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Bente Magnus: Krosshaugfunnet. Et fors?k på kronologisk og stilhistorisk plassering i 5. årh. (The Krosshaug find. An attempt at a chronological and stylistic placing within the 5th century). Stavanger Museums Skrifter 9. Stavanger 1975. 159 Pages, 68 Figs. English summary.  相似文献   


In this issue of NAR the development of the agrarian landscape and the farm structure in the Iron Age in Southwest Norway ‐ especially in the district of Jæren ‐ is taken up as a subject for discussion. Two publications by Bj?rn Myhre (Funn, fornminner og ?degårder. Jernalderens bosetning i H?yland Fjellbygd. Stavanger Museums Skrifter 7,1972 and The Iron Age Farm in Southwest Norway. NAR 6, No. 1, 1973) are commented upon by Björn Ambrosiani, Arnvid Lillehammer, Sven‐Olof Lindquist, Perry Rolfsen and Ulf Sporrong. Bj?rn Myhre's reply to the comments closes the discussion.  相似文献   


This paper describes the use of palm nuts for the manufacture of artefacts in the Netherlands. From the 17th to 19th century buttons were made of nuts of the Brazilian palm tree Attalea cf. funifera. Finds from 17th century shipwrecks suggest that the palm nuts of this species were directly imported from Middle or South America. Coconuts were used for carving, for example for the manufacture of coconut beakers. In the 19th century buttons were also made of 'vegetable ivory' or tagua nut.  相似文献   

Themes in Political History—Thèmes en histoire politique

Peter BLICKLE ed., Resistance, Representation and Community, Oxford University Press, Origins of the Modern State in Europe, 13th‐18th Centuries Series, Oxford, 1997, 401 pp. ISBN 0–19–820548–1. £50.00.

J. L. MERRITT ed., The Political World of Thomas Wentworth, Earl of Strafford 1621–1641, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1996, 307 pp. ISBN 0–521–560–411. £40.00.

Themes in Napoleonic Studies—Etudes sur Napoléon

Malcolm CROOK, Napoleon comes to power: Democracy and Dictatorship in Revolutionary France, 1795–1804, University of Wales Press, Cardiff, 1998 ISBN 0–7083–1461–9 (hardback) £15.00, ISBN 0–7083–1401–5 (paperback) £7.95.

Christopher PRENDERGAST, Napoleon and History Painting. Antoine‐Jean Gros's La Bataille d'Eylau, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1997, xiv + 223 pp., ISBN 0–19–817402–0 £45.00.

Matthew TRUESDELL, Spectacular Politics. Louis‐Napoleon Bonaparte and the Fête Impériale, 1849–1870, Oxford University Press Oxford, 1997, viii + 238 pp., ISBN 0–19–510689‐X £35.00.

Themes in Twentieth‐Century History—Aspects de l'histoire du vingtième siècle

Götz ALY, Macht‐Geist‐Wahn. Kontinuitäten deutschen Denkens, Argon, Berlin, 1997, 220pp., ISBN 3–87024–361–9.

Holger H. HERWIG, The First World War: Germany and Austria‐Hungary 1914–1918, Modern Wars, Arnold, London, 1997, xx + 490 pp. ISBN 0–340–67753–8 (hb), 0–340–57348–1 (pb) £16.99.

Lonnie R. JOHNSON, Central Europe: Enemies, Neighbours, Friends, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1996, xi + 339 pp., ISBN 0–19–510071–9 (hardback) £27.00. 0–19–510072–7 (paperback) £15.00.

Iwao Peter SANO, One Thousand days in Siberia: The Odyssey of a Japanese‐American POW, University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln and London, 1997, xvii + 210pp., ill., ISBN 0–8032–4262‐X £23.95.

Martin THOMAS, Britain, France and Appeasement: Anglo‐French Relations in the Popular Front Era, Berg, Oxford, 1996, x + 268pp., ISBN 1–85973–192–9 £29.95 and £12.95.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Dynamique de l'espace français et aménagement du territoire. (The Dynamics of French Space and Spatial Planning), Michel Rochefort. Paris: L'Harmattan, 1995, 138 pp, £15.00, ISBN 2 7384 3338 3

Urban Process and Power. Peter Ambrose. London and New York: Routledge, 1994, 245 pp, £12.00 pb, ISBN 1 415 00850 6; £40.00 hb, ISBN 0 415 00850 4

Transport Systems, Policy and Planning: a Geographical Approach. R. Tolley and B. Turton. Harlow: Longman, 1995, xviii + 401 pp, £20.99 pb, ISBN 0 582 00562 0

Transport Policy—Ways into Europe's Future (Strategies and Options for the Future of Europe: Basic Findings 8). K. Button, with contributions by W. Weidenfeld, G. Wolfgang Heinze, H. H. Kill, R. Münch, N. Walter, G. Topmann, H. Holzapfel and K. O. Schallaböck. Gütersloh: Bertelsmann Foundation Publishers, 1994, 227 pp, £9.00, ISBN 3 89204 065 6

The European Challenge: Geography and Development in the European Community. M. Blacksell and A. M. Williams (Eds). Oxford: Oxford University Press, 429 pp, 1994, £45.00 hb, ISBN 0 19 874176 6; £15.95 pb, ISBN 0 19 874177 4  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Advielle, V., Histoire de Gracchus Babeuf et du babouvisme (2 vols) (Editions de CTHS, 1990) 322, 264pp., 100F. per volume, ISBN 2 7355 0205 8 and 2 7355 0206 6

Ageron, C.‐R. and Michel, M., eds., L'Afrique noire française: l'heure des Indépendances (CNRS Editions, 1992), 729pp., 360F., ISBN 2 222 04712 9

Aldridge, M. and Hewitt, N., eds., Controlling broadcasting. Access policy and practice in North America and Europe (Manchester University Press, 1994), xvi+264pp., £41

Ben Jelloun, T., L'Homme rompu (Seuil, 1994), 223pp., 95F.

