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Linear enamel hypoplasia (LEH) is a macroscopically detectable band‐like dental defect, which represents localized decrease in enamel thickness caused by some form of disruption to a child's health. Such dental deformations are utilized in osteoarchaeological research as permanent markers of childhood physiological stress and have been extensively studied in numerous ancient human populations. However, currently there is no such data for medieval populations from Canterbury, UK. Here, LEH is examined in the context of age‐at‐death in human burials from the medieval St. Gregory's Priory and adjacent cemetery (11th–16th centuries), Canterbury, UK. The cemetery and Priory burials represented lower (n = 30) and higher status (n = 19) social groups, respectively. Linear enamel hypoplastic defects were counted on mandibular and maxillary anterior permanent teeth (n = 374). The age and sex of each skeleton were estimated using standard methods. Differences in LEH counts, age‐at‐death, and LEH formation ages were sought between the two social groups. Results indicate significantly greater frequencies of LEH in the Cemetery (mean = 17.6) compared to the Priory (mean = 7.9; t = −3.03, df = 46, p = 0.002). Adult age‐at‐death was also significantly lower in the Cemetery (mean = 39.8 years) compared to the Priory burials (mean = 44.1 years; t = 2.275, df = 47, p = 0.013). Hypoplasia formation ages differed significantly between the Priory (mean = 2.49 years) and Cemetery (mean = 3.22 years; t = 2.076; df = 47; p = 0.034) individuals. Results indicate that childhood stress may reflect adult mortality in this sample, and that the wellbeing of individuals from diverse social backgrounds can be successfully assessed using LEH analyses. Results are discussed in terms of the multifactorial etiology of LEH, as well as weaning‐related LEH formation. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Prevalence and intensity of enamel hypoplasia have been used as markers of generalized physiological stress during dental development in a wide range of mammalian taxa. We studied cattle (Bos taurus) cheek teeth exhibiting morphological characteristics that are of relevance to the diagnosis of enamel hypoplasia in this and other bovid species. These characteristics were multiple, more or less horizontally arranged (waveform) lines or grooves in the cementum of the tooth crown and the adjacent root area, leading to an imbricated appearance of the cementum. On macroscopic examination of tooth surfaces, these lines resembled linear enamel hypoplasia (LEH). Microscopic analysis of tooth sections, however, revealed that the lines occurred in the cementum only, and that the underlying enamel did not exhibit morphological irregularities. In cheek teeth of older cattle, a thick cementum layer is regularly found in the cervical crown portion and the adjacent root area. Apposition of this cementum is related to the uplifting of the teeth from their alveoli, a process that compensates for the shortening of the tooth crowns due to occlusal wear. In the studied specimens, a pronounced periodic nature of tooth uplifting and the related deposition of cementum is the likely cause for the observed imbricated appearance of the cementum. While this phenomenon may be misinterpreted as representing a case of LEH, presence of enamel hypoplasia in bovid teeth may be overlooked when the defects become filled with coronal cementum and are therefore not apparent on external inspection. This was the case in one of the cattle teeth analyzed by us, in which the hypoplastic enamel defects were, however, clearly discernible in ground sections. Microscopic analysis of tooth sections is recommended for recording of LEH in bovid teeth in cases where macroscopic examination of tooth surfaces alone does not produce unequivocal results.  相似文献   

Bioarchaeologists often use linear enamel hypoplasias (LEH) as a proxy for systemic physiological stress in prehistoric populations. Increased incidences of LEH have been observed in many cases associated with rapid social or environmental changes, such as with the Neolithic transition and agricultural intensification. Still, there have yet to be studies published of LEH incidence among living peoples in the process of transitioning from foraging to a farming economy. It is important to document LEH occurrence in living groups with known subsistence strategies to better contextualise interpretations of bioarchaeological populations. Here, we present LEH data for a sample of the Hadza of Tanzania. We compare LEH incidence and frequency on the permanent anterior teeth of individuals who spent their infancy and early childhood (i) in the bush consuming wild foods; (ii) in the village with a weaning diet dominated by domestic cereals; and (iii) transitory, dividing their time between the bush and village. Our results demonstrate that Hadza living in the bush during the period of tooth formation less frequently have LEH on these teeth, and have fewer of them on average, than do villagers. This is particularly so for the comparison of men. The transient group is intermediate in LEH incidence, although not significantly different from the bush and village samples. A lower LEH frequency in the bush Hadza is consistent with a diet that meets nutrient requirements of tooth formation, but higher incidence in the village sample suggests interruption of enamel secretion, most likely due to malnutrition. Such studies provide valuable context with which to interpret and understand bioarchaeological evidence, and to track effects of sedentisation on the biology of modern foragers. