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Jernvinna på M?sstrond i Telemark (Bloomery Ironmaking in M?sstrond, Telemark). I. Martens, En studie i teknikk, bosetning og ?konomi. A. M. Rosenqvist, Kjemiske og mineralogiske unders?kelser. Norske Oldfunn XIII. Universitetets Oldsaksamling. Oslo 1988. 189 pp., 55 figs.  相似文献   


Istoria gîndirii ?i creatiei ?tiintifice ?i tehnice române?ti (Histoire de la pensée et de l'oeuvre scientifique et technique roumaine), Academia Republicii Socialiste România, vol. I, ?t. Pascu et collab., Ed.Acad., Bucarest, 1982, 391 pp.  相似文献   


Arne Skj?lsvold: Slettab? i Ogna. Forel?pig orientering om en boplass med bosetning fra yngre steinalder og bronsealdet. (Slettab? in Ogna. Preliminary publication of a settlement from Late Stone Age and Bronze Age). Viking XXXVI 1972. 74 pp. 30 Figs. English summary  相似文献   


The subject of this article is the production and distribution of stone axes and adzes originating from two large Stone Age quarries in western Norway: the greenstone quarry on the small island of Hespriholmen, B?mlo kommune, Hordaland fylke, and the diabase quarry at Stakaneset, Flora kommune, Sogn og Fjordane Fylke. The identification of production sites and distributed products associated with these quarries is based on petrological investigations, both thin‐section and geochemical analyses. Radiocarbon and shoreline datings of debris assemblages and chronological grouping of the distributed artifacts have made it possible to gain control over the time depth and time consistency in the utilization of the two outcrops. Different technological aspects of the production process are discussed on the basis of finds and observations from the quarries and workshop sites. The distribution patterns will be examined with regard to their reflection on cultural continuity and change. Finally, some hypotheses on the social context of production and distribution will be put forward. These include the diffusion mechanisms responsible for the distribution and aspects concerning terri‐toriality and demography as reflected in the distribution patterns.

The results presented here are based on two theses for a master's degree in archaeology at the University of Bergen: ‘Bruk av diabas i vestnorsk steinalder’ (Asle Bruen Olsen 1981) and ‘B?mlo. Steinalderens råstoffsentrum på S?rvestlandet’ (Sigmund Alsaker 1982).  相似文献   

《Political Theology》2013,14(1):126-127

This is a response to Slavoj ?i?ek, which carries the debate between us forward. This debate is published as The Monstrosity of Christ edited by Creston Davis and published by MIT Press, 2009.  相似文献   


Studier i vestnorsk bergkunst. Ausevik i Flora. By Anders Hagen. Årbok for Universitetet i Bergen, Hum. serie 1969, no. 3. 151 pp, 15 Pls., 71 Figs. Bergen 1969.

Skomaterialet fra utgravningene i Borgund på Sunnm?re 1954–1962 By Arne J. Larsen. Årbok for Universitetet i Bergen. Hum.serie 1970, no. 1. Bergen, 1970. 54 pp, 11 Pls., 16 Figs.  相似文献   

《Political Theology》2013,14(1):121-122

One of the more interesting points of contention between Slavoj ?i?ek and John Milbank in their recent debate, The Monstrosity of Christ, is over the nature and status of belief in the supernatural. For ?i?ek belief in the supernatural is an ultimate symptom of capitalist domination; for Milbank it is a sign of the reality of the elusive promise of a world whose beneficence exceeds both the imagination and the administrative powers of empire and capital. I contend that even without Milbank's orthodox perspective, ?i?ek's reduction of magic to fantasy obscures the black magic of capitalism itself and so arbitrarily and unnecessarily forecloses on modes of resistance that are allied to liturgical, theurgical, and spiritual practices.  相似文献   


In this issue of NAR the development of the agrarian landscape and the farm structure in the Iron Age in Southwest Norway ‐ especially in the district of Jæren ‐ is taken up as a subject for discussion. Two publications by Bj?rn Myhre (Funn, fornminner og ?degårder. Jernalderens bosetning i H?yland Fjellbygd. Stavanger Museums Skrifter 7,1972 and The Iron Age Farm in Southwest Norway. NAR 6, No. 1, 1973) are commented upon by Björn Ambrosiani, Arnvid Lillehammer, Sven‐Olof Lindquist, Perry Rolfsen and Ulf Sporrong. Bj?rn Myhre's reply to the comments closes the discussion.  相似文献   

Diverse photographic images (pictures) are used to promote wildlife tours on the Internet. But what pictures are used and are they likely to accurately reflect what visitors might see, and hence create realistic expectations for tourists? The relative importance of wildlife and the prevalence of iconic species were assessed for pictures on the Internet used by six English tour companies offering wildlife tours to very different destinations: Southern Africa and Australia. These were then compared with the likely visibility of wildlife at the destination. The content of 926 Southern African pictures representing 1316 different subjects, and 228 pictures representing 307 different subjects from Australia were classified into four themes (wildlife, landscapes/vegetation, activities, accommodation). Wildlife, particularly large mammals, was more frequently used for Southern African tours (43%) whereas pictures for Australian tours were often of landscapes (45%). Large, social mammals active during the day and hence highly visible (e.g. elephant, n= 64) were often used, while iconic, but cryptic, species such as koalas (n= 7), Tasmanian devil (n= 1), leopards (n= 12), and black rhinos (n= 2) were seldom used. Therefore, online pictures used for wildlife tours appear to merge well with what tourists are likely to see at the destination, but appear to diverge somewhat from established destination images for these two regions, particularly Australia.  相似文献   