Buller, H. and Hoggart, K., International counterurbanization. British migrants in rural France (Aldershot, Avebury, 1994), 144pp., ISBN 1 85628 508 1

Buton, P., Les Lendemains qui déchantent. Le Parti Communiste Français a la Liberation (Presses de la Fondation Nationale des Sciences Politiques, 1993), 345pp., 180F., ISBN 2 7246 0636 1

Cayrol, R., Le Grand malentendu (Seuil, 1994), 186pp., 110F., ISBN 2 02 021064 9

Chateaubriand, Grands écrits politiques, ed. J.‐P. Clement, Imprimerie Nationale, 1993, 2 vols, 796pp., (170F. each), ISBN 2 081264 8

Coffineau, M., Les lois Auroux, dix ans après (La Documentation Française, 1993), 181pp., 95F., ISBN 2 11 002980 3

Conte, A., L'Epopée coloniale de la France (Pion, 1992), 545pp., 145F., ISBN 2 259 02536 6

Coward, D., ed., Pagnol: La gloire de mon père; Le château de ma mère (Grant and Cutler, 1992), 96pp., £4.50, ISBN 0 7293 0347 0

Deligeorges, S. and Deschamps, J., Lyon (Hazan, 1993), 200pp., 245F., ISBN 2 8025 339 1

Dobson, A., Jean‐Paul Sartre and the Politics of Reason: A Theory of History (CUP, 1993), xii+199pp., £30.00

Fallaize, E., French Women's Writing: Recent Fiction (Macmillan, 1993), 182pp., £35 hbk, ISBN 0 333 49004 5 and £11.99 pbk, ISBN 0 333 49005 3

Gervereau, L. and Prochasson, C., L'Affaire Dreyfus et le tournant du siècle (1894–1910) (BDIC, 1994), 287pp., 600 illustrations, 285F., ISBN 2 901658 26 1

Gratton, J., and Le Juez, B., Modern French short fiction (Manchester University Press, 1994), 204pp., £29.99 hbk, ISBN 0 7190 4210 0 and £7.99 pbk, ISBN 0 7190 4211 9

Groux, G., and Lévy, C., La possession ouvrière: du taudis à la propriété (XIXe‐XXe siècle) (Editions Ouvrières, 1993), 247pp., 140F., ISBN 2 7082 3019 0

Günther, R., Duras: ‘Le Ravissement de Lol V. Stein’ and ‘L'Amant’ (Grant &; Cutler, 1993), 87pp., £4.50, Critical Guides to French Texts, 99, ISBN 84 599 3330 X

Haegel, F., Un Maire à Paris: Mise en seine d'un nouveau rôle politique (Presses de la Fondation Nationale des Sciences Politiques, 1994), 261pp., 200F.

Harvey, R., Search for a Father: Sartre, Paternity and the Question of Ethics (University of Michigan Press, 1991), 217pp., $36.50 hbk

Hirschhorn, M., L'ère des enseignants (PUF, 1993), 301pp., 168F., ISBN 2 13 045336 8

Kettle, M., De Gaulle and Algeria, 1940–1960 (Quartet, 1993), 666pp., £45, ISBN 0 7043 7023 9

Le Pors, A., Pendent la mue, le serpent est aveugle (Albin Michel, 1993), 264pp., 98F., ISBN 2 226 06735 3

Lewis, G., The French Revolution. Rethinking the Debate (Routledge, 1993), 131pp., £5.99

Michel, M., L'aménagement régional en France. Du territoire aux territoires (Masson, 1994), 236pp., 125F., ISBN 2 225 84417 8

Nicault, C., La France et le sionisme 1897–1948 (Calmann‐Lévy, 1992), 319pp., 160F., ISBN 2 7021 1962 X

The Oxford‐Hachette French Dictionary (Oxford University Press, 1994), 2016pp., £19.95, ISBN 0 19 864195 8

Rebérioux, M., and Candar, G., eds., Jaurès et les intellectuels (Editions de l'Atelier/Editions Ouvrières, 1994), 326pp., 150F.

Richardson, M., Georges Bataille (Routledge, 1994), 148pp., £11.99., ISBN 0 415 09842 4. Georges Bataille. The Absence of Myth. Writings on Surrealism, translated and introduced by Michael Richardson (Verso, 1994), 211pp., £18.95, ISBN 0 86091 419 4

Rigoulet, P., Les Enfants de l'épuration (Plon, 1993), 533pp., 145F., ISBN 2 259 02467 X

Schmidt, N., Victor Schoelcher et l'abolition de l'esclavage (Fayard, 1994), 440pp., 150F.

Schneidermann, D., Arrêts sur images (Fayard, 1994), 240pp., 89F.

Stone, A., The Birth of Judicial Politics in France: the Constitutional Council in Comparative Perspective (Oxford University Press, 1992), 312pp., £35, ISBN 0 19 507034 8

Trochet, J.‐R., Aux origines de la France rurale: outils, pays et paysages (CNRS, 1993), 168pp., 220F, ISBN 2 271 05097 9

Varda, A., Varda par Agnès (Cahiers du Cinéma, 1994), 286pp., 250F., ISBN 286642 145 0

Villa, P., Une analyse macro‐économique de la France au XXe siècle (CNRS Editions, 1994), 409pp., 380F.