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The frequency and chronological distribution of enamel hypoplasias were assessed in a Roman Period population of the Wielbark culture from Rogowo, northern Poland, dated to the 2nd century ad . Hypoplasias were recorded on permanent incisors, canines, and premolars of 52 skeletons. The position of linear defects on the crown surface was measured and then converted to the age of occurrence using two methods: a conventional method that employs the chart of enamel development for the permanent teeth, constructed by Massler et al. (1941) in Swärdstedt's (1966) modification, and the method by Goodman & Song (1999), which corrects for hidden cuspal enamel. Hypoplastic defects were found in 48.1% of examined cases. Linear defects [linear enamel hypoplasias (LEH)] were observed in 38.5% of individuals and in 22% of investigated teeth. The chronological distribution of LEH according to the conventional method revealed two peaks of defects: one at 2.6–3.0 years of age and the other at 4.1–4.5 years of age. The method that accounts for hidden cuspal enamel also provided two peaks, but they occurred at later ages: 3.0–4.0 and 4.6–5.0 years of age. The prevalence of hypoplasia in the Rogowo population in comparison with other European populations of the Roman Period seems to be rather low for both individuals and teeth affected. This may indicate advantageous living conditions, which are supported by archaeological data that suggest general well‐being of the Wielbark people. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The present study investigates the skeletal remains of individuals who were part of a Roman suburban community, in order to assess lifestyle and living conditions in the town's outskirts during the Roman Imperial age. The existence of the community was linked to the functioning of one of the many villas that surrounded the town of Rome at that time. In order to assess health, several indicators were explored, including mortality, oral pathologies and specific (cribra orbitalia) and aspecific (linear enamel hypoplasia) indicators of nutritional and physiological impairment. The sample, which probably represents the labour force of the villa, shows a high number of individuals dying in the early adult age and very few living beyond 50. Subadults were frequently affected by pathological conditions which may indicate anaemia and/or inflammations and infections, as witnessed by the frequency of cribra orbitalia. Growth was also impaired, as the individuals suffered from systemic disturbances during the early years of life that led to the formation of linear enamel hypoplasia (LEH) in their teeth. Frequency of LEH is very high, as well as its multiple occurrence through time (2.44 defects per individual) and its onset occurs from the earliest age classes. Diet, on the other hand, does not seem to have been particularly carbohydrate based. Oral pathologies are very low, which is consistent with meat consumption complementing a diet rich in low‐calorific products of agriculture and seemingly low in refined carbohydrates. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

With the aim to reconstruct child health in five early medieval (5th–12th c. CE) Irish sites, an osteoarchaeological study of three biological stress indicators – cribra orbitalia, linear enamel hypoplasia (LEH) and periostitis – has been conducted on 229 skeletons. In addition, Irish early medieval written sources testifying on child health during this period were consulted. These data were furthermore combined with the results of stable isotope analyses (nitrogen and carbon) conducted on subadult bone specimens. Cribra orbitalia was found in 27.5% of the studied individuals (48.6% of subadults were affected), with only two cases active at the time of death. The prevalence of LEH per individual is 63.5% (78.9% in subadults and 59.7% in adults). The age ranges of LEH formation vary between 1.9 and 4.8 years for the maxillary teeth and between 1.8 and 6.2 years for the mandibular teeth. Periosteal inflammations were recorded in over one third of the studied subadults (36.2%) with six cases active at the time of death. The stable isotope results suggest a diet based on terrestrial food sources, with little or no marine input. The presented data strongly suggest that most of the individuals were exposed to a high level of physiological stress during their childhood, and as such does not support the so called ‘osteological paradox’ hypothesis. The observed disturbances were probably caused by a synergistic effect of various biological and socio‐cultural factors. Although the historical records indicate certain differences in diet and lifestyle between social classes and the sexes, this study showed that the children of all ages had poor health in all social classes across a wide geographical location for the full time period of the early medieval. