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俞凉亘  申建伟  高虎  胡小宝  胡瑞  高向楠  周立  王炬 《文物》2011,(8):13-21,1,98
2005年2~9月,洛阳市文物工作队配合基建项目在体育场路西发掘了一批东周墓葬。其中M8830未遭盗掘,保存完好。此墓为长方形竖穴土坑墓,墓口南北长3.7、东西宽2.1米。葬具为一棺一椁。随葬器物有铜器、玉器、石器、陶器等,以铜礼器为主。铜器制作精美,种类有鼎、(■)、簋、方壶、(■)、舟、(■)等礼器及车马器。根据墓葬形制及随葬器物,初步推断此墓的年代属春秋中期,墓主为高级贵族。此墓的发掘为研究东周铜器提供了新资料。  相似文献   

It is a known fact that classical Persian poets were partial to poetic meters composed of eight feet, known as muthamman. On this topic, however, two issues remain unsolved: How did the Persian poets devise these meters in the first place? Despite their flagrant predilection for eightfold meters, why did the Persians never use such meters as sarī? and qarīb in this form? This paper argues that the Persians, influenced by the structure of the Arabic eightfold base meters, crafted their muthamman meters after a specific process of reduplication. This theory also accounts for the lack of eightfold sarī? and qarīb meters, their structure being incompatible with the reduplication process.  相似文献   

This paper examines the global distribution of electron density irregularities with scales of the order of several tens to hundreds of meters in the ionosphere by using topside sounder data from the COSMOS-1809 satellite obtained in May–June and December 1987. The diffuse traces of Z-waves on topside ionograms in a frequency band just below the upper hybrid resonance are used for diagnostics. These traces are attributed to the scattering of sounder-generated ordinary and slow extraordinary mode waves.  相似文献   

The Golmud-Lhasa section of the Qinghai-Tibet Railway, extending 1,118 km and lying at an average elevation of some 3,000 meters above sea level, includes a 965 km section at 4,000 meters and a 140 km part at 5,000 meters. The highest railway bed, found in the Tanggula Mountain Pass, is 5,072 meters above sea level. The oxygen content in the air is 38-46 percent less than in the plains. Scarcity of oxygen and low atmospheric pressure affects human health and working ability, causing low wor…  相似文献   

A plasma irregularities spectrum analyzer and a Langmuir probe experiment on a rocket experiment conducted at mid-latitudes during quiet night-time winter conditions revealed the existence of an isolated plasma density depletion between 700 and 1100 km. A substantial enhancement of intensity of the irregularities coinciding with the depletion was observed over a broad band of irregularity sizes ranging from tens of meters to several kilometers. The power spectral index was equal 0.84∓0.17 as compared to 1.71∓0.56 for the irregularities outside the plasma depletion.  相似文献   

The active layer is the zone above permafrost that experiences seasonal freeze and thaw. Active‐layer thickness varies annually in response to air and surface temperature, and generally decreases poleward. Substantially less is known about thaw variability across small lateral distances in response to topography, parent material, vegetation, and subsurface hydrology. A graduated steel rod was used to measure the 1998 end‐of‐season thaw depth across several transects. A balanced hierarchical sampling design was used to estimate the contribution to total variance in active‐layer depth at separating distances of 1, 3, 9, 27, and 100 meters. A second sampling scheme was used to examine variation at shorter distances of 0.3 and 0.1 meter. This seven‐stage sample design was applied to two sites in the Arctic Foothills physiographic province, and four sites on the Arctic Coastal Plain province in northern Alaska. The spatial variability for each site was determined using ANOVA and variogram methods to compare intersite and inter‐province variation. Spatial variation in thaw depth was different in the Foothills and Coastal Plain sites. A greater percentage of the total variance occurs at short lag distances (0–3 meters) at the Foothills sites, presumably reflecting the influence of frost boils and tussock vegetation on ground heat flow. In contrast, thaw variation at the Coastal Plain sites occurs at distances exceeding 10 meters, and is attributed to the influence of well‐developed networks of ice‐wedge polygons and the presence of drained thaw‐lake basins. This information was used to determine an ongoing sampling scheme for each site and to assess the suitability of each method of analysis.  相似文献   