Windebank, J., The Informal Economy in France (Avebury, 1991), 244pp., £32.50, ISBN 1 85628 191 4  相似文献   

Bilan économique et sociale de la France La Documentation française, 1997, 156pp., 75F., ISBN 2 11 00 3901 9

CROZET Y. et al., Les grandes questions de l'économie française, Nathan, 1997, 352pp., 125 F., ISBN 2 09 190367 1

DELBO, C., Convoy to Auschwitz: Women of the French Resistance, Northwestern University Press, 1997, 220pp., £23.50, ISBN 1 55553 313 2

DOLAMORE, S. M., French Autobiographical Writing 1900–1950, Grant and Cutler, 1997, 425pp., £32.50, ISBN 0 7293 0396 9

FRAISSE, R. et FOUCAULD, J.‐B., de (eds), La France en prospectives, Odile Jacob, 1996 402pp., 140F., ISBN 2 7381 0426 6

HAALAND MATLARY, J., Energy Policy in the European Union, Macmillan, 1997, 174pp., £12.99 pbk, ISBN 0 333 64349 6

MINISTÈRE DES AFFAIRES ETRANGÈRES, Cent ans de cinéma français. Brève histoire du cinéma français 1960–1990, Ministère des Affaires étrangères, 1996 207pp., 55F., ISBN 2 9111 2735 8

POMIER, N. (ed.), French Correspondence, Oxford University Press, 1997, 158pp., £4.99, ISBN 0 19 860010 0

ROBERTS, J. M., The French Revolution, Oxford University Press, 1997, 180pp., £8.99, ISBN 0 19 289292 4

SCHOR, R., La France dans la Première Guerre mondiale, Nathan, 1997, Collection 128 128pp., 49FF., ISBN 2 09 190381 7

Tableaux de l'Économie Française 1997–1998, INSEE, 1997, 200pp., 79 F.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Aldeghi, I., et al., Vécu et devenir des chômeurs de longue durée (La Documentation Française, 1992), 123pp., 100F., ISBN 2 11 002644 8

Baker, K.M., Inventing the French Revolution (Cambridge University Press, 1990), 372pp., £32.50 hbk., £11.95 pbk., ISBN 0 521 34618 5 and 0 521 38578 4

Blancquart, M.‐C., and Cahne, P., Littérature française du XXe (PUF, 1992), 564pp., ISBN 2 130 44810 0

Brunet, P., ed., France et Grande‐Bretagne rurales. Rural France and Great Britain (Centre de Recherches sur l'Evolution de la Vie Rurale, Université de Caen, 1991), 510pp., 180F., ISBN 2 905 46162 4

Caune, J., La Culture en action. De Vilar à Lang: le sens perdu (Presses Universitaires de Grenoble, 1992), 368pp., 130F.

Coleman, J., and Parker, G., French and the Enterprise Path (AFLS‐CILT, 1992), 200pp., £8.95

Collot, S., Les Lieux de désir: topologie amoureuse de Zola (Hachette Université, 1992), 192pp., 150F., ‘Recherches Littéraires’ Collection, ISBN 2 010 18816 0

Coutel, C., ed., La République et l'école; une anthologie (Presses‐Pocket, 1992), 288pp., ISBN 2 266 04474 5

Crosland, M., Science under control: the French Academy of Sciences, 1795–1914 (Cambridge University Press, 1992), 454pp., £60.00, ISBN 0 521 41373 7

David, M., Le Printemps de la Fraternité: genèse et vicissitudes, 1830–1851 (Aubier, 1992), 396pp., 180F., ISBN 2 700 72237 X

Debray, R., Vie et mort de l'image (Gallimard, 1992), 140F., 412pp., ISBN 2 070 72816 1

Drieu la Rochelle, P., Journal 1939–1945 (Gallimard, 1992), 521pp., 140F., ISBN 2 070 72307 0

Durand, J.‐D. et al., Cent ans de catholicisme social à Lyon et en Rhône‐Alpes. Actes du Colloque de Lyon, 18–19 janvier 1991 (Les Editions Ouvrières, 1992), 566pp., 170F., ISBN 2 708 22954 0

Estienne, P., Les régions françaises (Masson, 1991), 2 vols, 264pp., 272pp., 180F., 190F., ISBN 2 225 82509 2, 2 225 82590 4 respectively

Fougeyrollas, P., L'Attraction du futur: un essai sur la signification du présent (Méridiens Klincksieck), 274pp., 140F., ISBN 2 865 63299 7

Gaillac, H., Les Maisons de correction 1830–1945 (Editions Cujas, 1991), 464pp., 120F., ISBN 2 254 92404 X

Genet‐Delacroix, M.‐C., Art et Etat sous la IIIe République. Le Système des Beaux‐Arts 1870 (Publications de la Sorbonne, 1992), lviii+433pp., 190F., ISBN 2 859 44219 7

Hagège, C., Le Souffle de la Langue (Odile Jacob, 1992), 286pp.+9pp. of maps, 130F., ISBN 2 738 10182 8

Hancock, M.D. et al., Politics in Western Europe (Macmillan, 1993), 526pp., £14.99, ISBN 0 000 00000 0

Hardman, J., Louis XVI (Yale University Press, 1993), 264pp., £25.00, ISBN 0 300 05719 9

Hargreaves, A.G., Voices from the North African immigrant community in France. Immigration and identity in Bear fiction (Berg, 1991), 175pp., £29.50, ISBN 0 854 96649 8

Harpaz, E., Benjamin Constant et Madame Récamier (lettres 1807–1830) (Honoré Champion, 1992), 362pp., 140F., ISBN 2 852 03706 8

Hudson, J., and Tosser, N., Business French (Made Simple, 1992), 426pp., £8.95, ISBN 0 730 60299 6

Jones, H.S., The French State in Question. Public Law and Political Argument in the Third Republic (CUP, 1993), 231pp., £30., ISBN 2 521 43149 2

Kolebka, G., Dépressions sur une partie de la France (Seghers, 1991), 164pp., 100F., ISBN 2 232 10341 2

Lagrée, M., and Roche, J., Tombes de mémoire: le dévotion populaire aux victimes de la Révolution dans l'Ouest (Rennes Apogée, 1993), 148pp., 125F., ISBN 2 909 27512 4

Lefebvre, D., Guy Mollet: Le mal aimé (Plon, 1992), 545pp., 149F., ISBN Z 259 02465 3

Lemalet, M., Lettres d'Algérie, 1954–1962: La guerre des appelés, la mémoire d'une génération (Jean‐Claude Lattès, 1992), 360pp., 139F., ISBN 2 709 61145 7

