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秦兵马俑表层风化状况的研究   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
秦始皇陵兵马俑是稀世的化瑰宝,其风化状况评估是秦俑保护的重要依据。为此,用扫描电子显微镜、热分析仪、孔隙率检测仪、X-射线衍射仪、傅立叶红外分析等手段对秦兵马俑样品进行了相关的理化分析,并根据分析结果,对秦俑的风化状况进行了初步评估。实验结果表明,秦俑没有发生大规模的、可觉察的内部风化现象,但表面出现了轻度风化,并有少量陶俑表面发生了明显的酥解现象。研究结果表明陶俑的保护,特别是表层防风化问题应当作为秦俑保护的重要研究内容。  相似文献   

贺兰山岩画在世界岩画中占有重要的地位,由于自然环境因素的长期作用,贺兰山岩画遭受到了严重的破坏,若不尽快采取有效措施,这些珍贵的历史文物将不复存在。但是,截至目前关于贺兰山岩画风化机理的研究甚少,从而严重制约了对其风化机理准确地、有效地科学认识。为此,以贺兰口岩画为研究对象,在风化现状调查的基础上,对其保存环境的温度、湿度、大风及沙尘天气等数据进行统计分析,利用X射线衍射仪、扫描电子显微镜等测试手段,并结合冻融实验和风洞试验进行风化病害机理研究。研究发现,贺兰口岩画以长石杂砂岩为主,引起其风化的因素有温度、湿度、风沙等。其中,温度变化和风沙剥蚀为主要病害因素。该研究有望为全面了解岩画风化机理以及其后续保护工作的实施提供理论基础。  相似文献   

We compare the organization of obsidian flaked stone technologies in two different time periods at CA-INY-30, a village site in southern Owens Valley, eastern California. Previous archaeological studies suggest a reorganization in settlement patterns between the Newberry (ca. 3500–1500 BP) and Marana (ca. 650-contact) periods, from a highly mobile to a more residentially sedentary one. New geochemical data, based on laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) analyses of obsidian artifacts associated with discrete house floors, support this basic settlement model, but reveal new detail in how people moved across the landscape and accessed, extracted, reduced and used obsidian resources. In the earlier Newberry period, there is no relationship between flake size and distance-to-source, and the falloff curve relating frequency of obsidian against distance is more gradual, as expected, but contrary to our expectations, source diversity is not higher. These factors suggest extremely high mobility, but also selective extraction of particular sources. Newberry obsidian may have been acquired by groups of hunters who embedded quarrying within long-distance trips to distant hunting grounds, and subsequently transported bifacial cores to base camps. By contrast, Marana patterns show strong relationships between flake size and distance from source and steeper fall-off curves, suggesting groups acquired their obsidian primarily from closer sources, likely via exchange networks. At the same time, geochemical diversity, especially among smaller resharpening flakes, is higher in the Marana period, highlighting the wide-ranging conveyance systems through which obsidian moved.  相似文献   

This article attempts a re-reading of Stephen of Ripon's Life of Saint Wilfrid in the light of a biblical exegetical methodology which is contemporary to its composition, being derived chiefly from the works of Bede. Through an analysis of typology in the Life , this study argues that Stephen compared his hero with various biblical reformers. By inaccurately linking Wilfrid's main enemies with quartodecimanism Stephen could claim that Wilfrid was in conflict with enemies who could be rhetorically characterized as types of perfidious Jews. Ultimately Stephen is shown to have used a theology of Jewish–Christian supersessionism to characterize and explain his subject's turbulent career. The work includes an appendix speculatively interpreting two resurrection miracles.  相似文献   

孙战伟 《文博》2010,(6):23-28
西周时期的陶大口尊,数量少,分布地域强,特征明显,在形制、纹饰、出土单位等方面有显著特点。本文依据其口部及腹部特征,将其分为四型若干式,各型式变化明显,时代性强。关中地区多分布Bb和C型,晋西南地区多分布A、Ba和D型。其在族属上又表现出某种外来的异族文化,非西周姬姓周人所有。  相似文献   

