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程平山 《江汉考古》2000,(4):77-80,46
1958年夏,中国科学院考古研究所湖北发掘队在蕲春毛家咀发掘出西周木构建筑,并出土一些遗物,是鄂东地区考古的重大发现。三十多年后,毛家咀木构建筑附近又有新的重大考古发现。1996年4月,在毛家咀木构建筑西600米处的新屋垮,发现一窖穴遗迹,出土方鼎5件、圆鼎1件、铜斗1件,为鄂东西周考古增添了珍贵的考古资料。关于新屋垮窖穴的年代和性质,已有学者专门作了研究。本人在此谈谈个人的看法。  相似文献   

1958年夏,中国科学院考古研究所湖北发掘队在蕲春毛家咀发掘出西周木构建筑[1],并出土一些遗物,是鄂东地区考古的重大发现。三十多年后,毛家咀木构建筑附近又有新的重大考古发现。1996年4月,在毛家咀木构建筑西600米处的新屋塆,发现一窖穴遗迹,出土方鼎5件、圆鼎1件、铜斗1件[2],为鄂东西周考古增添了珍贵的考古资料。关于新屋塆窖穴的年代和性质,已有学者专门作了研究[3]。本人在此谈谈个人的看法。 一、蕲春毛家咀与新屋塆遗存 的关系“以及遗存的年代 新屋塆窖穴距离蕲春毛家咀遗址仅600米。新屋塆…  相似文献   

秦俑馆在对第二号兵马俑坑正式发掘的同时,对二、三号俑坑间的“四号坑”(原探名废弃坑)的西北隅也进行了清理发掘.保护了发掘遗迹;并对坑的范围作了明显的保护标志.这对于保护遗址遗迹和对秦兵马俑坑一组的全面研究,深入探讨,无疑是一种科学的措举.这个坑钻探发现后,未作过正式报导.袁仲一先生和我在《秦始皇陵东侧第三号兵马俑坑清理简报》结语中写了:“在二,三号俑坑间,还有一个未建成的废弃坑,面积4600平方米,仅有土扩,未发现木构建筑遗迹及铺地砖,也未见陶俑,陶马等文物.这有可能是拟议中的一个军阵.因陈胜,吴广领导的农民起义暴发,而未能建成.”  相似文献   

新屋垮位于蕲春县城西北28公里处,东距毛家咀西周木构建筑遗址约600米。属蕲春县达城乡柏条铺村所辖(图一)。1996年4月,这里的村民在疏理稻田排水沟时,发现了青铜器,文物部门闻讯立即赶赴现场,对出土地点进行了实地勘察,确定为一西周窖藏遗迹,随后进行了清理发掘。青铜器出土地点在新屋塆(自然村)所在  相似文献   

北石窟寺的崖面上遗留有许多凹槽、柱眼和凿孔,这些凿痕大小不一,零乱地散布于窟龛之间,是历史上修建窟前木构建筑所留痕迹。本文根据这些遗迹对窟前建筑作简略探讨。  相似文献   

中国石窟寺窟前建筑可分为窟面雕凿的石质仿木构和窟前接连的木构窟檐殿阁两大类,前者的研究较为系统,后者近年也逐渐受到关注。相关发现与研究工作反映出窟前建筑与石窟本体紧密相关,需将两者视作一个整体,从石窟寺的总体沿革、布局、功能、构造等角度对崖面和地面的建筑遗迹进行全面完整的记录与研究,并作为后续维修与保护的前提与基础。  相似文献   

梨园和小汤是唐华清宫内的重要组成部分,1994年经过钻探、试掘,确定梨园和小汤建筑遗迹位于今陕西省临潼县华清池内新浴池北,南距80年代发掘的唐玄宗和杨贵妃沐浴的汤池建筑遗迹约80米(图一)。1995年5月至10月为配合华清池管理处建设工程对该地区进行了考古发掘,发掘面积1095平方米,清理出小汤和梨园殿址、烧火坑、水道等  相似文献   

2014年6月至9月,为配合龙山村安置房工程建设,浙江省文物考古研究所与德清县博物馆联合对位于德清县开发区龙山村西北低丘缓坡上的胡堂庙区域文化遗存进行了抢救性考古发掘。共发现先秦时期遗迹2处,汉至清代砖室墓20座,宋代建筑遗迹1处,发掘面积约1 000平方米。  相似文献   

刘阳  赵永军 《北方文物》2023,(5):19-50+2
2016—2017年,黑龙江省文物考古研究所对金上京皇城东部建筑址进行考古发掘。该区域属于宫殿区东侧的附属建筑,两条交叉的廊庑基址贯穿各建筑之间,构成了多组相对独立的建筑单元。发掘清理出多个夯土基址、排水沟、水井等遗迹,明确建筑结构与形制特征。建筑址至少存在金代早、晚两个时期的遗存。  相似文献   