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Dental pathologies and enamel defects in East Asian hominins have rarely been reported. Here, we systematically document and describe a suite of enamel defects in the Xujiayao juvenile maxilla, an East Asian hominin from the early Late Pleistocene that may represent an unknown hominin lineage. In addition, we determine the chronology of growth disruptions represented by matched linear enamel hypoplasias, evaluate the long‐held hypothesis that the large brownish pit on the I1 is evidence of dental fluorosis and assess the utility of micro‐computed tomography (micro‐CT) techniques in analyzing enamel defects. With the use of binocular microscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and micro‐CT imaging techniques, the Xujiayao teeth were found to exhibit a high number of pit‐form defects seldom seen in the fossil record. By matching the timing of linear enamel hyperplasia across multiple teeth, a minimum of five developmental disruptions were identified, indicating that the Xujiayao juvenile experienced several growth disturbances during its short lifespan. Our SEM and micro‐CT analyses suggest that the large pit on the I1 is an enamel hypoplasia due to its morphology and pre‐eruptive enamel thinning. It is not a post‐eruptive fluorotic pit, and there is no evidence of chalkiness or opacity associated with dental fluorosis. The micro‐CT technique made it possible to verify the presence of enamel hypoplasia and to more precisely quantify defect dimensions, especially in unerupted teeth and shallow hypoplasias that are difficult to detect by binocular microscopy or SEM. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper explores the relationship between dietary evidence found in the archaeological record and that of the dentitions on a sample of working class Predynastic Egyptians from Hierakonpolis in Upper Egypt. The samples consist of 196 individuals (3800–3600BC) ranging from 6 years to over 50 years of age. Archaeological and archaeobotanical evidence at Hierakonpolis suggests manufacture of bread, presence of some domesticated animals, hunting and fishing, and a number of fruits and vegetables. Dental indicators of diet studied include carious lesions, macrowear, microwear and linear enamel hypoplasia. The patterns on the dentition match well with a number of food stuffs found as burial offerings and within settlements at Hierakonpolis. Overall, individuals at Hierakonpolis exhibited a low incidence of small carious lesions, a low frequency of acute hypoplastic defects, steady attrition, few microwear features, a low density of large (> 4 microns) pits, and wide scratches with poorly defined margins. Based on the dentition, the working class population would have relied heavily on bread and raw, but also consumed some meat and/or fish. Within sample variation shows that the proportion of certain food categories differ between adult males and females and between adults and juveniles. LEH data suggests that children suffered no long‐term starvation or chronic stress. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Linear enamel hypoplasia (LEH) has been utilised in human bioarchaeology as an indicator of growth disturbance during childhood. However, only a few studies have compared populations of different socio‐economic status in the same time period. This study examines the association between the LEH occurrence pattern and social status in the 18th to 19th century populations in Japan. Detailed archaeological studies on burials from the Edo period (1603–1867) excavated in Tokyo have facilitated estimating an individual's social status by its burial type. In this study, 112 individuals from the Sugenji‐Shokenji site were divided into three burial structure groups (ceramic jar coffins for middle‐class warriors, wooden square coffins for low‐class warriors and townspeople and wooden circular coffins for townspeople) and examined for the general prevalence of LEH, number of LEH and the chronological distribution of LEH. A high general prevalence of LEH was observed in every group, especially in lower canine (79.3–100.0%). However, individuals in the jar coffin group showed a lower prevalence and smaller number of LEH per tooth, suggesting that individuals of higher social status experienced better living environments in their childhood. There was no significant difference in the chronological distribution of LEH formation between coffin groups. Such data are essential for understanding the association between socio‐economic status and living conditions in specific societies in the past. