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新中国成立以来,古代地图与地图学史的研究,在单幅地图、地图谱系以及地图学史的书写方面都取得了众多的成果。在历史学研究正在变革的今天,中国古代地图的研究以及地图学史的书写也开始随之变化,研究视角和方法日益多元。今后,应当在进一步对古地图进行整理、编目的基础上,从更为多元的视角重写中国地图学史,并借鉴史学其他领域的研究理论和方法,深入发掘古地图中蕴含的史料价值。  相似文献   

在《地图学史》第1卷《史前、古代、中世纪欧洲和地中海的地图学史》中,丛书主编J. B.哈利和戴维·伍德沃德对地图提出了新的定义,不仅拓宽了“地图”的范围,而且拓展了“地图学史”研究的领域,从而为这套丛书的撰写奠定了基础,进而影响了世界地图学史的研究趋势。如果将这一定义以及定义背后的认知应用于中国古代地图研究的话,那么同样将会拓展这一领域的研究内容,并最终从根本上改变研究的面貌。不仅如此,本卷结合人类学、考古学和认知论的理论与方法,对地图的起源提出了新的认知,且确定了一定数量的史前地图;而对于古代和中世纪欧洲和地中海地区的地图,则基于对存世地图的全面搜集,以及与文本材料和历史背景的结合,尽可能复原了这一时期不同区域地图的种类和绘制特点,破除了一些长期存在的常识性错误。上述这些具体的研究方法、学术视角与相关结论,同样非常值得中国学者借鉴,这样,不仅会对一些老问题得出新的认知,而且将会真正使得古地图成为一种“新史料”,最终古地图和地图学史的研究对象将不再仅仅是古地图本身。  相似文献   

席境忆 《文博》2022,(2):74-80+73
中国古地图由图形和文字两类信息组成,二者共同向读者展示地理信息。本文以放马滩地图为研究对象,对地图中部分文字进行了重新释读,并由此探讨古地图中文字所起到的辅助性注记、辅助地理定位、充当比例尺等重要作用。  相似文献   

朝鲜古地图中保存了清代中朝边界的诸多重要信息。通过对多种朝鲜古地图的解读,考察了其绘制方法与特点,重点分析了穆克登碑、图们江源、"间岛"及鸭绿江下游岛屿等边界地区在地图上的表现方式与变化轨迹。可以看出,朝鲜古地图在绘制方法受到了中国传统舆图的深刻影响,在内容上反映了绘制者对本国历史、地理状况的认知,也体现了其领土观念与"北拓传统"。  相似文献   

2019年11月30日至12月1日,由中山大学“一带一路”研究院和中山大学历史学系(珠海)主办的“丝路古地图与跨国经济文化交流”工作坊在中山大学珠海校区顺利举行。来自两岸13所高校与科研机构的20余位学者齐聚一堂,主要从五个方面对地图学史的诸多问题作了深入探讨。  相似文献   

这方面的成就,主要可分三部分,即:地理志书、古地图(舆图)、山川地理著作及其它。其中,地理总志的点校整理较为突出,近年来舆图研究逐渐成为热门。  相似文献   

唐晋 《中华遗产》2008,(4):46-55
从禹铸九鼎开始,上古先民就对广域地理表示出巨大的热情。古地图忠实地记录着先民政治经济、社会生活的方方面面,多少相关的传说故事就埋在史家的简册和时间的尘埃中,我们怎能错过它?  相似文献   

汉文西夏地图文献述要   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
胡玉冰 《文献》2005,(1):93-110
汉文西夏地图文献是中国汉文古地图文献中颇具特色的一类,它对于研究西夏国地理和中国中古时期地图文献的特点都有史料价值.  相似文献   

以芝加哥大学出版的多卷本《地图学史》为中心,从大区域、长时段的角度总结了东亚、伊斯兰世界和南亚传统地图学的特色。认为非西方地图学传统的断裂与连续,既是一个事实问题,也是一个认识问题。随着西方科学地图学成为主流,非西方地图学传统发生了断裂,但后者并非一夜之间消失于世,而是在多个方面表现出与现代社会的联结。多卷本《地图学史》为中国地图学史研究带来多方面的启示。  相似文献   

地理信息科学是地理学的信息化发展,地理信息科学主要有地理信息科学、地理信息系统、地理信息系统工程、全球定位系统等,是自然科学与社会科学的结合发展,钱学森将地理信息科学根据基础理论、技术科学、工程技术等三个方面划分为理论地理科学、地理信息科学和地理系统工程。文章根据前人对地理信息科学的研究,系统的论述了地理科学,提出航天信息与地理信息一体化网络系统,该信息网络系统以天地信息一体化网络系统为基础,以天地人机关系为发展方向,充分体现地理学中的人地关系,并且以地理信息科学是可持续发展信息社会的重要动力为观点,系统的论述地理信息科学研究的方向与发展前景。  相似文献   

The place of the Peutinger map in the history of both ancient and medieval geography and cartography is controversial. Many basic questions as to its sources, dating and purpose remain unanswered. In the light of various pieces of new evidence these problems are reassessed. It is argued that the Peutinger map does derive from a Roman original but that, without precedent in Roman cartography or impact on later medieval cartography, the mapping of itinerary data onto a base map of the oecumene is likely to be a genuine innovation of the designer of the archetype. There is no need to suppose the map to be an officially state‐sponsored product. The sources relied upon were commonly available and would have been familiar to the public in late antiquity. The purpose of the map is more likely to have been ornamental than practical. It is impossible to determine a precise date or location for the creation of the archetype, but the cultural viewpoint embodied in the map is undoubtedly antique, Latin and western.  相似文献   

