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剥制动物标本作为自然博物馆的重要藏品,具有极高的收藏、研究和展览价值,但因其本身富含有机质,极易遭受害虫的损害。传统有毒化学药品消杀法是博物馆防治害虫的重要方法,该法在将数以万计的剥制动物标本成功保存下来的同时也给人类健康和自然环境带来了严重的危害。科学家一直在探寻各种新型的动物标本害虫防治方法,希望在防治虫害和保护人类健康及自然环境之间找到最佳的平衡点。国内博物馆收藏有数量庞大的剥制动物标本,但相应的害虫防治技术研究却相对滞后并严重阻碍了博物馆行业的健康发展。在综合国内外现有相关文献的基础上,对剥制动物标本制作工艺、虫害及防治方法的研究进展综述,以期为我国博物馆工作提供参考资料。  相似文献   

正害虫综合防治体系(IPM)是博物馆预防性保护的重要组成部分。防治的目的在于:1)避免对藏品造成损害;2)防止害虫在藏品之间进行传播。IPM有多种措施,如封闭建筑,调节温度,保持洁净的环境,培训博物馆员工进行预防性监测等等。大多数博物馆逐步减少使用杀虫剂,转而采用低温冷冻法、控制温度法、氮气或二氧化碳气调等进行防治。药材甲是博物馆、图书馆等场所常见的害虫。维也纳艺术史博物馆的库房中出现了药材甲病害。2011年,将画作放进库房之前,曾对  相似文献   

研究了在-20℃时,药材窃蠹在不同发育阶段的冷冻处理时间对死亡率的影响结果。采集了此害虫的卵、幼虫、蛹和成虫,置于-20℃下0-4h进行实验,1h可观察到各个发育阶段的害虫全部死亡。根据这些实验结果,提出了一种可替代传统熏蒸技术,用于处理馆藏文物的低温灭虫的新技术。  相似文献   

低温处理技术现在已经在化工行业和食品工业得到了广泛的应用,已经成为一项成熟的新技术.近年来,欧美学者采用这一理念处理长期困扰博物馆的文物害虫问题成果十分显著.国内故宫博物院和上海博物馆也在这方面取得了长足的进步.这一技术对于一向以化学手段为主导的博物馆虫害防治问题,无疑是提供了一种高安全的替代方法.文章就对港口博物馆在这方面的应用前景提出讨论.  相似文献   

有害昆虫对馆藏动物标本造成的危害十分严重,它能在短时间内使动物标本变得千疮百孔,皮毛分离,完全丧失其馆藏价值;为了有效地控制馆藏动物标本害虫的危害,应采用"预防为主,综合治理"的策略,本文介绍了馆藏动物标本害虫的预防及灭治方法。  相似文献   

动物标本害虫及其防治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
多年来,我馆动物标本遭受虫害,造成一定经济损失。近几年,为摸清动物标本害虫种类、害虫特性及防治措施,我们做了大量工作,现将结果初步作一报导,供同道参考,并求指正。 1.害虫种类收集的标本,用70%酒精溶液保存,在60至80倍生物体视解剖镜下观察,鉴别虫种,现就害虫种类主要特征作简要描述。  相似文献   

西藏博物馆馆藏文物丰富、特色浓郁,但由于历史条件等原因,文物虫害一直存在并产生危害。为制定虫害治理方案,本工作从害虫检测入手,对西藏博物馆的害虫进行检测分析,阐述了文物保护工作中虫害预防治理的重要性,并就虫害的危害特性、种群特性以及预防治理的必要性和紧迫性进行论述。根据西藏博物馆的现状,分别针对库存文物和展览文物的环境特点和虫害情况制定虫害治理方案,并选择虫害较严重的库、馆进行了实验性治理,对库存文物及环境在所有文物原地不动的前提下进行了整体熏蒸防治,对展馆环境及展存文物进行了整体的消杀防治,均取得了预期的满意效果。通过实验治理的操作过程和效果体验,认识到化学防治的安全、快捷、高效、简便和实用,同时结合多年的文保工作经验,提出了对馆藏文物保护的一些建议。  相似文献   

钟志诚  曾俊 《风景名胜》2021,(8):0193-0194
在园林的害虫防治过程中,生物防治技术以无污染、无毒、无害等特点在园林虫害防治中被广泛使用。文章着重探讨生物防治技术在园林害虫管理中的应用。  相似文献   

受控冷冻灭虫的关键在受控,受控指标包括冷冻温度、降温速度与冷冻时间,受控的目的是要达到彻底灭虫。冷冻温度与降温速度直接影响到被冷冻物品的形体安全,保障物品安全为前提的受控冷冻灭虫需要管控风险。基于文献分析、相关问题的调研与理论研究发现,温度不够低、降温速度不够快以及灭虫时间过短都会造成灭虫不彻底的风险。极端低温与快速降温带来物品的损伤与被冷冻物品的材料性质相关,将在极端低温与热冲击力下必然会损坏的材料排除在冷冻灭虫的许可范围之外,科学地选择冷冻温度与加强冷冻灭虫过程管控,可使受控冷冻灭虫化险为夷,即以保证藏品安全为前提的彻底灭虫。  相似文献   

