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大学校史研究中的若干问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
学校的历史,是一个学校整体的历史。因其在教育史、文化史、社会史上的特殊地位,使得它的研究具有一般历史研究所不具备的特殊意义。但在中国特殊的国情下,一方面是大学离散聚合频繁,存亡继绝难测,从而加大了校史研究的复杂性;另一方面又因缺乏历史学者的参与,而使得大学校史的撰写存在诸多缺憾,校史的研究难成一门“显学”。  相似文献   

A set of principles for a geographical research program relating to the future impact of major interbasin water transfers is outlined. Such a program, evaluating the impact of proposed tranfers both in the European USSR and in the Midland Region of Western Siberia, Kazakhstan and Central Asia, should be based on the following considerations. Noneconomic criteria, such as the environmental impact of water transfers, must be given as much attention as economic and engineering criteria. Experience suggests that any measures designed to protect or ameliorate the environment, for example, inland fisheries, should precede actual water-project construction by at least 15 to 20 years. North-south transfers should be so designed as to benefit both the northern region, from which water is to be withdrawn, and the southern region, where water resources are to be enhanced. The problem of interbasin transfers should be accompanied by a program of intensification of water use, measured by a reduction of water input into the economy per unit of output. Water use can be intensified by such measures as shifting grain production from south to north and building irrigation reservoirs in Central Asian mountains to regulate runoff.  相似文献   

This paper aims at understanding why Rousseau excluded women from citizenship. Citizenship, for Rousseau, is not a matter of right, not even a matter of behaviour (of how to behave individually to be a good citizen). It is a matter of social condition. How should society be constituted so that there can be citizens? The answer to this question is that there must be women in the private sphere so that there can be citizen in the public sphere. The paper begins with Montesquieu's model of the republican condition of women, considers the way Rousseau updated this model, and concludes with the idea, that much more than the male figure of citizenship (which remains a stereotype), the woman, in Rousseau, is the true figure of modernity.  相似文献   

Academia is expected to act as a cognitive arena in which members intellectually challenge one another, problematize social structures, and destabilize dominant ideologies. It is, supposedly, a cognitively unstable environment wherein intellectualism pushes social boundaries and acts as an agent for social change. It is a training camp wherein people come to be trained in the practice of critical thinking. Hence, one would imagine that academia would be the last place to find passive conformism. However, does this image reflect reality? Having interviewed four groups of 50 students, 47 academics, and 28 support staff in three Saudi universities, passive conformism (be it unethical, managerial, or in the form of logistical conformism) appears to be a necessity in Saudi academia. This suggests that, although academia acts as an authority in regard to critical thinking, it may not internalize this philosophy or expose its own organizational activities to such thinking. Passive conformism in Saudi academic organizations is enhanced by wider Saudi culture which promotes conformism among its citizens and directs every aspect of public and private lives, including the lives of its academic organizations. A theoretical proposition could be therefore that passive conformism in a society could be transmitted to its organizations.  相似文献   

The author, a physical geographer, sees no need to despair about the present state of the discipline and the future of geography. He places geography in context among the sciences and finds a need for a synthesizing discipline that pulls together the findings of the particular disciplines. Such a function might be performed by landscape science and regional geography. In general, geographers are found to go too far afield in their research and there is a need to define the focus of the disciplines to eliminate the present centrifugal tendencies. Such a unifying focus might be found in geographical prediction. Geographers should be aware of the limits and capabilities of their discipline; geography is most effective in fostering solutions in conjunction with other disciplines. Fieldwork per se is criticized; some geographers make a fetish of fieldwork, spending their life in the field without ever writing up the results as a contribution to science. The language of geographical exposition must be cleansed of pseudoscientific jargon; too much geographical writing is incomprehensible. The use of mathematics in geography should be placed in historical perspective; it is not the panacea for all that ails geography.  相似文献   

城镇化水平差异的模糊综合评价——以西安市临潼区为例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在制定城乡发展规划时需评估区域内不同乡镇城镇化水平差异,而单一人口城镇化指标不能满足城镇化水平差异分析的要求,特别难于评价农业人口比重较大的小城镇之间城镇化水平的真实差异。采用模糊综合评价的方法,针对人口、产值、产业发展和交通设施等指标及其相应的二级指标进行城镇化水平差异综合评价。在评价过程中,利用相关统计数据,来比较西安市临潼区内各乡镇城镇化水平的差异。通过结果划分得到具有相对比较意义的核心城区、中心城镇、重点乡镇和一般乡镇四级的城镇体系。为临潼区城镇体系发展规划等工作提供一定的依据。  相似文献   