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Assessment and interpretation of the presence of developmental defects of enamel formation that result from childhood experiences of growth disruption, enamel hypoplasia, is a standard part of almost any systematic bioarchaeological assessment. However, different identification methods lead to different results. This study presents a new method of defect identification that offers a quantitative criterion for establishing defect presence rather than relying solely on observer judgement. It then compares this with a standard field approach to assessing enamel hypoplasia and a non-quantified microscopic approach in order to determine (a) if traditional methods of identifying enamel hypoplasia under little or no magnification offer the same information about the experience of childhood health as methods that examine dental enamel growth microscopically, and (b) the effect of using a quantified criterion to identify enamel hypoplasia. A case study using simultaneously developing teeth in one individual is presented where observations of defect presence are made both macroscopically and microscopically and with and without this novel metric method. The results demonstrate that the chosen scale of observation is a critical variable in identifying linear hypoplastic defects of enamel. Defects that occur in the more cervical regions of a tooth are ‘missed’ by methods that rely on macroscopic observation or the unaided visual judgement of the observer. This finding has considerable implications for the interpretation of reported enamel hypoplasia prevalence.  相似文献   

Macroscopic analysis of collections of archaeological human dentition from sites in the United Arab Emirates varying in chronological age and geographical location revealed the presence of enamel defects on the buccal, lingual and occlusal surfaces of some of the teeth. The morphology of these enamel defects suggested a possible diagnoses of fluorosis. Because not all teeth in the samples studied exhibited the defect, a conclusive diagnosis could not, however, be offered. Given that fluoride can enter the crystal lattice of hydroxyapatite (the major mineral component of calcified tissue including bones and teeth), and that the uptake of higher than optimal levels of fluoride can alter the molecular structure of dentition, it was thought that the application of X-ray diffraction to this problem may aid a more conclusive diagnoses. This paper details the application of synchrotron radiation to this problem. Initially, details of the archaeological problem are outlined. This is followed by a discussion of synchrotron radiation and the advantages it has over conventional X-rays. The materials and methods used in the analysis are provided, followed by a discussion of the results. While further work is required to fully attribute the enamel defects to the effects of fluoride, this paper illustrates that synchrotron radiation, in particular X-ray diffraction, can be applied to archaeological materials as a means of quickly and effectively obtaining a structural analysis.  相似文献   

A method is proposed for recording linear enamel hypoplasia (LEH) present on archaeological pig teeth. The methods described have been developed and tested on material from five archaeological sites of a wide range of periods; Durrington Walls (UK), Wellin, Ename, Sugny and Londerzeel (Belgium). Recommendations are made on what teeth, surface, cusp, and side to record, as well as on details of the visibility, the identification and the measurement of LEH lines. Problems encountered with the application of the recording protocol to the five case studies are detailed, and possible interpretative drawbacks are discussed. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Numerous studies and various interpretations of the prevalence of linear enamel hypoplasias (LEH) based on populations living in different cultural and economic conditions are causing some confusion and raising doubts about whether or not such LEH are reliable indicators of life conditions. An analysis of LEH prevalence patterns was performed on the adults of three populations: Tirup—a Danish Medieval rural population of the 12–14th centuries (131 individuals), Subačiaus str. in Vilnius—a Lithuanian Late Medieval urban population of the 16–17th centuries (88 individuals), and the aristocracy—a Lithuanian pooled sample population from several churches of the 15–18th centuries (66 individuals). Statistical testing of the influence of population affinity, sex and age at death was also performed. Since the same investigator scored all the samples, possible inter‐observer error bias was minimized. In all the populations, LEH formation ages were similar. Statistically significant sex differences were found only in the aristocratic sample (with higher male frequency). It was found that the town population was characterized by the highest frequency of affected individuals, with the highest severity and highest number of stress episodes per individual. A reliable relationship with age at death was found only in the town sample: individuals with more numerous and more marked LEH had shorter life expectancies in adulthood. Different “most vulnerable years” for subsequent life expectancies were noted for different populations. A tentative explanation of these differences could be the pooled effect of differential morbidity and mortality. It seems that the rural population experienced the highest morbidity and nutrition deficiency as well as the highest child mortality whereas, in the urban sample, high morbidity was accompanied by a lower child mortality. Both lower morbidity and mortality seem to be characteristic for the aristocracy. