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学术史研究的对象不仅表现为代表一定时代学术发展水平的学者及其学术成果、学术思想,也表现为具体的(如不同时代、不同学派、不同区域等等)学者人数、学术著作种数。学术活动也是一种社会文化现象、社会文化活动、社会文化潮流,它虽不可能是全民的,但也绝不是列举式的定性描述方式所提到的寥寥几位精英。因而学术史研究不仅需要从质的角度作定性思考和研究,也有必要从量的角度作一全景式的鸟瞰,高屋建瓴的描述,从而对学术史的认识更全面、更丰富、更具体、更真实。  相似文献   

学术史是学术,这个命题所要表达的学术史与学术之间关系的认识是:学术史是学术的本质,而学术则是作为本质的学术史的具体表现,是整个学术发展过程的结果。这个命题的相反提法是:学术是学术史。根据这一命题提法,学术是学术史的内在本质,而学术史则是学术的外  相似文献   

学术史的研究要注重献发掘,王宁先生对此有深入的思考:要发掘第一手献资料;要注重断代史的研究;注意把握学术史的发展脉络;客观评价学术史人物。  相似文献   

章太炎是20世纪国内对清代学术史进行系统总结的第一人。在论清初学术时,章太炎彰显民族主义旗帜,以是否具有民族气节为准绳,赞扬王夫之而贬低黄宗羲。对清中期学术,章太炎毁誉参半,反映了他实事求是的治学精神。他还将乾嘉学者划分为吴、皖两派,并旗帜鲜明地扬皖而抑吴。对晚清学术,章太炎贬低魏源、龚自珍等今文经学家,而赞扬俞樾、黄以周、孙诒让等古文经学家,突显了他关于学术与政治的立场。尽管章太炎研究清代学术史也有不足,但他在研究中所持的开拓精神、关注现实及民族命运的情怀,都值得珍视。  相似文献   

中国近代边疆学术史蕴含了近代中国政学两界应对边疆危机的学术奋斗,也蕴含了近代国人构筑国家认同和中华民族共同体的艰辛实践。中国近代边疆学术史研究,是晚清民国时人“边疆研究”所涉相关机构、制度、人物、刊物、学科及其应用等事实、思想、影响的总和。需要从中国近代边疆学术史研究中获取前人对边疆建设、边政改良和中华民族整体性建设的卓越见解。中国近代边疆学术史研究应抓住学人和学术两个重要环节,把握近代边疆学术服务边政之主旨,以对近代中国的边疆研究及其应用做出科学评估。  相似文献   

学术史这一概念迄今尚无一致的界定,自20世纪末叶以来是一个在学术界耳熟能详而又内涵并不确定的术语,尽管这并不妨碍人们根据各自的理解编写不同时间单元和不同学术领域的学术史。按章学诚在《校雠通义序》的说法,学术史研究的功能和特点就是辨章学术,考镜源  相似文献   

20世纪末以来,学术史成为中国学术界的一个热点领域,出现了许多著述,酝酿着更为厚重的成果。学术史是对于学术经验的回顾,这种回顾总会对后来的学术乃至社会文化形成重要的影响,因此,当下中国学术界对于学术史的关注之本身值得关注。就此有几点不成熟看法,提供方家斟酌。  相似文献   

张岂之主编《中国近代史学学术史》罗福惠最近读到张岂之教授主编的《中国近代史学学术史》,深受教益和启发。该书从近代(1840—1949年)史学哲学、近代史学方法、近代中外历史和历史地理学的研究成果、考古学的发展和成就四个方面入手,前三部分又均以先秦至明...  相似文献   

钱穆是20世纪中国研究清代学术史的大家,《中国近三百年学术史》是他研究清代学术史的名作。钱穆主要是从宋学的角度来研究清代学术,提出了清代汉学渊源于宋学,“不知宋学,则无以评汉宋之是非”的名论断。由于钱穆治清代学术史主要以昂扬宋学精神为主旨,所以他在评价和判识清代学人学术思想的高下深浅时,就贯穿了一条是否有志经世、是否心系天下安危的宋学精神为其评判标准。  相似文献   

汪维真 《史学月刊》2003,(10):108-111
广泛获取相关研究信息,是科学研究的前提,是学术规范的本质要求。诚实撰写研究性论文之学术史,是实现学术规范的一项实质性措施。在撰写学术史时,应以全面性、客观性为原则。对研究信息的获取,力求广泛;对前贤成果的评析,务求客观;对学术研究中的创新,也须指明。  相似文献   

《学术批评丛稿》是青年学者杨玉圣同志的一部兼有学术论文和学术评论的论文集,文集自始至终贯穿着实话实说的实事求是精神。科学、健康的学术批评,需要有求索真理、学术自由、学术平等和学术公正的精神。当前中国的学术书评数量上亟待充实、书评队伍需要扩大、书评质量有待提高、书评气氛亟需改善。  相似文献   

研究与编纂当代地方吏是研究与编纂中华人民共和国国史的重要组成部分。作者从研究与编纂《当代江西简史》入手,对编写当代地方吏过程中的一些规律做了有益的探索。文中认为,编写好当代地方史是国史研究中的一个新课题,必须领导重视,具有一支政治可靠、业务强、熟悉省情的编写队伍;要从系统研究本地区经济和社会发展的历史轨迹入手;必须坚持正确的指导思想;必须突出地方特色;忠于历史,科学修史,对历史进程中发生的一些问题,力求做出科学的分析和论述,为促进建设有中国特色的社会主义事业服务,为促进江西在中部地区崛起服务。  相似文献   