Rohini Hensman 《对极》2001,33(3):427-450
Trade unions and NGOs have been divided sharply over the issue of a workers' rights clause in WTO trade agreements, and have failed to reach a consensus despite heated debate. This appears to be due to elements of protectionism and nationalism in positions on both sides. Arguments against a workers' rights clause can be classified into those opposing (1) globalisation, (2) the WTO, (3) any linkage between workers' rights and trade, and (4) the proposed mechanisms for enforcement. The first three types of objections can be traced to nationalistic considerations, which subordinate the interests of workers to a "national interest" that represents various business groups. The fourth type, however, includes valid criticisms and reveals elements of protectionism in the current proposals for a workers' rights clause. If the proposal is revised to eliminate these elements, it should be possible to arrive at a consensus among progressive labour unions and NGOs. This would be an important step towards an internationalist strategy to fight for minimum labour rights worldwide.  相似文献   

According to the status of forces agreement signed by Iraq and the United States in November 2008, US troops are to be withdrawn entirely from Iraq by the end of 2011. A few days later it was also revealed that the British force in Iraq, numbering about 4,100 troops, will be reduced to a contingent of just a few hundred military advisors by summer 2009. The counterinsurgency campaign in Afghanistan, on the other hand, is to be intensified in the form of a ‘surge’ in military and political effort. Counterinsurgency operations in both Afghanistan and Iraq have long been at the centre of the security policy debate in the United States and elsewhere; a debate which seems unlikely to be resolved in the near future. But what exactly is counterinsurgency? This article offers some reflections on the practice and the politics of an especially complex form of military engagement. All military activity should be understood through the prism of politics, and counterinsurgency particularly so.  相似文献   

Before physical geographers will be able to play a more effective role in applied research, a number of methodological problems should be investigated. Work must be done on the kinds of relationships that exist between the physical environment and engineering structures. Physical phenomena of economic significance must be translated into commensurable technical and economic units that can be taken into consideration in the design of engineering objects.  相似文献   


The current proposals to construct a system of hit to kill interceptors as a safeguard against missiles which might be launched against the USA by a rogue state are shown in this paper to be badly flawed. Any nation with the ability to develop and construct an intercontinental ballistic missile would also likely be capable of employing countermeasures against interception. In short, the system would be unlikely to work against a missile travelling unpowered at great speed through space. If the USA is determined to have protection against such attack it would be far cheaper and more efficient to employ antimissile devices nearer to potential sources and to intercept hostile projectiles at the booster stage. It might even be possible to collaborate with Russia on such a scheme, which would not violate the spirit of the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty.  相似文献   

Excavations at Dispilio, a prehistoric lakeside settlement in northern Greece, have revealed a significant number of vertical wooden piles that need to be protected during and after excavation. Lifting of the piles is not possible and approaches such as reburial, cannot currently be implemented as excavation is still in progress. In 2005, several posts were “selectively buried” on an experimental basis, by encasing them in PVC pipes and backfilling with the surrounding sediment. This approach appeared to be capable of protecting the piles during excavation and be a potential solution for their post-excavation preservation. This preliminary study sets out to asses if this alternative approach to reburial could be an effective in situ preservation method.  相似文献   

韩江苏 《中原文物》2020,(1):131-139
甲骨文■三种形体不同之字,前辈学者考释其为卣字的繁简之异。然三字所从文字偏旁有异,在甲骨卜辞中的语境和用法完全不同,说明这是三个有相互关联、而字义完全不同之字。把三字所从■偏旁与自然界实物对比后发现,■尽管形态有异,但它是匏(匏、葫芦)的象形文字。从瓠从皿的■字,是葫芦瓢漂在盛水器皿中之形,它是瓢的会意字。从瓠从倒立庐形的■字,殷商时期其材质由木质转变为青铜,盛放专用鬯酒,是为卣字。对瓠、瓢、卣三字的考订,证实了文字形体的细微差异与甲骨文字义关系密切的观点。  相似文献   

Sacrifice is a ritual practice including funerals. Rituals teach people to believe in cultural principles by creating experiences in which they can be apprehended, and therefore rituals produce social order by producing conceptual order. The supreme metaphoric symbol is the human victim. Beyond human sacrifice remains only the sacrificer's own death. The dead humans can be seen as gifts to the gods. There are at least three modes of preparation of the corpse for the gods: it can be sacrificed raw, cooked or burnt. Cremation as a heat-mediated transformation renders possible at least two ways of preparing the corpse. The cremated ones may either be cooked or burnt. The deceased are prepared in various ways to become edible meals for the deities. The humans are as a banqueting sacrifice returned to their land of origin. Social control is defined by hierarchically ordered powers determining who can be sacrificed and in what manner the sacrifice can be made. In this sacrificial practice the whole cosmological world is incorporated in the resurrection of the society, legitimated by the gods through their consumption of a holy meal.  相似文献   

