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本文以菱湖镇为中心讨论了江南水乡市镇大型聚落在千年历史进程中形态演化的空间过程。菱湖镇的发展依托于唐末在此修筑的凌波塘;宋元时期,菱湖镇处于江南运河河网的枢纽,移民逐渐增多;明代以来,菱湖地区的水系逐渐被分割,形成局部河网;清初杨树坝修筑之后,菱湖镇的河网向死水化方向发展,民国时期在此河网基础上形成镇中固定的街市;明清时期菱湖镇及周边地区的农业经营以桑基鱼塘模式为主,形成了高度破碎化的河网,周边地区桑基鱼塘农业经济的发展依托菱湖镇供应粮食、肥料等生产资料和蚕丝集中交易市场。  相似文献   

长江流域史前古城的初步研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
一长江流域现已发现的史前城址(一)长江中游的史前城址长江中游现已发现的史前城址主要有湖南澧县城头山、湖北石首市走马岭、江陵阴湘城、荆门马家垸、天门石家河等。据报道湖南澧县鸡叫城,也是一座史前古城。据悉,长江中游地区现已发现的史前城址还有四、五座[1]...  相似文献   

During the late medieval period, Bruges acted as the prime hub of international trade in north-western Europe, with the town of Sluys as its outport. Trade along the Zwin, the waterway connecting the city to the sea, was subject to a series of tolls and a set of stringent and comprehensive staple restrictions, stipulating that all goods imported had to be sold on the Bruges market. The concentration of commercial activities which resulted from these rules allowed merchants with the necessary capital to trade more cheaply than elsewhere. For those with more modest means and ambitions, the trip along tollbooths to the heavily regulated and institutionalised staple market only jeopardised the profitability of their endeavours. Throughout the fifteenth century, local traders, international shipping crews, commercial staff and professional smugglers cut transaction costs by evading the restrictions of the staple and commercial taxation in Sluys. This article discusses the size of this informal market on the margins of Bruges' jurisdiction, analyses the backgrounds and motivations of its visitors and reconstructs the strategies they used to evade punishment.  相似文献   

W. S. W. 《考古杂志》2013,170(1):134-138
Excavations just inside the main West gate of the town, a plantation of probably the later twelfth century, confirm that parts of the town that were intensively occupied in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries were abandoned as the settlement shrank and diminished in status from the later fifteenth century onwards. The earliest buildings, founded on earth-fast posts appear to have been replaced by ones of sill-beam construction during possibly the later thirteenth and fourteenth centuries. One structure was converted into an ironworking smithy in the fourteenth or fifteenth century, to which a corn-drying kiln was attached. Charred remains of cultivated plants are dominated by oats, most of which probably represents crop processing activity.  相似文献   

李强 《安徽史学》2016,(4):133-139
临淮关凭借传统交通与商业中心的地位,成为津浦铁路淮河大桥桥址的首选之地,但由于该处地势低洼,不易建桥,桥址最终选定在蚌埠。蚌埠得津浦铁路和淮河水运之利,迅速崛起,成为皖北地区新的交通与商业中心,而临淮关则渐趋衰落,最终成为淮河岸边一个普通小城镇。究其原因,主要是由于桥址变更,引起交通区位优势的转换,蚌埠的交通优势转化为产业优势;铁路与淮河水运在蚌埠的有机结合以及政治因素的助推。  相似文献   

This article details recent maritime archaeological research off the town of Elmina in coastal Ghana. Founded in 1482, Elmina Castle was the first and largest European outpost in sub‐Saharan West Africa, and remained a centre of maritime trade for almost four centuries. Survey and diver investigations led to the discovery of several sites, including a shipwreck dating to the mid 17th century, which is characterized by a mass of trade goods, cannon and buried hull remains. A second Dutch vessel dating to c.1700 was documented after its discovery during dredging operations in the Benya Lagoon adjacent to Elmina. These sites present an opportunity to study ships and cargoes involved in the West African trade.  相似文献   

This article proposes a reassessment of the role that Kios played as a nexus of trade between the northern Aegean, the Black Sea and inland north-west Anatolia. The city was founded as an emporium at the end of the seventh century BC and joined the Delian League in the following century. The autonomous city was subsequently ruled by a Persian dynasty during the fourth century BC, while retaining its Greek identity. Three groups of ceramics will be analysed for this reassessment: one from rescue excavations at Kios itself; another from surveyed sites in the surrounding region; and a third from other excavated settlements. It is argued that both locally-produced fine wares and transport amphoras allow chronological periods to be traced to relatively high resolutions, and that these reveal Kios to have been a significant market town that was deeply involved in trade with the Aegean and the Black Sea.  相似文献   

