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中国墨有着悠久的历史,在中国文化发展方面起过重要的作用。中国的墨是由松烟或油烟与胶质及各种添加剂混合而制成。墨的保存很困难,常会产生裂纹和生霉,有的甚至裂成几块,而失去了它原有的价值。通过实验知道,湿度的交替变化即忽高忽低、低湿、高湿都对墨的保存极为不利。低湿使墨中蛋白质胶变性,变脆硬化;潮湿使胶膨胀失去粘性并促使霉的生长而引起生物腐蚀。在墨的保存和陈列中,要采取墨的储藏微环境的湿度控制,保持湿度的稳定。  相似文献   

珂罗版印刷是书画文物主要复制方法之一。由于该方法复制书画真迹印刷品仿真程度高,满足了广大书画爱好者研究和收藏的需要,同时给书画真伪识别带来一定的难度。本工作通过视频显微镜、扫描电子显微镜、红外光谱、拉曼光谱等多种检测手段对珂罗版印刷油墨和传统书写墨迹进行研究。结果表明,珂罗版印刷油墨与传统油烟墨和墨汁在形貌、成分方面均存在一定的差异,从而对可疑书画印刷品的鉴别提供了科学依据。  相似文献   


Among the extra-biblical texts from Qumran we find the so-called Aramaic Levi, which can be described as a somewhat different variant of the “Testament of Levi,” a part of the larger Greek text “The Testament of the Twelve Patriarchs.”

Aramaic Levi, however, was already known from the Cairo Genizah. The following article is a linguistic comparison between the Qumran text and the version from the Cairo Genizah.

As Klaus Beyer has noticed, there are a lot of non-Hasmonean spellings and words in the Genizah text, but most of Beyer’s examples are from parts of the text that are not preserved in the Qumran fragments. Comparing the two versions, we now note that the deviations are of two kinds. As expected, the Genizah text often follows a later language than Qumran. This applies in particular to orthographic features and the use of status emphaticuswithout the definite sense. But in other places the Genizah text represents a language older than Hasmonean Aramaic, which we interpret as an adaptation to Bibli-cal Aramaic and sometimes to Hebrew.  相似文献   

随着纸质文物保护工作的推进,针对古籍纸张载体的保护研究已逐步深入,但对于古籍纸张上的墨、颜料等其他写印材料的保护及写印材料之间的相互作用则亟待研究。其中,古籍墨迹的老化研究有助于揭示墨与纸相互作用的本质,对于古籍文物的保护具有非常重要的意义。以复旦大学图书馆藏古籍《三十二兰亭室诗存》墨迹的老化现象为出发点,通过显微镜观察、表面pH值测定、显微拉曼(micro-Raman)和傅里叶变换红外(FT-IR)光谱法等多种无损、微损的检测手段多尺度分析了墨迹泛黄的现象,结果显示墨迹处及周边黄晕纤维与空白部分纤维相比,光泽缺失且略显糟朽,酸性更强,表面氧化基团增多,说明墨可能对纸张的老化降解产生了影响。通过设计纸墨浸润模拟老化实验对此进行验证,结果显示与偏中性墨汁相比,尽管墨汁中胶料对纤维有一定保护作用,但偏酸性墨汁对纸张老化的促进作用使pH值、抗张性能及耐折性能的下降趋势更明显,聚合度保留率也较低。墨字模拟老化实验佐证了前述结论,使用酸性更强的墨汁书写的字迹,周围纸张酸性更强,色差也更显著。以上结果表明,墨汁的酸碱性质对纸张的老化降解进程有很重要的影响。这不仅揭示出古籍存藏过程中受墨影响的纸张老化机制以及模拟实验合理设计对于系统探究老化机制及纸墨相互作用的重要性,也对古籍保护工作范畴的扩大和策略的制定具有指导意义,并为修复用墨的研制提供了思路。  相似文献   