While the history of cartography has freed itself from debilitating debates over the scientific and artistic status of maps, considerations of the relationship between art and cartography have continued to focus largely on pre‐modern maps, avoiding critical examination of twentieth‐century art and science in cartography and leaving intact the impression that these followed distinct paths in the modern period. In this paper, however, I have drawn on theoretical work in Science Studies and taken account of modern art's separation from aesthetics to suggest that an examination of art and cartography in the twentieth century should focus on mapping practices rather than on maps as such. A summary overview of modern‐art movements and selected works indicates a continued, if critical, engagement of avant‐garde artists with cartography, and the examination of more popular newspaper artwork produced in the context of the intensely modern visual culture of mid‐twentieth century Los Angeles indicates a similarly close connection between modernity, art and cartography.  相似文献   

丁一 《中国历史地理论丛》2011,26(3):115-125,135
本文从"混一图"系列的不同版本地图入手,追溯并探讨存在于元明清中国古地图中对于江南水系的两种对立绘法。第一种绘法主要为全国地图所采用,即以"源流派分"的形式来描绘江南水系,本文称其为"全国尺度绘法";第二种绘法则主要为江南地方文献中附图所采用,即以"河网密切"的形式来描绘江南水系,本文称其为"地方尺度绘法"。后一种绘法...  相似文献   


Cartographic history has been dominated by an empiricism that treats the nature of maps as self‐evident and which denies the presence of any theory. In contrast, this paper argues that theories lie at the root of all empirical study whether or not they are acknowledged. The linear, progressive model of cartographic development, for example, is not a law deduced from historical evidence; if it were it would be easily and quickly dismissed. It derives instead from our cultural beliefs concerning the nature of maps, which is to say from our unexamined theories. Historians of cartography need to be critical of their assumptions and preconceptions. Theoretical discussions in the history of cartography must address not whether we should use theory at all but to which theories we should adhere. It is inadequate simply to knock theories down. We must establish a debate in which old understandings of maps, of their creation, and of their use are replaced by better (that is, more consistent and coherent) theories.  相似文献   


Theory is not a goal in itself but a means of enriching the history of cartography by stimulating new research questions and objectives. In this paper the concept of ‘transparent maps’ (carriers of an image of the external reality of the world) and ‘opaque maps’ is introduced. The notion is approached structurally (standards of graphical representation, drawing, geometry, text); through the sociology of the map (map makers, institutions, the public); and through seeing maps in their cultural and historical context (an approach which raises issues of the definitional boundaries of the history of cartography and which is arguably one of the most stimulating perspectives today as fostered by, in particular, contributors to the History of Cartography). Finally, attention is drawn to three important topics for the research agenda: the links between maps and culture; maps as a language of communication and as instruments of power; and the links between perception, logic and mnemonics.  相似文献   

本文以对德国柏林国家图书馆藏16至18世纪西文中国地图藏品的分析为基础,论述欧洲近代制图史上3种中国地图绘制模式的特征及其变异,以及此种继承性与变异性与近代早期欧洲人中国观的关系。  相似文献   


Railway mapping, a distinctive genre of cartography, came into existence with the invention of railway transport in Britain. The planned route for the first public railway, the Stockton & Darlington Railway, was surveyed by 1820 as a statutory requirement for the Act of Parliament that was necessary before construction could proceed. The Stockton & Darlington Railway was granted its Act in 1821 and opened in 1825. From then on, an abundance of maps, plans, diagrams and technical drawings were created to enable railways to be planned, constructed and operated; to be changed, developed and regulated; to attract business and passengers; and to provide railway staff with a range of specialist tools. Today, Britain probably has the largest surviving corpus of such material, but owing to the essentially private nature of the preparation and use of railway maps, it remains largely unstudied and therefore scarcely evaluated in terms of its historical worth. This paper summarizes the archival history of Britain's railway maps and describes eleven broad categories of railway cartography that collectively form a coherent body of maps covering much of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, and which await better access and comprehensive study. It also underlines the urgency of ensuring the preservation of the railway map archive from further loss and destruction.  相似文献   


Academic cartographers consistently expressed an interest in the history of map form (design and practice), at least until the 1980s. This essay reviews the formation of academic cartography, primarily in central Europe and the United States, and the scholarly work on the internal history of cartography that was clearly manifested in Imago Mundi. Internal map history catalysed the development of socio-cultural map histories after 1980 but did not itself change along those new lines. This was unfortunate because it is by paying attention to internal questions of the physical and graphic form of maps and the practices of mapping—albeit critically reconfigured as the processes of producing, circulating and consuming maps—that map historians will discover new and fertile intellectual ground.  相似文献   


The study of the history of cartography in the United States has been profoundly shaped by the peculiar American institution sometimes known as the ‘treasure house’. These libraries, located in major metropolitan areas and at prestigious universities, were created through the philanthropy of businessmen of local and national significance, most of whom also collected maps and books. The collecting patterns of these philanthropists and the institutions they helped to found emphasized materials (including maps) relating to American history and culture before 1800. This emphasis on pre-nineteenth century holdings tended to marginalize the historical study of most post-1800 cartography in the United States until the middle of the twentieth century. At the same time, as a case study of Chicago’s Newberry Library shows, the development of these collections was flavoured by the civic and regional pride of their host communities and the aspirations to be regional, national and global metropolises.  相似文献   

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