河南巩义市滩小关遗址发掘报告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、概况滩小关遗址位于河南省巩义市西北 15公里的黄河南岸。遗址主要分布在双槐树村南的土岭上 ,其东部边缘到滩小关村西南岭上 ,俗称之为滩小关遗址 ① 。它西北距伊洛河入黄河口约 3公里 ,正处在“洛”之地。 (图一 )沿河一线地势高亢 ,属邙山黄土塬。这里沟壑纵横 ,丘陵起伏 ,水源缺乏。从古人类居住处至现在黄河水面 ,落差约 10 0米 ,若取用黄河之水 ,是较困难的。滩小关遗址西约 1公里的邙山塬上 ,有隋代洛口仓城遗址 ,目前尚存一段夯土城墙 ,残高 4米余。村东约 4公里的洛口村东 ,有伏羲台仰韶文化遗址 ,相传是伏羲氏观察河洛汇流…  相似文献   

The impact of lead contamination of soils and plants along highways of Novgorod Oblast (between Moscow and Leningrad) is investigated. Lead content in roadside soils and crops is compared with control plots situated at a greater distance from highways. Lead content in soils up to 100 meters from roadways is found to be up to 15 times higher than in control plots; lead content in roadside crops, up to 10 meters from roadways, is found to be up to six times higher than in control plots. It is recommended that dwellings and garden plots be moved back from highways beyond the harmful zone. In the case of Novgorod Oblast such a protective roadside zone should be 100 meters wide.  相似文献   

困境中的菲律宾科迪勒拉水稻梯田   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
世界文化遗产菲律宾科迪勒拉水稻梯田位于菲律宾吕宋岛科迪勒拉山脉沿线的伊富高省,由分布在4个市的5个梯田群组成,分别为基安干市(Kiangan)的Nagacadan梯田群、洪都安市(Hungdun)梯田群、梅奥瑶市(Mayoyao)梯田群以及巴纳维市(Banaue)的Bangaan和Batad梯田群组成。  相似文献   

湖北荆州熊家冢墓地2008年发掘简报   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
熊家冢墓地位于湖北省荆州市川店镇张场村三组和宗北村一组的西山岗上,南北长550、东西宽200米,由主冢、祔冢、殉葬墓、祭祀坑、车马坑等组成。2008年3~12月,荆州博物馆发掘了6座马坑、3座小车马坑和1座大车马坑的大部分。大车马坑车辆的类型多样,分两排放置,排列有序。根据出土铜器并结合整个墓地的年代判断,车马坑的年代约为战国中期。熊家冢墓地车马坑的规模之大,目前在我国尚属首例,它的发掘对于研究战国车制具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

青藏高原"渐进阶梯式"旅游模式探讨   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
青藏铁路建成通车,众多游客纷纷涌向西藏,极大地推动了青藏高原的旅游业发展。而青藏高原的高海拔既是旅游业发展的独特之处,也是青藏高原旅游业发展的瓶颈。由于高海拔自然环境的极大差异和人类对不同海拔高度的不同生理反应以及不同自然环境对社会、经济发展的制约,从而导致在不同海拔高度的地貌区域游客的生理反应、接受的服务程度以及旅游环境容量都有极大的差异性,因此,本文通过分析认为海拔在2000—3000m为高原旅游游客的生理适应区,并得出西宁—兰州区和昆明区是高原旅游的最佳适应区;而3000—5000m为青藏高原的常规旅游区,>5000m则为青藏高原的特殊旅游区。从而提出青藏高原“渐进阶梯式”旅游模式的架构。  相似文献   

张蕴  卫峰  马明志  高明韬  张明惠  赵赋康 《考古与文物》2012,(3):22-25,67,120,121
唐嗣虢王李邕墓位于陕西省富平县杜村镇北吕村西北,唐献陵陪葬墓区东北方,北临石川河南岸,西南距李凤墓250米;东南距北吕村300米。2004年3月遭盗掘,陕西省考古研究所组队对该墓进行了抢救性考古发掘。该墓为长斜坡墓道、五天井、三过洞、前后甬道、前后墓室、六个壁龛之大型砖券墓葬。因盗掘严重,随葬品大部分佚失,残余壁画亦损坏较甚。本文从墓葬形制、出土器物、装饰壁画三方面简述了考古发掘概况,阐述了发掘与整理中的认识与研究。  相似文献   

2018年3月至6月,为配合金沙江下游河段的乌东德水电站建设,四川省文物考古研究院等对位于四川会理县新安傣族乡新开田村的李家坪遗址进行了考古发掘,发掘面积1000平方米。发现新石器时代晚期的房址、灰坑等数十座遗迹,出土百余件遗物及大量陶片标本,为研究城河流域乃至金沙江中下游地区新石器时代晚期考古学文化谱系提供了重要实物资料。  相似文献   