在许多不可移动石质文物,尤其是石刻文字表面,因历代文人墨客的拓片留下了大量墨迹。这些墨迹是否对文物本体岩石有害?一直是保护工作者希望了解的问题之一。为此本研究开展了一系列调研和实验研究。通过对各地保存较完好的石刻表面的观察,可以发现石刻表面残留的墨迹具有某种保护作用;对模拟样块的SO2腐蚀实验结果表明,岩石表面的墨迹具有一定的阻止空气中腐蚀性气体侵蚀岩石的作用;盐迁移破坏实验也发现墨迹在某种程度上具有减小可溶盐结晶破坏岩石的作用。吸水率实验和电镜观察等结果显示,墨迹缓解岩石风化的机理主要是墨迹对岩石微裂隙具有填充和加固作用,使岩石的吸水系数降低,部分阻挡了可溶盐的入侵和聚集结晶。  相似文献   

This paper presents new compositional analysis of 26 fragments of the much‐debated cylindrical and ovoid jars, a vessel type first defined at Khirbet Qumran and associated with the Dead Sea Scrolls. The new samples include 15 examples from Tel ?evron, a site which yielded a pottery workshop and that carries certain similarities with Khirbet Qumran during the Early Roman period, as well as several examples from Jericho and Masada. According to the new as well as previous analyses, many of these jars were produced in the ?evron area; another source may be located in the northern Dead Sea area. The actual function of these jars, and whether they ever contained scrolls, is still unclear.  相似文献   

Non-destructive X-ray fluorescence analyses induced by white synchrotron radiation (SYXRF) have been performed on a page of the Gutenberg Bible and 21 other different single leaves printed in the years 1470 to 1500. Absolute elemental areal densities for the papers and the inks are reported. The known high Cu and Pb content in Gutenberg's ink is confirmed. The elemental compositions of the other inks, if measurable by XRF at all, are in general very low, governed only by a few additional elements and found to be not distinctive for a known printer. This will render an identification of the printer or printing offices by ink composition analysis in the period after 1470 difficult.  相似文献   

This study considers the chemical alteration of archaeological freshwater shell above the water table at the Lyon's Bluff site (22OK520), a single-mound and village complex located in east-central Mississippi, and the changes in trace element concentrations between unfired and fired shell. Thin-section petrography, X-ray diffraction, cathodoluminescence, and scanning electron microscopy analyses were conducted on archaeological shell from four natural layers from Unit 20N20W, over a depth of 80 cm and spanning 450 years. ICP–MS analysis also was conducted on a modern freshwater shell subjected to kiln firing. Microscopy results indicate a pristine aragonite crystal structure in the archaeological samples. ICP–MS data show that certain trace elements within the modern shell maintain their concentration after firing at 500 °C. The broader implications are: 1) that diagenetic alteration does not hinder chemical sourcing of shell at Lyon's Bluff, and 2) that certain trace elements are more reliable than others, namely Sr2+, Al2+, Ba2+, and Mn2+, when conducting trace element provenance studies on fired-shell temper.  相似文献   

Pigments sampled from wall paintings and from crayons taken on the floor, at the Grottes de la Garenne (Saint-Marcel – Indre, France) have been analyzed and characterized by infrared spectroscopy, Raman micro-spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, ICP/MS and analytical TEM. The red pigment used for the wall paintings is mainly composed by hematite, clays, carbon matter and carbonates. Results on the red pigments show that the compositions of the paintings are similar to that of some crayons. Regarding these analyses, their origin is compatible with local siderolithic facieses. Analysis of black pigments shows that they are made of cryptomelane, pyrolusite, clays, carbonates and carbon matter. It shows also that paintings and some crayons compositions are compatible. On the contrary of red pigments, the origin of black pigments is probably allochtonous. Indeed, the traces of thallium detected in cryptomelane, the cerium anomaly and the absence of iron are not compatible with local facieses or other sites from the French Massif Central.  相似文献   

