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In December 1998, during excavation for the construction of a new building near San Rossore railway station in Pisa, the remains of ancient ships were discovered. These findings have been dated (radiocarbon) to between the end of the 10th century bc and the fifth century ad ( Belluomini et al. 2002 ). Several transport amphorae belonging to the Hellenistic ship, samples of rocks (stone ballast) belonging to ships B, D and the Hellenistic ship, and stowage materials belonging only to ship B have been analysed. The mineralogical and petrographic data of the investigated samples provided information on the possible provenance of the raw materials utilized in the manufacture of the ceramic amphorae, as well as on the provenance of the rock materials found in the ships as ballast and stowage. The compositional data (obtained through XRD, XRF, OM and EPMA) and their statistical analyses suggest that the provenance of the Dressel amphorae belonging to the Hellenistic ship was the Middle Tyrrhenian coast of Italy, and more precisely the area between Tarquinia and Naples, according to the numerous kilns and wine production sites found in this area. The provenance of the volcanic rocks was from southern Tuscany, northern Latium and possibly the Pontine Islands, whereas the intrusive rock possibly comes from the Calabrian–Tyrrhenian coast and/or the Peloritani area. The impure limestones and the dolostone come from southern Tuscany and the Latium coast; the semi‐metamorphic rocks could come from the coast of southern Tuscany, the Tuscan Archipelago or possibly also from the Ligurian coast; only the sample of mylonitized granitoid possibly comes from either the Calabria–Peloritani arc or the Tuscan Archipelago. The stowage materials, consisting of lapilli and scoria of a pyroclastic nature, are sourced from the Neapolitan area. These data might shed some light on the centres of production of the amphorae and of the trading routes followed by the ships, according to the ports of call.  相似文献   

Multivariate techniques and especially cluster analysis have been commonly used in archaeometry. Exploratory and model‐based techniques of clustering have been applied to geochemical (continuous) data of archaeological artefacts for provenance studies. Model‐based clustering techniques such as classification maximum likelihood and mixture maximum likelihood have been used to a lesser extent in this context and, although they seem to be suitable for such data, they either present practical difficulties—such as high dimensionality of the data—or their performance gives no evidence that they are superior to standard methods. In this paper standard statistical methods (hierarchical clustering, principal components analysis) and the recently developed model‐based multivariate mixture of normals with an unknown number of components, are applied and compared. The data set provides chemical compositions of 188 ceramic samples derived from the Aegean islands and surrounding areas.  相似文献   

Since November 2007 an underwater project has been carried out by the Archaeological Research Unit of the University of Cyprus, in collaboration with the Department of Antiquities, at a shipwreck on the south coast, 14 miles south‐west of Larnaca. Its cargo consists mainly of Chian amphoras and has been provisionally dated to the 3rd quarter of the 4th century BC. The good state of preservation of the site gives an opportunity for studying amphora stowage and the wreck‐formation process. Moreover, it can shed new light on sea‐routes and trade between Cyprus and the Aegean during the late Classical period. © 2010 The Author  相似文献   


For some 15 years the authenticity of a group of small pottery pieces, claimed to have originated in the Hui Hsien area of China, has been the subject of academic discussion and some dissension. The thermolumines-cent dating of 22 such pieces from 4 independent collections is reported following a review of archaeological evidence for the origin of the material and of scientific investigations that have previously been made in investigation of its authenticity. It is concluded that all the pieces are of modern origin and not some 2300 years old as their stylistic forms might suggest.  相似文献   

