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今年3月4日,胡锦涛同志在看望与会的全国政协委员时说:“树立良好的社会风气是广大人民群众的强烈愿望,也是经济社会顺利发展的必然要求。在我们的社会主义社会里,是非、善恶、美丑的界线绝对不能混淆,坚持什么,反对什么,倡导什么,抵制什么,都必须旗帜鲜明。”特别提出:“要引导广大干部群众特别是青少年树立社会主义荣辱观,坚持以热爱祖国为荣、以危害祖国为耻,以服务人民为荣、以背离人民为耻,以崇尚科学为荣、以愚昧无知为耻,以辛勤劳动为荣、以好逸恶劳为耻,以团结互助为荣、以损人利己为耻,以诚实守信为荣、以见利忘义为耻,以遵纪守法…  相似文献   

曾红玲 《神州》2012,(18):20-22,34
博物馆讲解是以展品为依托、以语言为媒介,以情感为纽带,并运用其它辅助表达方式,将文物信息有针对性地传递给受众的一种社会活动。它是知识和语言的高度综合艺术,综合了教师、播音、演讲、话剧、表演等专业的技术手段,是专业性、  相似文献   

正一、圭"圭"是一种古代的礼器,其器形为上端呈三角形,身为长方形。其功用主要有二:祭祀方位神的用具和作为身份地位的标志。前者,是《周礼》所载的"六器"(亦称"六瑞",即璧、琮、圭、璋、琥、璜)之一。如《周礼·春官·大宗伯》记载:"以玉作六器,以礼天地四方:以苍璧礼天,以黄琮礼地,以青圭礼东方,以赤璋礼南方,以白琥礼西方,以玄璜礼北方。"  相似文献   

赵征 《旅游纵览》2013,(4):250-251
情感管理",是针对目前发展处于初级阶段的陕西民办高校内部学生管理工作所提出的一种管理思路,其核心是一个"爱"字,是对"教育工作"和"学生"发自内心的热爱和关爱;基本内容是"五以",既"以心哺育学生、以情感化学生、以理说服学生、以诚对待学生、以行带动学生"。本文阐明了在民办高校发展的初级阶段,学生管理工作加大"情感管理"成分的必要性和可行性。本文对它的探讨和论述是粗浅的,但希望能为发展中的民办教育学生管理思路的创新尽微薄之力。  相似文献   

正家训又称庭训、庭诰、家诫、家范等,一般是父祖对子孙、家长对家人、族长对族人的训示、教诲,也包含兄姐对弟妹的告诫、夫妻之间的嘱托。~①家训是家族核心价值观的集中体现,"训以治家,训以育人,训以养德"。~②家训,是中国传统文化的重要组成部分,也是家谱中的重要组成部分,是我国家庭教育的重要方式,是历代治家的经验  相似文献   

《史记·货殖列传》:“泰山之阳则鲁,泰山之阴则齐”。以海、济、淮、河为四界,以泰山为中心的这块大地,的确给我们蕴藏着引以自豪的泰山文化。以泰安大汶口为代表的大汶口文化,以龙山镇为代表的龙山文化。这是代表泰山阴阳东方先民的文化遗址。从泰安大汶口文化来看,当时泰山地区应是我国货币文化的策源地。夏代的货币文化是有所发展的,出现了自然物货币,那便是以贝为币。  相似文献   

孙炳芳  何群 《沧桑》2010,(5):31-32,40
河北红色文化生态体系是由以红色基地为载体的物化生态、以红色文献为载体的理论生态、以红色经典为载体的艺术生态、以亲历追忆为载体的口述生态、以红色精神为载体的精神生态五种形态构成。其中,红色精神是贯穿整个河北文化生态体系的灵魂,最富有生命力。  相似文献   

陈复兴 《神州》2012,(32):188-188
中国画是中国传统民族绘画的统称,也称国画或水墨画。它是以墨为主要颜料,以水为调和剂,以毛笔为主要工具,以宣纸和绢帛为载体的具有民族特色的特有画种。它是中国艺术的典型代表,是一种精神性、哲学性很强的艺术。中国画是建立在艺术想象基础上的一种艺术创造,通过虚实相生、书印结合,进行意象造型,美学追求,从而展示了中国画独特的艺术境界。  相似文献   

概述是对全志主要内容和基本规律的高度概括及阐述 ,以启示读者掌握全志之精华 ,利于读者更好地运用志书去为现实和三个文明建设服务。在总体把握上应注意 :概括性、学术性、论理性、导引性。在内容体现上应注意 :一是纵述史迹 ,以彰因果 ;二是总叙概况 ,以表客观条件 ;三是指点关节 ,以辨基本规律 ;四是昭示典型 ,以显地方优势 ;五是评量得失 ,以为将来之鉴。而所有这些又恰恰是在第二轮修志概述编写中应特别注意的问题。  相似文献   