Lyotard, J.‐F., The inhuman (Polity Press, 1991), 216pp., £35, ISBN 0 745 69772 1

Michel, P., and Nivet, J.‐F., Octave Mirbeau; l'imprécateur au c?ur fidèle (Librarie Séguier, 1990), 1019pp., ISBN 2 877 36162 4

Ministère du Travail, de l'Emploi et de la Formation Professionnelle, Le Tourisme Social et Familial (La Documentation Française, 1992), 333pp., 180F., ISBN 9 782 11002757 3

Oriol, P., Les immigrés devant les urnes: le droit de vote des étrangers (CIEMI/L'Harmattan, 1992), 223pp., 120F., ISBN 2 738 41246 7

Remond, R., et al., Paul Touvier et l'Eglise. Rapport de la Commission historique instituée par le cardinal Decourtray (Fayard, 1992), 418pp., 130F., ISBN 2 213 02880 X

Richardot, J.‐P., Le peuple protestant français aujourd'hui (Laffont, 1992), 388pp., ISBN 2 221 07364 9

Sainteny, G., Les Verts (PUF, 1991), 127pp., ISBN 2 130 44491 1

Sainte‐Beuve, C.‐A., La Vie des lettres (Hermann, 1992), 4 vols. I: Moyen‐#afAge et Renaissance, 184pp., ISBN 2 705 66176 X; II: Le Siècle de Versailles, 240pp., ISBN 2 705 66177 8; III: Les Lumières et les salons, 192pp., ISBN 2 705 66178 6; IV: Le Siècle du progrès, 212pp., ISBN 2 705 66179 4, 60F. each.

Scientrier, P., Tester et enrichir ses connaissances en littérature (Marabout, 1992), 287pp., ISBN 2 501 01757 9

Scriven, M., and Wagstaff, P., eds., War and society in twentieth‐century France (Berg, 1991), xii+304pp., ISBN 0 854 96292 1

Servent, P., Le Mythe Pétain. Verdun ou les tranchées de la mémoire (Editions Payot, 1992), 283pp., 120F., ISBN 2 228 88500 2

Sowerwine, C., and Magnien, C., Madeleine Pelletier, une féministe dans l'arène politique (Editions Ouvrières, 1992), 250pp., 125F., ISBN 2 708 22960 5

Stanley, J.L., ed., From Georges Sorel, vol. 2: Hermeneutics and the Sciences, translated by John and Charlotte Stanley. (New Brunswick and London, Transaction Books, 1990), 219pp., ISBN 0 887 38304 1  相似文献   

Almanach des Français, 2 vols (Encyclopaedia Universalis, 1994), 319pp. and 316pp., 544F.

Charmasson T., Lelorrain, A.‐M. and Sonnet, M., Chronologie de l'histoire de France (PUF, 1994), 876pp., 179F., ISBN 2 13 046139 5

Conseil national de la vie associative, Les Associations à l'épreuve de la décen‐ . tralisation: Bilan 1991–1992 (La Documentation Française, 1993), 245pp., 145F., ISBN 2 11 002974 9

Council of Europe, Population: French‐English glossary (Strasbourg, 1994), 500pp., 224F., ISBN 92 871 2506 6

Delporte, C., Histoire du journalisme et des journalistes en France (PUF, 1995), 127pp., 40F., pbk, ‘Que sais‐je?’

Deutschland‐Frankreich. Internationale Beziehungen und gegenseitige Verflechtung. Bine Bibliographie 1983–1990 ‐ France‐Allemagne. Relations internationales et interdépendances bilatérales. Une bibliographie 1983–1990 (Saur, München, 1994), 422pp., 148 DM.

Durant, S., Palais des Machines (Phaidon, 1995), 60pp., £19.95

Forrest, A., The French Revolution (Blackwell, 1995), 191pp., £6.99 pbk, and £25 hbk, ISBN 0 631 18351 5; 0 631 18107 5

Girault, R., and Bossuat, G., eds., Europe brisée, Europe retrouvée (Publications de la Sorbonne, 1994), 431pp., 180F., ISBN 2 85944 255 3

Greenfeld, L., Nationalism: Five Roads to Modernity (Harvard University Press, 1992), 581pp., ISBN 0 674 60318 4

Hall, P., Hayward, J. and Machin, H., eds., Developments in French Politics (Macmillan, 1994), 340pp., £12.99, ISBN 0 333 61563 8

Hemtnings, F., The Theatre Industry in Nineteenth‐Century France (Cambridge University Press, 1993), xiv + 319pp., £35, ISBN 0 521 44142 0

Jordi, J.‐J., De l'exode à l'exil: Rapatriés et Pieds‐Noirs en France (L'Harmattan, 1993), 253pp., 140F., ISBN 2 7384 2305 1

Lamoureux, C., La Grande Parade du catch (Presses Universitaires de Mirail, 1993), 368pp., 175F., ISBN 2 85816 207 7

Makward, C., and Miller, J., eds., Plays by French and Francophone Women: A Critical Anthology (University of Michigan Press, 1995), 345pp., £15.20, ISBN 0 472 08258 2

Rebérioux, M., Jaurès, la parole et l'acte (Gallimard, 1994), 160pp., pbk

Schifres, A., Les Hexagons (Laffont, 1994), 494pp., 149F.