Increasing concentration of economic power within the corporate sector, as well as the extent of corporate control by a few financial institutions such as commercial banks, have been subjects of intense scrutiny and debate in recent years. However, the role of private and public worker retirement trusts in providing power for institutional investors has not been adequately addressed. Pension fund assets, which were relatively inconsequential prior to 1960, and their investment in and share of total corporate equities minor, have grown to over $l410 billion by the end of 1977. In their analysis of and interest in public and private pension trusts, scholars, employers and even employees have tended to emphasize narrow economic issues such as investment performance. It is the central argument of this article that workers’ funds have become a major source of capital in the American economy, and as such have been used to help create and/or sustain practices that adversely impinge on workers themselves. It is argued that pension assets have contributed to: 1) the increasing power of financial institutions; 2) growth of corporate profits that only minimally benefit some pension plan participants; 3)capital shortages for 'socially useful’ investments; and 4)support of corporate enterprises that refuse basic worker demands including unionization itself. The study further suggests that the rapidly growing pension assets have the potential to serve‘the public interest’ as well as the needs of workers. Threat of withdrawal of funds from selected money managers and corporations, and utilization of share–holder voting rights to influence corporate policies can be potent weapons for organized labor. Since this is an exploratory analysis, the aim of the article is to gather, present and clarify basic information on worker pension trusts and to propose alternative avenues for future research in this critical area.  相似文献   

The analysis of genetic material (such as DNA) has been attracting considerable attention for at least a decade. Recent years have seen the first application of genetic analysis to archaeological problems. In some circles DNA seems to be seen as a panacea for all ills. There is, however, little consideration of the methodological problems inherent in extrapolating from genetic information to ancient populations. In particular the assumption that genetic differences equal ethnic differences is challenged. The ethical implications for such research do not seem to have been addressed within the archaeological community.  相似文献   

基于多源数据的兰州市主城区城市职住空间关系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王录仓  常飞 《人文地理》2020,35(3):65-75
随着中国经济转轨和社会转型,“职住分离”日趋严重,导致城市出现了一系列问题,急需对新的职住关系进行检视。职住关系研究的难点在于如何有效地锁定居住地、工作地,以及居民如何在居住地-工作地之间位移、居住-就业的空间匹配关系。论文以百度POI大数据和热力图为支撑,辅助问卷调查,结合兰州市土地利用现状图,综合应用职住比模型和最近距离等分析方法,多尺度刻画了兰州市主城区的职住关系。结果表明:在城区尺度上,兰州市职住关系总体处于平衡状态,职住平衡型占99.40%,居住倾向型和就业倾向型分别仅占0.12%和0.48%。从城市核心区到边缘区,职住失衡逐渐加重。职住平衡更多地体现在单位型社区上,失衡主要由商业型社区引致。在街道尺度上,职住关系差异明显,绝大多数街道处于职住平衡状态。城市核心区街道以“就业倾向型”为主;边缘区街道表现为“居住倾向型”。  相似文献   

依据沈阳市1990年第四次和2000年第五次人口普查数据,从中心城区、近郊区、远郊区和市辖县(市)等尺度分析其劳动力结构和行业结构的空间差异,研究发现沈阳市劳动力从原有的就业空间向新就业空间转移,郊区化现象明显,特别是第二、第三产业的从业人员明显出现郊区化现象,转移的主要地区为城市近郊区;而人口和工业的郊迁是引起这种现象的主要原因。人口、工业以及就业郊迁对沈阳城市空间结构产生作用,导致城市物质空间和社会空间发生重构。  相似文献   

Lead isotope analysis was applied to Egyptian materials from the Late Bronze Age in order to investigate the relationship between these different materials, many of which have lead as a significant component. The galena kohls analysed can be provenanced to Gebel Zeit, a large mining site known to have been active during the period. However, the source of lead metal is different and seems to be outside Egypt, along with the source of copper. Lead‐based pigments such as lead antimonate that were used in glass and glazes seem mostly to come from Egypt, although they may well contain a component of ‘Mesopotamian’ lead. In the Predynastic period, galena from many sources is being exploited for use as kohl. However, by the Middle Kingdom (2055–1650 bc ), extraction has concentrated on one source, Gebel Zeit, perhaps reflecting increasingly centralized control and/or the use of large‐scale exploitation. It therefore appears that a complex pattern of trade in lead‐based materials was evident, with lead metal and galena being separate commodities from separate sources and treated as such.  相似文献   