An intact and sealed storage jar known as Jar‐35 was found in 2004, south of the Qumran settlement. A previous study identified tartrate in the deposit of the jar, indicating the possible past presence of wine ( Buti et al. 2006 ). However, we cannot confirm this finding. Using liquid and gas chromatography with mass spectrometric detection, no trace of tartaric acid or salts thereof could be detected in our samples. We show that the major component of the deposit is gypsum. No other organic compounds were identified with the methods that we have applied. Both radiocarbon dating of charcoal in the deposit and thermoluminescence dating of the ceramic jar show that it dates to the main period of habitation at Qumran (c. 100 bc to ad 70).  相似文献   

清末刻本是清朝晚期使用雕版印刷的古籍,是古籍资源保护与利用的重点对象之一。在日常翻阅、数字化扫描及修复流程中常出现掉墨现象,严重影响其文献价值,但该问题尚未受到足够关注。本研究针对古籍掉墨问题设计了几种评估方法,对二十余种清末刻本的掉墨程度进行了调查,并结合修复实际对掉墨原因进行了初步的剖析,建议对掉墨严重的刻本采用刷涂法和包裹法进行保护处理。本研究对古籍刻本的墨迹保护具有实践参考意义。  相似文献   

存世印谱中比较常见的一类病害是印蜕中印油老化导致的渗化问题。研究表明,印油渗化不仅会在印蜕四周形成黄色或棕色的油渍,而且会导致纸张pH值降低,影响印谱的长久保存。通过对印泥中常用的蓖麻油、菜籽油、茶油、调和印油等六种油脂进行模拟老化实验,发现油脂老化后普遍存在变色、pH值下降和渗化问题。采用气相色谱-质谱联用技术分析老化前后的油脂样品,发现油脂在老化过程中,不饱和脂肪酸含量降低,饱和脂肪酸占比增加,并形成了壬二酸等脂肪族羧酸。油脂老化过程中的成分变化,导致了变色、酸化、渗化等一系列问题。在印谱实物样品中也发现了饱和脂肪酸。在印谱的保护工作中,应对油脂的老化进行有针对性的处理。  相似文献   

Qumran Cave 1Q was the first site of Dead Sea scroll discoveries. Found and partly emptied by local Bedouin, the cave was excavated officially in 1949 and published in the series Discoveries in the Judaean Desert (Volume 1) in 1955. Contents of the cave are found in collections worldwide, and in different institutions in Jerusalem and Amman. While the scrolls are the most highly prized artefacts from this cave, in archaeological terms they are part of an assemblage that needs to be understood holistically in order to make conclusions about its character and dating. This study presents all of the known items retrieved from the cave, including those that are currently lost, in order to consider what we might know about the cave prior to its emptying and the changes to its form. It constitutes preliminary work done as part of the Leverhulme funded International Network for the Study of Dispersed Qumran Caves Artefacts and Archival Sources [IN-2015-067].  相似文献   

The “Christmas Cave”, a cave in the Qidron Valley near the Dead Sea and Qumran, has yielded a complex collection of plant-derived rope and fabric artifacts. Using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to amplify DNA of the samples, we estimated the sizes and determined restriction patterns and base sequences of chloroplast genes, primarily rbcL (gene for the large subunit of ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase). DNA was successfully extracted from all samples, but was limited to sizes of approximately 200–300 base pairs. As expected, the DNA extracted from the samples was identified as coming primarily from flax (Linum usitatissamum L.), but two samples had a significant fraction, and all samples had at least a trace, of hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) DNA. Artifacts from the Christmas Cave were thought to date from Roman times, but it was thought possible that some could be much older. Accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS)-based 14C dating confirmed that the samples contained representatives from both the Roman and Chalcolithic periods. This paper provides a synthesis of DNA, isotope, and literary analysis to illuminate textile history at the Christmas Cave site.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of an investigation of organic binding media detected in samples from the Mycenaean wall-paintings at the “Palace of Nestor” in Pylos (Western Messenia, Greece): samples dated from the Late Bronze Age (ca. 1200 BC). This is the first scientific study to be conducted on organic binding media in Mycenanean painting, and it is a study that aims to contribute significantly towards our understanding of the original painting techniques used during the Bronze Age. The analytical procedures employed for the detection and characterization of the organic substances preserved within the paint layers (proteinaceous materials, lipids and plant gums), were based on chromatography/mass spectrometry techniques (PY–GC/MS, GC/MS). The most significant results, highlighting an a secco painting technique, are herein reported and discussed.  相似文献   

