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中国近代博览会事业与科技、文化传播   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
近代中国社会朝野对博览会传播功能的认识经历了一个从“炫奇”、“邦交”到“商利”、“文明”的发展过程。内中的曲折颇能从一个侧面揭示近代思想开放和中西文化交流的逐步深入。博览会中所实际发生的科技传播与文化交流 ,大致可离析为展陈与观摩、研究与比较、广告与宣传等方面。尽管各种形式的博览会极大地促进了近代中国科技传播与文化交流 ,但由于近代中国社会负面意义上的封闭性、落后性和官本位等结构特征 ,致使博览会的科技、文化传播功能无可避免地存在自身的局限性  相似文献   

近代注射知识与实践是西方医学传入的重要内容之一。晚清与民国时期,来华传教士、医学界及医药业等采用多种传播手段与途径,传播注射疗法。社会大众在疗效的对比中,对注射疗法的态度总体经历从怀疑到认可的转变过程,又兼有既接纳又排斥的复杂面相。同时,注射知识在华传播也丰富了大众及专业词汇,改造了"注射"一词的含义,其滥用还引发各级政府对注射器具的政策转变与制度化努力。由此,注射疗法兼具表层文化的工具性和深层文化的价值性,其在华传播经历了由治病而攻心、由技术而观念的过程,体现了技术进步、大众观念、社会制度之间的复杂互动关系。  相似文献   

晚清民国时期的茶馆戏园,作为公共空间为大众提供娱乐,从中除了可以了解人们在茶馆戏园的日常生活外,还可以看到改良精英和地方政府竭力改革戏曲作为控制大众娱乐的一部分,把他们的政治灌输在表演的节目之中,把他们所认为的"新的"、"进步的"情节加入到传统戏曲中,以"教育"民众.精英和国家对茶馆戏园的改良和控制揭示了大众文化与精英文化之间、地方文化的独特性与国家文化的同一模式之间的斗争.在国家权力及其文化霸权之下,大众娱乐不可避免地被改变了.但国家要达到控制的目的远非轻而易举,从晚清改革到国民政府的崩溃,成都地方文化和习惯堡垒顽固地坚守着它们的防线,充分显示了近代中国文化变化与持续性同时并存这样一个重要的历史现象.  相似文献   

近代科技传播与中西文化交流国际学术研讨会综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1999年8月15日至20日,华中师范大学历史文化学院和中国教会大学史研究中心主办的“近代科技传播与中西文化交流”国际学术研讨会在武汉举行,来自中国内地和台湾以及美国、意大利、瑞典等国家的代表40余人参加了会议。会议主要围绕近代科技传播的方式与特点、科技传播对近代中国社会及思想文化的影响、近代教会大学与科技传播和传教士与近代科技传播等问题展开了讨论。一、近代中国科技传播的方式与特点对于近代西方科学技术在中国的传播,一般认为主要是通过翻译介绍和派遣留学生等方式进行的。这次学术研讨会,一方面从实证的角度进一步深化…  相似文献   

姚霏  苏智良  卢荣艳 《历史研究》2013,(1):115-131,192
创建于1928年的上海大光明电影院,以好莱坞电影和西方现代主义的建筑装饰,迎合并引领上海民众推崇西方娱乐方式和文化,带动电影院成为近代上海摩登生活的文化地标。以大光明为代表的电影院,并非仅仅彰显娱乐功能。事实上,近代电影院显示出超越电影放映场所的多元功能。作为 "影片—影院—社会"这一信息传播链的中间环节,大光明电影院通过对好莱坞文化的传播刺激着上海社会对好莱坞元素的消费和再生产;同时,近代上海社会的民族主义、族群意识甚至政治风云也影响人们对电影的评价和对影院空间的态度。  相似文献   

祁新舒 《风景名胜》2008,(8):108-111
节日由来那达慕,蒙古语为"娱乐"或"游戏",起源于祭敖包,是蒙古民族传统的文体娱乐活动。随着时代的发展,那达慕的文化内涵也日趋丰富,新疆博尔塔拉各地分散的那达慕逐步发展成为一年一度全州性的集民俗、文化、体育、经贸、旅游为一体,民族风情与现代文化相结合,各民族同欢共庆的草原盛会。博尔塔拉那达慕草原节已成为新疆的三大旅游节之  相似文献   

北京国际钱币博览会从1995年开始至今已举办了16届。其宗旨是普及钱币知识、传播钱币文化、促进中外钱币交流。2011北京国际钱币博览会吸引了20余个国家和国内近200家钱币展商及10余家媒体参展,创下了历届博览会参展规模的新高。本届钱币博览会以"金色文化、价值典藏"为主题,展示、交流内容丰富多彩,期间举行的"钱币精品拍卖"更是博览会的亮点之一,堪称我国钱币尤其是现代贵金属纪念币市场的风向标。  相似文献   