Accessibility instruments can play a valuable role in urban planning practice by providing a practical framework for exploring and testing relationships between land use and transport infrastructure. Despite many available accessibility instruments, they are still not widely used in planning practice. This paper explores the background of this problem by examining the findings of a EU-funded study on the usability and usefulness of existing accessibility instruments. The study applied 16 instruments in local planning contexts according to a standardized process protocol. The outcomes of these so-called experiential workshops were analysed through a standardized measurement protocol, which included participant observation along with pre- and post-workshop practitioner questionnaires. This broad investigation presents a rich analytical tool for understanding how different types of accessibility measures, spatial resolutions of output and levels of comprehensiveness affect usability and usefulness. Based on this we propose 10 technological rules that (a) can be used directly in practice to improve usability of accessibility instruments and (b) can provide hypotheses to be examined in further academic studies. Our results suggest that instead of striving for the ultimate accessibility measure, it would be more effective to identify which measures could successfully serve different user needs in accessibility planning.  相似文献   

甘肃石窟分布广泛,洞窟大多开凿在砂岩上。在长期自然环境作用下,砂岩石窟表面风化严重,有部分区域甚至风化成砂土,砂岩石窟浅表层风化防治将成为重要的研究方向。本工作针对北石窟寺砂岩典型风化病害,选用0.5%羟甲基纤维素、5%砂岩加固材料、1.5%有机硅改性丙烯酸、1.5%丙烯酸、20%纳米SiO2、10%正硅酸乙酯、3%PS共7种保护材料,基于室内试验测试这些材料的防风化性能,以加固前后宏观和微观特征进行定性描述,以色度、体积变化率、波速、表面硬度、抗压强度、透气性和吸水性作为加固定量评价指标,优选出砂岩加固材料、有机硅改性丙烯酸、纳米SiO2、PS和正硅酸乙酯作为北石窟砂岩表面防风化加固建议材料。研究结果为北石窟寺砂岩质石窟表面防风化技术研发与应用积累了基础研究数据。  相似文献   

为了揭示古砖的风化侵蚀机理,采用X射线衍射法(XRD)、X射线荧光光谱法(XRF)、扫描电子显微镜观察(SEM)进行微观结构分析,结合压汞仪测试孔的性质,并使用热力学软件(HSC)对砖内的化学反应进行验证。研究结果表明:对于靠近地面一定高度内的古建筑墙体砖,地下水及离子通过砖内的毛细管网络不断向上部和表面进行迁移,在砖内可溶性盐类的结晶以及水结冰时产生的压力是造成墙体砖风化破坏的主要因素;对于NO X、SO 2浓度较高、酸雨较多的地区,酸性物质进入砖体并与钾长石,钠长石等发生反应形成新的盐类,盐的结晶、溶解、流失也是导致古砖破坏的一个不可忽略的因素,尤其是对于地下水无法渗透到的墙体砖,这些可能成为主要的物理化学损毁因素。本研究为古砖以后的保护提供了一种新的研究思路以及科学的理论基础。  相似文献   

针对重庆大足舒成岩摩崖造像和岩体富集灰尘部位出现的粉化伴随着层状剥落现象,采用X-射线衍射仪(XRD)、X-射线荧光光谱仪(XRF)、傅里叶变换红外光谱仪(FTIR)、环境扫描电子显微镜(SEM)和X-射线光电子谱(XPS)对岩石、岩体风化产物与灰尘样品进行了组成结构表征研究。研究发现灰尘和有害气体干沉降过程中酸性物质能够导致砂岩中钙质胶结物发生溶解,伴随着各种盐类结晶应力,导致岩石表层发生风化。研究成果为西南地区石窟寺保护提供了重要参考数据。  相似文献   

