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The reports of Arab geographers and numismatic data are combined in a review of the literature on two major transit trade routes in Eastern Europe: the Baltic-Caspian trade route and the route “from the Varangians [Scandinavians] to the Greeks [Byzantium].” Hoards of Arab silver coins, known as dirhems, along major water routes clearly point to the direction of the Baltic-Caspian route along the Volga, and date the earliest use of the route from the late 8th century. Trade along the route involved mainly the Volga Bulgars, Ugro-Finnic and Letto-Lithuanian tribes, but not the Slavs, as had earlier been supposed. The existence of the route from the Baltic to the Black Sea along the Dnieper River (“from the Varangians to the Greeks”) was reported by two 11th-century historians—an unidentified Russian chronicler and Adam of Bremen. The author rebuts recent suggestions that the Dnieper route was not as significant as commonly assumed.  相似文献   

这是一个在钱币学界长期争论不休的问题。《后汉书·光武帝纪》云:“初,王莽乱后,货币杂用布、帛、金、粟。是岁,始行五铢钱。”这一年是东汉光武帝建武十六年(公元40年)。《后汉书·马援传》对这件事...  相似文献   


The excavation of the only Cistercian abbey firmly established on the Isle of Man produced clear evidence of its church plan, its various modifications and its modest architectural pretensions. The burials contained some grave goods and displayed early methods of burial. An unexpected feature was a chapel attached to the east end of the north transept north chapel.  相似文献   

东西文化论争中的对立双方不约而同地对社会主义同持关注与赞许态度。这是由双方共同的文化基础决定的。泛社会主义及其思想缘由,在客观上对于中国人接受马克思主义,既有推动作用,也有消极隐患。  相似文献   

In this ‘postcolonial’ era, peoples and places around the globe continue to face ongoing colonisation. Indigenous peoples in particular experience colonisation in numerous forms. Despite recent attempts to ‘decolonise’ indigenous spaces, hegemonic systems of production, governance and thinking often perpetuate colonial structures and relationships, resulting in further entrenched colonisation or ‘deep colonising’ (Rose, 1999). The interface between indigenous communities and the mining industry provides fertile ground for the tensions emerging between decolonising and deep colonising. Gold mining operations at Placer Dome's Granny Smith mine in the Eastern Goldfields of Western Australia present a valuable case study for examining this tension. Changes taking place at the mine site are decolonising in intent, though outcomes may be deep colonising in effect. Recent discussions among cultural geographers over meanings of place, Ollman's (1993) notion of vantage point and a broadly postcolonial literature inform consideration of this tension. Acknowledgment and incorporation of multiple vantage points into new resource management systems allows current hegemonic approaches to be rethought, and provides insights for the shift towards genuinely decolonising processes.  相似文献   

18世纪中期开始清政府逐渐严酷的禁教政策,使得在华天主教被迫转向清王朝的边疆地带或其他边缘区域,蒙古和满洲地区的天主教在这一时期得到了重要的发展。1838年辽东宗座代牧区建立(包括满洲和蒙古),之后1840年蒙古从中分离成立新的代牧区,与满洲代牧区界邻。19世纪中后期开始,遣使会及之后圣母圣心会所管辖的蒙古代牧区,与巴黎外方传教会管辖的满洲代牧区,两者之间界线问题纷争不断,直到1883年才告一段落。本文在研究这一界线争端过程的基础上,认为19世纪蒙古和满洲天主教事务深受国际环境的影响,修会教团管理下的代牧区对于区域空间的争夺,反映了罗马教廷、葡萄牙和法国在华传教事务上冲突和合作的复杂关系。欧洲政教间的纠葛,以及汉民不断向蒙古地区移民垦殖的推进,是影响蒙古和满洲代牧区划界进行的重要因素。  相似文献   

This article examines accepted opinion regarding the persecution and demise of Christian/Catholic missions in 16th and 17th century Japan. Many of the key issues associated with the encounter of European missionaries and Japanese feudal systems of authority and power resonate with contemporary interest in transculturalism, semantic slippage, personal agency, and the intimate interplay between religion, politics, and economics. Burdened with rigid standards of belief, heresy, and race from European inquisitions as well as Mesoamerican conquests, the Jesuit and Franciscan missionaries made numerous strategic blunders that contributed to their fates, both as recipients of expulsion orders and, finally, on the execution grounds.  相似文献   

Margaret M. Hardie 《Folklore》2013,124(3):249-252
A SINGER AND HER SONGS. ALMEIDA RIDDLE'S BOOK OF BALLADS. Edited by ROGER D. ABRAHAMS. Musical Editor, George Foss. Louisiana State University Press, Baton Rouge, 1970. Pp. 191. $8.50. Reviewed by Maud Karpeles.