刘斌 《丝绸之路》2009,(12):124-125
娱乐是人类寻求快乐的消遣活动过程,是人类生活的需要,自有人类以来就有这种能动的娱乐活动。而且随着历史的发展、人类的进步,这种娱乐活动变成了有组织、有计划、有目的的娱乐教育。作为学校教育的体育教学是教育的有机组成部分,如何在体育教学中进行娱乐教育,使学生在娱乐中掌握技能、增长知识、增强体质、身心得到全面发展,是体育新课程的一种教学理念,也是体育教学要达到的目的之一,更是每个教师所追求的目标。  相似文献   

徐曼 《安徽史学》2003,2(5):53-57
在中国近代科技发展史中,留美学生通过对中国科技体制化的建构、引进与传播自然科学知识和基础学科新成果、引进与应用近代科学研究方法、倡行科学精神、培养科技人才等多种途径和方法,传播了近代西方科技,促进了中国科技的发展,当之无愧地成为中国科技发展的主导力量,这是其它留学生群体无法比拟的。  相似文献   

近代上海戏院建筑作为公共娱乐空间的重要组成部分,提供了展示新的消费时尚和生活方式的平台,在解决大众娱乐消遣的同时,更为女性生活方式的转变和文化繁荣提供契机。本文通过对上海近代戏院发展衍变的回顾及其公共性价值的探讨,可以帮助我们了解近代上海的都市环境特色和民众生活方式,一窥近代上海的浮华画卷。  相似文献   

International Trade Fairs and Global Buzz,Part I: Ecology of Global Buzz   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper investigates the importance of temporary face-to-face (F2F) contact and the physical co-presence of global communities in establishing a particular information and communication ecology during international trade fairs, referred to as “global buzz”. International trade fairs bring together agents from all over the world and create temporary spaces for presentation and interaction. Within a specific institutional setting, participants not only acquire knowledge through F2F communication with other agents, but also obtain information by observing and systematically monitoring other participants. The fact that firms do not necessarily have to be in direct contact with a specific source of information to get access to this knowledge makes participation in these events extremely valuable. International trade fairs have become important expressions of new geographies of circulation through which knowledge is created and exchanged at a distance. This paper analyses the constituting components of global buzz and aims to dismantle the complexity of this phenomenon in a multi-dimensional way. When applying this concept to Internet trade fairs, the question arises whether a similar information and communication ecology, or virtual buzz, can be established. We explore similarities and differences between both forms of buzz, using the same classification scheme.  相似文献   

Manufacturers pursuing information on potential customers in distant, dynamic markets confront myriad obstacles. To address this, many firms attend international trade fairs in order to market their products, to meet with prospective customers, and to tap into buzz related to potential international opportunities. In many ways, moreover, such exhibitions can serve as short‐term agglomerations of same‐industry activity, particularly important for producer–user interface geared towards innovation. The goal of this paper is to explore how Korean machine tool manufacturers utilise a major global trade show in Seoul to minimise the difficulties associated with accessing a global customer base, inclusive of their activity at this show geared towards innovation. Evidence from firm‐level surveys and interviews suggest that the amount of importance placed on trade fair attendance as part of a firm's internationalisation strategies is related to export growth. Additionally, a new insight generated is that firms that participate in trade shows as part of their innovation process also demonstrate higher rates of export intensity. Finally, we may be witnessing newly discovered, technology‐driven, symbiotic relationships between online portal sites, vendors, and potential customers at these trade fairs, where virtual services are nonetheless augmented by a need for a continued onsite presence at these exhibitions.  相似文献   

International trade fairs bring together agents from all over the world for a limited time period. They create a dense ecology of communication and information flows, referred to as “global buzz”. Global buzz associated with face-to-face (F2F) communication is extremely important for agents participating in these events as it generates access to developments occurring in different parts of the world. It helps to maintain and intensify existing networks, establish new networks or “trans-local pipelines” and support the development of shared attitudes and understandings. This paper aims to provide empirical evidence about the significance of global buzz in its manifold forms. Our research emphasizes the benefits that result from four sets of closely interrelated practices: (i) global knowledge exchange based on F2F interaction, (ii) exploration of market trends, (iii) problem solving and idea generation and (iv) network generation and pipeline-building in interpretative communities. The paper argues that practices of acquiring information, networking and dealing with competition differ substantially according to industry, firm and product characteristics. Our analysis of global buzz practices draws from more than 460 semi-structured interviews, which were conducted between 2004 and 2006 at seven national and international trade fairs in Frankfurt/Main, Hannover and Nürnberg, Germany.  相似文献   

