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清代皇家雅曼达噶神坛丛考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“雅曼达噶”即大威德金刚,是藏传佛教重要的护法神。本文考证了乾隆时期所建的七处皇家“雅曼达噶坛”,分析了神坛的建筑特点与文物陈设状况,理清了这种重要的佛堂模式的特点。同时探讨了清富神坛与西藏寺庙的渊源及乾隆与藏传佛教的关系。藏传佛教中神灵众多。有一个庞大的神系。乾隆皇帝建七处雅曼达噶坛。说明了清宫廷对保护神大威德的特别崇拜,这种做法来自藏传佛教格鲁派的直接影响。由此种神坛之模式可见藏传佛教曾对清代宫廷的文化环境产生过深刻的影响。  相似文献   

张瑾  周延 《旅游纵览》2011,(11):76-77
西藏是我国西部地区藏传佛教的发源地,具有丰富的佛教文化旅游资源。本文在概述西藏丰富而独特的佛教旅游资源并对其进行评价的基础上,针对西藏发展佛教文化旅游的优劣势,提出了进一步开发西藏佛教文化旅游的策略。  相似文献   

唐卡艺术品产业化发展对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
乔秀花 《攀登》2008,27(4):150-153
当今世界,开发独具特色的民族文化资源,打造民族文化品牌,已成为人们的共识。文章通过对唐卡的历史内涵、文化价值、商业前景的研究,提出应采取有效措施,提高唐卡艺术品的社会化、产业化和市场化水平。从而使其成为青海独具魅力的旅游产品。  相似文献   

《贤者喜宴》是一部内容广博而厚重的藏文历史著作,涉及到了中原、印度、于阗等地的帝王世系和佛教历史,而全书叙述的重点在于藏传佛教史。作者重视史料的搜集,言之有据,其吐蕃史部分和噶玛派部分的史料价值尤为突出。《贤者喜宴》对研究藏族历史、民族关系史、佛教文化等方面的重要价值,值得进一步研究和挖掘。  相似文献   

Life of Monks     
If Tibetan Buddhism were taken as a lake.Lhasa would be an island inits center.When the wind blows,the lake ripples with gentle waves spreading out to the eastern tip of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.That part of the world is home to Tibetan.Tu and Han ethnic groups and boasts 29monasteries of Tibetan Buddhism. Why were there so many monasteries in sucha small and remote place inhabited by not only Tibetans,but also people of other ethnic groups?  相似文献   

In October 2005, a total of 11 students of the China Tibetan Language Higher Institute of Buddhism completed their Buddhist studies for the Toranba Geshi title and a grand award ceremony was held. This marks the fresh progress that Tibetan Buddhism is making in Buddhist studies.  相似文献   

Today,there are many treatises on Tibetan medicine,Tibetan physical training and Tibetan Tantric Buddhism.But few of them make direct studies of or introduction to Tibetan physical training and  相似文献   

The Joyul tradition, which was founded in the 11th century; was one of the most important sects of Tibetan Buddhism. This tradition may trace its origins back to Pha Dampa Sangye, a well-known monk who was a native of South India, and was founded by Macik Labdron(ma-cig lab-sgron), a famous Tibetan Yogini (a female practitioner of the Yogachara schooD. It was the only sect founded by a female in the history of Tibetan Buddhism, and this is also rarely seen in the world history of world religions.  相似文献   

吴春香 《攀登》2007,26(3):126-129
藏传佛教的伦理观念始终影响着藏族社会的方方面面。在新的历史条件下如何正确认识藏传佛教伦理思想对藏族伦理道德发展的积极作用,是需要深入研究的一项重要课题。  相似文献   

郭敏丽 《攀登》2010,29(5):111-116
藏传佛教是源自印度的佛教传入以后与当地原始苯教斗争融合产生的。由于藏区特殊的自然环境和文化背景,形成了独特的价值体系和以活佛转世、政教合一等为特征的宗教体系。这些特征与藏族全民信教的社会现实交织在一起,使藏传佛教在藏区社会表现出巨大的社会整合功能,并以不同的形式表现出来。  相似文献   

Regung art is a particularwonder of Tibetan Bud-dhism art, blending blendsreligious and folk art in away that is treasured byTibetan Buddhists as well as becomingwell known in the world.Art Flower in Golden ValleyRegung is the Tibetan name of areasin Tongren County and Zeku County inQinghai Province with the meaning of"golden valley".The Regung area as the birthplace of"Regung art" has an abundance of tangka,duishiu, sculptures and religious architec-tural structures. Several villages, …  相似文献   

孙中山尽管对佛教没有作过专门的研究,但他对佛教传播和发展的历史、佛教的教义、佛教的功用等有相当的了解,他从佛教中获得了一些有助于国民革命的启发,对佛教"灵境"也有亲身的感受.孙中山在处理有关佛教事务时,采取了较为谨慎的态度,不仅在法律上确立佛教的平等地位,而且积极支持佛教的革新和佛教团体的建立,对蒙藏活佛、寺产等佛教事务的处理,提出了较为稳妥的办法.孙中山对佛教的认同和对佛教事务的妥善处理,赢得了广大佛教徒的尊敬和爱戴.生前,佛教徒给了孙中山以有力支持;死后,佛教徒给了孙中山及其三民主义以高度评价.  相似文献   

