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有关创教和起会的历史神话是我国民间教派和帮会共同的现象。合理解读这些神话,既是民间教派和帮会研究的任务,也是进一步探明民间教派和帮会历史的一把钥匙。本文抓住“戏剧化”这一关键环节,对明清民间教派和帮会创教、起会历史神话中的“昏(君)奸(臣)与功(臣)”故事结构模式进行探讨,进而用天地会的历史解析其起会历史神话“西鲁故事”的形成过程,力求廓清笼罩在天地会起源问题上的迷雾。  相似文献   

秦宝琦 《民俗研究》2009,(4):135-147
天地会《会簿》是会内秘籍,持有侩簿》即可纠人结会并充当会内首领,向来秘不示人,故鲜有流传。《会簿》是研究天地会起源的重要史料,颇受学者关注。以往研究者多限于考查《会簿》之流传顺序。本文通过对档案史料及多种《会簿》抄本之考察,认为《会簿》乃出自下层社会草根文人之手,乾隆末年嘉庆初始见雏形,内容简陋,其后经不断增删修改,情节逐渐丰富繁衍,成同年间始告定型。  相似文献   

核心价值概述 嵩山位于河南省郑州市所辖登封地区内,登封“天地之中”历史建筑群遗产区面积825公顷,缓冲区面积14940公顷,历经汉、魏、唐、宋、元、明、清,绵延不绝,“天地之中”历史建筑群构成了一部中国中原地区上下2000年形象直观的建筑史,是中国先民独特宇宙观和审美观的真实体现.该组建筑群包括周公测景台和观星台、嵩岳寺塔、太室阙和中岳庙、少室阙、启母阙、嵩阳书院、会善寺、少林寺建筑群(常住院、塔林和初祖庵)等8处11项历史建筑.  相似文献   

《日本灵异记》是日本第一部佛教故事集,全称为《日本国现报善恶灵异记》。作者景戒是日本奈良时代南都药师寺的僧人。据日本学者推断,该书的原形大致成于延历六(787)年前后,后又增补于弘仁十三(822)  相似文献   

关于<庄子·天下篇>的作者问题,学术界多有讨论,形成截然不同的观点:庄子自著说和非庄子自著说.本文从庄子与公孙龙生平、<天下篇>的思想倾向及其行文特色三方面展开论证,说明<天下篇>非庄子自著,而是其后学所作.  相似文献   

Despite the massive increase in scholarship dealing with various aspects of the work of Hildegard of Bingen over the last decade, her social ideas have been comparatively neglected. This is not surprising since Hildegard made few direct pronouncements on social relations and when she did, most famously in her letter to Tenxwind of Andernach, she appears to be defending an elitist notion of hereditary privilege against the more egalitarian views of her correspondent.
This paper seeks to identify and describe Hildegard's social ideas by examining her direct and indirect statements on the subject and comparing her notions about the division of society with those of her contemporaries. The idea that Hildegard's social thought was predicated on a strict division between the free and unfree, par-ticularly the free and non-free nobility ( Edelfrei and ministeriales ), a classification peculiar to twelfth-century Germany, is examined in the light of these findings. I argue that Hildegard's views are more complicated than a reading of the Tenxwind letter would suggest and that her understanding allows for a more nuanced view of society than that of her contemporaries. It is also suggested that Hildegard's views reflect a real grasp of the power relations operating in the world around her and that her practice is, in turn, founded upon this understanding.  相似文献   

民间文化、江湖义气与会党的关系   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
刘平 《清史研究》2002,(1):71-78
清代秘密会党勃兴,是与当时的社会历史环境分不开的。一个日渐扩大的游民阶层是会党生存蔓延的社会基础,在民间文化基础上形成的游民文化在会党身上得到了集中体现。民间文学、戏剧中渲染的“义”的观念广泛地流传于下层社会,人们称之为“江湖义气”,会党采取拿来主义,形成了独具特色的道德观念和“法律”观念。会党是下层社会组织,无法从上层文化中吸取营养,民间文学、民间戏剧就成为他们建立自己的帮会文化的当然来源。“义”在秘密会党中无所不在,本文主要从会党的仪式、隐语、暗号、流行数字等几个方面作些叙述。会党利用并改造了民间普遍存在的兄弟结拜、江湖义气等内容,为自己的组织、活动、反抗目标服务。  相似文献   

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