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本研究利用田野调查所搜集的水井碑刻及访问材料,考察了明清以来山西、陕西、河南等北方地区的水井习俗,勾画了北方乡村生活用水的情境。通过水井制度研究表明,北方乡村水井在建构社区空间、规定社会秩序、管理社区人口、营造公共空间、影响村际关系等方面有重要作用。水井制度突出了地缘关系,反映了北方乡村社会的特质,对之研究有助于我们对北方传统乡村社会的认识。  相似文献   

水质与民生密切相关,中国南北地理环境不同决定了水质的差异。一般而言,古代南方的日常生活用水以江河湖泉为多,外在"所染"为其水质问题的主要方面;北方民生用水以井水为多,井水自身"所含"的水质问题则较突出,由此而引发的地方病也和南方地区有较大差异。井水咸苦长期困扰北方居民的日常生活,它曾对历史时期北方国都营建产生重要影响,对各级治所的经营也有所制约。水质是生态环境问题也是社会问题,不同时代、地域、阶层对北方水质有不同感知,历经实践浸染与文字流布,这一日常生活的身体实践逐渐演变成为一种知识、观念乃至于文化。  相似文献   

水荒:中国之痛   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
过去的2003年,曾被认为是"洋水务"大举进军中国水务业的一年。洋水务的身影频频出现在沈阳、天津、重庆、南昌、郑州、上海、北京等10多个城市。资源性缺水与水质性缺水是中国水问题典型性特征。中国北方及西北地区因自然原因属资源性缺水,而东南地区水资源虽然十分富集,但因近年来以牺牲环境为代价发展经济,无论是地表水还是地下水,都受到相当严重的污染,成了水质性缺水地区。所以中国的水危机的成因非常复杂,要应对水危机也要有一套全面的解决方案。  相似文献   

在乡村振兴背景下,乡村旅游给乡村经济发展带来了机遇与挑战,大力发展乡村旅游事业对乡村产业结构优化、文化挖掘与传承、民生乡风治理等方面有积极影响,进而推动乡村经济的快速发展。然而,乡村旅游也面临一些现实困境。本研究以福建省为例,发现乡村旅游在文化挖掘力、人才接受、产品项目开发、资源利用、接待设施建设等方面存在问题。为此,本研究提出丰富产品种类、促进利益分配公平、加强文化传承创新、强化市场监督管理、提高接待能力等发展路径,推动乡村旅游高质量发展,促进宜居宜业和美乡村建设。  相似文献   

宗有超 《风景名胜》2021,(2):0259-0259
随着我国乡村脱贫攻坚取得阶段性成果,近一亿人脱贫以及国家层面乡村振兴和美丽乡村建设为背景。当下,新农村建设逐渐成为热议话题,乡村也在快速建设和发展,但是农村各方面都落后与城市,青壮年人口的流失;环境的破坏;建设水平的严重滞后等都是影响美丽乡村建设的因素,本文简要探究在乡村振兴的大背景下乡村景观规划设计存在的问题并针对问题提出解决措施。  相似文献   

开展“美丽广西,清洁乡村”活动,是顺应广大人民群众过上美好生活新期待,改善全全乡鹤群众生活生产条件,创造良好人居环境的“民生工程”;  相似文献   

近年来,我国乡村景观资源得到有效的开发利用,乡村旅游景观的吸引力也在不断提升。乡村旅游业的发展不仅带动了乡村地区经济水平的提升,也在民间传统文化保护上作出巨大贡献。而当前受诸多因素的影响,部分地区农村旅游景观吸引力也存在一定的问题。本文阐述了乡村旅游景观吸引力的主要构成要素,分析了乡村旅游景观吸引力存在的问题,并提出相应的解决策略。  相似文献   

<正>2013年12月,历时11年建设的南水北调东线一期工程正式通水。2014年7月3日,南水北调中线南段试通水。2014年12月27日,南水北调中线工程全面实现通水目标。工程正式通水后,将较大缓解北方缺水问题。在北方缺水地区翘首以待之时,社会各界普遍关注来水的水量和水质,我却以为除调水水量、水质外,应更深层考虑的是调水能不能实现南水北调规划时设定的目标,在增加南水北调受水区供水量的同时促进该地区限制超采地下水、节  相似文献   

