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我国区域发展战略的回顾、评价与启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建国以来,我国区域发展战略经历了均衡发展、非均衡发展和协调发展三个阶段。区域发展战略的演变呈显出主体多元化、内容多维度化、机制市场化和战略空间细化的趋势。与此同时,现行区域发展战略存在若干不足,有追求政策优惠忽视制度创新的倾向,区域发展战略之间缺乏宏观整体性衔接,阻碍区域协调发展的瓶颈远未取得突破,区域发展战略仍过于强调效率目标,对不发达地区关注不足。因而,未来区域发展战略的制定,不应追求数量,要注重是否真正有利于实现区域的改革创新;亟需制定一个全局性区域连接发展规划,或者以整合发展的理念对现有的区域发展战略规划进行统筹管理;中央应制定和出台针对性的法律法规保障要素的自由流动和区际自由公平贸易;国家级区域发展战略的地区选择应更注重公平目标。  相似文献   

地理学的发展:模式、动力与趋势   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
地理学以地理环境、人类需要或社会发展、科学技术、哲学思想和科学共同体以及大地理学家的综合作用为动力系统,形成了兼具有归纳主义的科学发展模式、证伪主义的科学发展模式和库恩的科学发展模式等诸多特点的发展模式。21世纪的地理学将通过"人地关系地域系统的协调共生"这一基本概念的确立与运用而更好地体现地理学的"综合性",具有与相邻科学交叉更加深入、学科内部的发展更加合理、微观机制进一步深入、应用领域不断拓宽和方法不断更新以及思想方法论得到特别重视等发展趋势。  相似文献   

把握区域发展战略 促进区域协调发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
苏多杰 《攀登》2008,27(2):42-46
文章阐述了区域发展总体战略,分析了区域协调发展的现状,提出了促进区域协调发展的对策。  相似文献   


For more than 50 years, the Inuit of Nunavik have been subjected to development plans devised in the south by the Government of Canada and Quebec that has a profound impact on Inuit people and their culture. The latest plan, known as Plan Nord, proposes sustainable development for the North based on the protection of 50 percent of the territory. However, the Inuit of Nunavik face many social challenges and this is reflected in the socioeconomic indicators of the region. In order to alleviate these social circumstances, numerous regional and local initiatives are attempting to establish programs better suited to the culture and needs of Nunavimmiut. Examples at the regional level include childcare and midwifery services supported by Quebec. At the local level, initiatives such as the Unaaq Men’s Association and the Innavik Project are making an effort to address local needs. In this paper, following a presentation of the Nunavik governance architecture, we will analyze how local (Unaaq, Innavik) and regional initiatives (Midwifery Program, Childcare, Preparation for Post-Secondary Education, Nunavik Parks) contribute to the sustainable development of Nunavik.  相似文献   

This paper examines the processes and impact of modernization and development paradigms upon poor communities in non-Western societies. It traces the original classical meaning of modernization as being a process of transformation of the rural economy into modern industrial urban-based capitalist society. This transformed society at a later stage through colonization exports "modern development" to these non-Western societies but with very different consequences in terms of their impact on the lives of millions of people who are marginalized and exploited through these means.
Instead of transforming their agriculture into modern industrial development, these societies are subjected to a "reverse modernization" in which the prior European industrial relations and structure are superimposed on to the traditional structures of the Third World using neo-traditional ideologies and structures as part of the process of penetration. This "enforced development" is resisted in many parts of the world and rejected through diverse means including post-traditionalism. The paper ends by posing questions as to what are the appropriate responses to modernization and development as we move towards the twenty-first century.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Tolley, R. and Turton, B. (1995), Transport Systems, Policy and Planning. A Geographical Approach
Soja, E.W. (1996), Thirdspace: Journeys to Los Angeles and Other Real-and-Imagined Places
Cole, J. (1996), Geography of the World's Major Regions
Roberts, B.K. (1966), Landscapes of Settlement, Prehistory to the Present
Greed, Clara H. (1994), Women and Planning—Creating Gendered Realities
Auty, R.M. (1995), Patterns of Development. Resources, policy and economic growth  相似文献   