Tandem: Franco‐British arts review (Institut français du Royaume‐Uni), to be published three times a year (first issue: January‐August 1995)

Wieviorka, O., and Prochasson, C., eds., La France du XXe siècle. Documents d'histoire (Seuil, 1994), 745pp., pbk, ISBN 2 02 013224 9  相似文献   


The enigma in Psedo-Philo Chapter 19: Istic mel, apex magnus, momenti plenitudo, et ciati guttum, is often emended by the commentators. We take it as it stands. As the surrounding texts reflects, Deut 34 and Pseudo-Philo always shows a deep understanding of the biblical text, we find that the often quoted utterings in Deut: ''a land flowing with milk and honey'' and: ''the place which the Lord your God will choose'' make sense for the first two parts of the enigma. The third part points to the coming great achievements: The death of Moses and the immigration to the Holy Land. Only the fourth part is pointing to the end of time.  相似文献   

Agir ici—Survie France Cameroun. Croisement dangereux Dossiers noirs de la politique africaine de la France, no. 7 L'Harmattan, 1996 95 pp., no price indicated, ISBN 2 7384 4458 X

ALDRICH, R. and MERLE, I. (eds) France Abroad: Indochina, New Caledonia, Wallis and Futuna, Mayotte University of Sydney, 1997 168 pp., no price indicated, ISBN 1 86451 042 0

ALLEGRE, C. and JEAMBAR, D. Questions de France Fayard, 1996 355 pp., 120F., pbk, ISBN 2 213 59744 8

BADINTER, R. La Prison républicaine (1871–1914) Livre de poche, 1995 44F., ISBN 2 253 136 344

BARTRAM, G., SLAWINSKI, M. and STEEL, D. (eds) Reconstructing the Past Keele University Press, 1996 224 pp., £35, ISBN 1 85331 168 5

HARGREAVES, J. Decolonization in Africa Longman, 1996 298 pp., £14.99, ISBN 0 582 24917 1

Impression de la Convention Nationale, 1792 — an IV. Inventaire analytique des unarticles ADXVIIIe 208–357 Archives nationales, 1997 556 pp., 400F., ISBN 2 86000 255 3

LETERRIER, S.‐A. Le XIXe siècle historien, Anthologie raisonnée Belin, 1997 352 pp., 125 F., ISBN 2 7011 2252 X

School of European Studies, University of Wales Cardiff New readings, vol, 2, 1996 87 pp., no price indicated, ISSN 1359 7485

NORA, P. Les Lieux de mémoire Collection ‘Quarto’, Gallimard, 1997 vol. 1, 1642 pp., 180F., ISBN 2 07 074902 9; vol. 2, 1372 pp., 180F., ISBN 2 07 074903 7; vol. 3, 1756 pp., 180F., ISBN 2 07 074904 5.

WOLOCH, I. (ed.) Revolution and the Meanings of Freedom in the Nineteenth Century Stanford University Press, 1996 447 pp., £40, ISBN 08 047 2748 1  相似文献   

Bjørn Myhre played a key role in the establishment of Norwegian Archaeological Review. All in all, 17 volumes of NAR were produced under his editorial leadership (1968–1978 and 1985–1990). Bjørn Myhre was born in Stavanger in 1938. He did his degree at the University of Bergen (1964), and has since been engaged in research, editing, culture heritage management, excavations, teaching and administration – in Stavanger, Bergen and Oslo. He has produced important prehistoric overviews, cf. Magnus & Myhre 1976, Myhre 2002a, 2003, and 2004. The Iron Age society in south‐west Norway has been central in his research. Of several important excavations, the Iron Age farm site Ullandhaug (1967–68) is fundamental. He has explored different aspects of Iron Age farms – agrarian development, settlement history, house construction and structure (e.g. Myhre 1973, 1978). His studies include discussions on social and political development (Myhre 1985a, 1987, 1998, 2002b). Methodology and theory became a focal point during his time as professor at the University of Oslo from 1985, e.g. ‘Trends in Norwegian archaeology’ (1985b) and ‘Theory in Scandinavian archaeology since 1960 (1991). In 1993, he was appointed as Director of Museum of Archaeology in Stavanger. In 2008 he formally retired, but is still a very active debating and writing archaeologist.

Initially, Bjørn Myhre was invited to write an article about the establishment and first developments of NAR. Subsequently, this was changed to a dialogue text based on questions and answers communicated by email during the autumn of 2007. The basis for questions and replies is a selection of diagrams prepared for the Editorial in this issue which display trends covered in the 40 volumes of NAR.  相似文献   

Herrscher, Gemeinwesen, Vermittler: Ostiran und Transoxanien in vormongolischer Zeit , Jürgen Paul, Beiruter Texte und Studien, Bd. 59, Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 1996, viii + 322 pp., bibliography, indices; German, English, and Russian summaries.

Khatireha‐ye Amir cAlam Khan , Amir cAlam Khan, Tehran: Markaz‐e Motalacat‐e Irani, 1373/1994, 55 pp., illustrations.

Cambridge History of Iran, Vol. 7: From Nadir Shah to the Islamic Republic , ed. by Peter Avery, Gavin Hambly, and Charles Melville, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1991, xxiii+1072 pp.

Iranian Intellectuals and the West: The Tormented Triumph of Nativism , Mehrzad Boroujerdi, Syracuse: Syracuse University Press, 1996, 255 pp., index, bibliography.

Revolutionary Horizons: Regional Foreign Policy in Post‐Khomeini Iran , John Calabrese, New York: St. Martin's Press, 1994, xii + 221 pp.

Classical Persian Sufism: From its Origins to Rumi , ed. Leonard Lewisohn. London/New York: Khaniqahi Nimatullahi Publications, 1993, xl + 666 pp., bibliography, index, illustrations.

Shark Hikmat al‐Ishraq [li‐Shihab al‐Din Suhrawardi] (Commentary on the Philosophy of Illumination [by Shihab al‐Din Suhrawardi]), Shams al‐Din Shahrazuri, edited, with introduction and notes, by Hossein Ziai, Tehran: Institute for Cultural Studies and Research, 1993, xxiii pp., English + 646 pp. Arabic + 84 pp. Persian.

Symbol and Secret: Qur'án Commentary in Bahá'u'lláh's Kitáb‐i Íqán , Christopher Buck, Studies in the Babi and Baha'i Religions, volume 7, Los Angeles: Kalimat Press, 1995.

Studies in Honor of the Late Hasan M. Balyuzi , ed. Moojan Momen, Studies in the Bábí and Bahá'í Religions, vol. 5, Los Angeles: Kalimat Press, 1988, xx + 293 pp.

