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This essay is an analysis of archaeological contributions to the understanding of Nigeria's cultural history between ca. 2000 B.C. and A.D. 1900 focusing on the following themes: the origins of food production; development and transformations in metallurgical traditions; the beginnings of social complexity; and the character of state formation and urbanism. The transformations in everyday material life as a result of the entanglement with the Atlantic commerce and ethnoarchaeological approaches to understanding material culture and archaeological contexts also receive attention. The essay provides pathways to some of the turning points in Nigeria's cultural history, shows the convergence and divergence of cultural historical developments in different parts of the country, and identifies the critical gaps in archaeological research agenda.  相似文献   

刘珺 《文博》2007,(4):56-62
五价值与力时至今日,我依然坚信,在我所见过的所有艺术品中,再没有比秦兵马俑军阵更让人赞叹、感动、喜悦、忧伤以及引发无尽遐想的艺术品了。在兵马俑身上,几乎汇聚了一切艺术品所具有的审美特征,雕塑艺术与绘画艺术在秦俑身上相得益彰,造型艺术与韵律之美更是在秦俑的脸部线条中相辅相成。帝国的荣耀  相似文献   

刘珺 《文博》2007,(3):58-65
一鸿蒙作为易容师,历史的手段极其高明。有时候它戏弄人们,伪装成木乃伊,周身散发着陈腐气;而另一些时候,它又会大发慈悲心肠,像那些青春洋溢的少女,以雀跃的身姿赋予人漫无边际的联想。即便如  相似文献   

W. C. Mahaney 《Archaeometry》2013,55(6):1196-1204
The title of Kuhle and Kuhle's (2012) (hereafter K&K 2012) paper in Archaeometry appears to be mostly a tirade against the Traversette Route of Hannibal's Army, as originally favoured by Sir Gavin de Beer—a man possessed of singular scientific experience and near‐singular interest in Carthaginian history—in the mid‐part of the last century. The mere fact that Mahaney et al. (2010a,c) added to de Beer's corpus of evidence that Hannibal followed the southern route appears to have brought K&K (2012) to lodge not only a protest, but one of accusatory tone, stating that Mahaney et al. (2010c) had erroneously misinterpreted historical texts to prove the Col de la Traversette as the Punic Army col of passage into Italia. Aside from the fact that the tone of these allegations rises to a curious level, it is the intention of this discussion to put facts where they belong, rooted in what is known of the Hannibalic Invasion and what is inferred by the prevailing scientific evidence. It is important to note that there is not one preferred route as stated by K&K (2012), but three in fact (see Fig. 1 (a) in Mahaney et al. 2010c), and all have been discussed by a legion of historians (see, e.g., Freshfield 1886, 1899; de Beer 1969; Proctor 1971; Prevas 1998; Mahaney 2008).  相似文献   

<正>张良仁:我知道俄罗斯(包括前苏联,下同)有许多考古家庭(指考古夫妻、考古父子或考古母女等)。您是这种情况吗?您是怎么进入到考古学的?您的父母对您的职业选择有什么影响吗?  相似文献   

编者按:E.H.切尔内赫(Ebгений Николаевич)1935年出生在俄罗斯的首都莫斯科,1958年毕业于莫斯科国立大学历史系考古专业.同年进入俄罗斯科学院考古研究所工作.1959年,他进入金属研究所学习金属分析方法,1963年获副博士学位.1972年获博士学位.2006年,他被选为俄罗斯科学院通讯院士.  相似文献   

本文是在袁珂《山海经校注》一书的基础上,旁罗古籍,并参以出土的甲、金、竹、帛文献资料,对其中的《海经》部分的一些事物、语词作了新的解释,对原经文的脱衍论误及通现象一一予以订正和指明,以恢复古经之原文,疏通文意,使之明晰可读。同时对《校注》中不正确的说法提出了个从的见解。本文共分上、中、下三篇,上篇已发表于《三籍整理研究学刊》1998年第2期。  相似文献   

后天环境对人的影响在人类成长的过程中至关重要。城市知识青年下乡时,年龄偏低,正是长身体,尤其是“长脑子“需要灵魂滋补的时候,而发放这种“养料“的人,正是艰苦而纯净的土地上的群体——颇具人格魅力的北大荒人。  相似文献   

M. KUHLE  S. KUHLE 《Archaeometry》2012,54(3):591-601
For a long time now, historians have considered the way across the Col de Clapier as the most likely invasion route of Hannibal's army across the Alps. Mahaney et al. challenge this view by introducing a two‐tier rockfall into the discussion, which they believe is mentioned in the ancient texts and has gone unnoticed by modern scholars. Since a deposit of this kind can only be found at the Col de la Traversette—and there alone—Hannibal's crossing of the Alps, so they reason, must have followed this alternative route. However, a critical reassessment of the ancient texts and a closer look at the geomorphological situation clearly show that this interpretation is unwarranted.  相似文献   

本文参考目前国内不易见到的两种日本国藏《高僧传》写本(石山寺本、七寺本)及有关中古文献,对中华书局1997年10月第3次印本《高僧传》(汤用彤校注本)的校勘、标点问题进行了探讨,新发现可商榷之处凡百余例。今选择36例,敷衍成文,就教于同好。  相似文献   

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