<正>以商而兴、以商而活丽江古城是南方丝绸之路特别是茶马古道的一颗明珠,是伴随着南方丝绸之路茶马古道的产生而产生、发展而发展的国家历史文化名城,这是丽江古城不同于我国其它历史文化名城的明显特点。以商而兴、以商而活就是丽江古城的前世今生,没有茶马古道就没有国家历史文化名城、世界文化遗产丽江古城。丽江古城以商而兴的历史,其源头可以追溯到古丝绸之路时期。秦汉以来兴起的丝绸之路,分为陆上丝绸之路和海上丝绸之路,陆上古丝绸  相似文献   


The spectacular relief of the sandstone inselbergs is maintained by an interplay of geological structure and weathering/erosion processes, in that vertical joints and faults provide the foci along which most weathering and erosion take place. There are three major varieties of sandstone breakdown; the first is failure of large rock masses along vertical joints, leading to rockfall. Associated with this process is the mechanical breaking of falling blocks upon impact, in some cases right down to the origjnal sand grains. Rockfall maintains vertical or steep slopes, provided basal talus is removed. The second variety is liberation of small blocks by weathering along closely-spaced joints and bedding planes. Rock prone to this style of erosion tends to be less steep and may have basal slopes buried by rubble. The third variety is grain by grain weathering by solution of cement. This process is the most fundamental, as it not only wears away the surfaces but attacks joints, leading to the processes described above. Grain by grain weathering is slowed or prevented on some surfaces by development of oxide rinds, particularly where run-off is concentrated.

These processes result in deposition of debris at slope bases, but in most cases the debris is quickly reduced to sand and removed by wind and water. Relatively clean slope bases allow slopes to retreat parallel to themselves. Where debris collects faster than it is reduced to sana, slope angles tend to decline until they reach the angle of repose of the debris.

Differences in structural expression of the various lithological units result in differing erosional characteristics. The Saleb Formation is typified by relatively gentle slopes littered with debris, due to thinly spaced joints. The Ishrin Formation, witll widely spaced vertical joints, is typified by rockfall of large masses. It is the major cliff-former. Grain by grain weathering, influenced by variations in varnish development, has produced spectacular tafoni on some Ishrin cliffs. The Disi Formation is extremely friable and although slopes are relatively gentle they are mostly rubble free. The Disi in many places forms rounded domelike shapes which may be due to exfoliation along pressure-relief joints. The Um Sahm Formation is highly fractured and similar in appearance to the Saleb.

Igneous rocks, where exposed below the sandstones, are undergoing chemical weathering, particularly along joints. The results are tors, tafoni, and large amounts of grüss.

The desert floor between inselbergs is in some places a bare bedrock surface with an integrated drainage network, and in other places a sand or playa surface. Running water seems to have been a major agent in shaping the floor, but is less important now than in the past. Transportation of sand by wind is common but there is no evidence for significant eolian aggradation or degradation at the present time.

A minimum rate of surface retreat by grain by grain weathering is 5 cm./1,000 years, based on weathering ofNabataean ruins. Overall slope retreat should be significantly greater, due to added effects of rockfall and removal of blocks by running water.  相似文献   

张廷玉《明史·地理志》向以体例严谨、言简意明而著称,堪称正史地理志中的上乘之作。但其中的疏漏讹误似亦难免。以《地理三》及《地理一》、《地理二》中的河南地理为例,经据有关史料校读考证,中华书局点校本之相关部分尚有讹误40余处。其致误原由则不一而足。  相似文献   

The Cretan School of iconography is the last great flowering of the traditional Byzantine painting manner, which is however influenced by different schools and western art. Despite their historical significance, icons of the Cretan School have been rarely studied through modern chemical techniques and therefore very few information is available on the materials used by the Cretan painters. In the present investigation, the organic materials contained in several icons of the Cretan School of Iconography from the collection of the Benaki Museum, Athens, Greece, are analyzed and identified by High Performance Liquid Chromatography coupled to a Diode Array Detector (HPLC–DAD) and Gas Chromatography with Mass Spectrometry (GC–MS).The HPLC–DAD results provide support to a recently published report which showed that kermes used in “Cretan” icons of 15th century and early 16th century was replaced by cochineal which was used in icons dated after early 16th century. This trend is known for western art and it is now proved for Cretan icons, showing thus the influence of the Cretan painters by other European painting schools. Other dyes detected in the historical samples, extracted from Cretan icons are madder (possibly Rubia tinctorum L., according to HPLC profiles) and indigoid dyes. Oils, such as linseed and walnut oil, are identified in samples extracted from the seven icons tested by GC–MS. Egg yolk is identified in the extract of only one icon and animal glue, originated most likely from the gesso ground, is found in six samples. Other organic materials detected by GC–MS were wax, as well as synthetic resins, applied during conservation treatments.  相似文献   