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents a differential diagnosis of pathological changes observed in the deciduous dentition of a child aged 3–4 years, recovered from a Late Roman (c. ad 270–410) cemetery at Ancaster, England. The entire maxillary dentition exhibited areas of missing enamel and erosion of the underlying dentine, which was most pronounced at the lingual surfaces of the anterior teeth, and lingual and occlusal surfaces of the molars. Additionally, the mandibular second molars and mandibular right first molar displayed superficial enamel erosion of the buccal surfaces. Radiography indicated normal enamel density, and no further dental pathology was identified. Conditions considered in a differential diagnosis included amelogenesis imperfecta, fluorosis, perimolysis, xerostomia‐related caries and early childhood caries (ECC). The nature and distribution of lesions implicates ECC – also known as ‘nursing caries’ or ‘baby‐bottle caries’ – as the most probable diagnosis. The potential significance of the findings for studies of infant health and feeding practices in past populations is discussed. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Mandibles of Sus scrofa (wild boar/pig) from ritual pits H160 and H208 of Longshangang, a Late Yangshao Neolithic site in Xichuan County, Henan, were analyzed for evidence of domestication. Three methods of dental analysis were applied: odontochronology, tooth wear assessment, and linear enamel hypoplasia (LEH) recording, which provide age at death, season of kill, and season of birth data. We investigate whether: (i) the LEH height frequencies on the second molars of the mandibles correspond with the possibility of double farrowing and (2) double farrowing is supported by the season of and age at slaughter data. If so, these data suggest a substantial degree of human management of suids at the site. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The differences between Middle and Upper Palaeolithic cultures from Europe have been likened to the contrast between generalized and complex hunter–gatherers. A test of this model is undertaken by comparing the types, amount, severity and timing of episodes of enamel hypoplasia between the two periods among specimens from western Europe and the circum-Mediterranean area. The earlier sample consists of 59 dentally immature individuals with 128 primary and 154 permanent teeth while the later sample consists of 47 dentally immature individuals with 162 primary and 125 permanent teeth. It was predicted that the Upper Palaeolithic would show more variation in the attributes noted above as a consequence of increased social differentiation. While the prevalence (50% of individuals) and severity of enamel hypoplasia do not differ between the samples, the Upper Palaeolithic component is significantly more variable in the types and timing of enamel defects. Localized hypoplasia of the primary canine is absent from the Middle Palaeolithic but very common among Upper Palaeolithic children. Earlier work has linked this enamel defect to craniofacial osteopenia due to low bioavailability of vitamin A. Linear enamel hypoplasia peaks at age 3·5 years in the Middle Palaeolithic sample but is as common at age 2·0 as 5·0 years in the Upper Palaeolithic sample. The age distribution differs significantly. Peak age at stress, combining all types of enamel hypoplasia, is 3·5 years in the Middle Palaeolithic and 0·5 years in the Upper Palaeolithic. The major contrast between the Middle and Upper Palaeolithic in terms of enamel hypoplasia is the advent of stressful episodes in early infancy in the Upper Palaeolithic. This is attributed to the low bioavailability of vitamin A due to the synergistic effects of malnutrition and infection exacerbated by a net increase in population density among socially competitive family lineages.  相似文献   