Summary. This article discusses the problem of how to relate a special grave construction to a particular settlement site. An example from the West Swedish Bronze Age is presented to pinpoint the difficulties of the chronological criteria and the drawbacks of using 'nearness' as a criterion.
The idea presented is that a relationship between a grave monument and a settlement site may be reflected in areas where the building material, the stones, were picked up. Such areas can be demonstrated in a test example from West Sweden, which showed that, under special circumstances, such a link may be valuable for solving the problem of how to relate a cairn to a settlement site.  相似文献   


In a burial environment ancient mosaic pavements are subject to a variety of mechanisms of deterioration, both physical and chemical. However, many pavements have survived, sometimes in exceptional condition. Additionally, some mosaics that have been discovered in recent times and reburied as a means of protection have also been well preserved. This indicates that reburial can be an effective means of preventive conservation and a viable response to the need for conservation of exposed mosaics on many archaeological sites. For reburial to be successful, risks to the mosaic must be accurately appraised and the design of the reburial must be well specified, following a rigorous conservation methodology.  相似文献   

Whichever party or parties form the next UK government, a Strategic Defence and Security Review (SDSR) is expected to begin soon after the general election in May. The review might be a ‘light touch’ exercise—little more than a reaffirmation of the SDSR produced by the coalition government in 2010. It seems more likely, however, that the review will be a lengthier, more deliberate exercise and one which might even last into 2016. For those most closely engaged in the process the challenge is more complex than that confronted by their predecessors in 2010. The international security context is more confused and contradictory; the UK's financial predicament is still grave; security threats and challenges will emerge that cannot be ignored; the population's appetite for foreign military engagement appears nevertheless to be restricted; and prevailing conditions suggest that the risk‐based approach to national strategy might be proving difficult to sustain. Two key questions should be asked of the review. First, in the light of recent military experiences, what is the purpose of the United Kingdom's armed forces? Second, will SDSR 2015–16 sustain the risk‐based approach to national strategy set out in 2010, and if so how convincingly? Beginning with a review of the background against which SDSR 2015–16 will be prepared, this article examines both enduring and immediate challenges to the national strategic process in the United Kingdom and concludes by arguing for strategic latency as a conceptual device which can complement, if not reinvigorate, the risk‐based approach to national strategy and defence.  相似文献   

This article reviews the state of the two security and defence institutions available to west Europeans: NATO and the EU's common European Security and Defence Policy (ESDP). In each case, the authors assess the political maturity and stability of the institution, and then ask what it can contribute in terms of coordinated military capability to west European's strategic readiness. NATO's Prague summit in November 2002 will address the thorny issue of the next tranche of post–Cold War enlargement. But beyond the predictable debate about which candidates to admit, and what should be offered to those unsuccessful in their bid, there will be a far more urgent and important agenda to be discussed at Prague—the military capabilities of the European allies. Given that ESDP is still far from achieving its capability goals, the authors argue that the time is right for European allies to begin thinking in terms of generating a composite, joint strike force which could be configured to be interoperable with US forces and which could salvage something useful from the disheartening lack of progress in developing a European military capability.  相似文献   

The provision of adequate primary health care in developing countries is often troublesome. The problem is to provide a sufficient number of facilities to be geographically accessible, yet few enough to be properly stocked and staffed. In many less developed countries accessibility problems are exacerbated by extensive rainy seasons in which travel is only possible on paved roads. Using the covering tour model we investigate the use of mobile facilities to resolve this dilemma in Suhum District, Ghana. The model minimizes a mobile facility's travel while serving all population centers within range of a feasible stop. Computational results show that in the rainy season the model cannot provide full coverage; over six percent of the population is beyond a covering distance of eight kilometers. In the dry season, 99 percent of the population can be served by a tour at a covering distance of seven kilometers.Beyond a distance of four kilometers, the dry season problem becomes a trade-off between the distance traveled by healthcare patrons and mobile facilities. These results illustrate the importance of flexibility of mobile systems: if accessibility cannot be provided in all seasons it may still be provided at favorable times of the year.  相似文献   

The supply of statistics continues to expand sharply as new research turns up great quantities of valuable material. A need may be demonstrated for a device to make possible the storage of related statistical matters in a spatially ordered set of patterns on maps. A sequence of these maps would then be readily available for reference purpose.

Four aims suggest themselves in such an exercise. First, there should be good unit area comparability or a method to show the varying base size of most statistical reporting units. Second, a multi‐component, multi‐dimensional representation of the data is essential. Third, a comparison of input and output data patterns should be possible. Fourth, there must be general retrievability of the statistical sources.

A large amount of annual census data in Scotland has provided the main raw material for the development of the number patterns. In this instance the relationship of grain crops to the regularly croppable area is used as the subject. Any relateable populations may be prepared and stored in the same way. The result is a valuable store of reference material which reveals the major patterns over a sequence of years. No decoding is necessary and the approach lends itself to machine scribing on maps.  相似文献   

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