Significant infrastructural projects, and especially large hydroelectric dams, were envisioned and deployed by postcolonial governments to promote particular visions of industrialization, agriculture, democracy, and modernity. Newly independent states sought to annihilate formerly so-called backward and primitive landscapes and populations alike, promising to re-create both places and people as rational, economically productive entities. In this article, we re-examine such narratives as they related to Ghana's Volta River Project (VRP). Relying on archival and media sources between the 1950s and 1960s, we interrogate the Ghanaian state's pursuit of the VRP from a perspective rooted firmly in cultural geography and pay careful attention to the issues of population displacement/resettlement and landscape reconfiguration that permeated all dimensions of the project. We analyze the ways in which Ghanaian leaders used the VRP to translate a particular suite of cultural, economic, and political values into material reality, utilizing the techniques of displacement and population resettlement in efforts to enroll Ghana into a modern, global, industrial economic system. As such, this article augments the body of literature examining the modernist and state-building aspects of the VRP as well as studies critiquing the various processes of development that have unfolded in West Africa since the mid-twentieth century.  相似文献   

甘肃陇南西汉水上流游的西垂(又名犬丘或西犬丘),是嬴秦祖先的发祥地和历史上很有名气的一座古城。但此城从魏晋以后迅速衰落。本文对西垂从繁盛到衰落的原因 ,从不同层面作了全方位的探讨。  相似文献   

且末古城地望考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本对以往学术界在且末古城地望问题上的考察和研究进行了全面总结,指出了失败的原因,进而认为且末古城位于车尔臣古河床的东岸,距今来利勒克古城3日路程的地方;如果以此为圆心,以3日路程为半径,由南向北划圆,在与车尔臣古河床交会处找到且末古城的可能性较大。  相似文献   

Northumbria's southern frontier was arguably the most important political boundary inside pre‐Viking England. It has, however, attracted little scholarly attention since Peter Hunter Blair's seminal article in Archaeo‐logia Aeliana in 1948, which later commentators have generally followed rather uncritically. This essay reviews his arguments in the light of more recent research and casts doubt on several key aspects of his case: firstly, it contests his view that this boundary was fundamental to the naming of both southern and northern England and its kingdoms; secondly, it queries the supposition that the Roman Ridge dyke system is likely to have been a Northumbrian defensive work; thirdly, it critiques the view that the Grey Ditch, at Bradwell, formed part of the frontier; and, finally, it argues against the boundary in the west being along the River Ribble. Rather, pre‐Viking Northumbria more probably included those parts of the eleventh‐century West Riding of Yorkshire which lie south of the River Don, with a frontier perhaps often identical to that at Domesday, and it arguably met western Mercia not on the Ribble but on the Mersey. It was probably political developments in the tenth century, and particularly under Edward the Elder and his son Athelstan, that led to the Mercian acquisition of southern Lancashire and the development of a new ecclesiastical frontier between the sees of Lichfield and York on the Ribble, in a period that also saw the York archdiocese acquire northern Nottinghamshire.  相似文献   


There are throughout Great Britain numerous examples of nineteenth century new towns built on green field sites and in the north of England, for example, the names of Middlesbrough, West Hartlepool, Millom, Barrow and Silloth spring to mind. Saltburn-by-the-Sea on what was the coast of the North Riding of Yorkshire is of special interest in that, although a seaside resort, it was projected and built by the personalities who earlier had built the Stockton and Darlington Railway. This article attempts to describe the first twenty years of the existence of this new town, giving details of its physical development and indicating the struggle of the founders to make it a viable commercial enterprise.  相似文献   

本研究以石羊河流域为研究区,选取2000、2006、2010年三期遥感影像为数据源,采用成本加权距离和城乡聚落体系潜能指数对传统的场强模型进行改进,综合利用扩张强度指数、扩张速度指数等分析研究石羊河流域内部城乡聚落体系空间结构分异。在此基础上,基于GIS技术并结合道路等级和长度计算流域内城乡聚落体系间最短时间距离来分析城乡聚落体系空间联系与空间相互作用,据此分析石羊河流域城乡聚落体系空间结构变化及影响模式。  相似文献   

This article explores the interconnectedness between labor migration, gender, and the family economy in northwestern Ghana in the 20th century. It focuses specifically on the Dagaaba of the Nadowli and Jirapa administrative districts of what is now the Upper West Region (UWR). It examines how the relationships between men and women in terms of roles, status, access to productive resources and inheritance, changed in tandem with broader changes in society in the 20th century; changes that over time produced enhanced value and elevated status for women in the family. These changes in gender relations are reflected increasingly in the belief among elderly men that ‘now if you have only sons, you are dead’. By focusing on the lived experiences of ordinary women and men in the migration process, it argues that even though indigenous social structures privileged men over women in almost all spheres of life, Dagaaba women were nonetheless significantly active in shaping the history of their communities and that gender relations in Dagaaba communities were not static — they changed over time and generation. This article contributes to the ongoing discussion of the internal migration phenomenon in West Africa, which has so far attracted scant historical analysis.  相似文献   

This article examines the so-called Free Negro Company in the town of Christiansted on the island of St. Croix in the Danish-Norwegian West Indies in the latter part of the 18th century. It examines the range of practices and social strategies developed by these men to obtain recognition as free subjects and position themselves in the social space of a racially divided Caribbean society.

