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2019年8月,为支持鄂安沧输气管道工程建设,河北省文物研究所(今河北省文物考古研究院)对位于河北省石家庄市深泽县白庄乡东固罗村东南管道工程征地范围内的3座元代墓葬进行了抢救性考古发掘。3座墓葬均为圆形竖穴单室墓,仅出土少量瓷器、铜钱和陶板瓦。这是该地区首批经科学发掘的元代墓葬,为冀中地区元代考古增加了新资料。  相似文献   

2016年7月,河北省三河市老辛庄村发现两座古墓葬,出土了一批陶器、瓷器、铜器、玉器以及铜钱等遗物,但未见墓志等纪年材料,发掘简报根据墓葬形制和出土器物将墓葬年代定为金代中晚期。将出土瓷器的器形、纹饰,陶器器物组合与纪年材料进行对比分析可知,两座墓葬的年代应为元代。老辛庄墓葬的发现,不仅补充了廊坊地区元代墓葬的资料,还表明元代廊坊和北京地区的丧葬习俗相近,属于同一墓葬文化区。墓中出土一炉二壶的铜器组合应是进行"香花供养"的供祭之器,对于研究元代仿古铜器的性质具有重要意义。  相似文献   

张弘略乃元代蔡国公张柔的第八子,德才兼备,英勇善战,在元朝的征战中,战功卓著。,其与夫人墓位于河北满城县大册营镇岗头村九龙庄自然村东,系张柔家族基地中的两座墓葬,1998年因基葬被盗掘而进行了清理发掘。2012年6月,对这两座墓葬进行了勘测,并对其形制、结构进行测绘以及文字记录。这两座墓葬均出土了基志,尤其张弘略基出土了大量精美的瓷器,品类丰富,较全面地反映了元代瓷器的风格和制作工艺水平,极大地丰富了元代的瓷器种类,为中国陶瓷发展史的进一步研究增添了珍贵的实物资料。  相似文献   

2018年,扬州市文物考古研究所抢救性发掘了邗江区经九路元墓M17。该墓为双室砖壁石顶墓,墓室曾遭盗掘,残存遗物以瓷器为主。这些瓷器显示了元代制瓷业高超的工艺水平,为了解元代扬州与周边区域经济文化交流和研究扬州地区元代墓葬形制、葬俗、社会生活等增添了新的实物资料。  相似文献   

彭辉  肖宇  张华 《文物》2023,(4):14-26+1
2018年12月,常州博物馆对江苏省常州市金坛区指前镇唐陵村基本建设过程中发现的3座元代砖室墓(编号2018CJTM1~2018CJTM3)进行了抢救性发掘。三墓呈“品”字形排列,相距较近,墓向皆为东南方向。墓葬保存基本完整,均为长方形竖穴土坑单室砖墓,折拱券顶,前壁中部有壁龛,砖室内置漆木棺,出土器物包括瓷器、银器、锡器、铜器、木器等。根据墓葬分布、形制及出土器物特征等判断,这三座墓葬应为同时期的家族墓,年代大致为元代中晚期。本次发掘,为研究江南地区这一时期的经济、文化、手工业水平及葬俗与历史提供了重要资料。  相似文献   

北京平谷河北村元墓发掘简报   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
2006年10月,北京市文物研究所在北京市平谷区马坊镇河北村西发掘清理了23座古墓葬,其中元代墓葬5座,均为砖筑的圆形单室墓,墓道朝南,墓顶部均已坍塌。出土器物以瓷器为主,共31件,均为实用器物,器形有碗、碟、盘、四系瓶等,四系瓶均成对出土,摆放于墓室南部的东西两侧。5座墓相距不远,墓葬形制、随葬器物相似,可能为同一家族的墓葬。从墓葬的砌砖多用残砖分析,墓主属于中下阶层。  相似文献   

2011~2012年,西安市文物保护考古研究院为配合基本建设,于西安市曲江乡原缪家寨村所在地发掘了汉代至明代墓葬113座。其中一座元代墓葬(编号2012JGYM109)保存完好,为竖穴墓道前后室土洞墓,出土器物丰富,包括大量陶俑、陶动物模型、陶日用明器及瓷器、铜器等。据出土墓券可知,墓主为袁贵安,葬于元元贞元年(1295年)。此墓是西安地区发现的又一座有明确纪年的元代墓葬,为西安地区元代考古研究提供了重要资料。  相似文献   

2015年10月,乌兰察布市博物馆与卓资县文物管理所联合对卓资县围堡村元代墓葬进行抢救性发掘,出土遗物有陶器、铁器等。该墓葬发现的"元贞元年(1295年)四月"题记,是乌兰察布地区首次发现的有确切年号的元代墓葬,对研究元代墓葬及乌兰察布历史文化提供了宝贵的实物资料。  相似文献   

2005年在南阳市宛城区陈棚村发掘清理了3座汉墓,出土了一批陶器、瓷器以及画像石。这批墓葬的发掘进一步丰富了南阳汉代的墓葬资料,尤其是为汉代画像石的研究等提供了新的实物资料。  相似文献   

