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姚娟妹 《南京史志》2022,(39):14-15
<正>教育是一棵树摇动另一棵树,一朵云推动另一朵云,一个灵魂唤醒另一个灵魂。我坚信,不断地唤醒,一点点改变,改变一点点,定能使越来越多的教育人成为民族复兴的助力者。一、初心如磐就能永葆矢志不渝的坚守奉献高考志愿从上至下毅然选择师范,每逢调动自始至终坚持留守教育,这种渗透在骨子里对教育的执着坚守也许就是所谓的教育情怀。2007年,是我教育者身份发生转变的一年。  相似文献   

美国女权运动领导者格格利亚·斯坦姆,学生时代在一次地理考察中,领教了重要的人生一课。在康涅狄格河畔,她发现了一只从河里爬出来的巨龟,在河堤上继续向前爬。她连拉带拽,总算把这只大乌龟从路障上弄回岸边。这期间,乌龟不断愤怒地想咬她一口。当她正要把乌龟推回河里的时候,地理学教授走了过来,说你要知道,为了在路边的泥里产卵,那只  相似文献   

美国女权运动领导者格格利亚·斯坦姆,学生时代在一次地理考察中,领教了重要的人生一课。在康涅狄格河畔,她发现了一只从河里爬出来的巨龟,在河堤上继续向前爬。她连拉带拽,总算把这只大乌龟从路障上弄回岸边。这期间,乌龟不断愤怒地想咬她一口。  相似文献   

你也曾,在庙堂上高论古今,抑或你,处江湖里独钓寒雪,但你终究逃不脱生活,终究要回归生活。泰宁是个能在点滴中给你生活真感觉的一方水土。透过千年的时光,儒释道的教义和精神在泰宁的大街小巷、山岩洞穴中沉淀下来,渗入到一砖一瓦中,渗透到泰宁当地人的举手投足里。闽西北的大山深处,在梅林戏的唱词中,他们唱着此岸的悲欢;在傩舞的脚步里,他们舞着彼岸的神秘;在道乐的丝竹边,他们参透了生活的真谛。  相似文献   

<正>劳者少闲月,4月人倍忙。我们从4月1日结束的中外旅行社经理联谊会中转过身来,就应邀于4月7日参加了具有两国邦交专题会晤色彩的印度旅游代表团访华活动。4月8日,我们在北京奥运协办城市秦皇岛见到了国际奥委会北京奥运会协调委员会主席维尔布鲁根。4月9日,射击、举  相似文献   

刘奕 《贵阳文史》2012,(2):50-52
2011年美国塞多纳国际电影节上,一个身着美丽银饰的女孩儿站在了万众瞩目的领奖台上,分别获得了最佳外语片、最佳摄影和观众最喜爱的电影三项大奖。这个笑靥如花的女孩儿,叫做丑丑,她是苗族侗族历史上第一位电影导演,也是中国影坛最年轻的80后女导演,她来自贵州。  相似文献   

正【经典美文】被我们设计的孩子朋友聚会,话题不知不觉又扯到孩子身上。我们这个年龄,有的孩子还在上学,有的已经工作了。说到孩子,老张重重地叹了口气。他的儿子去年大学毕业了,至今还在家呆着。不是没有单位要,是他自己不肯去啊。老张愁眉苦脸地说,早在儿子读大学的时候,他就四处托人,为儿子联系好了一家事业单位,笔试和面试也总算通过了,儿子却不知道哪根筋出了问题,死活不肯去报到上班。原来儿子对老张描绘的人生蓝图一点不感兴趣,他的想法是自己开个网  相似文献   

曾经有人这样形象地比喻说:“没有幽默感的语言是一篇公文,没有幽默感的人是尊雕像,没有幽默感的家庭是一间旅店,而没有幽默感的社会是不可想象的。”诚然,幽默是思想、学识、智慧和灵感在语言运用中的结晶,是一瞬间闪现的光彩夺目的火花。恩  相似文献   

1616年,下了黄山的徐霞客,并没有“黄山归来不看山”,而是来到了武夷山。武夷山的山水之胜,让仍沉浸在黄山视觉盛宴且多少有点"审美疲劳"的徐霞客感受到了新的惊喜。武夷山如今的名头响亮至极——这恐怕是徐霞客所没料想到的,它是我国仅有的四个自然文化双遗产之一。但如果必须用一个词来形容武夷山的话,我会选择"纯真"。这里的山纯真,质朴袒露的岩石像是肝胆相照的挚友;这里的水纯真,撩起一捧碧绿便能听到无邪少女发出的银铃般的笑声。  相似文献   

正"没有一个地方比市集更容易见证生活本色……它能让你看到更真实的世界。"台湾美食作家韩良忆曾在逛市集的文章中这样写道。如果说旅行,是人们在短时间内去更多的了解目的地的真实面貌,那么逛市集绝对是最直观也最深入的方式。那些摊贩和几经流年的物件,处处有着落却又处处不留痕迹。相比去百货商场冲锋陷阵,这些散落在世间的集市更多了些真实、生  相似文献   

