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论文介绍了场域理论,并运用场域理论对中国内陆山区新侨乡的国际移民潮进行分析。通过对场域、资本和村民"习性"的研究,从外在的社会结构和内在的个体心理结构两方面来考察新移民活动,为新侨乡研究提供一种新的观察解读模式。笔者认为新移民场域内资本的流动和转换是推动国际移民潮出现和变化的关键因素。随着各种资本向内陆山区农村的转移,新侨乡的范围和国际移民的数量将会继续扩大。  相似文献   

浙南海外移民群体的形成原因及其特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
吕惠进 《人文地理》2002,17(3):72-74,58
浙南地区移民海外历史悠久,已有二百多年历史。在二十世纪50年代前海外移民群体的形成主要得益于青田叶腊石矿的开发和青田石雕工艺品在海外的销售,改革开放后新移民群体的形成则是由于国家放宽出国审批手续、移出地自然和经济条件的影响、历史渊源和亲朋彼此相携传统的影响和发达国家对劳动力的需求增加所致。与老一代移民相比,新移民具有受教育程度高、观念新、年轻,且大多有一定的经济基础,适应能力强。从事的行业也从餐饮业逐步扩大到皮革业、服装业、装潢业、百货业及进出口贸易、房地产等行业。对侨居国尤其是侨乡经济社会的快速发展产生了重要影响。  相似文献   

“侨乡社会资本”解读:以当代福建跨境移民潮为例   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
本文以当代福建跨境移民潮为研究实例,提出并梳理"侨乡社会资本"命题的理论意义,力图赋予侨乡文化以新的理论视角.本文提出跨国民间网络是侨乡社会资本的基本载体,跨国互惠期望是侨乡社会资本的运作机制,跨国链接增殖是侨乡社会资本的效益特性.侨乡通过已定居移民、信息网络和人情互惠提高移民操作的成功率及获益率的能力,是一种社会资本.这种资本有望转化为经济资本、文化资本乃至政治资本,但这种转化只有在如愿跨境输出人力资源的条件下才能实现.侨乡社会资本的特殊性体现在它与发达国家劳动力市场的链接,其效益通过其投资对象--"移民"进入发达国家劳动力市场而实现转换与增值.当移民作为一种投资途径并且存在有效运作空间时,移民行为必然生生不息,而侨乡社会资本正是通过一次次诸如此类的跨国运作不断增殖.  相似文献   

论文在对二次大战前后奥地利华人历史和经济活动进行探讨的基础上,重点对20世纪80年以来奥地利华人的社群分布和特征进行了梳理和分析。在多种华人移民潮和流向相互交错之下,奥地利的华人逐渐形成了一个社群,无论在移民来源地或是社会经济方面都呈现出多元化的特性。源于这种多元性,华人社会内部出现了阶层划分。中国的改革开放和东西方冷战结束这两种因素,使奥地利的华人移民景观发生变化。"中国移民新秩序"格局的形成,对中国人的全球性移民造成深远的影响,延及奥地利。冷战后东西方集团取消政治边界,使奥地利成为中国移民在流向西欧﹑东欧或是南欧的旅途中最受欢迎的过道。奥地利因此从非侨乡新移民的临时落脚地转变成中国移民的安身落户之所。  相似文献   

论文研究了浙南侨乡移民持续迁徙行为的动因、浙南移民移入地就业和创业的有限选择等问题。认为移民社会网络是指由浙南侨乡与欧洲的浙南移民族裔聚集区共同构筑的跨国空间网络。通过移民社会网络所动员和配置的资源,侨乡居民完成移民的过程,并在族裔聚集区站稳脚跟。移民行动者无论是在侨乡做出迁徙决策,还是在移入地就业或创业,都高度依赖移民社会网络所提供的路径和模式。同时,移民行为也被限制在与网络资源水平匹配的有限选择中。  相似文献   

论文介绍了广东潮汕侨乡自由移民的历史传统,分析阐述了该地区移民形态以及与海外经济联系的变化。改革开放后,广东潮汕地区的人口迁移,经历了深刻的历史性变化,侨乡人口迁移从传统的海外自由移民与国内移民并重,转变为以国内移民为主、海外暂居为辅,从而加速了海外华侨社会向华人社会的转变、国内归侨侨眷社会向侨属社会的转变。随着侨汇的枯竭,侨乡相应衍生出“旅游贸易”和“非法务工”等涉外经济形态。它的产生和发展,实际上是当今全球化条件下劳动力、资金等要素的国际流转在潮汕侨乡的具体体现。往返于侨乡和海外、从事海外贸易和劳工作业的群体,带有传统意义上的“侨”的色彩。这些新的侨情变化,应该引起学界和有关部门的重视。  相似文献   

将来,华人新移民将较之老移民更关注侨乡关系或中国与海外华人的关系。最近20年离开中国的华人构成为这种移民群体的组成部分,他们的侨乡联系较之老移民更容易界定。与后者相比,他们与中国的关系更密切:家庭、朋友、华语、民族。所有这些因素造就了他们对中国的亲近感。在...  相似文献   