2002年1月,驻马店市文物考古管理所会同泌阳县文化局对位于泌阳县对外贸易总公司院内的3座古代墓葬进行了发掘。这3座墓葬形制结构基本相同,均为仿木建筑结构单室墓,由墓道、墓门、甬道、墓室四部分组成,有棺床,券顶呈穹窿状。出土随葬器物10件,以瓷器为主。推断这3座墓为一家族墓葬,时代为北宋中晚期。  相似文献   

Recent excavations at the Postclassic (AD 1050–1440) Maya site of Mayapán, Mexico, have uncovered a variety of metal objects, metal production debris, and ceramic objects that appear to be linked to metallurgical activities at the site. Our present study investigates a corpus of small ceramic objects to determine if these objects was used in metallurgical processes such as lost-wax casting. A variety of analytical techniques was utilized, including x-ray fluorescence, electron probe, petrography, and reflected light microscopy. Metal residues were detected on the surfaces of several objects, and copper prills were identified within the ceramic fabric, suggesting that the ceramics were exposed to liquid metal during remelting and/or casting events. A comparison of the microstructures of these metallurgical ceramics to typical ceramics from Mayapán demonstrates that the fabrics are very different, and suggests that the metallurgical ceramics were specifically engineered to function in the high temperature environment required for metallurgy. The distribution of metal and metallurgical ceramics across the site of Mayapán suggests that metal production activities may have been more widely distributed and practiced than earlier thought.  相似文献   

本工作旨在了解贾湖单人墓随葬品数量与墓主人性别、年龄以及墓葬分期之间的关系。根据墓葬样本的实际情况,本工作使用t-检验、单因素和双因素方差分析的方法进行了初步的统计学分析。结果显示,贾湖墓葬随葬品总量与性别无关,但与墓主人的死亡年龄有关,壮年随葬品较丰富。同时,随葬品数量受到性别和死亡年龄的交互影响比较显著,女性少年儿童的随葬品数量最多,男性壮年的随葬品次之。从随葬品的种类上看,除少年儿童组最多外,女性壮年墓葬占有石制品最多;男性壮年墓葬占有骨、牙制品最多。本工作还发现陶器和骨、牙制品的数量在不同时期存在着较显著变化,第二期时骨、牙制品和陶制品的数量较多。本工作认为,女孩随葬品数量较多的情况可能与母系氏族社会重女习俗有关,不同性别的壮年侧重随葬不同质地的物品则可能暗示着贾湖先民们已经出现了一定程度的社会分工,陶和骨、牙制品在第二期时比较丰富的现象可能与这一时期渔猎采集活动较活跃有关。  相似文献   

The exact identification of the raw material used for ancient bone objects is the basis to understand the manner in which humans in ancient times chose the medium for the manufacture of objects. The material identification is not trivial in the case of highly modified surfaces – worked by man or degraded by diagenesis. Even if bone materials are morphologically quite different, they show in general a very similar chemical composition. Nevertheless, slight differences can be observed in their chemical composition on minor and trace level. These variations may be used as a marker of their exact nature, when other means such as morphological observations are limited. A large data base was built up by analysing different modern and archaeological osseous materials in order to define chemical markers for the identification of the raw materials used to manufacture objects.Micro-Proton Induced X-ray and Gamma-ray Emission (micro-PIXE/PIGE) was chosen to analyse the different bone materials as a non-invasive method is generally required for the study of ancient worked osseous objects. These analyses were performed at the particle accelerator AGLAE installed at the laboratory of the C2RMF, Paris.This paper presents the results obtained on about 150 objects made of different bone materials dating from the Palaeolithic to today and coming from various archaeological sites, mainly in France. Some chemical markers seem to be characteristic, such as the magnesium to calcium ratio for well preserved ivory on one hand and the fluorine content versus strontium to calcium ratio for bones of marine mammals on the other hand. The limits of this approach and the different parameters to consider for an identification of ancient bone and ivory material based on this method are particularly discussed in the case of Palaeolithic material from Abri Pataud and Isturitz, France.  相似文献   

Summary: It has been suggested that some Palaeolithic objects show traces of long-term handling, suspension or transport. However, no criteria have been established for identifying such traces and differentiating them from other traces of natural or human origin. Handling, suspension, polishing with skin and transport of bone, antler and ivory objects have been reproduced experimentally and observed by optical microscopy and SEM. the width of striations seems to be the only criterion for differentiating handling, suspension and polishing. the transport of a single bone object in a leather bag produces striations of different dimensions to those produced by handling. the differentiation between traces of transport and those due to polishing with skin are more problematic. the transport of several bone objects in the same bag results in traces that differ according to the morphology and the hardness of the objects accompanying them. In particular, the pits generated by knocking against each other enable one to identify the nature of the other objects. Finally, analyses of bone objects known to have been subjected to long-term handling and archaeological objects dating from the Solutrean and Magdalenian cultures were compared with the experimental results.  相似文献   