This article presents statistics and literature on poverty and inequality in and between the South and North. The main discussion is focused on identifying which years poverty and inequality increased in the UK and US, and to give some tentative reasons for this. The objectives are to show the difference in the use of the term 'poverty', the magnitude of 'poverties' in various parts of the world, and the consequences of government policies in the North. The experiences of particularly the UK and US contain lessons that may be useful for policy formation to alleviate poverty and inequality in the South.  相似文献   

This paper offers broad and critical perspectives on current development thinking. A brief summary of different meanings of development and a thumbnail sketch of broad trends over the past twenty to thirty years in relation to major development indicators is followed by a discussion of reasons for the emergence of fundamental critiques of conventional development and developmentalism from perspectives known variously as post-structuralist, post-development and anti-development. Connections are made between these and the literatures on post-modernism, postcolonialism and post-traditionalism. Finally, the implications of these rapid paradigm shifts and changing realities for future research, teaching and action across the South/North divide are considered.  相似文献   

Theoretically, Development Studies has been claimed to be moving out of its previous impasse. However, its policy implication has traditionally been rather weak, and on this account no large improvements are presently visible. A strong call for relevancy has emerged in the middle of the 1990s, from the same writers who claim that we are now moving beyond the impasse in development theory. Somehow this opens up a niche for development geography, if its strong background in field work can be combined in a dialogue based on theoretical issues. This paper illustrates how the teaching of development in the field can bring up new issues, to be discussed thoroughly within some kind of a dialectical dialogue. The teaching of development finds itself trapped in a controversy, that could be termed as a development crisis. However, existing contradictions in the debate can nurture the more intense probing into the nature of development. Combined with field work experience, this paves the way for a dialogue in which many of the axiomatic truths are turned upside-down. Matters—such as the conflict between modernization and traditional values, the meaning of development, and the role of various actors in the development process—are all focused in an intensive discussion.  相似文献   

区域开发规划中产业结构合理化问题探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王慧 《人文地理》1996,11(Z2):74-76
本文建立了区域产业结构合理性评价的基本准则,提出了区域开发规划中实现区域产业结构优化的主要途径,认为区域产业结构优化能够有效地促进区域可持续发展。  相似文献   

张占仓 《人文地理》2007,22(3):38-41
论文论述了发达国家农村劳动力转移的三种模式,即英国模式、美国模式和日本模式,并以劳务经济大省河南省为例,总结出河南劳务经济发展的六种模式,即候鸟式劳务型,团体转移型,打工创业型,求学就业型,海外就业型,工业吸引型。根据国内外经验与未来发展趋势,提出了促进我国劳务经济健康发展的对策。  相似文献   

山东农业的可持续发展战略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
迟运祥 《人文地理》2000,15(2):76-77
山东是中国的农业大省,农业的发展对于全省经济的发展起着至关重要的作用。本文分析了山东农业经济的现状和当前存在的主要问题,从可持续发展的观点,提出了几点战略对策。  相似文献   

从低碳旅游到洛哈思旅游:可持续旅游理念的又一次深化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
发展可持续旅游不仅应该重视旅游过程中节能减排的环保问题,更应该解决旅游活动本身的"亚健康状态"。一种来源于反消费主义的思潮---洛哈思旅游,是后现代社会对享受型传统旅游的一种反思。低碳旅游以节能减排为出发点,重点在环境,洛哈思旅游以个人健康为出发点,重点在人。文章从洛哈思旅游的九要素进行解构,并将其和传统旅游、低碳旅游进行对比,提出洛哈思旅游具有健康性和包容性的特点,认为其所倡导的旅游方式十分符合旅游活动的本源,是一种继低碳旅游之后更人性化、更容易被接受的可持续旅游方式,是对低碳旅游的进一步发展和深化。通过倡导健康旅游消费的观念、产业链的开发、恰当地营销,洛哈思旅游能从环境和以人为本的双重角度引导现代人改变以往的旅游习惯,重构自己的旅游行为方式。  相似文献   

