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Madagascar's culture is a unique fusion of elements drawn from the western, northern, and eastern shores of the Indian Ocean, and its past has fascinated many scholars, yet systematic archaeological research is relatively recent on the island. The oldest traces of visitors are from the first century AD. Coastal settlements, with clear evidence of ties to the western Indian Ocean trading network, were established in several places over the next millennium. Important environmental changes of both plant and animal communities are documented over this period, including the extinctions of almost all large animal species. Urban life in Madagascar began with the establishment of the entrepôt of Mahilaka on the northwest coast of the island in the twelfth century. At about the same time, communities with ties to the trade network were established around the island's coasts. From the fourteenth to the sixteenth century, social hierarchies developed in several regions of the island. During the succeeding two centuries, Madagascar saw the development of state polities.  相似文献   

满族是第一个入主中原的肃慎系的民族,经过与天津居民几百年的文化交流和互动,促进了天津地区文化的繁荣与发展.本文在阐述满族经营天津的历史过程的基础上,从政治、经济、文化等几个方面分析了满族对天津历史文化发展的影响和贡献.  相似文献   

朱华东 《安徽史学》2011,(5):117-122
近年来有关钟离国的考古发现证实了春秋时期钟离国的存在,从中可解析出大量相关历史文化信息,弥补了文献的不足。从钟离国遗迹、遗物出发,结合文献材料,说明春秋钟离国可能为楚之封邑,在金文中可考世系仅有五代。钟离国埋葬方式另辟蹊径,殉葬风俗根深蒂固,用土颜色意味深远,文化上深受阴阳五行观影响。其文化表明该支钟离国族可能源自东夷地区。  相似文献   

Ernest Gellner's work on nationalism is situated in a larger social metaphysic and philosophical anthropology. This paper investigates some of these overarching intellectual commitments and their implications for his arguments about nationalism. Two main issues are examined. Does the method of ‘philosophic history’ provide any philosophical or methodological support for his treatment of nationalism? What are the implications of the common culture of industrial civilization for his arguments about nationalism? Addressing these issues together contributes to the continuing evaluation of Gellner's work, particularly to recent discussion of his arguments about necessity and nationalism.  相似文献   

张利 《满族研究》2007,(3):90-96
成都少城于1718年建成,经历了从兴盛到衰落再到繁荣的历史。生活其中的满蒙族儿女也从富足走向贫困,尤其在民国时期,他们倍受欺凌。只有新中国建立后,在党和政府的关怀下,重获新生,从此过上繁荣富强的生活。更为可喜、可贺的是,宽巷子、窄巷子已做为历史文化街区将被完好地保存下来,向来人展示其特有的韵味。  相似文献   

Two dominant themes in architectural conservation doctrine are to (1) avoid the fabrication of ‘false’ histories through the clear differentiation of ‘new’ from ‘old’ building fabric; and (2) the deprecation of subjective ways in which the perception of building fabric engenders sense of place. This study explores the cultural values of a group of citizens engaged in revitalising their historic downtown through the ‘Main Street’ program in Anderson, South Carolina, United States. This ‘revitalisation culture’ values and promotes treatments to its historic environment that emphasise the conjectural fabrication of ‘historic’ elements to existing buildings and the use of historicised design for new, infill construction. Whilst these values go against the grain of conservation doctrine, the revitalisation culture is preserving a kind of authenticity that stems from socially and culturally constructed values in an effort to maintain the ability of the historic environment to engender ‘spontaneous fantasies’, which serve to emotionally attach the revitalisation culture with its historic downtown. Ultimately, the revitalisation culture is engaging in ‘unethical’ behaviour from the perspective of conservation professionals, which begs the question of whose values deserve attention and if the field of heritage conservation is able and willing to accept pluralistic concepts of how the authenticity of historic places can and should be conserved.  相似文献   


During the 1974 summer study season at the Bronze Age site of Ayia Irini on the Greek island of Keos, a long series of section/elevation drawings was made by using a combination of field survey and scale photographs. The drawings were made for the University of Cincinnati excavation, directed by John L. Caskey, which was continuing stratigraphic and architectural studies necessary for the final publication.  相似文献   

Based on fieldwork and archival study in a small north Puglian town, this article explores the complex interrelationship between kinship and politics. In the context of a recent local election, it seeks to show how ties of kinship and affinity provide a moral framework and idiom for civic cooperation, and how shared political ideologies and a common political heritage define and reinforce a sense of lineage identity. It argues that a failure to engage with the implications of 'kinship beyond the household' has both detracted from the analysis of Italian local politics and impeded our understanding of the long-term resilience of wider kinship forms,especially in periods of acute system change.  相似文献   

埃文人是俄罗斯西伯利亚东部和远东地区的少数民族,属通古斯语族北支部分.随着俄国对东北亚地区土地的占领和统治的进程,俄国学者对埃文人的考察与研究也随之展开,本文概述了沙俄、苏联和俄罗斯时期学者的考察与研究工作,并介绍了埃文人历史文化的主要特点.  相似文献   

满族家谱研究有益于对八旗军事经济、民族民俗研究、民族生活生存状况研究、民族发展演绎研究,家谱研究可以推动民族文化特别是民族姓氏变化研究、家谱研究可以挖掘历史上的社会经济生产力条件下的民族社会心理和社会人文价值判断的研究.  相似文献   

Methods to record shipwreck sites have evolved considerably in the past two decades. Digital technology and marine robotics regularly present faster and more precise ways to excavate, clean, tag, and record ship remains, while computers simplify many of the steps involved in the reconstruction of ships from their archaeological remains. At the same time, the internet is creating opportunities to share primary data in real time and on a wide scale. This paper presents a methodology used by the authors to record and reconstruct the wooden structures of a 19th-century shipwreck in southern Brazil (Lagoa do Peixe site) and of a 16th-century shipwreck in Croatia (the Gnali? shipwreck).  相似文献   

30年来的中国近代思想史研究,依据研究重心的变化可以分为三个阶段:一是1978年到80年代末,研究重点集中于思想家个案及政治思想史方面;二是80年代末到90年代末,研究重心逐渐转变为以社会思潮史及思想家个案为主;三是90年代末以来,研究重心集中于社会思潮史和学术思想史领域.正是在研究重心的逐渐转移过程之中,近代思想史研究的广度不断拓宽,研究深度亦渐次深化.改革开放之后中国学术界最引人注目的现象之一,是中国文化史研究的复兴;90年代以后中国文化史发展的新趋势,是社会文化史研究的勃然兴起.长期无人问津或受人冷落的研究领域,如近代科技文化、民间宗教、民间意识与观念、文化心态、公共空间领域、新词语与观念变迁等,受到学术界的广泛关注并出现了许多研究成果.近代社会文化史正在成为史学新观念和新方法的一个重要生长点.  相似文献   

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