为了对国家文物保护单位上海中山东一路27号怡和洋行大楼外墙大型壁灯(高2米,宽0.8米)进行修复工作,在经过对过去修复工作合理性的论证基础上,确定修复复原方案。应用科学修复技术对壁灯铸铁部分加以保护复原,采纳各项传统工艺和现代加工技术复制壁灯灯罩,合理设计定位安装,修复大型铸铁壁灯,还其本来面貌。  相似文献   

The influence of local geology and soil conditions on the intensity and the amplification of ground shaking are well known. Part of the old city center of Trieste is built on the site of a former salina, placed at a river mouth and is characterized by soft sediments several tens of meters thick. A new accelerometric station has been recently installed in a historical building, in order to analyse earthquake-induced site amplifications. This station has recorded five regional earthquakes and the related records are compared to those obtained at a nearby bedrock-installed accelerometeric station. Fourier and response spectra for all components are computed and both the H/V ratio and the reference station techniques are used to assess site effects. Noise measurements performed in the historical building, where the accelerometer is located, confirm these results. Relevant amplifications are detected in the frequency range of 2–4 Hz, particularly important for the type of buildings present in this part of the city.  相似文献   

佘家老湾遗址位于湖北省随州市北约24公里处,隶属随州市随县厉山镇王岗乡同心村八组佘家老湾。2000年上半年,在配合汉丹-宁西铁路联接线建设工程的考古调查中发现该遗址,遗址面积约10万平方米。2000年11~12月及2001年5~6月,湖北省文物考古研究所对遗址进行了试掘,发掘面积324平方米。该遗址文化层堆积较单一,主要是新石器时代晚期遗存。从出土的遗物特征看,属江汉地区石家河文化系统,但又具有河南龙山文化王湾三期的特点。该遗址对于研究这两大文化的相互碰撞及交流提供了极好的范例,同时也使我们对于这一特殊地理区域内的石家河文化晚期的面貌有了较深入的了解。  相似文献   

On 13th of July,2007,the new campus of Tibet University was built and put into operation.The campus maintenance and expansion project of the university was setup on Nov.8,2004 with total investment of 540 million Yuan.Expansion area in this project covers 135 thousand sq.meters.In this project,the new campus which could accommodation with 4350 students is funded with 480 million Yuan and covers the area of 120 thousand sq.meters.  相似文献   

Salt contamination in heritage stone affects handheld moisture meter measurements on-site. This poses a problem when the readings indicate erroneously higher levels of moisture than actually present. For decision making with regards to moisture prevention treatment it is therefore crucial to distinguish between actual dampness and the hygroscopic action of salts. This study investigated the effect on moisture meter readings of both increased conductivity of pore water and the increased water retention caused by the presence of sodium chloride (NaCl) in artificially contaminated Portland limestone samples. The influence of NaCl contamination on selected handheld moisture meters was quantified. As a result, this article proposes that under certain circumstances moisture meters could be used to diagnose, reliably, both moisture and salt problems in heritage stone.  相似文献   

Alex Loftus 《对极》2006,38(5):1023-1045
In this paper, I seek to gain an understanding of the power that water meters are able to acquire in regulating the daily rhythms of life in the South African city of Durban. In doing so, I put Georg Lukács's writings on reification to work. Lukács's theorisation of the phenomenon of reification captures the twin processes of encroaching formal rationalisation and commodity fetishism. Charting the history of the introduction of water meters and the rise in power of associated infrastructures, I seek to put a historical geographical materialist imagination to work. Thus, I develop a relational ontology of the urban waterscape before seeking to identify lines of struggle that might challenge the dictatorship of the water meter and move towards radically democratic technologies for a more equitable distribution of water.  相似文献   

Starting from the premise that “shape is an important [spatial] property” (Bunge), the author analyzes the optimal shapes and dimensions of fragmented plots of arable land typical of Yakutia and other parts of the forest zone of the USSR. The optimal shape of an arable plot in a forest clearing is found to be an elongated piece of land of about 200–250 meters by 750–1500 meters and an area of 15 to 30 hectares. A program of land consolidation in the last decade has aimed at the elimination of excessively small plots and the expansion of mean plot size within the limitations of the Yakutian environment, where the presence of ground ice and thermokarst conditions produces a complex system of thaw depressions impeding the development of agriculture.  相似文献   

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