Total runoff (R) is broken down into two components: stable underground runoff (U) and unstable surface runoff (S). The surface component may be reduced by agricultural amelioration measures that would retain a greater share on cultivated fields. The total supply available from runoff may be increased by long-term stream regulation. Water uses must be based on the stable underground component of runoff because the surface component is not dependable. The underground component is then distributed among users: industry and thermal power, which is largely provided by a recirculation system; urban and rural household uses, and regular irrigation. Rural and urban sewage may be used for sewage irrigation. The total elimination of discharge of industrial wastes and sewage is desirable so that all these uses represent withdrawal depletions.  相似文献   


Physics is believed to be the scientific discipline most devoted to a rationalisation of our understanding of nature. However, it is not easy to specify which aspects of nature can be defined by rationality and how in practice this is obtained. This review investigates what heuristic methods are used by physicists to model natural phenomena with the help of such rationalistic concepts. The most basic concept is the 'ratio' between different facts and numbers, and this concept has proved most helpful for the clarification of what rationalism implies. It has been found that rationalistic concepts have an eminently 'relationalistic' character. The following are investigated in detail: rationality gained by series laws or creation algorithms, by symmetry principles or extrema principles. Examples of all branches of physics are studied, and it is found that physical realities can be approached only when rationalistic concepts are used to model nature. A completely opposite point of view, the Buddhistic way of thinking has proved a challenging comparison with rationalistic concepts. It is felt by the author, and formulated as a provocative thesis, that reality consists only of that part of the world which we understand. Where nature cannot be imprisoned by our logic concepts, we cannot have it as a reality.  相似文献   

李森 《华夏考古》2003,(4):77-78
本文对《华夏考古》发表的出土于南京市的两方明代墓(圹)志作了补充考证。谷城郡主圹志的书丹者陈 琏是明代有一定影响的美术家,圹志作为陈琏的石刻作品,系首次面世,其价值自不待言。倪公墓志铭不仅可补证《明 史·陈镐传》的仕履,而且其篆盖者黄谦亦为明代有一定知名度的书法家,殊可珍视。  相似文献   

目前,我国文物行业病害分析通常是定性描述,从而导致病害分析对比性差、档案价值差。为了实现对文物劣化的定量分析和系统评价,对AutoCAD进行了二次开发,建立了文物劣化定量分析与评价软件系统。通过对软件系统开发思路和特点的介绍,证实了用AutoCAD软件解决实际问题中的专业化和本地化的可能性和必要性。  相似文献   

A simplified model useful for assessing economic losses due to moderate seismicity events in urban areas has been developed by studying the behavior of buildings before yielding their structural system, allowing for nonuniform stiffness along their height. In particular, buildings are modeled as cantilever shear beams with uniform mass and parabolic reduction of lateral stiffness. This particular stiffness distribution is relevant, as it could be expected to occur in buildings where earthquake action is a critical structural design criterion. The equation of motion governing the dynamic behavior of the proposed model is solved analytically, finding mode shapes in terms of first and second zero-order Legendre functions. The solution is verified by comparing it with results obtained from fine mesh finite element models. The effect of reducing the lateral stiffness is then studied in the first five modes of vibration. Results include modal periods, mode shapes, modal participation factors, and derivatives of mode shapes. In general, it is found that effects of reduction of lateral stiffness in mode shapes are moderate when the lateral stiffness in the free end is smaller than about seventy percent of the lateral stiffness at the fixed end, but become significant for larger reductions. Effects are particularly important for the derivative of the mode shapes, which could play a significant role in estimating interstory drift demands in buildings. Model usefulness is showcased by analyzing a test case where both acceleration and drift demands are assessed by considering uniform beams and beams with parabolic stiffness variation, finding notable improvements by considering the latter.  相似文献   

A simplified middle atmosphere general circulation model is used to investigate the nonlinear behavior of the thermal diurnal tidal waves. In the model, only a westward moving diurnal tide generated by heating with zonal wavenumber 1 is considered. The tidal wave propagation is simulated by a full nonlinear calculation with a convective adjustment scheme and a Richardson number dependent vertical eddy diffusion.The numerical results show that the growth of the diurnal tide due to the density stratification is effectively suppressed and a relatively constant amplitude distribution with height is realized by the convective adjustment in the lower thermosphere. It is also shown that mean zonal winds and mean meridional circulations are induced by the diurnal tidal waves in the region where the tidal waves are breaking by convective instability, in accordance with the wave-mean flow interaction theorem.  相似文献   

GDP是国民经济账户体系的一个核心指标,简单地用GDP评价新中国头30年的建设成就,并不完全合适;目前1952~1978年GDP主要有张风波、国家统计局、麦迪森三种数据,其中,麦迪森数据平均比国家统计局数据高出29.8%左右;传统上认为,发展中国家的经济总量被低估主要表现在未观测经济方面,但实际上,产品经济是计划经济国家经济总量被低估的另一个重要方面;汇率法GDP并不能真实地反映我国的经济实力及在世界上的地位,购买力平价GDP是一个重要的参考。现行的1952~1978年GDP低估了中国这一时期的建设成绩,应同时使用社会总产值和社会总产品的若干数据和事实进行补充和调整。  相似文献   

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