The article shows that well before the more well-known instances of coordinated collective action in the beginning of the 19th century, the men of the Free Negro Company developed and applied a variety of social strategies. They challenged the social order that defined their place in society; challenges that took place in physical encounters with Euro-Caribbeans both in the streets and in courtrooms. These free Afro-Caribbean men continuously attempted to expand their space of action, and to emphasize to Euro-Caribbeans that they were free citizens and should be treated as equals. They challenged the distinctions created by the Euro-Caribbeans whilst at the same time setting themselves apart from the enslaved population.

The article focuses on the period prior to the first British occupation of the Danish-Norwegian West Indies in 1801, in order to look for signs of opposition to the social order and attempts to achieve a better position in society. The article investigates the militia-like Free Negro Company from the first instance of its members tentatively challenging the racialized social order in 1773 until 1799, when the last mention of a similar case is found in the archival material examined. The Free Negro Company held a central position in the society, and an examination hereof provides the opportunity to get closer to the free Afro-Caribbeans, as individuals and as a group. The role and function of the Company in Danish-Norwegian West Indian society meant that its members came into regular contact with both Euro-Caribbeans and enslaved labourers, and that they often found themselves in situations marked by conflict.  相似文献   

南通地处长江三角洲北隅的沿江沿海交界处,位于我国一级开发轴线"T"型的顶点,与上海隔江相望。南通市域城镇形成和空间结构演变是伴随着陆地的不断长成而自西北向东南推进,城镇数量由无到有,城镇空间结构由简单到复杂,城镇规模由小到大,城镇联系由松散至紧密。历史时期城镇的形成与发展可分为三阶段:城镇空白阶段,城镇形成阶段,中心城市出现阶段等。南通市域城镇的最初形成与煮盐业、水运及海防等因素密切相关,故城镇多沿海岸线呈不规则的弧形分布,沿运河均匀分布。中心城市通州形成后,挣脱了对扬州和泰州的依赖,在行政上与其并列,城镇多沿通州城分布。  相似文献   

This paper examines the links between the development of harbour facilities and planned towns, especially in the head port area of Carlisle in North West England. Largely based on documentary research and field observation it examines the development of Whitehaven and other Atlantic ports it influenced in Cumberland, Westmorland and north Lancashire. It examines these developments in their international context and shows how they were initiated by local landowners to maximise the output of their estates and to enhance their personal prestige. Beginning in the seventeenth century the paper demonstrates how this tradition of town and harbour foundation continued on into the nineteenth century when it was adopted by corporate concerns, especially railway companies. The paper concludes by highlighting how harbour developments associated with town planning helped to urbanise and stimulate the economy of a previously under-developed area. Two maps identify the locations of the places discussed.  相似文献   

东北地区装备制造业的地位及其变化研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
国家振兴东北老工业基地计划的实施,为东北的振兴、特别是制造业的振兴带来了一定的机遇,但要恢复到原先的辉煌地位已不可能。东北地区装备制造业相对衰退的原因是多方面的,其中结构是基础,体制是关键,观念是根本。东北振兴、东北装备制造业振兴,必须抓住结构调整主线,彻底解决体制和观念障碍。本文以统计数据为基础,通过与长江三角洲、珠江三角洲的对比,揭示了东北装备制造业的现状特征和未来态势,剖析了东北装备制造业相对衰退的原因,提出了振兴东北装备制造业的政策建议。  相似文献   

Conventional migration theory suggests that rural to urban movement was a one-way once and for all movement which resulted in the severance of ties to a rural homeland and the gradual adoption of an urban lifestyle and culture. Analysis of Welsh migration to English towns in the mid-nineteenth century suggests that by no means all migrants conformed to this stereotype. Whilst Welsh migrants displayed similar characteristics to other rural-urban movers and fitted easily into an urban labour market, they were able to retain many of their rural traditions and customs in an English urban environment. They also maintained close links with Wales whilst some engaged in return migration. Although easily accepted into English urban society, the Welsh were able to live in two culture worlds for much of the nineteenth century. It is suggested that detailed longitudinal studies of other migrant groups will demonstrate diversity in the extent to which rural traditions were subsumed by urban culture in the nineteenth century.  相似文献   

尹玲玲 《史学月刊》2002,(10):102-105
明清时期长江中下游地区鱼苗的生产与贩运较为兴盛.江西九江湖口一带是最大的鱼苗生产基地和鱼苗贩运集散地,其他一些江湖水系交汇、饵料丰富的地方的鱼苗生产与贩运往往也具有一定规模。渔民们在长期的鱼苗捕捞生产过程中积累了丰富的经验.鱼苗捕捞采集生产及贩运销售已形成一个较完整的体系,鱼苗市场规模盛大,鱼苗贩运渠道较广,销售辐射范围宽,贩运方式多种多样,官方参与并干预了鱼苗生产与贩运的全过程。  相似文献   

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