THE STUDY OF GAMES. By E. AVEDON AND B. SUTTON-SMITH. Wiley (New York) 1971. Pp. 530. n.p. Reviewed by A. W. Smith.

FOLCLORUL. OBIECT, PRINCIPII, METOD?, CATEGORII. By GHEORGHE VRABIE. Editor: Roumanian Academy of Sciences. Bucharest, 1970. Pp. 327. Price: 32.-Lei. Reviewed by Béla Gunda.

OVAMBO PROVERBS WITH AFRICAN PARALLELS. By MATTI KUUSI. FF Communications No. 208. Academia Scientiarum Fennica. Helsinki, 1970. Pp. 356. Price 35.-mk. Reviewed by Bela Gunda.

STUDIES IN CHINESE FOLKLORE AND RELATED ESSAYS. By WOLFRAM EBERHARD. Indiana Research Center For the Language Sciences, Bloomington. Mouton and Co., The Hague, The Netherlands. (No price indicated). Reviewed by W. H. Hudspeth.

CLOUD-WALKING. By MARIE CAMPBELL. Indiana University Press. Bloomington and London, 1971. Reviewed by K. M. Briggs.

FRIEDRICH RANKE, KLEINERE SCHRIFTEN. Ed. by H. Rupp &; E. Studer. Bibliotheca Germanica. Bern (Francke Verlag) 1971. Pp. 444, 1 plate. Reviewed by Ellen Ettlinger.

KONTAKTE UND GRENZEN, PROBLEME DER VOLKS-, KULTER- UND SOZIALFORSCHUNG. Festschrift für Gerhard Heilfurth zum 60. Geburtstag. Ed. by his colleagues. Göttingen (Verlag Otto Schwartz &; Co.) 1969. Pp. xviii, 566. 81 photographs, 66 text illustrations, 1 map. Ellen Ettlinger.

A GAZETTEER OF BRITISH GHOSTS. By PETER UNDERWOOD. Souvenir Press. £2. Reviewed by Katharine M. Briggs.

THE EVIL EYE: THE ORIGINS &; PRACTICES OF SUPERSTITION. By F. T. ELWORTHY. With an Introduction by Louis S. Barron. Collier Books, 1970. Pp. 471. $2.95. Reviewed by Theo Brown.

SELECTED LEGENDS OF LEICESTERSHIRE. By SUSAN E. GREEN. Illustrations by Donald E. Green. Leicester Research Services. 1971. Pp. 39. 30p. Reviewed by Theo Brown.

WHAT WITCHES Do: THE MODERN COVEN REVEALED. BY STEWART FARRAR. Pp. 210, 22 photographs, 13 Text figs. Peter Davies Ltd., London, 1971. £2.50. Reviewed by C. A. Burland.

GAMLE NORSKE FOLKEVISER. By SOPHUS BUGGE. Norsk Folkeminnelags Skrifter no. 106. Universitetsforlaget, Oslo, 1971. Pp. 155. Reviewed by Jacqueline Simpson.

MEXICAN TALES and LEGENDS FROM LOS ALTOS. Introduction, classification, and notes by STANLEY L. ROBE. Folklore Studies 20. Berkeley, University of California Press, 1970. Pp. 578, 6 plates. Reviewed by Ellen Ettlinger.

VOLKSKULTUR UND GESCHICHTE, FESTGABE FÜR JOSEF DÜNNINGER ZUM 65. GEBURTSTAG. Edited by D. HARMENING, G. LUTZ, B. SCHEMMEL &; E. WIMMER. Berlin (Erich Schmidt Verlag) 1970. Pp. xix, 694. Plates 11, 3 text illustrations and 6 maps. Reviewed by Ellen Ettlinger.  相似文献   

May 15th, 1907     
D. A. N. Tod 《Folklore》2013,124(4):361-363

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