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Although the wall-paintings in the three first floor bedrooms and the connecting passage at Ellys Manor House, Great Ponton (SK 927 304), have been known to exist for a considerable time and are amongst the most extensive and important of their period in the country, very little has been written about them and no attempt has been made to co-ordinate the information that is available.  相似文献   


Excavations beneath and around the late Georgian Glinester House at Temple End, in High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, revealed the presence of at least three major phases of building. Dating from the 16th century these structures appear to be a succession of farmhouses lying at the centre of wider farm complexes. While these buildings are located within the former lands of Temple Manor, from which the area and farm name derives, no evidence of a medieval manor complex was located within the excavation area. Rather the pattern of development is more indicative of wider transformations in vernacular housing and domestic life between the 16th and 19th centuries.  相似文献   

程早霞 《安徽史学》2006,26(2):5-9,96
美国插手西藏问题由来已久,不同时期方式各异.上个世纪之交美国初登世界舞台即对青藏高原表现出浓厚的兴趣;二战期间美国秘密派遣战略情报局人员入藏探险;冷战时期西藏则成为美国对华冷战的重要组成部分,美国的插手直接触动了达赖外逃.所谓"西藏问题"由此产生,并成为当今国际关系中的一个重要议题.  相似文献   

The terrier of the lordship of Maussat and La Romagière, drawn up in 1470–1480, is the principal source of information for this study of serfdom in western Bourbonnais. Conclusions are drawn from this source concerning the proportion of serfs in the population as a whole, the nature of the bonds of dependence, the ways of becoming a serf, and the obligations and rights of both lord and serf. The possibilities of serfs making socioeconomic progress through the concentration of tenures in a small number of servile families and the exercise of ministeriality are considered. The study demonstrates the dynamism and importance of serfdom in the organisation of the lordship. La condition du servage dans la seigneurie de Maussat et de La Romagière - à l'Ouest du Bourbonnais - a ètè ètudié à partir du tm?oignage principal du terrier de cette seigneurie, rédigé en 1470–1480. Dans ce travail, on établit: (1) La population totale de la seigneurie et celle de chacun des groupes afin de connaître l'importance quantitative du servage: 25% du total des dépendants; (2) La nature de lien de dépendance: serfs personnels ou réels, les premiers étant beaucoup plus nombreux; (3) Les voies menant au servage - héritage et accord - toutes deux en pleine vigueur; (4) Les obligations et les droits des serfs, et les droits du seigneur montrant une nette amélioration dans la condition du servage. On analyse enfin les possibilités d'évolution du groupe grâce à la concentration de tenures par un petit nombre de familles serviles et par l'exercise de la ministérialité. Cette étude permet de constater le dynamisme du servage et son importance dans l'organisation de la seigneurie.  相似文献   

The terrier of the lordship of Maussat and La Romagière, drawn up in 1470–1480, is the principal source of information for this study of serfdom in western Bourbonnais. Conclusions are drawn from this source concerning the proportion of serfs in the population as a whole, the nature of the bonds of dependence, the ways of becoming a serf, and the obligations and rights of both lord and serf. The possibilities of serfs making socioeconomic progress through the concentration of tenures in a small number of servile families and the exercise of ministeriality are considered. The study demonstrates the dynamism and importance of serfdom in the organisation of the lordship. La condition du servage dans la seigneurie de Maussat et de La Romagière - à l'Ouest du Bourbonnais - a ètè ètudié à partir du tm?oignage principal du terrier de cette seigneurie, rédigé en 1470–1480. Dans ce travail, on établit: (1) La population totale de la seigneurie et celle de chacun des groupes afin de connaître l'importance quantitative du servage: 25% du total des dépendants; (2) La nature de lien de dépendance: serfs personnels ou réels, les premiers étant beaucoup plus nombreux; (3) Les voies menant au servage - héritage et accord - toutes deux en pleine vigueur; (4) Les obligations et les droits des serfs, et les droits du seigneur montrant une nette amélioration dans la condition du servage. On analyse enfin les possibilités d'évolution du groupe grâce à la concentration de tenures par un petit nombre de familles serviles et par l'exercise de la ministérialité. Cette étude permet de constater le dynamisme du servage et son importance dans l'organisation de la seigneurie.  相似文献   