国际移民与婚姻挤压——以战后四邑侨乡为例的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
论文从战后四邑侨乡社会婚姻挤压的形成、战后四邑侨乡社会婚姻挤压下的社会调适等方面,对战后四邑侨乡社会重建问题进行研究。认为战后四邑侨乡社会的婚姻挤压是特殊历史时期各种社会经济因素相互影响、共同作用的结果;战争时期的兵燹、饥荒、瘟疫疾病、侨汇中断与国际移民网络丧失等一系列突发性的历史事件及其所带来的社会影响,造成了侨乡社会人口性别年龄结构的急剧变动;战后时期,美、加等国移民新政扫除了侨乡社会向海外华人社会跨国婚姻自由迁移的政策障碍;中外交通的恢复、国际移民网络的重建、巨量侨汇的涌入与华侨残破家庭的重建等社会经济因素的叠加,进一步加剧了婚姻市场的挤压程度。面对日益严峻的婚姻挤压问题,四邑侨乡社会在普通民众追求个人生活幸福的理性选择基础之上,形成了一些新的社会文化规范,衍生出一系列应对婚姻挤压效应的社会机制。  相似文献   

潮汕与中国传统侨乡:一个关于移民经验的类型学分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
广东的潮汕地区、江门五邑地区和兴梅(即梅州)地区,以及福建的福州地区、浙江的青田都是中国的传统侨乡。本文试以潮汕侨乡为重点,选择江门五邑、梅州、福州、青田等侨乡为参照,分析在全球化时代的背景下,中国传统侨乡的新移民浪潮所展现的各自的不同特点和道路。并在此基础上,对侨乡的移民经验进行类型学分析,对当代中国侨乡人口国际迁移的特征、类型和发展趋势进行探讨。  相似文献   

在田野调查访谈的基础上,本文以美国旧金山湾区的中国东北新移民为研究实例,对社会资本和非制度性的社会资源配置在当代中国的跨国移民活动中所扮演的具体角色进行考察和分析。本文认为,近年来迅速崛起的东北新移民已开始成为当代中国国际移民潮的主要成员之一。近10多年来东北地区之所以会出现大规模移民海外的现象,其中既有古典经济学移民理论所提出的经济层面的原因,也有中国社会内部制度变迁的深层因素。而非制度性社会资源配置机制中的强、弱两种关系网,尤其是海外新移民社会中的弱关系网络,则对当代东北人的跨境迁徙活动及其在海外移居社会寻找工作等方面做出了莫大的贡献。  相似文献   

The Manchester and Salford Boys’ and Girls’ Refuge offered a place of sanctuary for destitute children. It expanded rapidly during the late-nineteenth century and established a number of homes that catered for a range of childhood needs. This article focuses on the experience of children admitted to the Refuge and subsequently emigrated from one of its orphan home. It considers the processes of child migration by examining the relationships between the home and the family. The analysis questions middle-class ideas about the parenting of poor families, the economic motives behind emigration, and introduces a number of case studies to evaluate whether emigration achieved its goal of leading children towards a respectable life away from the city.  相似文献   

高乐才 《日本学论坛》2002,1(3):139-143
"九·一八"事变,日本武装占领中国整个东北之后,日本关东军、日本政府便开始积极策划向中国东北推行"武装移民"的侵略政策.到1937年日本实施"百万户移民"之前,先后向中国东北"武装移民"五次.日本"武装移民"的战略目的,就是要用日本移民来壮大日本在中国东北的实力,配合日本关东军镇压东北抗日武装,加强殖民地统治,达到长期霸占的目的.  相似文献   

17-18世纪是闽南人海外移民的高潮时期,也是台湾移民社会形成和发展时期.台湾移民以闽南人为主,可说是闽南社会在海峡对岸的延伸.推动闽南人移民海外的内因是明中叶以来的人口压力,而16世纪中叶欧人东来以后带动的商贸和东亚、东南亚沿海地区的开发使对中国商贩和劳力的需求大增,则是吸引闽南移民的拉力.在整个17-18世纪,始终存在着华人海上商贸和海外移民的互动.闽南人冒险、重商的人文精神,则是使这种推力与拉力作用得以实现的主观原因.17世纪20年代以来,由泉籍郑氏集团主导的海外华商网络和台湾开发则是台湾泉籍人多于漳籍人和泉籍人主导台湾商贸的主要原因,这与17-18世纪海外华商网络和华人社会以闽南人为主、闽南籍者又以泉府人居多是相一致的.  相似文献   

This article explores the cultural and ideological management of mass migration in twenty-first-century Ireland, arguing that narratives of return have come to dominate representations of emigration. The almost universal focus on the moment or experience of return distinguishes the current era from other periods of high emigration in Ireland. The phenomenon of the surprise homecoming video is scrutinised alongside recent cinematic releases, newspaper articles, blogs and cultural events including The Gathering (2013) and the Marriage Equality Referendum (2015). By drawing these sources together, the article exposes how cultural representations of emigration have been shaped to fit with official narratives of a business-friendly nation in recovery. By repeatedly showcasing the emotional pleasures of return these popular culture forms support a fantasy of easy return and mask the real economic and social problems driving the latest wave of emigration.  相似文献   