劣化石刻表层生物矿化加固材料的探索性研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
许多濒危石质文物表层劣化现象严重。但是,以往使用的表层加固材料很难令人满意,探索新的疏松岩石表层加固材料已是当务之急。由于天然生物矿化物耐候性优越,与基底岩石相容性良好,具有较好的加固作用,本工作依据生物矿化的原理,以不同生物大分子溶液作为有机模板,分别控制草酸钙、磷灰石和碳酸钙过饱和溶液于室温下在疏松岩石仿制样品的表层及孔隙内结晶生长。通过抗压强度、表面硬度和耐水浸泡等试验进行了加固效果评价,以考察仿生物矿化材料对含钙疏松岩石的加固能力。实验结果表明,仿生合成的生物矿化材料均具有一定的加固效果,其中以磷灰石仿生矿化材料的加固强度最大,以硫酸软骨素为模板的加固效果为佳。并且,在考察的3种加固方式中,以"直接混合"的加固强度更好,以"表面渗透"的耐水浸泡能力更强。本工作为开发濒危石质文物表层加固材料提供了新的思路。  相似文献   

This paper describes the results of the first season of a survey in which clays suitable for the production of Nasca polychrome pottery were collected in an effort to (1) determine the geological variability of clay sources in the Nasca region and (2) match clays compositionally to paste groups from previous provenance analyses. Clays were collected, processed, fired, and analyzed using neutron activation. The results demonstrate that clays in the region were compositionally heterogeneous, and that the clay source for the majority of Nasca polychrome pottery sampled thus far can be traced to lower valleys in the region near the ancient ceremonial center Cahuachi. The results have implications for understanding the nature of polychrome pottery production in the Nasca region, and suggest centralized production near the ceremonial center of the majority of painted ceramics consumed in the Southern Nasca Region.  相似文献   

Sphenophytes are a common floral element in the Triassic of Gondwana. Most sphenophyte compression fossils have been conventionally assigned to a few, presumably very widespread species of Neocalamites based on vegetative features of the stems (or pith casts) and the foliage. During recent decades, however, new reports on morphological and anatomical details of some of these fossils have cast doubt on the systematic affinities of many Gondwanan Triassic sphenophytes. Here we describe Neocalamites suberosus (Artabe & Zamuner) nov. comb. et emend. and Schizoneura africana Feistmantel emend. from several Triassic deposits in the central Transantarctic Mountains and Victoria Land, East Antarctica. The material enables a critical reevaluation of morphological and anatomical features that have been historically used to define the two genera, including leaf-base morphology, degree of leaf fusion, stem vasculature and vallecular canals, and features of the nodal diaphragm. The diagnoses of Neocalamites and Schizoneura are emended so that they more accurately reflect recent advances in our understanding of the anatomy and ontogeny of these plants.

[Benjamin Bomfleur [bbomfleur@ku]edu], Rudolph Serbet [serbet@ku.edu], Edith L. Taylor [etaylor@ku.edu] and Thomas N. Taylor [tntaylor@ku.edu], Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, and Biodiversity Institute, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS 66045, USA; Ignacio H. Escapa [iescapa@mef.org.ar], CONICET—Museo Paleontológico Egidio Feruglio, Trelew, Chubut 9100, Argentina. Received 4.7.2012; revised 22.12.2012; accepted 7.1.2013.

Bomfleur, B., Escapa, I.H., Serbet, R., Taylor, E.L. & Taylor, T.N., 2013. A reappraisal of Neocalamites and Schizoneura (fossil Equisetales) based on material from the Triassic of East Antarctica. Alcheringa 37, 1–17. ISSN 0311-5518.  相似文献   

从九种核心期刊的文献计量分析看中国科技考古的发展   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
用科技献计量学的方法,对九种核心期刊,其中八种为考古类核心期刊,一种为物理类(原子能科学技术类)核心期刊所刊登的科技考古论进行献计量统计。每种期刊均从创刊号起统计到2002年底止,共计976篇论。从逐年论数统计中发现,我国科技考古论统计曲线呈现三个平台,它印证了我国科技考古的三个历史发展阶段:即倡导期(1950-1977),初步发展期(1978-1989),快速发展期(1990-2002)。这三个发展阶段与我国经济、科技发展期所对应。从按五大类科技方法统计发现,核技术方法共360篇,占总数36.8%;生物方法130篇,占总数13.3%;物理和化学方法427篇,占总数的43.7%;地球物理方法41篇,占总数的4.2%;计算机及其应用18篇,占总数的1.8%。统计表明,不少高新技术已在考古事业中得到应用,核技术方法及物理和化学方法占据了重要的位置。为了更完善地反映我国科技考古的全貌,需扩大统计调查期刊的数量。  相似文献   