W. Jerdan 《考古杂志》2013,170(1):297-300
Restoration work shows that the solar wing of Barnston Manor originally had a second wing with garderobe similar to that at Aydon Castle. Archaeological evidence indicates that the present halls of both houses are secondary, and historical evidence is presented to explain the sequence of development on each site.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the use of music in worship and recreation at Little Gidding in the first half of the Seventeenth Century. The major focus is the relatively short period from the establishment of the Ferrar family in the Manor House at Little Gidding in 1626 until the death of Nicholas Ferrar in December 1637. Worship encompasses both the formal services in the churches at Little Gidding and Steeple Gidding, and the informal devotions of the Ferrar family in the Manor House. Recreation is conceived broadly, to embrace both the proceedings of the Little Academy and the “night watches”. In each case, religion and piety are central to the activities. The study begins by investigating the Ferrars’ musical education and competence; it then moves on to music in worship, followed by music in recreation. A section on the organs at Little Gidding and their possible fate is followed by conclusions.  相似文献   

I was embraced by a dream:to spend the rest of my life in a paradise with the old folks with whom we had spent our youth in Tibet.In August 2006,my 30th anniversary of entering Tibet.I drove back to the tableland and shared my wish with Tsering Lhada.He agreed and both  相似文献   

According to the older generation,the sun in winter has its own master,in particularly in Tibet.This is a good season to enjoy drinking tea while basking in sunlight and listening to stories.In the winter of 2009,I made an appointment with Tsering,Lhadon,Mr.Liu and Mr. Qian who had all previously served with the Lhasa Transportation Company.We sat together in the garden of the former transportation company chatting in the sun about the life of drivers who we called the True men of Tibet or Emperors behin...  相似文献   

蔺国伟  白凯 《人文地理》2015,30(6):138-145
本文选择西藏为案例研究聚焦地,从潜在赴藏旅游者角度,构建了网络口碑对潜在赴藏旅游者从众行为的影响模型,并对其加以实测,结果表明:①网络口碑对潜在赴藏旅游者从众行为影响量表信度和效度值都处于较好水平,模型拟合良好;②网络口碑对潜在赴藏旅游者从众行为有显著影响(γ=0.61);③从众行为对购买意图有显著影响(γ=0.77);④网络口碑对购买意图无显著影响(γ=0.01),但存在中介效果。文后对旅游者从众行为的成因与旅游目的地属性口碑等问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   

Selection of Historical Documents Archives-Crystal Perceive Edited by Tashi Wangdu and translated by Wang Yuping,this book is divided into two parts:documents and archives.The former includes 60 documents and files regarding to various orders issued by the Tibet local governments,guideposts,court verdicts,re-  相似文献   

Russia's southern frontier in the seventeenth century was continuously menaced by the nomadic Tatars who inhabited the open steppe grasslands. In this situation the Russian government attempted to harness all the frontier's sources to the cause of defence by founding a series of military towns which could control and direct the process of settlement. Government control, however, did not extend to the widespread illegal migration and settlement of runaway serfs. In a later period, as the Tatar threat subsided and colonization continued, the importance of most of the towns diminished and a system of secondary central places arose as trade expanded. But the oldest towns retained their importance in this changing social and economic situation, becoming higher-order central places for long-distance trade and, increasingly, centres for agricultural processing.  相似文献   

中共第一代领导集体认为:“西藏人口虽不多,但国际地位极重要”;“西藏是个了不起的地方”,“西藏如果不参加祖国的大家庭,这个家庭的事便不好办了,西藏在祖国大家庭里占有很重要的地位”;西藏地处祖国边疆,地理位置特殊;民族宗教问题比较突出;游牧业经济与基础比较落后;历史上曾遭受帝国主义侵略,遗留问题多,情况比较复杂;自然条件比较特殊。  相似文献   