This article illustrates the development of Italian politics on emigration up to the end of the First World War (and even later), focusing on the operation and activity of the Commissariato generale dell’emigrazione (Commissioner-General of Emigration, 1901–27), a government agency that enjoyed considerable autonomy. The research is based on archival materials and the study of publications of the time, and proposes an unconventional view on the phenomenon of migration, as seen through the relationship between the evolution of the regulatory system and the political orientations of the ruling classes. Indeed, Italy progressively increased the freedom of expatriation, to the point of creating social legislation for the protection of emigrants, with the ambition of extending Italy’s influence over the countries of destination. This policy of migration interfered with foreign policy, and was at times influenced by the nationalism emerging in Italy at the time, even to the extent of provoking diplomatic disputes. For these reasons, the activity of the Commissariato generale dell’emigrazione created friction with the traditional consular network; these conflicts and the insufficient margin of autonomy given to the Commission in practice prevented the concrete completion of its more advanced projects.  相似文献   


Italian historians have not yet seriously grappled with the emigration of twenty‐seven million Italians as an interpretative theme. This article reviews the methodological challenges to such an undertaking. Existing works suggests that ‘Italy‐outward’ research strategies, exploration of Italian connections to its ‘diaspora’, and attention to labor recruitment and militancy, and return migration are promising approaches. Since most interpretation of Italian migration still occurs within the histories of receiving nations, Part I also provides a review of the historiography on Italian immigrants in the English‐speaking world, to be followed in Part II by a comparable review of Italians living and working in France, South America and central Europe.  相似文献   

This article contributes to an ongoing dialogue on the causes of migration and emigration and the relationship between migrants/emigrants and their homelands by investigating historical materials dealing with the Chinese in Chicago from 1870s to 1940s. It shows that patterns of Chinese migration/emigration overseas have endured for a long period, from pre-Qing times to today’s global capitalist expansionism. The key argument is that from the very beginning of these patterns, it has been trans-local and transnational connections that have acted as primary vehicles facilitating survival in the new land. While adjusting their lives in new environments, migrants and emigrants have made conscious efforts to maintain and renew socioeconomic and emotional ties with their homelands, thus creating transnational ethnic experiences.  相似文献   

长乐人素有海上谋生的传统,并在近20年间塑造了移民海外的社会风尚。长乐与纽约之间巨大的收入差距和美国较好的谋生与发展条件,使长乐人选择美国作为移民的主要目的地。长乐人在美国成功建立的互助网络,使长乐人能承担巨额出国费用和成功地在美国求职与发展。因此,美国虽然是绝大部分中国国际移民的首选目的地,但唯有长乐人(福州人)能大规模移民美国,创造了在20年间近20万人成功地从一个仅60多万人口的县级市移民美国的奇迹。  相似文献   

Following the establishment of the Irish Free State in the 1920s, the continuing levels of emigration from Ireland came as a disappointment to many who believed that British colonialism had caused and perpetuated the emigration problem. Within this context, there was a need to explain emigration in ways that deflected blame away from the new state authorities. In this article, the author contributes to a gendered analysis of these shifting constructions of emigration. Drawing upon Irish newspapers of the period, she suggests that the figure of the 'emigrant girl' was central to post-colonial discourses on emigration. During the 1930s, the emigration of thousands of young Irish women to English cities such as London sparked widespread comment and criticism. The Irish press and the Catholic hierarchy in particular propagated an image of these vulnerable young women as lost and alone in the big, bad cities of England. The author analyses the ways in which the 'emigrant girl' embodied specific representations of place, culture and gendered identity; the 'emigrant girl' embodied an Irishness marked by religion, culture and landscape. Through her transgression of physical, cultural and religious spaces, she encountered loneliness, danger and the risk of denationalisation.  相似文献   

During the 1920s emigration from Scotland exceeded the natural growth of population. Yet relatively little attention has been paid to the mechanisms of relocation, the regional and occupational origins and destinations of the emigrants or their demographic profile. This article draws on the recently compiled Scottish Emigration Database to provide a quantitative snapshot of the circumstances of 18,512 passengers who embarked on the lower Clyde in the first four months of 1923. The first section explains the rationale, methodology and historiographical context of the database. Then, after outlining the economic, social and political climate in inter-war Scotland, the article investigates the extent to which decay, dislocation and disillusionment – or alternatively opportunity and ambition – provoked transatlantic emigration. Reference is made to local and regional issues within Scotland, notably in the urban-industrial central belt and the crofting communities of the Hebrides. Setting the Scottish experience within the wider framework of British emigration policy between the wars, it also evaluates the effectiveness of empire settlement legislation in recruiting and retaining settlers for Canada against the competing attractions of the United States.  相似文献   

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