Over the last quarter century, a plethora of studies on literacy, reading, and writing in medieval Europe have contributed significantly to our understanding of medieval society and culture. Nevertheless the sheer number of these studies and their authorship by scholars in several different disciplines have obscured the relationships between these studies, their common themes and their differences. This essay seeks to survey this literature and its background, to explicate its contributions to the field of medieval history, and to suggest avenues for future study. It also reveals how approaches developed outside medieval studies were borrowed and adapted by medievalists, and how the study of literacy, reading, and writing in the Middle Ages has, in turn, influenced the work of ancient and modern historians.  相似文献   

盛世修史是中华民族的传统 ,我们今天研究和撰写中华人民共和国国史和地方史 ,正是要通过不断总结历史经验 ,坚持真理 ,修正错误 ,使我们的事业不断发展。地方史研究与国史研究一样 ,不是权宜之计 ,国家有关部门和各级政府应将地方史工作纳入社会科学研究的全面长远规划当中 ,给予充分的重视 ,建立相关常设机构 ,并在经费上予以保障。目前地方史工作缺乏统一的指导和规划 ,应在统一规划的基础上 ,加强地方史工作的交流  相似文献   

This paper analyses knowledge transfers between Catalonia and Romania in the interwar period, in order to cast new light on the nature of national history writing in early‐twentieth‐century Europe. To do so, it discusses the historiographical works of the Catalans Josep Puig i Cadafalch (1867–1956) and, to a lesser extent, Antoni Rubió i Lluch (1856–1937) and of the Romanians Nicolae Iorga (1871–1940) and Constantin Marinescu (1891–1970). It pays particular attention to Iorga's and Marinescu's contributions on the history of medieval Catalonia in the Eastern Mediterranean and to Puig's studies on Moldavian painted churches. In doing so, the paper challenges the view that the historiography of foreign scholars regarding one's own national history was often disregarded as incompetent. At the same time, the paper also responds to the debate on the creation and validation of cultural knowledge across borderlands, outside of cultural cores. It builds on recent work on the creativity of cultural peripheries and argues that, while France continued to operate as a reference in the exchanges between Catalans and Romanians, their historiographical exchanges responded to local research and political agendas.  相似文献   

What is the role of material culture in understanding the past? This review essay explores two principal approaches—the history of museums and antiquities and environmental history—to reflect on their shared investment in historical materialism. It reviews Timothy LeCain's The Matter of History and Peter Miller's History and Its Objects, discussing their perspectives on objects and the writing of history. One important part of this history concerns the relationship of academic historians to the idea of a history museum, curatorial practices, and public history. What kinds of history can we do in a museum, with things, that might not occur without the presence of objects? Why were nineteenth- and early twentieth-century efforts to encourage a close relationship between historical research and the history museum largely abandoned in favor of a document-driven approach? The second dimension of current interest in historical materialism concerns new approaches to environmental history. It draws inspiration from Deep History as well as recent work in archaeology and STS (Science and Technology Studies) to argue for a more integrated history of humans and nature that demonstrates how things have made us. The history of successive efforts to remake the environment in different parts of the world and their consequences offers crucial object lessons in how humans have responded to nature's own creativity. Both approaches to historical materialism highlight the virtues of a more interdisciplinary approach to historical scholarship, in the museum or in the field, but most important, in our own sensibilities about what it means to think historically with artifacts and to treat them as compelling evidence of a shared history of humanity and nature.  相似文献   

隋朝修史也是有成绩的。隋朝史官王劭与魏澹在修史方面做的工作、取得的成绩 ,从一个侧面反映了隋朝修史的成就。他们的修史工作也有失误。  相似文献   

Historians around the world have sought to move beyond national history. In doing so, they often conflate ethical and methodological arguments against national history. This essay, first, draws a clear line between the ethical and the methodological arguments concerning national history. It then offers a rationale for the continued writing of national history in general, and American history in particular, in today's global age. The essay makes two main points. First, it argues that nationalism, and thus the national histories that sustain national identities, are vital to liberal democratic societies because they ensure the social bonds necessary to enable democratic citizens to sacrifice their immediate interests for the common good. The essay then argues that new methodological and historical work on the history of nations and nationalism has proven that nations are as real as any other historical group. Rejecting national history on critics' terms would require rejecting the history of all groups. Instead, new methods of studying nations and nationalism have reinforced rather than undermined the legitimacy of national history within the discipline.  相似文献   

This paper reexamines the Arabic and Persian historical literature of the Seljuq period (1040–1194), concentrating on works produced in circles connected with the sultanic court. It considers the relationship between the Arabic and Persian works, the authors' motives for composition, and the reasons for choice of language. It also compares these works with their predecessors, especially the historiography of the Ghaznavid court, with a view to assessing the particular characteristics of Seljuq historical writing, which is often considered rather slight and unimpressive. One reason that is often adduced for this is the absence of dynastic history writing under the Seljuqs, and the alleged lack of interest of the Seljuq court in patronizing historiography, themes which we also investigate here.  相似文献   

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