建于1503-1512年的拉萨市当雄县羊八井寺旧殿内转经道的早期壁画,系西藏重要艺术流派曼塘派和钦孜派早期的重要遗存之一。文本和图像的研究表明,这些壁画出自两派的创建者及其早期传人之手,它们对于厘清和重构这两个画派的早期艺术面貌和历史具有重要的学术价值。  相似文献   

The utility of oral history has always seemed most evident whengreat change occurs. Political, social, and cultural upheavalscall for documentation of the direct participants, and the printedarchives inevitably reflect the viewpoint of the old regime.Nowhere has such change been more dramatic and breathtakingthan in South Africa since the 1990s, when decades of strictapartheid collapsed into a multiracial, multicultural societythat is now ruled by its former political prisoners. Although  相似文献   

Mr.Paldo is a famous person;not only is he gifted at studies in Tibetan music and recognized for his music monographs, but has had rich experience in Tibetan folk culture as well.In old Tibet,he worked for merchants as a team member of caravans to transport goods,perform on the flute,or even act as a soldier.This rich life experience has enabled him to be knowledgeable in Tibetan folk culture.  相似文献   

This object lesson examines a seventeenth-century cabinet, held at Milton Manor House in Oxfordshire, which has been embroidered with biblical scenes. Starting from the premise that knowledge informs seeing, this article provides a close reading of the cabinet’s iconography and historical context in order to highlight the knowledge — both the general ideologies and the individual interpretation — that may have informed its production. Through a detailed reading, the maker’s negotiation of the virtue of submissiveness, a major tenet of women’s education in the period, is identified as a possible theme.  相似文献   

Emily T. Yeh 《对极》2009,41(5):983-1010
Abstract:  This article takes issue with a mode of argumentation advanced by a number of left-leaning, radical scholars, including those associated with China's New Left, about the causes of the Tibetan unrest in China in spring 2008. According to this stance, the Tibetan protests were the result of external manipulation by neoconservative, reactionary forces, ranging from the CIA to the Dalai Lama. The unstated premise of this response is that taking a critical stance against western imperialism and neoliberal globalization necessitates a defense of China's policies in Tibet. Such arguments take the form of unfavorable comparisons between Tibetans and Palestinians especially because the former are often romanticized, suggestions that Tibetans are unfortunate ideological victims of US-funded propaganda, and claims that they should be grateful for Chinese state-funded development. This response renders Tibetans incapable of being authentic political subjects. A radical stance on Western imperialism and capitalism should reject such reductionism.  相似文献   

Itinerant merchants have been an integral part of world trade since at least the time of the earliest Silk Route from China to the West. Today a group of traders from Nepal maintain this tradition. Today their travel is by economy jet and inexpensive train. The countries involved are primarily thos6 with historic ties to the mercenary Ghurka forces under the British. The traders are well organized and limited to a few‐families, primarily from the Pokhara Valley in Nepal. Their goods begin with products from Nepal and Tibet, but they also move goods gathered along their route. They represent a charming anomaly in the modern world, a touch of the old Asia.  相似文献   

The assault on D-day by Easy Company of the 101st Airborne Corps on a German howitzer battery at Brecourt Manor (Normandy) that was firing upon Utah Beach is a famous action of World War 2. Understanding the firefight and disablement of the guns depends on where the four howitzers and crew were located. Three of the locations are unequivocal, with post-WW2 accounts and the search described here in agreement. One Howitzer position (the northernmost of the four) remains in contention, with two different positions described. A geoforensic search strategy (desktop study, geophysics, excavation) was deployed that shows strong evidence for the location of the debated fourth gun, together with aerial photographic and military tactical evidence for why this fourth Howitzer was moved to a second location close to D-day.  相似文献   

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