Law of Desire: Temporary Marriage in Shici Iran , Shahla Haeri, Syracuse: Syracuse University Press, 1989, 272 pp., cloth and paper.

The Persian Revayat “Ithoter”: Zoroastrian Rituals in the Eighteenth Century , Mario Vitalone, Naples: Istituto Universitario Orientale, 1996, 301 pp.

Pand‐o Sokhan: Mélanges offerts à Charles‐Henri de Fouchécour , ed. by Christophe Balay, Claire Keppler, and ?iva Vesel, Bibliothèque Iranienne, 44, Tehran: Institut Français de Recherche en Iran, 1995, 348 pp., illustrated.

Standardization and Orthography in the Balochi Language , Carina Jahani, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Studia Iranica Upsaliensia 1, Uppsala, 1989, 286 pp., ISBN 91–554–2487–2, ISSN 1100–326X

L'Argento Di Un Povero Cuore: centuno ghazal di Sacdi Shirazi , Persian text of one hundred and one ghazals by Sacdi, Italian translation, notes, introduction and concluding essay by Setrag Manoukian, with a preface by Riccardo Zipoli, Rome: Istituto culturale della Repubblica islamica d'Iran in Italia, 1991.

The Image of Arabs in Modern Persian Literature , Joya Blondel Saad, Lanham, Md.: University Press of America, 1996, ix + 139 pp., index, paper, ISBN 0–7618–0330–0

Recasting Persian Poetry: Scenarios of Poetic Modernity in Iran , Ahmad Karimi‐Hakkak, Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press, 1996, 326 pp., $45.00, cloth.

The Marsh [Gavkhūni] , Jafar Modarres‐Sadeqi, trans. Afkham Darbandi, intro. Dick Davis, Bibliotheca Iranica, Persian Fiction in Translation Series, no. 3, Costa Mesa: Mazda Publishers, 1996.

Bihzad, Master of Persian Painting , Ebadollah Bahari, foreword by Annemarie Schimmel, London and New York: I. B. Tauris, 1996, xiii + 272 pp., 70 color and 48 black and white illustrations, map, appendices, bibliography, index, ISBN 0–85043–966–4  相似文献   


Inga Hägg: Die Textilfunde aus dem Hafen von Haithabu (The Textile Finds from the Harbour of Haithabu). Bericht über die Ausgrabungen in Haithabu, Bericht 20. Neumünster 1984. 290 pp., 108 Figs.

Jóhannes Jóhansen: Studies in the Vegetation History of the Faroe and Shetland Islands. Annales societatis scientiarum færoensis. Supplementum XI. Tórshavn 1985. 117 pages, 10 plates, 19 figs.

Asbj?rn E. Herteig (ed.): The Bryggen Papers, Supplementary Series No. 1. 1985. 100 pp., 46 figs.  相似文献   

Africa Today: a Short Introduction to African Affairs. By B. W. Hodder. 18 1/2 x 12, 166 pp. 1 map, index. Methuen, London, 1978. Paperback £1.95.

The River Basin. By David Ingle Smith and Peter Stopp. 25 1/2 x 18, 120 pp. Cambridge Univ. Press, London, 1978. £5.95.


Place and People Series: No. 3—Communications and Networks, by Jean Forbes and James Ross, 80 pp.; No. 6—Land and Water Resources, by Arnold Bell, Raymond Cook and Ian Maciver, 72 pp., 24x 18J, Heinemann Educational, London, £1.40 each.

Beginning the New Geography. By Ken Briggs. 24 1/2 x 18 1/2, 64 pp. Hodder and Stoughton, 1979. £1.20.

Modern Techniques in Geography: Assignments in Geography. By Dalton, et al. 24 x 18 1/2, 68 pp. Philip, 1978.

Britain in Colour. By Fullagar and Virgo. 17 x 24, 186 pp. Hodder and Stoughton, 1978. £2.65.

Patterns of DevelopmentHuman Geography in Colour. By D. C. Money. 18 1/2 x 24 1/2, 184 pp. Evans Bros., London. £3.75.

World Resources Book 2—Metals. ByD. S.Scott. 29x21, 71 pp. Wheaton, 1978. £1.60.

Greater London. By Roland Allison. 19x25, 140 pp. Hodder and Stoughton, 1978. £2.45.

Contemporary Scotland: The Scottish Environment. By Ann Glen. 19x22, 74 pp. Heinemann Educational, London, 1978. £1.00.

British Isles. By Brian Nixon. 23x15, 316 pp. University Tutorial Press, Slough, 1978. £2.60.  相似文献   

Gas breakthrough experiments on fine-grained sedimentary rocks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The capillary sealing efficiency of fine‐grained sedimentary rocks has been investigated by gas breakthrough experiments on fully water saturated claystones and siltstones (Boom Clay from Belgium, Opalinus Clay from Switzerland and Tertiary mudstone from offshore Norway) of different lithological compositions. Sand contents of the samples were consistently below 12%, major clay minerals were illite and smectite. Porosities determined by mercury injection lay between 10 and 30% while specific surface areas determined by nitrogen adsorption (BET method) ranged from 20 to 48 m2 g ? 1. Total organic carbon contents were below 2%. Prior to the gas breakthrough experiments the absolute (single phase) permeability (kabs) of the samples was determined by steady state flow tests with water or NaCl brine. The kabs values ranged between 3 and 550 nDarcy (3 × 10?21 and 5.5 × 10?19 m2). The maximum effective permeability to the gas‐phase (keff) measured after gas breakthrough on initially water‐saturated samples extended from 0.01 nDarcy (1 × 10?23 m2) up to 1100 nDarcy (1.1 × 10?18 m2). The residual differential pressures after re‐imbibition of the water phase, referred to as the ‘minimum capillary displacement pressures’ (Pd), ranged from 0.06 to 6.7 MPa. During the re‐imbibition process the effective permeability to the gas phase decreases with decreasing differential pressure. The recorded permeability/pressure data were used to derive the pore size distribution (mostly between 8 and 60 nm) and the transport porosity of the conducting pore system (10‐5–10‐2%). Correlations could be established between (i) absolute permeability coefficients and the maximum effective permeability coefficients and (ii) effective or absolute permeability coefficients and capillary sealing efficiency. No correlation was found between the capillary displacement pressures determined from gas breakthrough experiments and those derived theoretically by mercury injection.  相似文献   

Apollinaire, G., Alcools, trans. Donald Revell (University Press of New England, 1995), 171pp., £20.50 hbk., ISBN 0 8195 2224 4, £10.75 pbk, ISBN 0 8195 1228 1

Bredin, J.‐D., L'Affaire (Fayard/Julliard, 1993), 856pp., 198F.