刘娜  艾南山 《人文地理》2006,21(6):53-56
价值工程是一门技术、经济、管理交叉结合的新兴学科,被列为国际公认的六大现代管理技术之一,其目标是以最低的成本稳定实现所需功能,获取最佳综合效益,但这一技术在旅游行业中的应用还极为少见。本文以重庆仙女山国家森林公园为例,专门论述了在旅游项目开发中如何有效利用价值工程的思想方法和运行机制来增强旅游经济的运行质量和整体效益,解决旅游资源价值最大化的问题。  相似文献   

房艳刚  刘继生 《人文地理》2007,22(4):6-11,54
由于城市的复杂性、系统性和不可逆性,对城市问题的诊断与解决也必须运用系统化、模型化的方法。本文综述了1980年代以来,城市模型研究在基础理论、模型方法、技术和研究内容上新的发展。认为当代城市模型研究存在的突出问题是:仍然沿用工业化城市的经济社会规律,研究已经被信息化和全球化所深刻影响的城市;复杂性科学理论的综合性不够;GIS与其它模型的集成度有待提高。未来城市模型的研究应着重关注新的城市变化,综合运用复杂性科学的理论与方法,强化以GIS为平台的计算机技术。  相似文献   

都市生态旅游研究现状与挑战   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文主要目的,在藉由都市生态旅游相关研究的回顾,探讨近年来生态旅游研究转往都市地区的现象,并剖析其研究内容。考虑都市生态旅游一词被提出的时间点,本研究以1996年后相关之中英文专书、期刊与研讨会共计34篇为讨论对象。并针对文献之研究地区、研究议题、研究方法与研究者所在地区等四项进行检视。结果显示当下相关研究其研究方法以质性方法为主,且大陆为当下都市生态旅游研究主要地区与研究者背景来源地。最后,本研究以为当下相关研究仍流于概念性的论述,缺乏厚实的理论基础,亦缺乏深入的实证探讨,建议未来研究,当着重于发掘都市生态旅游的特质,并从更为务实的方向着手。  相似文献   

提高生活质量是社会发展的核心目标之一,一直是国内外社会学、经济学、地理学、城乡规划学等不同学科关注的热点课题。近年来乡村生活质量相关研究成果逐渐增多,并取得了一系列高水平的研究成果,有必要对其进行系统梳理。国内外基于地理学视角的乡村生活质量研究主要集中在乡村生活质量的空间格局、演变及形成机制、存在的突出问题、调控与优化等方面内容。从理论研究、研究方法、研究内容等方面对国内外乡村生活质量相关研究进行述评,并展望了地理学研究框架下乡村生活质量研究有待进一步深化的方向。  相似文献   

庞博  方创琳 《人文地理》2015,30(2):7-14
全球城市化进程的加速使得用于城市发展建设的资金规模日益扩大,特别是通过现代化融资借贷手段为城市发展筹集资金的方式给城市建设提供了巨大的支持和动力。但是,全球经济金融危机和地区性主权债务危机的蔓延,也使得城市债务的累积和扩大问题愈发严重。为了更加清晰地了解城市负债的影响效应机制和测度预警内容与方法,为城市的健康可持续发展提供指导和借鉴,本文对相关内容研究进行了文献梳理和分析总结,并展望了进一步研究的重点方向。结果表明:国外的研究已取得了不少成果,而国内的研究尚处于初期阶段,研究视角较局限,缺乏多学科、广领域、立体层次的研究。因此,未来研究应注重从人文地理学的角度,综合分析城市负债对于城市发展的影响路径、累积效应、互动耦合作用等,通过多种分析方法对多层次尺度的数据进行更加细化深入和全面的分析,探索城市负债和经济社会发展的时空分异格局、演变规律和作用机理。  相似文献   