Bente Magnus: Krosshaugfunnet. Et fors?k på kronologisk og stilhistorisk plassering i 5. årh. (The Krosshaug find. An attempt at a chronological and stylistic placing within the 5th century). Stavanger Museums Skrifter 9. Stavanger 1975. 159 Pages, 68 Figs. English summary.  相似文献   


Sverre Marstrander (eds.): Acts of the International Symposium on Rock Art. The Institute for Comparative Research in Human Culture, Oslo. Universitetsforlaget, Oslo, Bergen, Troms? 1978. 248 pp.

Helge I. H?eg, Hans‐Emil Lidén, Aslak Liest?l, Petter B. Molaug, Erik Schia, Christina Wiberg: De arkeologiske utgravninger i Gamlebyen, Oslo. Bind I. Feltet ‘Mindets tomt’. Stratigrafi, topografi, daterende funngrupper. (The Archaeological Excavations in Gamlebyen, Oslo. Vol. I. Site ‘Mindets tomt’. Stratigraphy, Topography, Dating Artefact Groups). Universitetsforlaget, Oslo‐Bergen‐Troms?. 265 pp., 9 Pls., 287 Figs. English summary.  相似文献   


VESTNORDISK BYGGESKIKK GJENNOM TO TUSEN ÅR. Tradisjon og forandring fra romertid til det 19. århundre. (West Nordic building customs from the Roman Period to the 19th century). Editors: Bj?rn Myhre, Bjarne Stoklund and Per Gjaerder. Arkeologisk museum i Stavanger—skrifter vol. 7. Stavanger 1982. 287 pages. 264 figures and 5 tables. Summaries in English.  相似文献   

This article discusses some textual questions in Ajax leading to the following conclusions: I. 54 add ?τ?? after λε?α?. – II. 208 the emendation ?ρεμ?α? (“rest”, “quietude”) suggested by Thiersch. – III. 405a–b the proposal κρ?τη / μοι to fill the lacuna. – IV. 476 defence of the line as transmitted. – V. 546 τοσ?νδε to go with ??νον. – VI. 719 ?νδρε?, ??λον τι πρ?τον instead of ?νδρε? ??λοι, τ? πρ?τον. – VII. 869 instead of με write γε. – VIII. 951 ?σ?ν? ?χθο? as a reference to Tecmessa’s heavy burden of woe.  相似文献   


This paper is a comparison between two books, each dealing with the history of a different rural community in Northern Norway. These are Fjordfolket i Kvænangen and Balsfjorden og Malangens historie (Volume 1) written by the social anthropologist Ivar Bjørklund and the historian Anders Ole Hauglid respectively. In this comparison, two main points are emphasized: (1) To what extent can knowledge about ethnic processes of categorization, which has been acquired through contemporary research in the social sciences, be of use in the writing of the history of minorities? (2) Should the history of a minority only be a history of ethnic relations'?  相似文献   


Vasilaros (1899–1979), a moderately educated Greek shadow-theatre puppeteer, adapted popular melodramas and novels with strong bourgeois morality, such as Οι δ?ο λοχ?αι in 1931, Η ?γνωστο? in 1937, Αι δ?ο ορφανα? in 1944, and Οι ?θλιοι in 1955. The adaptations indicate that by the mid-1930s, the borderline between the traditional oral art of shadow theatre and mainstream culture had become considerably blurred. This article explores the convergence of these two cultures in terms of dramatic structure and ideology.  相似文献   

In bundesdeutschen Agglomerationen zeichnen sich Tendenzen ab, da? sich der suburbane Raum aus der engen funktionalen Verflechtung mit der Kernstadt abkoppelt und eine zunehmend eigenst?ndige Entwicklung vollzieht. Empirische Belege dafür sind bisher eher selten (u.a. Brake et al. 1997), auch wenn diese Entwicklungen schon Mitte der 90er Jahre beobachtet wurden (Aring 1996, Müller/Rohr-Z?nker 1997, Burdack/Herfert 1998). Die Plausibilit?t der These einer Abkopplung wird nachfolgend für die Filderregion anhand von Daten aus empirischen Untersuchungen der Jahre 1998 bis 2001 untersucht; den Schwerpunkt bilden dabei die Gemeinden der „engeren” Filderregion, die rund um den Flughafen gelegen direkt an die Kernstadt Stuttgart angrenzen: Leinfelden-Echterdingen, Filderstadt und Ostfildern. Die Untersuchungen vereinen Methoden qualitativer und quantitativer Art, neben schriftlichen Befragungen mittels standardisierter Frageb?gen wurde über teilstrukturierte Interviews in Betrieben ein direkter Zugang zu den Einsch?tzungen von unternehmerischer Seite gew?hlt. Eine der Untersuchungen konzentrierte sich auf unternehmensorientierte Dienstleistungsbetriebe ( Eisenreich 2001), eine zweite erfa?te in einer „Wirtschaftsdatenbank” wichtige Strukturdaten von Unternehmen aller Wirtschaftszweige in Leinfelden-Echterdingen verbunden mit Einsch?tzungen der Betriebsleiter ( Schenk u.a. 2000); derzeit l?uft eine dritte Studie zur Dynamik des Einzelhandels in der polyzentrischen Siedlungsstruktur des engeren Filderraums ( Bartenbach u.a. 2002). Correspondence to:Dirk Eisenreich Correspondence to:Winfried Schenk  相似文献   