Burac, R., Charles Péguy. La révolution et lagrâce (Laffont, 1994), 347pp., 139F.

Freeman, E.T., Rostand: Cyrano de Bergerac (Glasgow Introductory Guides 34, 1995 76pp., £3.95, ISBN 0 85261 467 5

French Pocket Dictionary, English‐French, French‐English (Harrap, 1995), 712pp., £6.99, ISBN 0 245 60575 4

INSEE, L'Economie française (Librairie générale française, 1995), 282pp., ISBN 2 253 90520 8

Lloyd, H., Bonjour Tristesse (Glasgow Introductory Guides to French Literature 35, 1995), 60pp., £3.95, ISBN 0 85261 469 1

Raymond, J., Eluard (Seuil, 1995), 220pp., ISBN 2 02 023561 7

School French Dictionary (Larousse, 1994), 480pp., £5.50, ISBN 2 03 401761 7

Soulez‐Larivière, D., L'Avocature (Seuil, 1995), 350pp., 140F., ISBN 2 02 023510 2  相似文献   

Andrew, D., Mists of Regret: Culture and Sensibility in Classic French Film (Princeton Paperbacks, 1995), xv + 409pp., £19.95, ISBN 0 691 00883 3

Barou, J., and Prado, P., Les Anglais dans nos campagnes (L'Harmattan, 1995), 238pp., 140F., ISBN 2 7384 3352 9

Blanchot, M., The Writing of the Disaster, trans. Ann Smock, new edn. (University of Nebraska Press, [1986] 1995), 153pp., £11.00, ISBN 0 8032 6120 9

Brami, J., Cottentenet‐Hage, M., and Verdaguer, P., eds., Regards sur la France des armies 1980 ‐ Le Roman (Anma Libri, 1994), 260pp., ISBN 0 915838 96 6

Brewer, M.M., Claude Simon: Narrativities Without Narrative (University of Nebraska Press, 1995), 183pp., $38.50, ISBN 0 8032 1261 5

Carroll, D., French Literary Fascism: Nationalism, Anti‐Semitism and the Ideology of Culture (Princeton University Press, 1995), 300pp., £24.95, ISBN 0 691 03723 X

Charle, C., A Social History of France in the Nineteenth Century trans. Mirian Kochan, (Berg, 1994), x + 314pp., hbk, ISBN 0 85496 906 2, pbk, ISBN 0 85496 913 6

Cordelier, S., Poisson, E. et al., L'État de la France 1995–96 (La Découverte, 1995), 635pp., 159F., ISBN 2 7071 2447 8

Crisp, C., The Classic French Cinema 1930–1960 (Indiana University Press, 1994), 485pp., £50.00, ISBN 0 2533 1550 6

Crozier, M., La Crise de l'Intelligence (Interéditions, 1995), 200pp., 110F., ISBN 2 7296 0567 3

Debré, M., Combattre Toujours: Mémoires, 1969–1993 (Albin Michel, 1994), 333pp., 150F., ISBN 2 226 07536 4

Dieudonné, P., ed., Villes reconstruites du dessin au iestin (L'Harmattan, 1994), vol. 1, 382pp., 190F., ISBN 2 7384 2605 0, vol. 2, 384pp., 190F., ISBN 2 7384 2606 9

Domenach, N., and Szarfan, M., De si bons amis (Plon, 1994), 454pp., 110F., ISBN 2 259 18018 3

Duchene, F.L., Jean Monnet: the First Statesman of Interdependence (W. W. Norton, 1994), 410pp., £22.00, ISBN 0 393 03497 6

Dutton, D., ed., Statecraft and Diplomacy in the Twentieth Century (Liverpool University Press, 1995), 180pp., £15.05, ISBN 0 85323 379 9

Eck, J.‐F., La France dans la nouvelle economic mondiale (PUF, 1994), 312pp., 150F., ISBN 2 13 046092 5

Forest, P., Histoire de Tel Quel, 1960–82 (Seuil, 1995), 655pp., 180F., ISBN 2 02 017346 8

Gardies, A., L'Espace au cinéma (Meridiens Klincksieck, 1993)

Gregg, J., Maurice Blanchot and the Literature of Transgression (Princeton University Press, 1994), 241pp., £25.00, ISBN 0 691 03329 3

Habert, P., Perrineau, P., and Ysmal, C., eds., Le Vote Sanction: Les élections législatives des 21 et 28 mars 1993 (Départment des études politiques du Figaro et Presses de la Fondation nationale des sciences politiques, 1993), 347pp., 150F., ISBN 2 7246 0634 5

Kessler, M.‐C., Les Grands corps de l'état (Presses Universitaires de France, 1994), 128pp., 36F., ISBN 2 13 046502 1

Kramer, S.P., Does France Still Count? The French Role in the New Europe (Praeger, 1994), 113pp., £11.95, ‘Washington Papers’ series ISBN 0 275 95061 1.

