling paid labour and care‐giving in space and time and do so in many different ways. Much research and policy about how households try to establish a satisfactory work‐life balance singles out particular coping strategies, such as telecommuting or the mobilizing of informal help by relatives or friends. While insightful, foregrounding single strategies may oversimplify the complex reality of everyday life, in which people often skilfully weave together multiple coping strategies. As well, advances in information and communication technologies (ICTs) have further diversified the arsenal of possible coping strategies, but the academic literature has yet to verify whether ICT usage complements or substitutes the adoption of other coping strategies. Adopting a holistic quantitative approach this study assesses which combinations of coping strategies prevail and which role ICTs play in this regard among one‐ and dual‐earner households in the Utrecht–Amersfoort–Hilversum area of the Netherlands. We also examine systematic variations in strategy combination by socio‐demographics, ICT possession, affordability and skills, social network factors, employment and commute factors, spatial factors, lifestyle orientation and other factors. We identify several distinct combinations of strategies and find that ICT‐related strategies are frequently adopted by highly educated employed parents in the Netherlands attempting to achieve a satisfying work‐life balance and tend to complement other types of strategies. Which combinations of strategies have been adopted depends most strongly on the presence of young children, but also on employment factors and characteristics of the environment surrounding the dwelling and main workplace.  相似文献   

邓羽  杨振山  宋涛 《人文地理》2018,33(4):82-87
社会经济活动的空间重构与交通设施配置息息相关,可达性成为优化城市空间结构,调控城市空间开发的重要手段。在以矢栅一体化的综合可达性测度并构建城市增长模型的基础上,对北京城市增长进行了成功模拟,透视了基于综合可达性导向发展模式的基本特征与主要问题,并提出了基于综合可达性的城市增长调控模式优化方案。研究发现:①城市增长密集发生在建成区周围可达性优越的区域,随着与城市中心的距离增加,城市增长的概率降低,反映了北京单中心的城市发展模式;②受城市规划与交通设施规划失调影响,可达性提升程度越大的区域并不一定带来更高的城市增长开发概率,严重削弱了可达性对城市增长的引导作用;③基于综合可达性的城市增长调控模式的优化方案,要以交通设施规划为基础,并合理耦合空间规划,才能更为有效地引导城市空间良性增长并预防规划失效。基于综合可达性的城市增长模型建立与调控模式优化方案的提出,对于确立与提升交通引导城市增长的基础性地位,优化城市空间结构具有重要的理论和现实意义。  相似文献   

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