当前社会科技水平发展迅速,人们的物质文化需求逐渐转移到精神层面。经济的飞速发展,愈演愈烈的竞争,使当今人们面对的压力越来越大。在这种高压环境下人们需要得到放松,乡村旅游业应运而生。在西方发达国家,乡村旅游已发展了一段时间,但是我国的乡村旅游起步较晚,问题较多。本文以江苏省泰州市为例,分析了乡村旅游的发展现状,并提出了具体的解决对策。本文重点围绕泰州市乡村旅游方面存在的一些问题进行论述,试图寻找指引泰州乡村旅游更好、更快、更为健康的发展之路。  相似文献   

优化乡村人居环境,改善农户生活质量,统筹城乡发展是社会主义新农村建设的一项重要内容。本文以欠发达地区为地理单元,以红安县二程镇8个村100户问卷和访谈调查为基础资料,探讨了转型期特定区域乡村人居环境演变特征和微观机制。从历史的维度来看,乡村人居环境演变特征主要体现在:乡村聚落的空心化和边缘化、乡村生态环境的剧烈恶化以及乡村社会文化的更新等方面。从微观的视野来看,乡村人居环境的演化实质上是农户空间行为作用的外在表现。不同类型的农户空间行为对乡村人居环境的作用方式不同,影响效果也不同,但其综合效应对乡村人居环境的系统功能影响较大。  相似文献   

The article explores how political tensions developed around the issue of Canadian water export, how policy solutions and alternatives to the problem were offered, and how finally it came to be recognized by the national government. The water export issue reached the formal agenda after a lengthy period of being denied serious consideration. However, it is arguable that agendas are set if an issue receives attention from policy decision makers. This is because an issue's ascension to agenda status is not an indication of how it is actually going to be decided upon. The case of water export demonstrates that the government adopted a policy solution consistent with assumptions prevalent at the time and acceptable among elected decision makers. Yet, the solution was contrary to the expectations of those who demanded a complete water export ban in Canada.  相似文献   

A significant number of water pools existed in Jerusalem in the Late Hellenistic and Early Roman periods. The pools constitute an archaeological phenomenon that should be analysed in its own right. No other city in the region had so many stand-alone large pools in its urban landscape. This paper offers an explanation of this phenomenon based on its cultural, historical, and archaeological context. The article discusses the corpus of pools, including the dating, the methods of water collection and their possible use in light of similar water installations that were common in this period. In the analysis of the pools' appearance in Jerusalem, the paper examines the broader context of the phenomenon—water utilisation by Jewish society in the time of the Second Temple before 70 AD. The conclusion drawn is that the pools are a manifestation of the wide-scale pilgrimage movement to Jerusalem that emerged in the Late Second Temple.  相似文献   

中国历史上几次著名的田赋改革最终都没有跳出黄宗羲定律的陷阱,农税免征能贯彻到底吗?在威权政治下无限政府的运作框架内,任何税赋改革都是治标不治本,庞大的官僚机构最终会在财政危机的压力下伸出摊派之手,因此破解黄宗羲定律的法门是实现无限政府、管制政府向有限政府、服务政府转型。  相似文献   

The concept of source water protection (SWP) has gained prominence in the water resource literature. SWP consists of watershed and groundwater management for the protection of drinking water supplies. The logic behind SWP is that it is easier, cheaper and safer to protect a drinking water source from contamination than it is to remediate after contamination. SWP is largely a regulatory activity, requiring provincial government policy commitments. This research investigates the degree to which recent provincial deregulation plays a role in constraining SWP implementation at the local water utility level. The research was undertaken in British Columbia (BC) where, after 2001, the provincial government advanced widespread 'New Era' deregulation of social and environmental legislation. The apparent contradiction between government deregulation and government commitment to safe drinking water is interrogated. Data were collected using semi-structured interviews and document review in the Okanagan Basin. This article reveals that New Era deregulation initiatives have constrained local efforts to implement SWP on the ground. This article recommends that a single provincial agency should oversee drinking water in BC and that greater attention be given to regional governance for drinking water management in the Okanagan Basin.  相似文献   

Steep, pool-fall channels of the sandstone areas near Sydney, New South Wales, Australia consist of discrete pools of varying sizes separated by bedrock reaches. The pools are linked by low-volume discharges during dry weather. Relatively large in-channel water storage volumes and small dry weather flows result in extended in-channel retention of water, sediments and contaminants and hence delayed delivery to receiving waters. Streams are flushed infrequently by high flow events. Field data and simulation results indicate that the long retention times experienced during dry weather flows are conducive to the attenuation of non-conservative contaminants. Flushing of channels, which occurs approximately once a year, resets the system and transports stored contaminants and sediments to receiving fluvial and estuarine systems. The low frequency of these floods allows the receiving systems time to recover between deliveries of dilute contaminants during high flow events. These findings have important implications for the management of water quality in the Sydney region.  相似文献   