The authors quantitatively analyze the effect of railroad construction on agricultural land values in the often overlooked, agriculturally oriented, trans-Mississippi West. This region is unique in American history in that, at the end of the nineteenth century, the railroad itself preceded widespread settlement. Using a hedonic model, they show that railroad transport increased agricultural land values in this region by more than 20 percent, which had a larger impact than recent studies have found for other regions. Moreover, the authors found that the addition of a railroad to a county significantly increased its growth in land values. This finding is contrary to that of existing studies. Finally, the authors show statistically that the railroad and land values were not endogenously determined, lending credibility to the causality of the results presented in their hedonic and growth models. These results indicate a valuable alternative approach to use in the historical analysis of transportation infrastructure and its impact on land prices.  相似文献   

InJuly1957,thereactionary"fourriversandsixmountainranges"movementdemandedthe14thDalaiLamaexerciseruleoverallTibetanareasinChina.Rightatterthat,ringleadersofthemovementgatheredinZhegutang,Shannan,organizingrebeltroopscalledthe"religionprotectionarmy"whichstagedharassingactivitiesinareasoutsideLhasa.InDecember1958,therebelarmyseizedallweaponsandmunitionsinNamlingandplottedtomovethe14thDalaiLamatoanewareaandchallengethePLAtroopsStationedinLhasa.OnMarch10,1959,takingadvantageofthe14thDalai…  相似文献   

This paper measures the degree of inequality in child mortality rates across districts in India using data from the 1981, 1991 and 2001 Indian population censuses. Results show that child mortality is more concentrated in less developed districts in all three census years. Furthermore, between 1981 and 2001, the inequality in child mortality seems to have increased to the advantage of the more developed districts. In the decomposition analysis, it is found that while a more equitable distribution of medical facilities and safe drinking water across districts has contributed to reducing inequality in child mortality between 1981 and 1991, different levels of structural change among districts have been responsible for a very large part of the inequality in child mortality to the advantage of the more developed districts in all three census years. The paper concludes with some brief comments on the policy implications of the findings.  相似文献   

Lhastse County in Shigatse Prefecture is well-known by multiple names such as the “North Entrance of theQ omolangma,““Food Grains Storage,““Hometown of Tibetan Knives,““Hometown of Dorxic (a kind of Tibetan music)“ and also “the Way to Pilgrim“. “Lhastse“, in Tibetan, refers to the “Summit of Manitou“. Int he secular world, it is called “Laxog“ meaning “the holy place where the sunlight first touches“ Naturally, some scholars prefer to dub “Lhastse“ as“a place suffering from drought“.  相似文献   

试论经济地理学的研究创新   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
本文受相关学科的研究启发,并根据作者从事经济地理学的学习和研究体会,提出关于经济地理学研究创新的六点建议:建好基础数据,创新研究方法,激励思维创新,营造创新环境,培养扎实的学风,选择特殊的研究对象。  相似文献   

Suburbanization is one of the key phenomena of spatial population change in many countries in transition. Yet we know surprisingly little about the population carrying out the post‐socialist suburbanization process. The objective of this article is to improve on this situation by studying the Tallinn metropolis in Estonia. Our analysis, which covers the inter‐censal period 1989 to 2000, focuses on the differences between population subgroups with respect to their probabilities to move to the suburbs. As such, it also clarifies choices of destination by dwelling and municipality type. For the analysis, we use individual anonymous 2000 census data and logistic regression. The results indicate that suburbanization was a socially polarizing process during this period. People with low social status had the highest probability to sub‐urbanize, and mainly occupied the pre‐existing housing stock. Conversely, people with high social status were less likely to move into suburban areas, yet when they did they moved to the most attractive destinations in the suburbs (new single‐family houses, coastal municipalities and municipalities closer to the city).  相似文献   

The activity of China Guangcai Program in Tibet, jointly organized by China Guangcai Society and the government of Tibet Autonomous Region, was held in Lhasa from August 4 to 5, 2013. More than 600 enterprises from 30 provinces all over the country took part in the activity. o During the activity, 229 contracts were signed with a total investment of 361.31 billion Yuan. China Guangcai Founda tion donated 18 million Yuan for the construction of Senior's House in Chushur County. China Minsheng Bank donated 40 million Yuan in the next four years for the treatment of children with congenital heart disease in Tibet. Qizheng Tibetan Medicine Co., Ltd donated 11 million Yuan to build a cultural institute in Lhundrup County and two Tibetan clinics respectively in Nagqu and Nyingchi.  相似文献   

The development of hypocausts heating domestic rooms is traced from the late first to the later third century. A category of hypocausta sited adjacent to major rooms and heating them indirectly is referred to in letters of the Younger Pliny and is identified in Romano-British house plans of the first and second century. The function of domestic rooms with hypocausts and of other rooms in a limited number of houses is discussed.  相似文献   

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