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This paper addresses the problem of increased visa discrimination for people from low-income countries since the events of September 11th. She uses the example of changes in her own experiences as an Argentinian citizen wishing to travel to the USA to highlight changes that are occurring throughout South America. The difficulties involved include unsympathetic automated telephone answering systems, non-refundable application fees, and long-distance travel to the Embassy.  相似文献   

Despite legal efforts to eliminate employment discrimination, lawsuits and demonstrations suggest that many federal employees believe they are subject to discriminatory practices. This article analyzes responses to a governmentwide survey of federal employees in order to understand such perceptions more fully. Propositions examined, and at least partially supported, include that minority groups hold identifiable, but structurally different, belief systems with regard to discrimination, and that there are identifiable factors correlated with these perceptions.  相似文献   

崔胜利 《收藏家》2013,(12):16-18
笔者在查阅济南市博物馆藏高凤翰作品资料时,发现了两对孪生作品,几乎一模一样。在书画鉴定中最重要的方法就是比较,笔者就将这些孪生作品进行排列对比总结,从中发现高凤翰绘画的特点以及真伪作品的区别。现将这些孪生作品排列一下,为了叙述方便,将济南市博物馆的藏品简称"济博本",将拍卖公司拍出的作品简称"拍卖本"。图1《素袜凌波图》题款:"素袜凌波之图"。壬子写,丁巳补题。南阜。荷花荷叶五尺长,  相似文献   

樊海涛 《收藏家》2014,(4):27-36
<正>担当(1593-1673年)是云南明清之交伟大的艺术家,他为后人留下了丰富的作品,近年来,"担当热"愈演愈烈,我们一方面为之欣慰,另一方面也不免有些担忧,忧的是一些担当书画伪作也沉渣泛起,鱼目混珠,有的甚至堂而皇之地出现在专业的书籍上,给研究者、文物爱好者带来了不少迷惑。由于大多数人无法亲自批阅担当真迹,仅通过印刷品来赏析比较,失误难免。借助于在云南省博物馆工作的便利,本人通过对担当书画作品的真伪对比,简单地介绍鉴定担当书画真伪的方法,谈一点  相似文献   

关于朱元璋的出生地,无论是其本人所说、所写、同时代人所记以及其亲属所留下的记载,都是完全一致,这就是钟离之东乡,钟离隶濠州,濠州后改称凤阳。所以说朱元璋生于钟离或生于濠州或生于凤阳,证据凿凿,不容置疑。盱眙说、明光说、五河说、宿州符离集说等诸观点或曲解史料、或依据错误史料甚至将传说当信史,因此皆不可信。  相似文献   

钱大昕的史籍辨伪   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为清代乾嘉学派的代表人物,作为著名的史学家,钱大昕十分重视辨伪工作,并以开阔的视域、渊博的学识和精密的方法,对《竹书纪年》、《十六国春秋》、《金人南迁录》等史籍的真伪进行了认真考辨,语多精谛,颇为学术界所认同。钱氏还对古人作伪的规律有一定的认识,其中不乏积极的学术启发意义。  相似文献   

Spatial Price Discrimination in Two-Dimensional Competitive Markets   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Intuition suggests that firms that can apply price discrimination make higher profits than firms that are restricted in their pricing policy. In this paper, we show that, in general, this is not the case. In the framework of a two-dimensional spatial model with elastic demand à la Lösch, we further investigate the interplay of transport costs, competition, and price policy. One of our results is that under realistic specifications of parameters each firm gains a monopolistic area in the center of its market that has the same shape as the entire market, but with a convexly or concavely distorted separating line, depending on the extension of the market.  相似文献   

王世贞是晚明著名史家 ,他对史料范围的认识、对不同史料间关系的辩证认识 ,成为他进行史料考辨的理论基础。在此基础上他运用直观和较理性的考辨方法对明代史料进行了细致的考辨 ,取得了显著的成就。这些成就的取得又与他所处时代各种史料存在的缺陷以及他勤奋的治史态度密切相关  相似文献   

本认为唐代蕃兵有数种,城傍仅是蕃兵之一种。从城傍的组织方式看,城傍属于唐代的团结兵范畴。它是来自少数民族的团结兵。唐代的轻税州是指岭南米税诸州,与城傍没有联系。  相似文献   

