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旅游本质探析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
旅游的本质问题是旅游学重要问题之一。本文站在辩证逻辑思维高度上,从普遍性和特殊性两方面对旅游本质进行探析,把旅游本质的研究推向一个新的层面。  相似文献   

The development of beach cusps was observed on Mont-St-Pierre beach on the southern shore of the St Lawrence estuary on the Gaspé peninsula, in July 1979. Local observations and sediment analyses showed that the cusp material originated from a beach ridge located in the upper part of the tidal area. The initial stage in the formation of cusps was the breaching of this beach ridge by the swash. Material transported by the swash and backwash formed the cusp horns. No cusps were observed to develop on the western part of the beach where the beach ridge was not breached by the swash.
Le développement des croissants de plage a été observé sur la plage de Mont-St-Pierre, la céte méridionale de l'estuaire du Saint-Laurent, sur peninsule de la Gaspésie, en juillet 1979. Les observations faites sur l'aire de recherche et les analyses skdimentaires ont révélé que les matériaux des croissants de plage étaient essentiellement originaires d'une crtte de plage qui se trouvait dans la partie supérieure de la zone de rnarée. La formation des croissants de plage a commencé par la rupture de la crtte de plage que les bas-fonds avaient causées. Ces matkriaux transportés par les bas-fonds et les bas-fonds revenants ont produit les parties pointues des croissants. Aucun croissant de plage ne s'était produit dans la région ouest de la plage ou les bas-fonds n'ebrkchaient pas la crtte de plage.  相似文献   

先军  紫云 《旅游纵览》2012,(3):20-20
<正>集生态、文化、娱乐为—体的绿道建设,因其在很大程度上体现了生态宜居理念、符合当代人们的迫切需求,所以当各地有识之士提出要在几年内建设完整的绿道目标时,即引起了人们的广泛关注。从上述报道中不难看出,绿道建设,不仅可以让人们的步行变得更加有趣,还可以减少汽车对行人的影响,减少碳排放,又可以使自然界的生态系统保持一定的连续性,同时还能增加城市绿化面积,有效改善城市生态环境,让人们尽享原生态的自然之美。但是我们也必须注意到,目前绿道  相似文献   

白河方言的成因   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
白河县位于陕西省南部,三面环秦,东面连楚,处于秦头楚尾。特殊的人文地理因素使其方言与秦楚两区方言多有相似之处。从语音系统,构同特点,还是句法模式上看,白河方言属一种多方言杂交的混合体,它融中原官话与西南官话为一炉,经数代流传形成如今的方言形态。  相似文献   

The industrial complex in the area of the vast iron-ore bearing province known as the Kursk Magnetic Anomaly (Central Russia) has been shaped in the past by an advantageous economic-geographic situation in the heart of the European USSR, by the availability of labor resources and by the presence of a wide range of agricultural raw materials for industry (sugar beets, sunflower, hemp). Further development will hinge on the massive use of mineral resources, both iron ore for the iron and steel industry, and cement materials in the overburden of open-pit iron mines. In 1975 the KMA will supply one-sixth of all the iron ore mined in the Soviet Union. About 60 percent of the ore (direct-shipping ore and concentrates derived from low grade-quartzites) moves to nearby plants at Lipetsk and Tula, and 25 percent moves to the Urals. If plans for a 12-million-ton integrated iron and steel plant for the Comecon countries materialize, 40 percent of the ore will be consumed locally, still leaving 60 percent for shipment to other steel plants. See also Soviet Geography, November 1974, pp. 593–94.  相似文献   

R. ROTTL NDER 《Archaeometry》1975,17(1):106-110
All known factors influencing the rate and character of flint patination have been investigated. They include the pH of the surrounding solution and the presence in it of sodium ions and chemicals of organic origin. After each treatment the flints were studied with a scanning electron microscope to determine the nature of the surface. The correct assessment of the above factors is essential for the derivation of reliable archaeological information from flint patinas.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The Economic Law of Market Areas, so named by Fetter, is concerned with the division of a territory between two competing centers. It is argued that this Law can be conveniently examined in terms of six cases, each of which is specified by a combination of differentials in freight rates and prices at the two centers. The locational significance of each case is considered, along with the form and dimensions of the market-area boundary between the two centers. Three of the cases are each shown to subsume a special case. It is further shown that for any case except one, a reversal of the differentials between the two centers, while resulting in a symmetrically-equivalent outcome, requires a different (and usually substantial) respecification of the case.  相似文献   