Although the three tiers of government in Australia are becoming much more aware of environmental issues, it is frequently up to local government to implement policies impacting on the land, water and air. In Victoria, Local Conservation Strategies are one mechanism to have been utilised by local government to decentralise environmental management and enable a greater community contribution to environmental decision-making and management. This paper considers the effectiveness of these strategies.  相似文献   

El Chichón is an active volcano located in the north‐western Chiapas, southern Mexico. The crater hosts a lake, a spring, named Soap Pool, emerging from the underlying volcanic aquifer and several mud pools/hot springs on the internal flanks of the crater which strongly interact with the current fumarolic system (steam‐heated pools). Some of these pools, the crater lake and a cold spring emerging from the 1982 pumice deposits, have been sampled and analysed. Water–volcanic gas interactions determine the heating (43–99°C) and acidification (pH 2–4) of the springs, mainly by H2S oxidation. Significantly, in the study area, a significant NH3 partial pressure has been also detected. Such a geochemically aggressive environment enhances alteration of the rock in situ and strongly increases the mineralization of the waters (and therefore their electrical conductivity). Two different mineralization systems were detected for the crater waters: the soap pool‐lake (Na+/Cl? = 0.4, Na/Mg>10) and the crater mud pools (Na+/Cl? > 10, Na/Mg < 4). A deep boiling, Na+‐K+‐Cl?‐rich water reservoir generally influences the Soap Pool‐lake, while the mud pool is mainly dominated by water‐gas–rock interactions. In the latter case, conductivity of sampled water is directly proportional to the presence of reactive gases in solution. Therefore, chemical evolution proceeds through neutralization due to both rock alteration and bacterial oxidation of ammonium to nitrate. The chemical compositions show that El Chichón aqueous fluids, within the crater, interact with gases fed by a geothermal reservoir, without clear additions of deep magmatic fluids. This new geochemical dataset, together with previously published data, can be used as a base line with which to follow‐up the activity of this deadly volcano.  相似文献   

Abstract:  The privatization and commercialization of water has proven to be one of the most controversial policy developments of the past 20 years. Largely associated with the neoliberalization of the world economy, it comes as a surprise to many that the socialist government of Cuba signed a 25-year contract with a Spanish multinational in 2000 to manage the supply of water in Havana. This paper provides an historical context for water reforms in the country and the first comprehensive study of this little-known contract. Based on key interviews and primary documentation we argue that there are no easy explanations for why the contract was signed, or whether it has achieved its objectives. There are, however, interesting lessons to be learned for public–private partnerships elsewhere in the world, and insights into the changing fabric of socialism in Cuba.  相似文献   

The advent of the Hawke government may not warrant the title of ‘The Revolution in Australian Politics’, but it has raised questions about organisation and power, and the way in which these are handled in political science. This paper begins by identifying what is considered problematic in the political practices which are seen as distinctive in the Hawke government. It outlines the elements of the paradigm of organisation which underlies much political science, and identifies the way in which these are challenged by ‘corporatist’ or ‘Hawkeish’ forms of political activity. It argues that this paradigm of organisation is under attack on both conceptual and empirical grounds, and outlines an alternative paradigm of organisation and the way in which it applies to government. It concludes with a consideration of the implications of this approach for theorising about the state.  相似文献   

This article examines how a regional NGO and a local‐issue GRO in Puerto Rico have approached health and environmental concerns over water pollution from pharmaceutical production, and the consequences this has had for corporate–community–government relations. Through the analysis of historical material, public meetings and interviews, the processes through which micropolitical patterns have developed, and through which residents least conciliatory towards the drug companies are silenced, are discussed. The article questions whether persistent conflict between the corporate–government alliance and grassroots environmentalists is attributable to a ‘gap in understanding’ and suggests that the relationship is better understood through the complementary theories of ‘coercive harmony’ and ‘deep capture’. In conclusion it points out that researchers should be wary of assisting or supporting negotiations, and rather should focus on critically examining the dynamics of ‘stakeholder dialogue’ as a negotiation between relative equals.  相似文献   

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