科学发展观是对唯物史观的继承和发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
常宗耀 《攀登》2008,27(2):65-69
=科学发展观继承了唯物史观关于人的发展理论、社会协调发展理论及利益分析理论等,同时又把这些理论同新世纪新阶段的中国具体国情相结合,是用唯物史观的立场、观点和方法对中国社会发展问题的新回答。它以深厚的历史底蕴和鲜明的时代特色,丰富了唯物史观的理论宝库。  相似文献   


This paper outlines the concepts of sustainability and sustainable development, and considers the evolution of efforts to integrate culture into sustainable development policy and practice over recent years. The specific concept of culturally sustainable development (CSD), first promulgated more than 20 years ago, is re-assessed in the light of contemporary circumstances as a theoretically plausible proposition and as a basis for application to cultural policy formation. The paper proposes a set of principles by which consistency of a cultural policy or cultural development strategy with CSD can be judged. The application of each of the principles is discussed, drawing illustrations from particular policy areas in both developed and developing countries. The paper argues that CSD is a concept that has both theoretical substance and potential for practical policy application.  相似文献   


The article presents the nuanced role of culture in the sustainable development agenda of the United Nations, highlighting the contribution of UNESCO. While UNESCO has been engaged in the intersections between culture and development since 1980s, when the World Decade for Cultural Development was proclaimed, it was only with the negotiation of post-2015 development framework that culture began to enter the mainstream development discourse. It is argued that this process, influenced by both external and internal factors, has led to the reconceptualisation of the culture-development nexus. While the role of culture in the human development paradigm was focused on poverty alleviation and other human needs, including identity, education, and health, the sustainability agenda significantly widens the possible roles for cultural factors. UNESCO’s three approaches are discussed: culture as a unique dimension of sustainable development, and culture as a driver and enabler of sustainability.  相似文献   

陈晓莉 《攀登》2006,25(6):36-39
中国社会的发展直接取决于农村社会的发展状况,农村的发展是综合性发展,其出发点和落脚点都是农民的发展,最终目标是实现农民全面发展。围绕发展的主体,充分利用其发展的潜力,为实现农村发展的最终目标———农民的全面发展而付诸实际行动,是新农村建设之题中应有之义。  相似文献   

李勇 《攀登》2010,29(6):82-85
对青海省而言,要充分认识转变发展方式的长期性、艰巨性和复杂性,科学稳步地加以推进,不能急于求成。目前要着重加快经济结构、产业结构调整,加强自主创新;按照生态立省的总体部署和要求,倡导生态文明理念,实施生态保护和建设工程;保障和改善民生,继续深化改革和扩大开放,制定合理、有效的政策,推动发展方式的转变。  相似文献   


This study examines the use of culture in South Korean community development by analyzing four cases of ‘Initiative for Creating Culture Communities in Everyday Life’ (ICCE) and their development discourses. Effectively mobilized by the state during the period of industrialization and modernization that began in the 1960s, culture has been utilized for social development by the South Korean government since the 2000s. The complex relationship between development and culture in terms of economic and social approaches is reflected in the development discourses of ICCE projects. Indeed, as an alternative to previous economic approaches, these projects show that the government still strongly intervenes in social development through symbolic power. To examine this process, we administered a semi-structured questionnaire and held in-depth interviews with eight members of the government-led ICCE project, including its practitioners, artists, and residents. This study finds that despite its efforts to decrease direct intervention in the development of these societies, government power is strongly exercised in symbolic form through discursive practices. We thus suggest that to prevent a specific participant from unilaterally possessing symbolic power in the development process, the government should create an environment in which various agents can participate in the development discourse.  相似文献   

This paper makes three key points. First, beginning with a personal narrative on the radical practice of getting into the academy, it argues that scholars with non‐traditional academic trajectories must still be able to be competitive in employment rounds. Second, it outlines three particular pedagogies of radical practice: focussing on subjectivities; using local languages; and developing peer learning. Finally, it argues that active scholarly citizens bring intellectual agility that allows for creative, imaginative, and just development thinking and practice.  相似文献   

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