花山岩画位于广西壮族自治区宁明县,其保存环境特征是高温潮湿多雨,花山岩画受环境因素作用,岩画颜料及岩石风化明显,风化类型复杂多样,有化学风化、物理风化和生物风化,同时存在、相互影响。它们均与水分有着直接的或间接的关系,因此水的防治是治理岩画风化病害的前提。本工作在水分来源及岩画保存地区地形地貌现场调查的基础上,通过水质分析系统研究了水在岩画风化病害过程中的作用。提出了花山岩画防水治水原则,并结合地质环境和特殊的地形地貌,将整个治水区域划分为山体山顶治水、溶蚀洼地治水、岩画立壁治水三个区域。根据其不同的渗水机制,分别采用盖、堵、排、导相结合的综合防水治水方法。由于岩画病害机理极其复杂,花山岩画防水、治水的难度很大,必须采取区别对待,综合治理的方法。  相似文献   

彩绘类文物的彩绘研究和提取保护是考古工作的重点。但彩绘类文物因其自身的脆弱性而难以保存,需要进行一定的修复加固保护。现有加固保护材料由于大多与文物本体材质存在差异,致使加固保护长时间后,会与本体形成开裂,甚至剥离,宏观表现为“保护性破坏”。本研究着眼于使用彩绘类文物中传统的胶结材料,即动物明胶,但因明胶特有的溶胶-凝胶性,难以直接在文物上使用。因此,本研究首次提出将明胶微米化、纳米化,以“先渗透,再交联”的方式,有效回避明胶的溶胶-凝胶性,实现原材料保护修复。实验使用条件温和的乳化交联法,制备出尺寸为2~4μm的明胶微球,使用扫描电镜、红外光谱对其进行表征,并在模拟彩绘样块上进行透气性以及大红染色观察渗透性等的实验,初步证明作为加固剂的明胶微球新材料基本符合文物保护材料的标准要求。在今后更多的实验测试下,明胶微球有望投入使用。  相似文献   

A review of past industrialization of Siberia and future plans, discussed in terms of three basic zones: (1) the developed belt along the Trans-Siberian Railroad; (2) the southern margins of the tayga immediately to the north of the railroad, and (3) valuable mineral sites selectively developed in the rest of Siberia. Individual industrial nodes are listed and developmental problems outlined.  相似文献   

This essay seeks to explain the premisses of the communitarian movement in the USA, and to respond to some of its principal critics. At the heart of the debate is the fundamental question of the proper balance between individual liberty and commitment to the common good. The solution to this could be a form of ‘responsive’ communitarianism which in some situations (such as the present-day USA) may argue for more community, and in others (such as contemporary China) may press for a better anchoring of individual rights. In his examination of the centrifugal forces which can be unleashed by the search for ever-more-exclusive forms of community, Etzioni argues that excessive insistence on self-determination can weaken countries seeking to establish democratic government and threaten democracy in countries which have already attained it.  相似文献   

Identifying tools by means of morphological attributes are widely used in lithic studies to categorize retouched artifacts from different archaeological periods. This procedure has facilitated the exchange of information between separate researchers and has improved the comparison of different assemblages. In these classifications, denticulates and notched tools have been regularly interpreted as analogues and chronologically unvaried in different and vast territories. Based on the definitions developed by Bordes, the denticulate category has become a catchall for any kind of tool bearing concavities. In this paper a new quantitative approach to the classification of denticulates and notched tools is proposed. The new methodology is based on measuring the length of notches and their distribution on the perimeter of the blank. Analyzing the lithic series of the Abric Romaní rock-shelter (Spain) and Grotta Maggiore di San Bernardino (Italy) led to the identification of 11 redundant forms: eight denticulates and three notched tools. Moreover, the application of Kuhn’s Geometric Index of Unifacial Reduction brought local manufacturing trends to light, calling into question the presumed geographical uniformity of these categories of artifacts.  相似文献   

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