六世班禅在京朝觐期间与汉传佛教贤首宗代表人物达天通理进行了会晤,此为清代藏传佛教与汉传佛教交流史上的标志性事件。作者以藏文版《六世班禅传》与《三世章嘉传》为中心,结合新发现的汉文史料考证认为,二者会晤缘起于六世班禅为深入了解汉传佛教而临时起意,时间是乾隆四十五年(1780)九月初六日,地点是觉生寺,内容为二者在章嘉国师翻译辅助下就佛事科仪等进行的简单交流,直接成果为九月二十七日达天通理获赐"阐教禅师"尊号。  相似文献   

目前看来,西游学界主要从中原文化中探寻《西游记》故事的演变过程,少有学者从民族的视角去审视藏文化与《西游记》的关系。殊不知,西游学界忽略了一个重要的历史事实,在《西游记》故事获得重大发展的元代及明代前中期,正是藏文化,特别是藏传佛教大量传入中原时期。从《西游记》《金瓶梅》等明代小说中出现的藏传佛教元素,足可证明,西藏文化直接或间接地影响了元明时期内地的文学创作。近年来,随着西游学研究视野的拓宽,以及大量藏学文献的汉译,为深入研究西藏文化与《西游记》关系,提供了更为便利的条件。  相似文献   

徐汝聪 《东南文化》2016,(5):98-105
元代以来,藏传佛教广泛在西藏以外地区传播,带来了独特的宗教理念和宗教艺术。江南地区寺塔林立,在上海佛塔"天宫"、"地宫"出土的佛教文物中,诸多藏传佛教文化元素,从较早的元代一直延续到清代。这些文物是藏传佛教在江南地区传播的实证,对其性质的分析研究,可以了解元明清时期汉藏文化的融合方式和特点。  相似文献   

This article originated in a brief but inspiring analysis by Margaret Nowak. Nowak used Sherry Ortner's concept of ‘summarising symbol’ to imply that, much the same way as the American flag was the epitome of the United States to each and every American, the Dalai Lama encompasses everything Tibetan to the Tibetan people. What does this comparison say about the Dalai Lama? I examine the relationship between symbol, power and charisma with Tenzin Gyatso, the current Dalai Lama, as a case in point. With exile, there has been a shift in the symbolic importance of the Dalai Lama, both as a man and as an institution, from a symbol of Tibet and Tibetan Buddhism to a symbol of the Tibetan cause and, more generally, to a symbol of Buddhism in the world. These changes have given Tenzin Gyatso a new authority in the Tibetan community: he is now the unique and unquestioned leader of the Tibetan cause in the world. I discuss the problems that occur when a symbol is also a man and a leader, as well as the solutions proposed, at a moment when the Tibetan community in exile is experiencing democratisation.  相似文献   

This paper examines the contrasting approaches to the study of Buddhism of two great early twentieth-century Buddhologists, Louis de La Vallée Poussin and Theodore Stcherbatsky. La Vallée Poussin understood Buddhism primarily as 'religion' and saw philosophic methods as subsumed in the religious experience of salvation; Stcherbatsky, coming from the Russian school, which had direct contact with Tibetan Buddhist scholasticism, saw Buddhism primarily as 'philosophy' and emphasised critical enquiry and logical consistency. The paper explores how this influenced their understanding of the place of the absolute in Buddhism generally and in Yogācāra Buddhism in particular. It compares their disagreement to differences at the heart of Tibetan scholasticism evident in the writings of Dolpopa (1292–1361) and Tsongkhapa (1357–1419) over the proper interpretation of Yogācāra. The paper also explores implications of the legacy of these two scholars for recent Western scholarship and for the understanding of Yogācāra.  相似文献   

在元代短短几十年中,道教经历了一个大盛大衰的过程,中土本有的佛教也为藏传佛教所压制,中国画在这一时期则体现出比以往更多的文人气质。本文叙述了元代的宗教状况与宗教政策的关系,以及道释画在这一背景下所呈现出的不同面貌。  相似文献   

藏、汉两地佛教经典及佛学之传播,直承印度晚出之大乘佛学,但罗汉信仰却在两地佛教中均占一席之地,尤其是于汉藏两地家喻户晓的十六罗汉(后演绎成十八罗汉),不仅与佛和菩萨一样成为信徒崇拜的对象,而且以之为题材的绘塑作品更是广泛流传,及至帝廷内苑亦多有供奉收藏。清乾隆时期为安抚蒙藏势力而极力推崇藏传佛教,此信仰尤以宫中为盛,帝室庋藏、绘制及供奉有大量藏风浓郁的十六或十八罗汉唐卡组画,其名称、图像特征、排列顺序乃至绘画风格等与清官旧藏的内地各派罗汉图相比,同中存异。乾隆帝及藏传佛教大师们在对藏密佛像进行大规模系统化与规范化的同时,也涉及了汉藏两地十分流行的十六、十八罗汉,并在此基础上逐渐形成了具有乾隆时期清宫特色的十八罗汉图像标准。  相似文献   

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