班固受贿写史辨疑   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李小树 《史学月刊》2005,(3):12-16,105
前人对班固“受金”写史之事说法不一,或信其为实,或疑其所无,或不置可否,但皆语焉不详。而如果班固在撰修《汉书》时受贿,则天子不宥,律令不许,士林不齿,怨家不饶,但这些事情却无一发生。合理的解释应当是:班固未曾在修史过程中收受过贿赂。而所谓“受金”写史之说,其最大的可能是班固“受命”写史之事在辗转传抄过程中形成的讹误。  相似文献   

宋德金 《史学集刊》2007,7(1):14-20
自金元之际以来,就不断有人探索金国缘何而亡,可谓见仁见智,众说纷纭。至少有天命天意说、“分别着汉”说、“金以儒亡”说、贞祜南迂说、汉化说等八九种之多。其中“金以儒亡”说与汉化说不仅与史实不符,而且在理论上有害。其余诸说,则多是极而言之,就某个具体事件或局部问题而论的。尽管它们分别在一定程度上促使金国逐渐走向衰亡。但其中任何一说,都不是构成金国覆亡的根本原因。金国覆亡是由多种原因造成的。一,物极必反,盛极而衰,这是事物发展的必然规律;二,章宗后期、特别是宣宗南渡后的军政腐败加速了金朝的衰亡,这是内因;三,对蒙古、南宋、西夏政策失误,蒙宋联盟形成,决定了金国的最后覆亡。这是外因。  相似文献   

现行《元稹集》的主体是北宋宣和年间辑录刊刻的,南宋、明代及近现代续有辨伪补辑,但其中仍有一些伪作未经甄辨,也尚有一些作品未被辑录。经考辨,发现疑伪之作9篇,未辑佚文9篇(包括残篇)。  相似文献   

Finishing techniques are significant markers of the technological ‘know‐how’ involved in the production of the traditional, clay‐based ceramic ware. In order to provide a reliable tool to discriminate among two main surface processing techniques—that is, smoothing and burnishing—vertical scanning interferometry (VSI), a recently developed non‐destructive technique for analysing the surface roughness and topography, is applied. The smoothed areas have an obvious roughness expressed by linear structures. The latter are made of parallel ridges and trenches with an average depth of 15–20 μm. Burnishing leads to a lower topography and a lower roughness compared to the smoothed surface section. VSI quantifies the spatial distribution of the surface building blocks, which consist of phyllosilicate aggregates of variable size. The statistical treatment of the roughness data obtained by VSI shows that the surface topography provides significant information on the pottery processing and a clear qualitative and quantitative discrimination between different surfaces. VSI supports the reconstitution of the chaîne opératoire for traditional ceramic pottery and the recognition of the surface finishing techniques.  相似文献   

马争鸣 《收藏家》2008,(3):79-85
陶瓷是土与火的完美结合,是自然与智慧的结晶。中国历史悠久,陶瓷文化更是不断发展与积淀,由小到大、由少到多、由低到高、由简到繁,给我们留下了难以忘怀的艺术魅力和工艺技法。  相似文献   

杨春晓 《收藏家》2013,(12):27-35
现藏于台北故宫博物院的古代书法作品《文赋》(图1、2),原是清宫旧藏,清初孙承泽《庚子消夏记》和清代《石渠宝笈》等均有著录。原作纵八寸,横一丈一尺一寸,行书,间杂个别草字,共一百四十四行,一千六百六十八字。原作并无书写者的名款,前纸有明代李东阳题写的"二陆文翰"四个字和明代沈度题写的"陆机文赋陆柬之书"八个字,后纸有元代揭傒斯、赵孟、李倜、欧阳玄、危素和明代宋濂、刘基、董琰、谢观、曹仿以及清初孙承泽的题跋,均认为是唐代陆柬之的真迹,各家著录也都以陆柬之真迹予以著录,  相似文献   

日常生活正在迅速成为现在社会科学与人文学科里的一个核心概念,一位西方社会学家M.E.加德纳就认为日常生活表现为一个“深度反思”的形式,是一有时机就可能“发病”的“人类患痛病质”(human raw material)的“潜在仓库”(potential repository),因此他主张把研究的重心更多放在促使其“发病”的日常生活中被忽视的、不平常的和反传统的面向,放在形塑人的社会权力结构上,以“把其中的矛盾性暴露出来并诱导出其潜能,把我们对这个枯燥世界的理解提高到一个批判知识的水平”。  相似文献   

This guest editorial considers the relevance of caste in today's world in terms of ‘castes of mind’.  相似文献   

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