“新型古建筑白蚁防治剂的研制”课题是文物保护“八五”科研规划之一。白蚁防治剂是在研究了中草药和有机磷杀虫剂协同作用的基础上,采用复配技术研制而成。所配制的粉剂、乳剂等剂型便于喷洒,可用于白蚁的熏杀和触杀,对文物古建筑常见蚁种蚁害有明显的防治效果。经检测结果表明,此种白蚁防治剂属实际无毒级。与现在常用的白蚁防治药物氯丹和砷制剂相比,除对人无毒、  相似文献   

When a Canada‐wide daily climate time series, covering the period 1950–2010, became available, an opportunity arose to analyze the time series for trends of a variety of temperature indices. The 6,833 climate grid cells covering Alberta, each with an area of 10 km by 10 km, allowed the detailed mapping of 30 temperature indices across the province. From each time series, an annual series was computed, which then enabled trend analyses using the non‐parametric Mann‐Kendall and Sen Slope tests. New maps could be created at an unprecedented spatial resolution, and an associated website was developed to access all trends and changes between 1950 and 2010 for all grid cells at albertaclimaterecords.com . The confidence levels of some temperature trends exceed 99%, while others are below 80%. In Alberta's south, annual average temperatures have increased by 1°C to 2°C since the 1950s, but in Alberta's north the increase is 2°C to 4°C. The growing season has lengthened by between one and five weeks since the 1950s, while the number of frost days has declined. The most significant trends observed were increases in mean annual and winter temperatures, and declines in the number of days below ?20°C and heating degree days.  相似文献   

Plagioclase feldspar is the major luminescent mineral in meteorites. Thermoluminescence (TL) characteristics, peak temperature (Tm), full width at half maximum (FWHM), ratio of high (HT) to low temperature (LT) peak, and TL sensitivity (TL/dose/mass) to an extent reflect degree of crystallinity of the mineral. The present study explores and establishes a correlation between quantum mechanical anomalous (athermal) fading and structural state by examining TL of individual chondrules. Chondrules were separated using freeze-thaw technique from a single fragment of Dhajala meteorite. The results show large variation in Tm (155?230°C), FWHM (80?210°C) and HT/LT (0.07–0.47) and seem to be positively correlated. TL sensitivity (ranging from 14 to 554 counts/s/Gy/mg) decreases with increasing Tm and FWHM. Large variations in TL parameters (Tm, FWHM, HT/LT, and Sensitivty) suggest that individual chondrules had different degree of crystallization. Thermal annealing experiments suggest that comparatively ordered form of feldspar can be converted to a disordered form by annealing the sample at high temperatures (1000°C) for long time (10 hr) in vacuum (1 mbar pressure) condition and rapidly cooling it. Measured anomalous fading suggest that fading rate increases as the crystal form changes from an ordered state to a disordered state. However, the fading rate becomes nearly negligible for the most disordered feldspars.  相似文献   

The influence of electron-phonon interaction on the shape of the optically stimulated luminescence decay curve of Al2O3:C has been studied using thermally assisted optically stimulated luminescence (TA-OSL). The minimum detectable dose (MDD) of a phosphor depends on the standard deviation of the background signal which affects the signal-to-noise ratio. The standard deviation of the background signal reduces at lower stimulation light intensity while the readout time increases. Further, measurement at higher temperature enhances the OSL signal with faster decay due to the temperature dependence of photo-ionization cross-section. To achieve the same decay constant and more signal, the temperature of measurement was raised. As a result of lowering the stimulation in-tensity at higher temperature (85°C) the overall MDD of α-Al2O3:C was found to improve by 1.8 times. For extension of dose linearity in higher range, deeper traps were studied by simultaneous application of CW-OSL and thermal stimulation up to 400°C, using a linear heating rate of 4K/s. By using this method, two well defined peaks at 121°C and 232°C were observed. These TA-OSL peaks have been correlated with two deeper defects which can be thermally bleached at 650°C and 900°C respectively. These deeper defects are stable up to 500°C, so they can store absorbed dose information even if the sample is inadvertently exposed to light or heat. The dose vs. TA-OSL response from deep traps of α-Al2O3:C was found to be linear up to 10 kGy, thus extending its application for high dose dosimetry.  相似文献   

The Middle Uruk phase in Mesopotamia (3600–3500 bc) has been characterised by the massive production of “bevelled rim bowls” (BRBs). They are characterised by their similar shape and volume in Mesopotamia and surroundings. However, their production method has not been studied in detail, including the firing temperature. The determination of the firing temperature of ancient pottery has been attempted by studying mineral phase transformation sequences; although, very little knowledge exists about such transformations in mixtures or thermal analyses. These methods usually provide imprecise firing temperatures between 500 and 800 °C, as other factors such as the raw materials or firing time and conditions must be considered. As an alternative, luminescence techniques have been tested with promising results, as they have provided reliable maximum firing temperatures for ancient pottery at mild conditions (below 600 °C) with high precision. In this work, the firing temperatures of BRB samples from two archaeological sites located in the Middle Euphrates Valley (Syria) have been studied using mineralogical, chemical and thermal analysis. Both mineral characterization techniques and thermal analyses show agreement and firing probably below 600–700 °C. Luminescence yields ambiguous results but circumstantial evidence on the firing temperature between 400 and 550 °C.  相似文献   

