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Summary. The prime question considered is the process by which a village is transformed to a city. Two intermediate stages are defined: the quasi-city and the proto-city, the principal differences being that the proto-city serves as a central place in a region, has a higher level of social production and contains a high percentage of people engaged part time or full time in specialist activities. The role of craftsmen, traders and palace/temples are discussed. The full city emerges only with a fully developed class society.  相似文献   

Writing on the labour trade focuses on the question of whether Melanesian labourers recruited to work in Australia and Fiji were kidnapped slaves, or willing volunteers. This debate about victims versus actors tends however to be constructed from the viewpoint of the male recruit. The small minority of Melanesian women who were recruited are typically seen as motivated to go because of love or sexual relations with men, and are sometimes portrayed as ‘prostitutes‘. Through an examination of some primary sources, secondary interpretative histories and the oral history of one region of Vanuatu, this paper queries this image of women in the labour trade. It suggests moreover, that the labour trade must be seen as having dramatic effects on relations between women and men in Vanuatu's villages.  相似文献   

Most authors who have studied family farming would agree that the role of women in agricultural production has been largely invisible. As the process of agricultural restructuring continues, the contributions made by farm women to the farming enterprise have gained greater prominence, but there are still specific groups of farming women who have been relatively under-studied. The purpose of this paper is to enhance our understanding of the characteristics and occupational experiences of Canadian female farm operators, who represent a non-traditional role for women in agricultural production. As background, the paper provides a brief overview of female farm operators and their farms, using data from the 1971, 1981, and 1986 censuses of Agriculture and Population. However, the research goes beyond the census data to examine the socially constructed realities of daily life for female farmers, using interviews with a sample of Ontario female farm operators. In particular, the contexts prompting women's entrance to this occupation are examined, as are the reasons for entrance. Furthermore, mechanisms by which the traditional gender relations of farming are maintained and reproduced are identified. Central to this is the constraint of women's access to key agricultural resources through issues related to occupational inheritance, the perceived legitimacy of women in this non-traditional role, and the ongoing processes of agrarian myth making. La plupart des auteurs qui ont étudié les fermes familiales s'accorderaient à dire que le rôle de la femme dans la production agricole a été largement passé sous silence. Avec ?on; évolution de la restructuration agricole, la contribution des femmes aux entreprises agricoles a été mise en relief. Toutefois, certains groupes spécifiques de femmes dans la production agricole sont peu eatudieas. ?on; objet de la presénte étude est ?on; améliorer notre compréhension des caractéristiques et de ?on; experience de travail des agricultrices canadiennes. Ces agricultrices tiennent un rôle non traditionnel pour des femmes impliquées dans la production agricole. De plus, la recherche fait une revue des données recueillies lors des recensements dagriculture et popula- tion en 1971, 1987 et 1986 sur les agricultrices et leurs fermes. ?on; étude va au-delà des données statistiques. Des interviews, dont une partie porte sur des agricultrices ontariennes, sont utilisées afin ?on; examiner les réalités sociales de ?on; activité quotidienne des agricultrices. Plus particulièrement, les contextes et les raisons poussant les agricultrices à choisir cette occupation sont etudiés. Les mécanismes qui engendrent et maintiennent la sociosexuation traditionnelle sont identifyées. La difficulté?on; accés des agricultrices aux ressources agricoles clés est un aspect central déterminé par la tradition farniliale, la perception de la légitimité des femmes dans cette occupation non traditionnelle, et les processus de con- struction des mythes agraires.  相似文献   

Clara H. Greed 《对极》1992,24(1):16-28
Chartered surveyors are one of the main groups of property professions in Britain involved in all aspects of land use and development: but only five percent are women. This paper discusses the dimensions of a conceptual model, expressed as a diagram, developed to demonstrate the role of surveyors in the reproduction over space of social relations: in this case the imprint of gender relations on the built environment through the development process. In seeking to trace empirically the transmission paths, it is concluded that one is dealing with a complex network of processes in which gender and class cannot be easily separated, but inter-react to produce the end product.  相似文献   

Pat Burnett 《对极》1973,5(3):57-62

以空间为视角,以"村改居"为案例,说明了农村居住空间改观对农村社会关系嬗变的影响。首先,农民集中居住后,公寓楼的阶梯设置造成了垂直方向上行走的高差区分。由于楼梯对身体的规训以及安全性差,导致高差间交往的不便;其次,公寓楼单元化的"门-房"一体结构导致公共空间与私人空间的界限明朗化,缺少了半私密性空间的过渡,空间闭合与开放的矛盾变得不可调和,农村居民户内交往意愿降低;再次,公共空间相对于私人生活区的外设与远离,导致公共空间使用率下降。农村居民间规模化和混合型交往缺失,公共空间没有承担起公共交往的功能。农村社会关系因此从"分散的不规则集中"变为"集中的均匀分散"。  相似文献   

The emergence of a mega-mall - with its increased scale, size, and ensuing annexation of much of a city's retail and social life - intensifies the need for research about the social functions of shopping centres. Profiles of mall social life are necessary to understand the larger geographical, legal, political, and social issues accompanying the proliferation of such privately owned, publicly used indoor urban environments. Social interaction at West Edmonton Mall (wem) is characterized through an examination of its physical design and operation and an assessment of attitudes and uses of its local patrons, including adolescent 'ma/ies. wem is not as successful in orchestrating visitor satisfaction as one might expect, due partly to the amplification of tension between mall owners I designers and the desire of local residents to engage the mega-mall on their own terms.  相似文献   

W omen's H istory in G lobal P erspective , Volume 1. Edited by Bonnie G. Smith.
B odies in C ontact: R ethinking C olonial E ncounters in W orld H istory. Edited by Antoinette Burton and Tony Ballantyne.  相似文献   

正Most Tibetans regard high,snow-capped mountains as sacred,and they have a long tradition of honoring them by making religious offerings or circling the base on foot.Tsering Tandar climbs them instead.He regards the trek to the summit as a different form of worship."Climbing gives me the opportunity to feel those sacred mountains closely,and I regard it as a new way to pay my homage to them,"says Tsering,the 28-year-old  相似文献   

诞生于欧洲的社会旅游,在以改善民生、提高社会福祉、推动社会平等为宗旨的社会公共政策中发挥了重要作用。本文系统回顾了国外有关社会旅游的英文研究文献,从'社会旅游'术语的由来入手,对社会旅游的缘起及其特征进行了归纳;研究详细评述了社会旅游的概念、运作机制、发展缘由、价值及效益评价和在各国的发展模式等;最后对未来研究亟待深化之处作了简要展望,以期为在我国的制度环境下推行社会旅游公共政策及其研究的本土化提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

经济社会学对于经济活动所根植的社会关系网络的揭示,引发了网络思想的普遍关注。本文从经济社会学与文化经济地理学相结合的跨学科视角,探讨如何使用社会网络分析技术,将文化经济活动的地域关系网络可视化,提出"社会地理网络"的概念。论文以深圳传媒产业"大事记"作为数据来源,详细叙述了如何将影响深圳传媒产业发展历程的社会地理关系网络可视化的方法,揭示了传媒产业"社会地理网络"的存在;初步说明了社会地理网络研究的方法论意义和政策含义。  相似文献   

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