2012~2018年,武汉大学历史学院等单位对盘龙城遗址各地点历年考古发掘区域进行了实地调查,并运用RTK、全站仪等数字化测量仪器对历年发掘区和重要遗迹的三维坐标进行了测量,基本实现了对该遗址历年考古发掘区及墓葬、建筑基址等重要遗迹的准确定位。在此期间,武汉市文物考古研究所、武汉大学历史学院等单位还对盘龙城遗址保护区开展了系统性考古勘探,对该遗址地下遗存的分布情况形成了整体性认识。  相似文献   

Recent Australian research has quantified the role of large wood (wood of any origin and length with a diameter greater than 0.1 m) in dissipating stream energy, forming pool habitats by local bed scour, protecting river banks from erosion, and damming rivers with long rafts causing avulsions. Large wood in Australian streams is sourced by a range of processes from the nearby riparian zone which has usually been degraded by post‐European settlement vegetation clearing. Large wood loadings within the bankfull channel are dependent not only on the type and quality of the riparian plant community but also on bankfull specific stream power, channel width, and the processes of large wood delivery to the stream. While bank erosion and floodplain stripping by catastrophic floods are obvious and important delivery mechanisms, treefall and trunk and branch breakage by strong winds during tropical cyclones and severe storms are also significant in the tropics. Furthermore, wood decay and downstream transport produce temporally dynamic large wood distributions. The longevity of natural large wood structures in rivers, such as rafts, debris dams, and log steps, requires determination. River rehabilitation programs need to not only include the reintroduction of large wood, but also carefully plan the spatial distribution of that wood, the most appropriate type and range of large wood structures, and, most importantly, the revegetation of the riparian zone to ensure a natural long‐term source of large wood. Exotic species management is an essential part of river rehabilitation.  相似文献   

肖旻 《华夏考古》2005,(1):69-74
文章对现有的理论模式进行反思, 对中国古建筑木构架的几种类型的在历史演进中的关系提出了假说: 从干栏式到地面的穿斗式是木构架自然的发展序列, 具有普遍性。官式建筑的产生和秦汉以来高等级建筑采用井干式与多层木楼阁有关, 并受到穿斗式的影响。抬梁式是官式建筑发展的结果并反过来影响了南北方的民间建筑。  相似文献   

刘钊 《东南文化》2003,(1):69-70
邵家沟木简神名字变漫漶,然右半尚存,参阅睡虎地秦简内容,其神名当为穷奇,即古籍中之吃鬼之虎。  相似文献   

A total of forty-nine stringed instruments of the Conservatory Cherubini collection, at the Musical Instruments Department of the Accademia Gallery in Florence, were submitted to a dendrochronological investigation in order to date them, check the validity of their attribution and to find out more about their construction characteristics. Thirty-seven instruments were successfully dated, thereby determining the terminus post quem date of manufacture. The correlation values of the statistical cross-dating tests were generally very high. The dendrochronological analyses determined which instruments had been made from wood of the same provenance and, in some cases, from the same tree trunk. The mean chronology built from the musical instrument series, named “Accademia Master Chronology”, is 558 years long and dates from 1396 to 1953AD. The interval between the youngest ring dated dendrochronologically and the given date of manufacture increased constantly in the course of the centuries, from a mean value of just over eleven years for instruments built in the eighteenth century, to nearly 74 years in the twentieth century, when the use of old wood from other artefacts became more frequent. Furthermore, in the Cherubini Collection, the average tree rings on violins are smaller than those of other stringed instruments; in fact, they increase in proportion to instrument size and are widest in cello and double bass.  相似文献   

Historical shipwrecks in marine environments are continuously decomposed by wood-degrading organisms, adapted to this specific environment. To protect the wrecks from degradation and to preserve the unique remains for future generations, reburial of wrecks using various covering materials has been suggested as a long-term preservation method. The following experiment was carried out to study the bio-protective effect of sediment. Sound oak, pine, and birch samples were buried above and within marine sediment in Marstrand harbour, and retrieved for analysis after 6, 12, 24, and 36 months. Macroscopic as well as light-microscopic examinations were carried out on each occasion. Marine borers (shipworm, Limnoria), soft rot and tunnelling bacteria were wood degraders immediately above the seabed; soft rot, tunnelling bacteria, and erosion bacteria were active 10 cm below the seabed; erosion bacteria were the only degraders at a depth of 43 cm below the seabed. The wood species had different durability towards the decay agents. After 3 years, wood samples above the seabed were totally decomposed, whereas wood was highly protected at 43 cm depth in sediment. In the sediment, decay decreased significantly with depth of burial. The results suggest that reburial of shipwrecks in marine sediment can be recommended as a simple and efficient method for long-term preservation of the wooden cultural heritage.  相似文献   

古代饱水木材脱水定型机理探讨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
从木材干缩的一般理论出发,探讨了古代饱水木材脱水变形的主要影响因素。阐述了古代饱水木材与新鲜木材的区别,提出饱水木材发生形变的主要影响因素同现代木材一样,是由于氢键缔合的结合水挥发,从而引起干缩和开裂。要保持脱水后的定型一方面要加固细胞壁外壁,更重要的从细胞壁内壁进行加固。  相似文献   