The degradation of archaeological wood at freezing and thawing temperatures is studied at the site of Qajaa in West Greenland through a combination of environmental monitoring, measurement of oxygen consumption and microscopy of wood samples. Permanently frozen wood is still very well preserved after 2–4000 years, while wood samples that thaw every summer show attack by soft rot and an average density loss of 0.1 g cm–3 (corresponding to 25% of the dry mass) over the past 27 years. Future increases in temperature may increase the decay rate significantly (Q10 = 4.2 at 0–10°C) but the effects on site depend on local hydrology.  相似文献   

Using a set of modern/young (0 to about 200 years old) dust samples collected from the Chinese Loess Plateau the bleachability of IRSL measured at 50°C (IR50) and post-IR50 elevated temperature IRSL (measured at 225°C and at 290°C) is investigated by measuring the apparent (residual) doses recorded by these signals. Doses recorded by quartz OSL are used as a reference. Allowing for differences in dose rates it seems that both IRSL and post-IR IRSL signals yield residual doses that are significantly larger than the doses measured in quartz. These residual doses can be largely explained by thermal transfer caused by preheating. Nevertheless, we advise against the use of a low temperature preheat (<200°C) with IR50 to date loess samples because, as has been reported before, the signal appears to be thermally unstable. In general, we conclude that it may not be advisable to apply post-IR IRSL dating to Chinese loess samples where residuals of up to ∼20 Gy are a significant fraction of the total dose. However, these residuals quickly become unimportant when dating older samples, and this is the age range in which post-IR IRSL dating is likely to be most useful.  相似文献   

Archaeological experiments that use modern bones to replicate past animal bone assemblages have often failed to consider the effects of environment, storage and preparation on modern bones. Often, these experiments make little mention of the conditions to which bones were subject during their storage and preparation for use in experiments. In other instances, these variables are reported but not considered as factors that contribute to the nature of the results obtained. This study considers previously reported data concerning the degradation of frozen bones (−20°C), and bones exposed to hot, dry conditions (40°C), and presents new data for bones exposed to room temperature environments (22°C) and refrigerated environments (2°C), and bones that are frozen (−20°C) and then thawed (22°C). These conditions are all relevant to understanding the nature of bone degradation and the use of bones in modern archaeological experimentation. This article also surveys a range of previously reported experiments that utilise modern bones to create analogies to the past and considers different methodological approaches and their relationship to the condition of bones at the time of their fracture and fragmentation. The longitudinal data presented in this study demonstrate differential rates of bone degradation over time in various environmental conditions. This degradation results in dramatic changes in bone fracture morphology, bone strength and utility for bone tool production. These observations have significant implications for experiments that utilise modern bones, especially when experimental data are used to create analogies to the archaeological past. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Friedman and Smith's (1960) article introducing an exciting, potentially precise and inexpensive method of dating obsidian artefacts has thus far failed to reach its potential. Numerous efforts to refine, improve and even redevelop the method since that time have similarly failed to achieve the original promise. Only within the last eight years have significant improvements been made, due to both improved analytical techniques and a better understanding of the hydration process. However, most of our mechanistic understanding of the interaction of water with rhyolitic glass is based on experiments performed on melts and glasses at temperatures above their glass transitions, conditions inappropriate for investigation of near‐surface environmental conditions. Unfortunately, studies detailing the temporal evolution of the diffusion profile at low temperatures are rare, and few useful data are available on the low‐temperature diffusive hydration of silicate glasses. This paper presents data on the experimental hydration of obsidian from the Pachuca source (a.k.a. Sierra de las Navajas, Basin of Mexico) at 75°C for times ranging from 3 to 562 days, and compares these results with data for samples obtained from a stratigraphic excavation of the Chalco site in the Basin of Mexico. Samples have been analysed using secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) to provide concentration/depth data. While 75°C is still significantly above the temperatures at which archaeological obsidians hydrate, it is well below the glass transition temperature (approx. 400°C) and thus processes are likely to be similar to those that occur in nature, but fast enough to be observed over a laboratory timescale. The results demonstrate that a simple square‐root‐of‐time model of the evolution of the diffusion profile is not adequate to describe the diffusion process, as measured diffusion profiles exhibit the effects of concentration‐ and time‐dependent, non‐Fickian diffusion. With progressive hydration, characteristic diffusion coefficients first decrease, then increase with time. Surface concentration increases with time, but an intermediate plateau is observed in its time evolution that is consistent with results obtained from the suite of Chalco samples. Both of these effects have been observed during diffusion in glassy polymer systems and are associated with the build‐up and relaxation of self‐stress caused by the influx of diffusing material.  相似文献   

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