This paper elaborates a proximity framework and provides empirical evidence of how knowledge cross-fertilization is instigated at international trade fairs (ITFs) and continued in a cluster network. This paper applies a case study method relying on social network analysis to explore the knowledge cross-fertilization initiated at ITFs and furthered at a Swedish cluster. The findings suggest that firms participating at ITFs translate and re-articulate the acquired external knowledge through their interactions in the cluster network. Creating awareness of the ITFs' influence on innovation is significant for policy-makers and scholars.  相似文献   

宁凡 《史学集刊》2012,(2):118-124,128
在中世纪欧洲商业复兴的背景下,城市的政策是促进集市繁荣并向交易所转变的重要原因。城市当局保障各地商人享有平等的经商权利,建立相关的法律制度并使之不断完善,在生活和宗教活动等方面提供方便,以此吸引国内和外国商人。近代领土国家和中央政府的形成进一步促进了商业制度的成熟。地方政府和法庭为商业发展制定的政策较国家政策更加细致,在集市向交易所转变过程中的作用更为明显,尼德兰集市即提供了一个较佳的例证。  相似文献   

This article discusses the relationships among folk entertainers and audience members, theater, and popular performances. It also explores the opera reform and its impact. Entertainment in Chengdu was mainly concentrated in teahouses, where people could watch folk performances and local operas while sipping tea, and teahouses became the most important location for leisure pursuits, although they were also multifunctional. This study argues that popular entertainment was a powerful educational tool; many people, especially those who had little or no formal instruction, learned about history, literature and traditional values and virtues from local operas and storytellers. Reformist elites and government officials believed operas could provide enlightenment, enhance civilized discourse, and boost morale. The government used this forum for public entertainment to spread orthodox ideologies and influence the minds of ordinary people, while enacting regulations to control what people watched. In this article, we find that as a part of their control of entertainment, reformist elites and local government sought to reform local opera, which imposed a political agenda onto popular entertainment.  相似文献   

五四新化运动后,科学主义、科技兴国的思想在中国渐为流传,但如何付诸实践,这是一个尚待探索的问题。20世纪二三十年代,晏阳初先生在定县进行的平民教育运动体现了他利用科学技术改造中国农村的志向、总体构想和实践,真正体现了“五四”之后中国知识分子开始把国外先进的科学技术应用于农村的开拓精神。我们选择了猪种改良这个角度,考察平教会是如何踏踏实实地进行科技下乡、改造农村落后面貌的。我们认为,晏阳初的这一思想和实践具有重要的历史价值。  相似文献   

This article demonstrates that recent population growth in the world's largest cities has conformed to the general parameters of the logistic process. Using data recently provided by the United Nations, logistic population growth for 485 million-person cities is analyzed at 5-year intervals during 1950–2010, with the UN projections for 2015 adopted as upper limits. A series of ordinary least-squares regression models of increasing complexity are estimated on the pooled data. In one class of models, the logarithms of population proportions are specified to be linear in time, which is the standard approach, but in a second class of models those proportions are specified as being quadratic. The most complex models control logistic growth estimates for (i) city-specific effects (e.g., initial population), (ii) nation-specific effects (e.g., economic development, age distribution of population), and (iii) global coordinates (for unobserved effects). Moreover, the results are segregated according to each city's membership in four different growth clubs, which was an important finding of previous research.  相似文献   

This article examines the Finnish industrial and trade fairs held in the Soviet Union in the context of Finnish–Soviet trade and scientific–technical cooperation in the 1950s and 1960s. While primarily focused on fairs, it also discusses different activities that accompanied them, such as lectures, visits, and negotiations between Finnish traders and Soviet officials and specialists. This study illustrates how such first-hand contact played an important role in Finnish–Soviet communications. First, they helped Finnish producers showcase their goods and technologies directly to Soviet buyers in various ministries and organizations. Second, these contacts included diverse activities such as face-to-face contacts, lectures, and seminars, being a means of technology transfer from Finland to the USSR . Finally, although they were commercial interactions without explicit ideological purposes – like many international exhibitions of the last century – Finnish fairs demonstrated a technological gap between Finland and the USSR.  相似文献   

This article argues that popular geopolitics should pay closer attention to entertainment television and to the negotiations, complexities, and contradictions associated with contemporary televisual texts. This move requires a closer engagement with media and cultural studies than that initiated to date. In the second half of the article, we discuss the ABC TV drama Commander in Chief, which follows the first female president of the USA, and is set in a post-9/11 world wherein the struggle for US geopolitical domination has become a much more complex endeavor. We end by wondering whether entertainment television might provide us with imaginative resources for queering US hegemony.  相似文献   

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