A number of investigators have noted a movement of Soviet population toward the seacoasts, contrasting with the nation's traditional inland development. The pull of the coast has been linked to the increasing foreign trade of the USSR and to greater involvement in ocean affairs in general. The author analyzes the recent growth of maritime urban places in terms of the nation's major maritime regions: Azov-Black Sea, Baltic, Caspian, Pacific and Arctic, compares the rates of urban population growth and discusses some of the factors that account for differences in regional development.  相似文献   

提到五代十国的货币 ,多认为那是个币制混乱的时代 ,铅锡铁 ,币材芜杂 ,将虚作实 ,名目繁多……我们通过研究有关五代十国货币的历史 ,察看大量的钱币实物 ,并对实物和史料进行认真比较与思考 ,认为 :五代十国的货币 ,乱在十国 ,治在五代 ,过去对它们不加区别地一概而论 ,是不符合历史实际的。下面就从五代和十国之间钱币实物的比较 ,五代诸国坚持推行良币的政策这两个方面加以说明。唐朝的开元通宝钱 ,在我国历史上是发行很成功的货币。开元钱大小适中 ,制作精整 ,币值充足 ,人民乐用。五代和十国直接继唐而来 ,唐朝行钱的经验对它们都不…  相似文献   

结构主义视角下中国城市单位制的形成逻辑   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
单位制是在计划经济时期特殊的历史条件下,为实现国家现代化而逐渐形成的。改革开放以来,中国城市社会在单位制度的历史惯性和城市化、市场化及全球化等力量的共同作用下开始了制度—空间—社会的多重转型。因而,单位制构成了解读中国转型的重要视角。本文从结构主义的视角出发,建立从知识通过资源到制度—空间—实践的新框架,对单位制的形成逻辑提出一种新的解释。认为单位制的形成是在共产主义、国家主义、全能主义和国内外基本条件基本判断等知识对权威性和配置性资源控制所形成权力的支配作用下形成的,在社会现象层面表现为制度、空间和实践三个基本维度。知识对资源的支配构成了决定单位形成的深层结构,而相互融合的制度、空间和实践则构成了相对应的表层结构。  相似文献   

Summary. In this study, the flint daggers in three areas on the Swedish West Coast are used to show the connection between powerful and influential groups and warlike activities. The variations within the flint dagger material are interpreted in terms of social status and the current flint dagger typology is rejected.  相似文献   

Klavs Randsborg has made important contributions to the archaeology of the Bronze Age and later prehistoric periods, but in the 1970s he also touched upon issues such as the formation of rank in Neolithic societies. In his article ‘Social Dimensions of Early Neolithic Denmark’, he suggested that a hierarchical society arose at the transition from the Early to Middle Neolithic, c. 3300–3200 BC. Since then, excavations and research have resulted in numerous publications about the Neolithic, but only rarely have these examined social development. In this article, the authors continue the debate, sharing the same starting point as Klavs Randsborg, but here approaching the question of emerging social inequality on the background of recent research into the early agricultural societies in Northern Europe, seen in a broader European context. The primary focus is upon burial monuments as manifestations of status and power, and parallels are drawn with similar construction activities amongst present‐day farming communities in such remote areas as the islands of Southeast Asia. The social organisation and ritual customs of these modern farming communities are considered relevant when interpreting the archaeological evidence for early agricultural societies in Northern Europe.  相似文献   

Differences in industrial development of the Soviet union republics are found to persist, and the basic factors are analyzed. The presence of a skilled labor force is an important factor in insuring a high level of industrial output per capita and a high rate of return on capital. However, the distribution of labor-intensive industries does not always conform to the availability of labor resources. Such industries have reached a high level in the Baltic republics, where the reproduction rate is low and additional labor must be brought in from the outside, and they have not been fostered in Central Asia, where the rate of natural increase is high. The emphasis on resource-based industries that is characteristic of some republics (oil and gas in Azerbaydzhan and Turkmenia, nonferrous metals in Kazakhstan, etc.) is usually associated with a high level of fixed assets (capital intensity) and a low rate of return as well as low levels of industrial output per capita.  相似文献   

幂次法则是普遍存在于自然科学和社会科学界的现象,而城市位序-规模法则是幂次法则在城市科学中的体现之一,然而特定城市规模分布一直缺乏完整的解释。本文尝试结合城市增长过程中土地开发行为的报酬递增规则与土地开发主体的风险认知行为,以城市增长的微观过程为切入视角模拟宏观城市聚落演化过程,进而探讨风险态度对城市聚落形态,尤其是对其规模分布的影响。研究结果表明:①即使城市聚落演化过程中存在多种风险态度,幂次法则在城市聚落的规模分布中仍保持着稳健性; ②现实世界中城市聚落规模分布的变异和稳定可能来自城市主体风险态度的多样性。  相似文献   

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