This article discusses the program of environmental history within the larger discipline of history and contrasts it with more recent contributions from post‐constructivist science. It explores the ways in which post‐constructivism has the potential to productively address many of the shortcomings of environmental history's theories and models that environmental historians themselves have begun to view with a critical eye. The post‐constructivist authors discussed in this article, Donna Haraway and Bruno Latour, both represent challenges to the ways in which nature and the natural sciences tend to be conceptualized as non‐problematized entities within environmental history. They also challenge the ways in which dichotomies of nature and culture tend to be reproduced within the program of environmental history. It is argued that these post‐constructivist contributions represent a radical and arguably more truly historical way of introducing non‐human actors into the historical narrative, and thus represent a potential reinvigoration of environmental history that would embrace a more radical historicity, greater diversity, and openness to difference.  相似文献   

甘肃出土木器依据形态与结构划分,属于典型的糟朽木器类型,材质外观特征与特性明显。制作材质鉴定表明,基本类型有①松科云杉;②松科冷杉;③柏科圆柏。通过对糟朽木器形态类型、结构属性、影响因素及发生改变原因剖析,指出了糟朽木器材质在经历了第一阶段的转折性根本改变后(含水率远低于纤维饱和点),即将面临第二阶段的转折性根本变化(含水率略高或接近于平衡含水率),而这一阶段的改变结果对器物将是毁灭性的;为了避免出土器物在短期内形态发生剧变,运用生物切片、扫描电镜分析技术对木质纤维显微结构进行了观察和研究,研究结果与结构病害腐变结果相吻合。选取与糟朽器物同期考古出土的糟朽棺板木作为分析对象,分别对其化学成分、容积重、含水率以及力学性能进行了实验测试,测得糟朽木器降解损失超过50%,含水率约为10.5%,力学强度指标与正常材质相比,均有明显的下降,且相对差异较大,最大约为正常木材强度的60%。对比分析结果,得出了结论:①糟朽木器的形态与结构状况与实验生物切片分析、电镜显微结构观察和研究结果相吻合,同时材质成分、容积重与力学性能测定结果为上述分析结果提供了有力的数据支撑;②致使糟朽木器形态和结构发生改变的主要因素是胎木含水率,其值是非恒定的并随外部环境而改变,因此含水率可用于反映糟朽木器的材质特性;③纤维饱和点与平衡含水率是影响、衡量和评估糟朽木器形态与结构的两个重要的物理参数;④鉴于糟朽木器的材质特性,后期保存应尽量避免与水分的直接接触,需要严格控制其胎木的含水率,且维持恒定、稳定的保存环境,这点对后期糟朽木器的保存是非常重要的  相似文献   

Using an examination of three NGO interventions in post‐conflict Burundi, this article questions community‐based reconstruction as a mechanism to rebuild social capital after conflicts, particularly when direct livelihood support is provided. The authors demonstrate a general shortcoming of the methodology employed in community‐based development (CBD), namely its focus on ‘technical procedural design’, which results in what may be termed ‘supply‐driven demand‐driven’ reconstruction. The findings suggest the need for a political economy perspective on social capital, which acknowledges that the effects on social capital are determined by the type of economic resource CBD gives access to. Through the use of a resource typology, the case studies show that the CBD methodology and the potential effects on social capital differ when applied to public and non‐strategic versus private and strategic resources. This has particular consequences for post‐conflict situations. A generalized application of CBD methodology to post‐conflict reconstruction programmes fails to take adequate account of the nature of the interventions and the challenges posed by the particular post‐conflict setting. The article therefore questions the current popular ‘social engineering’ approach to post‐conflict reconstruction.  相似文献   

During the analysis of wood charcoal remains from archaeological sites, it is common to find different microorganisms and different forms of degradation present in the plant tissue. However, one may encounter difficulties when attempting to identify these microorganisms and determine when their attack occurred. This paper focuses on preservation aspects related to the microorganisms in wood and demonstrates the structural changes that take place in different types of decayed wood after it was converted into charcoal. The study seeks to determine whether the microbial attack found in archaeological woods took place before the burning of the wood or after. Burning experiments were conducted using wood that had been decayed by various types of fungi including white-rot, brown-rot, and soft-rot. The laboratory burnt wood samples showed decay patterns that were comparable to those observed in archaeological charcoal samples, indicating that signs of fungal infestation and features of decay can be preserved after burning with micromorphological details of mycelium and cell wall attack evident. This indication may provide important information related to the gathering of deadwood as fuelwood. In addition, examples of decayed wood preserved in archaeological charcoal assemblages are described. Their relationship to the archaeological context and environmental conditions may suggest different interpretative models concerning wood management strategies applied by past societies.  相似文献   

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