Lallement, M., ed., Travail et emploi: le temps de métamorphoses (L'Harmattan, 1995), 283pp., 150F., ISBN 2 7384 2559 3

Le Crom, J.‐P., Syndicate nous voilal Vichy et le corporatisme (Les Editions Ouvrières, 1995), 410pp., 190F., ISBN 2 7082 3123 5

Lefait, P., Quatre Ministres etpuis s'en vont (Editions de l'Atelier, 1995), 310pp., 120F., ISBN 2 7082 3105 7

Lepetit, B. et al., Atlas de la Révolution française, vol. 8, Population (Editions EHESS, 1995), 92pp., 120F., ISBN 2 7132 1189 1

Manent, P., An Intellectual History of Liberalism, trans. Rebecca Balinski (Princeton University Press, 1994), pp. 128, £16.95, ISBN 0 691 03437 0

Martelli, R., Le rouge et le bleu. Essai sur le communisme français (Editions de l'Atelier, 1995), 286pp., 120F., ISBN 2 7082 3119 7

Mélenchon, J.‐L., Rocard, le rendezvous manqué (Ramsay, 1994), 237pp., 110F..ISBN2 84114 053 9

Minc, A., La France ie l'an 2000 (Odile Jacob/Documentation Française), 321pp., 60F., ISBN 2 7381 0281 6

Osen, J., Royalist Political Thought during the French Revolution (Greenwood Press, 1995), 154pp., £49.50, ISBN 0 313 29441 0

Outram, D., The Enlightenment (Cambridge University Press, 1995), 141pp., £27.95 hbk, ISBN 0 521 41522 5, £9.96 pbk, ISBN 0 521 42534

Phillips, P., Republican France: Divided Loyalties (Greenwood, 1993), xxiii + 168pp., $49.95, ISBN 0 313 27503 3

Platten, D., Djian: 37° 2 le matin (University of Glasgow French &; German Publications, 1995), 92pp., £3.95, ISBN 085261 368 7

Proudhon, P.‐J., What is Property? (CUP, 1994), 227pp., £55 hbk, £12.95 pbk.

Roberts, M., Civilization Without Sexes: Reconstructing Gender in Postwar France 1917–1927 (University of Chicago Press, 1994), 337pp., £15.25, ISBN 0 226 72122 1

Rosanvallon, P., La nouvelle question sociale (Seuil, 1995), 223pp., 95F., ISBN 2 02 022030

Royal, S., Pays, paysans, pay sages. La reconciliation est‐elle possible? (Laffont, 1993), 228pp., 89F., ISBN 2 221 07046 1

Suleiman, E., Les Ressorts cachés de la réussite française (Seuil, 1995), 377pp., 130F., ISBN 2 02 021841 0

Tindall, G., Célestine. Voices from a French Village (Sinclair‐Stevenson, 1995), ix + 286pp., £17.99, ISBN 1 85619 534 1

Tricot, B., Mémoires (Quai Voltaire, 1994), 503pp., 148F., ISBN 2 87653 209 3

Veillon, D., Vivre et Survivre en France 1939–1947 (Editions Payot, 1995), 371pp., 145F., ISBN 2 228 88875 3

Vigato, J.‐C., L‘Architecture Régionalize. France 1890–1950 (Norma, 1994), 392pp., 160F., ISBN 2 9092832 11 9

Wagstaff, P., ed., Regionalism in Europe (Intellect, 1994), 120pp., £14.95, ISBN 1 871516 84 6

Walker, D.H., Outrage and Insight: Modern French Writers and the ’Fait Divers’ (Berg, 1995), 281pp., £39.95, ISBN 0 85946 780 X

Wilson, H.S., African Decolonisation (Edward Arnold, 1994), 222pp., £12.99, ISBN 0 340 55929 2  相似文献   

Short notices     
Bonnafous, A., Plassard, F., and Vulin, B., eds., Circuler Demain (DATAR/Éditions de l'Aube, 1993), 191pp., 95R, ISBN 2 87678 126 3

Dioudonnat, P.‐M., Les 700 rédacteurs de ‘Je suis partout’ 1930–1944 (Sedopolis, 1993), 107pp., 240F., ISBN 2 904177 16 7

Furet, F., Revolutionary France 1770–1880 (Blackwell, 1992), 630pp., £40.00, ISBN 0 631 17029 4

Hainsworth, P., ed., The Extreme Right in Europe and the USA (Pinter, 1992), 320pp., £45.00, ISBN 0 86187 790 X

Macchia, G., L'Ange de la nuit. Sur Proust, trans, from the Italian by Marie‐France Merger, Paul Bédarida and Mario Fusco (Gallimard, 1993), 269pp., 130F., ISBN 2 07 072885 4

McPhee, P., A Social History of France 1780–1880 (Routledge, 1993), 347pp., £12.99 pbk, ISBN 0 415 01616 9

Prost, A., ’Les Anciens Combattants’ and French Society 1914–1939 (Berg, 1992), 152pp., £29.95, ISBN 0 85496 672 2 (hbk), £9.95, ISBN 0 85496 337 5 (pbk)

Service d'Information et de Diffusion du Premier Ministre, La politique de la France, aoÛt 1991‐juillet 1992 (La Documentation française, 1993), 165pp., 70F., ISBN 2 11 002915 3

Teich, M., and Porter, R., eds., The National Question in Europe in Historical Context (CUP, 1993), 343pp., £40.00, ISBN 0 521 36441 8 (hbk), £13.95, ISBN 0 521 36713 1 (pbk)  相似文献   


This study investigates the genealogy of rescaling the cultural armature of heritage in the Global South rooted within the colonial culture and postcolonial aid programs. Taking the case of historic Cairo, it explores how policies have developed through experimental practices of conservation to scale up authority, control, and power over residents and neighborhoods from the 19th century to the present. The paper theorizes two paradigmatic approaches of conservation practices – by aesthetics and development – which have expanded Cairo’s inventory of monuments. The infatuation of heritage experts (the Comité de Conservation des Monuments de l’Art Arabe and Aga Khan Trust for Culture) with old neighborhoods has fostered accumulation by dispossession, disrupting people’s environments to generate a worlding image of heritage. The paper concludes with the metaphor of conservation practices as re-construction sites, as they repurpose the relationships between heritage, people, and their means of governmentality.  相似文献   

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