Maxillary and frontal sinusitis, cribra orbitalia and linear enamel hypoplasia were recorded as indicators of nutritional and environmentally related stress in an Early Iron Age (0–260 AD ) population from Sweden. The material comprised the skeletal remains of 99 adults and 45 subadults (aged 20 years and under). Maxillary sinusitis and cribra orbitalia were recorded in the majority of subadults and adults. In contrast, linear enamel hypoplasia was uncommon and occurred mainly in the subadults. In seven cases (12.7%) there was a clear co‐occurrence of periapical lesions and maxillary sinusitis. A significant co‐occurrence of maxillary sinusitis and frontal sinusitis was found in the adults. The least common combination in sex‐determined adults was cribra orbitalia and enamel hypoplasia, only 7.7% exhibiting both lesions. The significantly higher incidence of this combination among subadults suggests an association with life‐threatening conditions. Overall, the results showed that the Early Iron Age community studied suffered foremost from upper respiratory diseases. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to examine the relationship between occlusal surface wear and approximal facet length in a North American archaeological sample of modern human hunter–gatherers (n = 111) and agriculturalists (n = 123). First maxillary molars (M1) were selected. The approximal wear facet was measured on the mesial surface of each M1 at the widest breadth using needle tipped digital callipers. Digital images were taken of the occlusal surface and wear was recorded as the percentage of dentine exposed to the total occlusal surface. Independent age estimate was based on age‐related changes, (pubic symphysis and auricular surface). Results show the hunter–gatherers had a significantly faster rate of wear on both tooth surfaces compared to the agriculturalists in each of the four age groups. Both lifeway groups showed a positive correlation between the two tooth surfaces during the early stages of tooth wear (less than 25% occlusal wear), where the percentage of occlusal wear and the length of the approximal facet increased at a similar rate. During the middle and final stages of tooth wear (occlusal wear greater than 35%) there was a strong negative correlation between the two surfaces in both groups. It is suggested this pattern is due to the shape and function of the M1. Both correlations were more extreme in the hunter–gatherers than the agriculturalists. When the per cent of occlusal wear exceeded 35% the length of the approximal facet started to decrease, and it is therefore recommended studies that include approximal wear exclude molars with heavy occlusal wear. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The biocultural effects of European contact varied considerably throughout the Americas. Some populations were decimated by colonialism, while others benefited from trade relationships and access to new technologies. It has been suggested that initial contact with European fur traders and explorers was economically favourable for Plains village populations, thereby facilitating a period of cultural florescence. In this study, we evaluate the hypothesis that Plains groups were better off than their predecessors during the initial contact period by comparing frequencies of enamel hypoplasia, cribra orbitalia, and porotic hyperostosis in pre‐ and post‐contact Arikara skeletal assemblages. We included both juveniles and adults in our sample to capture variation in the stress experience of different segments of the population. Our analysis revealed similarly low frequencies of cribra orbitalia in the pre‐ and post‐contact groups and no observed cases of porotic hyperostosis. Enamel hypoplasia, however, was significantly more prevalent among post‐contact Arikara villagers when compared to their pre‐contact counterparts, which suggests that stress levels were higher after European contact. Additionally, enamel hypoplasia was most common among post‐contact juveniles. The elevated frequency of enamel hypoplasia in the post‐contact sample combined with the low frequencies of cribra orbitalia and porotic hyperostosis suggests that disease stress, rather than nutritional deficiencies, was likely responsible for the decline in overall health following European contact. These results also suggest that juveniles are sensitive indicators of systemic stress within a population and should be included in bioarchaeological analyses of prehistoric health when available. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The study investigated developmental defects of the dental hard tissues and postmortem changes in archaeological pig molars from Fais Island, Micronesia. The developmental defects of enamel were indicative of a disturbance of the secretory stage (accentuation of the incremental pattern, occurrence of Wilson bands and of hypoplastic defects) and the maturation stage of amelogenesis (hypomineralisation). Presence of coronal cementum in an M3 indicated a partial premature breakdown of the reduced enamel epithelium or a partial demise of the enamel organ earlier during tooth development. Developmental defects of dentine presented as accentuated Andresen lines and areas of interglobular dentine. The pattern of developmental defects in the studied molars and the fact that deciduous premolars of the pigs from Fais did not exhibit developmental defects on macroscopic inspection are consistent with the hypothesis that the tooth defects were caused by periods of severe nutritional stress occurring after weaning. Postmortem changes caused by microbial infiltration were recorded in dentine and cementum. A presumed case of soft tissue preservation in the form of presence of odontoblast processes was observed in an M1.  相似文献   

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