This object-specific case study focuses on cupreous artifacts excavated from the Great Temple complex of Petra, Jordan to demonstrate how the use of compositional X-ray analyses alongside two experimental applications (ImageJ software and nanoindentation) have the potential to generate different and otherwise unobtainable information about archaeological metals. The study highlights the value of using multiple techniques as a means of resolving the ambiguities that tend to arise from interpretations of single-sited measurements on objects and from single-instrumental analyses during studies of production processes and consequent material performance. Employing different techniques on multiple localities within a sample permits the gathering of precise information about the behavior of and interrelationships between variables that affect the objects’ fabrication and use, particularly composition, structure, and hardness properties. The resulting data are interpreted in association with contextual archaeological information from Petra to consider the use-life and potential significance of these objects.  相似文献   

山东青州香山汉墓陪葬坑出土了数量巨大,种类齐全陶质彩绘文物,尤其是陶马和陶俑上的彩绘保存完好,色彩鲜艳,绘画工艺精湛,非常罕见。为了研究汉代彩绘及其制陶工艺等信息,本研究使用拉曼光谱(RS)、带能谱的扫描电镜(SEM-EDX)、偏光显微镜(PLM)、体式显微镜(OM)、X射线荧光光谱(XRF)、X射线衍射(XRD)、热膨胀仪等分析方法,对出土的陶质彩绘文物进行了分析研究。结果表明这批陶质彩绘文物制作工艺是就地取土,与水混合塑型,在900~1000℃烧制陶胎。其彩绘所使用的颜料均为矿物颜料,其中白色为方解石(CaCO3)、红色为赭石(Fe2O3)和朱砂(HgS)、黑色为炭黑(C)、紫色为人造汉紫(BaCuSi2O6),采用胶料调和颜料调涂刷绘制而成。这批文物的制作工艺属于典型的秦汉时期彩绘陶器的制作方法。研究成果可为相关文物的保护提供科学数据。  相似文献   

中霍墓地出土青铜器是研究春秋晚期和战国早期青铜文化特征、制作技术以及探讨该时期中原和北方少数民族相互关系等学术问题的重要资料。为进一步揭示该墓地出土青铜器所包含的科学信息,对该墓地出土17件铜器的37个样品进行了科学分析检测。结果显示,这批青铜器的制作工艺以铸造为主,另外还有热锻、热锻后冷加工等;其合金成分有铜锡二元合金和铜锡铅三元合金两种,铜锡二元合金全部用于制作工具,铜锡铅三元合金用于制造容器。这显示中霍墓地铜器的合金成分和器物类型之间的关系明显,表明制作者已经能根据青铜器的用途而选择合适的制作材料。研究结果对研究中原和北方少数民族冶金术及在此基础上的文化交流有较大的指示性意义。  相似文献   

To better understand walking practices and the power relations informing them, Mattias Kärrholm and colleagues argue for a relational methodology and metalanguage. In the process, they propose a threefold approach: (a) identify different walking assemblages; (b) investigate how diverse types of walking assemblage relate in series; and (c) study how certain objects can gather or bind series together and act as boundary objects. In this article, we explore the worth of that approach, drawing on research interviews held over 2015–16 with residents from Wollongong, Australia, during a period when their municipal government was implementing a walkable city strategy. Here, we analyse participants' conversations with us for what they reveal about walking types, walking assemblages, interseriality, objects of passage, and boundary objects—five terms used by Kärrholm et al. to interrogate urban walking. Our work suggests that participants are adept at gauging the constant transformations that characterise their walks. This narrative evaluative capacity is, perhaps paradoxically, both compelling and mundane and suggests that participants make sense of a range of meanings from complex social and spatial dynamics and do so in ways that highlight privilege and disadvantage in the city. These findings have wider relevance for those interested in walking and mobilities studies and methodologies.  相似文献   

孙研 《东南文化》2016,(5):40-50
2012年,镇江博物馆在镇江市大港镇龙泉村清理汉代土坑竖穴墓10座,出土器物类型以罐、盒、鼎、壶、瓿为主。从墓葬形制和随葬器物推测,墓葬时代应属于西汉中期。从墓葬的分布规律推测,该墓地应为一处家族墓地,家族内部又分为不同的家庭单位,墓葬之间的区别可能与墓主生活时代和社会地位的不同有关。这批墓葬的科学发掘,为研究镇江地区汉代丧葬制度提供了丰富的实物资料。  相似文献   

Most material culture of later prehistoric Europe comprises common forms of pottery, personal ornaments, and tools of different kinds. But some objects stand out by virtue of their unique decoration. These special objects were often ornamented with motifs and patterns that were intended to capture and hold the viewer's attention. Many such objects were purposefully deposited, sometimes in graves, sometimes in ‘structured deposits’. In the Early and Middle Bronze Age, ornate cups played special roles, both in expressing the status of elites and in serving as common elements in long‐distance connections between elites in different regions of Europe. An unusual pit at Kelheim in Bavaria, Germany, serves as a case study to explore the connections between uniquely decorated cups, the emergence of elites during the Early and Middle Bronze Age, and the formation and maintenance of long‐distance connections between communities throughout Europe.  相似文献   

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