Til kamp for friheden. Sociale opr?r i nordisk middlelalder (For freedom. Social unrest in medieval Scandinavia), edited by Anders, J?rgen Würtz S?rensen and Lars Tvede‐Jensen (Borgsmedjen, Ålborg, 1988), ISBN 87–89123–02–6.

Göran Dahlbäck, I medeltidens Stockholm (In Medieval Stockholm), Monografier utgivna av Stockholms stad 81 (Stockholms medeltidsmuseum Stockholm, 1988), 218 pp., ISBN 91–38–09712–5.

Ole Degn, Christian 4.s kansler. Christen Friis til Kragerup (1581–1639) som menneske og politiker (The chancellor of Christian IV. The life and political activity of Christen Friis‐Kragerup) (Viborg: Udgiverselskabet ved Landsarkivet for N?rrejylland, 1988), 260 pp., ISBN 87–89039–02–05, Dkr. 240.

Ditlev Tamm, Christian den Fjerdes kanslerd (The chancellors of Christian IV) (Copenhagen: Gad, 1988), 176 pp., ISBN 87–12–01692–6, Dkr. 188.

Steffen Heiberg, Christian 4. Monarken, mennesket og myten (Christian IV. The monarch, the man and the myth). (Copenhagen: Gyldendal, 1988), 476 pp., ISBN 87–01–30864–5, Dkr. 398. All richly illustrated.

Magnus Nyman, Press mot friheten. Opinionsbildning i de svenska tidningama och åsiktsbtytningar om minoriteter 1772–1786 (Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Studier i idé‐och lärdoms‐historia 3, 1988), Skr. 180.

Thomas Magnusson, Proletar i uniform. Studier kring den värvade armén, arbetsmarknadens kommersialisering och urbaniseringen i frihetstidens västsvenska samhålle (Proletarians in uniform. The professional army, the commercialization of the labour market and the urbanization of eighteenth‐century western Sweden) (Meddelanden från Historiska Institutionen i Göteborg 32, Göteborg, 1987), 208 pp., ISBN 91–7900–359–1.

Anders N?rgaard, Mission und Obrigkeit. Die Dånisch‐hallische Mission in Tranquebar 1706–1845 (Mission and authority. The Danish Halle Mission in Tranquebar 1706–1845). Missionswissenschaftliche Forschungen, vol. 22. Herausgegeben von der Deutscher Gesellschaft für Missionswissenschaft (Gütersloher Verlagshaus Gerd Mohn. Gütersloh, 1988), 312 pp., ISBN 3–579–00242–2.

Jonathan Wylie, The Faroe Islands. Interpretations of History (Kentucky University Press, 1987), 257 pp., ill., ISBN 0–8131–1578–7

Tor Egil F?rland, Vi sier intet. Norgei COCOM 1948–53 (No comments. Norway in COCOM. 1948–53) (Oslo, 1988), 390 pp., ISBN 82–530–1432–5.  相似文献   

According to Shi?i tradition, the seminary (?awza) in Najaf, Iraq is 1,000 years old. The origins of the ?awza are closely associated with the famous scholar Shaykh al-?ūsī (385/995?459/1067). This paper addresses the question of whether or not there is sufficient historical evidence to support the tradition that the ?awza of Najaf is indeed 1,000 years old. On the basis of Arabic sources, the article argues that although Shi?i educational institutions in Najaf were incepted a millennium ago, Najaf was rarely the locus of Shi?i education prior to the thirteenth/nineteenth century. Based on statistical and historical analysis of Shi?i scholars in Najaf, this paper outlines a short history of scholarly activity in one of the oldest college towns in the world. In addition to developing a working definition of the term ?awza, the paper situates the rise of Shi?i educational systems in the broader context of the evolution of Islamic scholarly institutions, including colleges (madrasas).  相似文献   


The 'doubling of the self' is a phenomenon that appears in entries of private diaries and consists in the division of the diarist's self into two: the self that acts and the self that observes and writes. This phenomenon can be found in Dragoumis' ?υλλα ημ?ρολογιου, Seferis' M?ρ?ζ and Theotokas' T?τραδια ημ?ρολογιου. There are entries where the doubling of the self occurs in practice and entries where it is described, discussed or analysed. All these reveal the three Greek diarists' contradictory feelings about the doubling of the self, but also the latter's significance for the private diary.  相似文献   

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