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Jacob Talmon and Michael Oakeshott represent two opposite tendencies in the anti-totalitarian world view. Both thinkers share many central features of this broad intellectual trend, such as the equation between the Soviet and Nazi regimes, Anglophilia and the rejection of the utopian quest. Yet this basic agreement should not distract us from significant differences in attitude and temperament. Talmon, like most other critics of totalitarianism, was strongly affected by the atmosphere of a profound intellectual and political crisis in Europe, and he regarded the danger of totalitarianism to be an inherent aspect of modernity itself. His liberalism was that of ‘fear’. By contrast, for Oakeshott, who believed in the strength of liberal, and specifically British, civilisation, totalitarianism was merely a child of resentment, a parasitic force with no positive message of its own. He thus displayed a greater measure of confidence in the fortunes of liberal modernity.  相似文献   

This article systematically reviews how a large number of states relate to their diasporas. It shows how states constitute various extra-territorial groups as members of a loyal diaspora, through a diverse range of institutions and practices. The article distinguishes two types of diaspora mechanism: one which cultivates and recognizes diaspora communities, and another which draws them into reciprocal ties with their homeland. The article demonstrates that, contrary to the common wisdom, it is normal for states to have a variety of such mechanisms protruding beyond their borders and impacting on a variety of extra-territorial groups. It is useful to view these institutions and practices collectively as “the emigration state”. The article argues that the emigration state has been overlooked by what John Agnew calls “the modern geopolitical imagination”, in which territorial nation-state units, locked into competition at a fixed international scale, are thought of as the highest form of political organization.  相似文献   

张元隆 《安徽史学》2006,(3):97-102
五四时期声名卓著的《新青年》,满腔热情地把国家振兴的希望寄托于青年,构成国家观念更新的新取向;针对民初君主政体的回光返照和共和国家的有名无实,大力播扬"主权在民"的思想,以唤起多数国民之自觉;在俄国十月革命的影响下,接受和宣传马克思主义的国家学说,实现了国家观念的革命性变革.这一变革自有其历史的因缘,更体现了先进者对国家命运的忧患意识和创造"理想之中华"的矢志追求.  相似文献   

狐斑作为一种常见的纸张污损现象,不仅破坏书籍的观赏价值,而且往往难于清除﹑使书籍恢复原貌。对其成因的揭示将有利于纸质文物中狐斑的防治工作。但狐斑作为一种较为复杂的现象,一直以来没有形成统一的结论。本研究对上海历史博物馆馆藏近代书籍中狐斑的着生情况进行了调查统计。结果表明,该馆藏近代书籍狐斑发生率达到60%,狐斑发生与纸张类型、酸度间存在一定的关联。酸度较高的机制纸中狐斑的发生率明显高于手工纸。本调查可为近代书籍及其它早期机制纸质文物的保藏、保护工作提供一定的依据。  相似文献   

The paper seeks to grasp the conditions under which the idea of the multi-national state developed in twentieth-century China. Although the idea of multiple nationalities was taking hold at the beginning of the twentieth-century in Europe—especially in Eastern Europe, it first found institutional expression in the Chinese Republic declared in 1912. While the grounds for the emergence have to do with the transition from empire to nation-state in many countries of the world, the idea in China also drew from imperial Chinese conceptions of an imperial federation. Moreover, the impact of the multi-national state in China was long-term and we can find an important dynamic of Chinese politics in this formation.  相似文献   

Archaeological studies of alcohol have tended to focus on consumption while production, particularly of beer, has been more difficult to recognize and interpret. The ethnoarchaeological study of modern maize beer or chicha production on Peru’s north coast provides information on (1) production steps and their material correlates, (2) labor and raw material inputs at different scales and possible labor bottlenecks, and (3) variation in technology and organization that is linked to contexts of consumption and cultural differences through time across the Andes. Because of this variation, the ethnoarchaeological observations reported here should not be directly projected onto the past, but rather should serve as points of comparison with the archaeological record.  相似文献   

马丽华 《华夏地理》2002,(12):10-27
千余年来,以"茶马互市"而闻名的古道,由成都盆地的边缘、云南的热带雨林深处通往青藏高原,为藏地源源不断输入了人们不可或缺的茶叶,这是世界上海拔最高、最艰险的通商网路和文化交流通道.2002年6月,两支考察队分别沿着昔日茶马古道的两条路线重走古道,作者的这支队伍走川藏线入西藏,途经江达、昌都、类乌齐、丁青……,以生动的见闻印证了古道上密集的文化风景.  相似文献   

曲线优美的红房顶作为主角,在大景深画面中的排列,彰显着一种艺术的属性——韵律感,时而"渐强",时而"渐弱",有时逐渐消失,由天空或道路取而代之.当它们组合起来,浏览画面,景物色彩丰富,冷暖对比鲜明,相信你可以感受到其中的律动,似乎那是音乐的海洋,有波澜、有浪谷,甚至有飞扬起的浪花。  相似文献   

“古诗”之数,不仅十九之限,余见《乐府诗集》所收“古辞”之中,相与援袭,而存在一个共同的模仿对象,即乐府民歌。《乐府诗集》中《西门行》、《艳歌行》、《长歌行》等,当与乐府民歌相去不远,其主题元素广泛影响文人“古诗”制作;《西门行》一首尤为十九首中多篇祖述,而十九首之《生年不满百》为其改写。即此改写的言辞整练、构篇变化与音乐脱离,显见乐府歌辞向文人“古诗”的过渡,体现了后者的共同特点。究之“古诗”之作,并非“作者”的个体“创作”,而是展转相袭的共鸣抒写。  相似文献   

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