A category of small vessels fashioned in samian ware has conventionally been interpreted as representing inkwells. This identification seems valid given their typological characteristics. The type is fairly rare in Roman Britain, as in other western provinces. Nonetheless, it is well known through illustration and is sufficiently frequent to be familiar to those who study the period. Given the likely close form-function relationship of this type, its distribution is assessed in this paper as an archaeological index of the locations of writing and recording in Britannia using ink. Indeed, study of samian inkwells offers a seemingly reliable indicator of such activity. This prospect is almost unique given the rarity of other types of direct and indirect evidence for writing in ink from Roman Britain.

Analysis shows, for the first time, that there is a clear pattern to the occurrence of samian inkwells. Most examples come from sites associated with the Roman military, with a sizeable proportion also recorded from major civil centres; elsewhere they are particularly infrequent. Examination of the spatial occurrence of these finds from within sites reveals a notable pattern. Many come from contexts at or close-by to locations where writing in ink might be expected. This is testimony to the rich potential of the archaeological record of this era to inform upon cultural practices.  相似文献   

墨是中华民族的一颗瑰宝,然而随着时光的流逝,墨锭霉变、破损开裂、粉化酥解,而难以长久保存,刻不容缓需要保护。为此,采用反相乳液接枝的方法,用丙烯酸丁酯、丙烯腈对明胶接枝改性;分析了接枝改性的反应温度、反应时间、单体用量、预处理时间等对接枝反应的影响,并用FT-IR进行表征;分别进行干热加速老化试验前后的剪切强度、劈裂强度、抗弯强度等性能测试。经过模拟粘接和试验性修补结果表明,用丙烯酸丁酯、丙烯腈对明胶接枝改性胶的剪切强度0.44MPa、劈裂强度68N/m、抗弯强度69N/m,加速老化后仍分别保持0.37MPa、54N/m和44N/m。修复后的古墨锭,粘接强度高、防霉抗菌、耐老化、无损伤,对古墨锭的加固保护效果明显。  相似文献   

The present article argues that the concept of predestination does not on the whole lend itself to Qumran studies. Unlike the writings of Augustine and Calvin, the scrolls contain nothing like a doctrine of predestination. The article reviews several texts from 1QS, 1QH, and CD, generally understood to reflect predestination, and suggests other ways of describing and interpreting the material.  相似文献   

The consumption of plant-derived hallucinogenic substances through smoking and snuffing is a long-standing tradition in the south-central Andes. Chemical and archaeobotanical evidence point to the consumption of nicotine and tryptamine alkaloids in Northwestern Argentina and of tryptamine alkaloids in San Pedro de Atacama (SPA), in prehispanic times. In this paper, results are reported of gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC/MS) analyses aimed at identifying nicotine and tryptamine alkaloids in the hair of mummies from different cultural periods of SPA. Fifty-six samples were examined. While tryptamines were not found in any of the samples, nicotine was found in 35 samples, assigned to the Late Formative (1 of 1 sample from this period), Late Formative or Middle (1 of 2 samples from either of these periods), Middle (4 of 6 samples from this period) and Late Intermediate periods (8 of 12 samples from this period), or without assignment to period due to lack of contextual information (21 of 35 samples unassigned to a period). These results show a continuous consumption of nicotine from the Late Formative to the Late Intermediate periods of SPA (ca. 100 B.C.–1450 A.D.). No associations were found between presence of nicotine in the hair of mummies and presence of snuffing trays or of other snuffing paraphernalia in the corresponding tomb; furthermore, neither the diversity of the funerary context, measured in terms of the number of types of objects, nor the presence of gemstone necklaces differed between tombs with mummies with or without nicotine in their hair. Overall, these results suggest that consumption of nicotine was performed by members of the society at large, irrespective of their social and wealth status.  相似文献   

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