曾莉  吕光耀  安宁 《人文地理》2022,37(4):53-64
乡村景观研究多注重物质层面的讨论,与之相关的社会文化及其权力关系分析却不常见。本研究以全面生产理论为基础构筑了以“景观”为研究对象的理论分析框架,解读了艺术介入下白族村落双廊的乡村景观再生产过程。研究发现,双廊景观再生产过程是乡村发展趋于艺术化、现代化与旅游化的过程。艺术家以催化、牵引、调节等柔性作用方式介入其中,推动景观形态的重构;介入过程作用于景观的不同结构,在经济、政治、文化等不同层面均有反馈;其实践涉及政府、居民、游客以及艺术家自身的愿景表达,促成了景观理想的主体间性。双廊的艺术乡建旅游发展之路,对我国乡村振兴战略的实施具有参考作用。  相似文献   

Summary. The primary and secondary uses of the West Kennet long barrow are reconsidered. In the first phase, dating perhaps to a late period of the Earlier Neolithic, the monument was used for a variety of burial rites, including bone circulation. The patterned deposits may have belonged to a small social group, and detailed knowledge of the tomb contents may have been restricted to such a group. The secondary phase is seen as covering a long span of time from the end of the Earlier Neolithic to the developed stage of the Later Neolithic represented by Avebury and Silbury Hill. The secondary filling of the monument was both gradual and patterned, and the ritual involved may have been part of continued social competition in the area.  相似文献   

城市旅游与城市发展的动态模式探讨   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
旅游发展与城市发展密不可分,城市发展与旅游发展是处于动态的发展之中,既相互促进、又相互制约,因此在不同的地域和城市发展阶段,城市发展和城市旅游发展的行为表现出非线性特征和多种模式。本研究总结了和研究了旅游城市化、都市城市旅游、环城游憩带、旅游与城市转型、旅游城镇的衰落等城市旅游与城市发展的动态模式,并建立城市旅游与发展的一般反馈模型,找出导致城市发展和城市旅游发展非线性特征的内部结构。研究表明驱动城市旅游增长的正反馈结构力量不够大,而旅游和城市增长引发的负反馈机制在短期内就会蓄积力量,限制城市旅游的进一步增长。城市旅游政策只有预见并避免这些限制性结构,同时加强正反馈才能达到长期有效的目标。  相似文献   

人口城镇化不是农村工业化、乡村城镇化   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
贾绍风 《人文地理》1998,13(2):24-28
人口城镇化和农村工业化、乡村城镇化哪种提法更符合社会发展的趋势?它们之间的最大区别,是人口城镇化必然要求较大规模的人口乡→城异地迁移,农村工业化和乡村城镇化更强调人口的就地转化。人口城镇化是现代社会的发展趋势,而农村工业化和乡村城镇化只适用于部分条件较为优越的地区,大部分现有的农村是不可能工业化、也不可能城镇化的。所以,作为未来的发展方针,必须提人口城镇化,而不是农村工业化或乡村城镇化。并且,人口城镇化还肩负着转移农村剩余劳动力、提高农业经营规模和节约利用土地资源等多重使命,需要作出系统的政策安排。  相似文献   

旅游目的地形象测量的内容与工具研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
李宏 《人文地理》2007,22(2):48-52
旅游目的地形象测量的内容包括两个方面,一是形成目的地形象认知成分的目的地属性,二是构成目的地形象感情成分的感情维度。基于认知属性和感情维度构建的量表是目的地形象主要的测量工具。认知属性的生成可以从研究人员和调查对象两个角度着手。文献回顾和对宣传材料的内容分析是调查人员确定目的地属性的两种方法,开放答案提取法和个人建构理论,是从调查对象角度入手生成属性的常用技术。另外,在使用结构性的测量工具之外,还可以尝试使用非结构性的测量方法,来对目的地的整体形象进行把握。  相似文献   

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