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红花套遗址新石器时代的石制品研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
红花套遗址位于湖北宜都城西的长江右岸岸边,在1974年时保留面积2万平方米.1973年一1977年5次发掘共揭露面积2825平方米,发现了大量的大溪文化中晚期至屈家岭文化早中期的房址、灰坑和墓葬等遗迹以及大量陶器和石器等人工制品[1].  相似文献   

殷墟遗址出土有大量的石器,但很少有学者对其进行系统的研究。对于已经进入复杂社会阶段的殷商时期,石器的研究应当先利用多途径的推理方法,结合遗址内部情况确定石器的功能,然后"透石见人",从不同角度对当时社会的生产技术进行深入分析。殷墟王裕口南地遗址出土石器的研究为我们探究石器在生产技术分析、遗址功能和性质研究方面的重要意义提供了一些参考。  相似文献   

中坝遗址新石器时代遗存初论   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
中坝遗址近年的发掘取得了重大成果,特别是1998年度的发掘,获得了不可多得的地层叠压和遗迹打破关系,出土了非常重要的实物资料,为我们认识和把握重庆三峡地区的古代化面貌以及建立新石器时代序列,打下了坚实的基础。据此,作提出了重庆三峡地区的新石器时代晚期化应命名为“中坝”化。  相似文献   


The Middle Stone Age (MSA, ca. 250,000 to 25,000 B.P.) and the Later Stone Age (LSA, ca. 25,000 to 2000 B.P.) provide the cultural backdrops for the evolution of modern humans in Africa. The LSA has been long regarded as the period during which modern forms of behavior were widely adopted. Over the last decade evidence of modern behavior in the MSA has grown significantly, however, and some cultural distinctions between the MSA and LSA have become blurred. Perceived differences between MSA and LSA blade technologies warranted closer investigation. The South African site of Rose Cottage Cave (RCC) has a long cultural sequence incorporating several MSA and LSA industries. A controlled comparison of blades from the Howiesons Poort (ca. 65,000 to 55,000 B.P.) and Robberg (ca. 20,000 to 10,000 CAL B.P.) industries of RCC is presented. Robberg blade production appears to involve both a different theoretical approach and greater technical precision than Howiesons Poort production but it does not result in a greater level of dimensional standardization. Robberg blade technology could be described as more advanced, but its economic advantages are problematic. The skills involved may have been fostered within a particular social context, though it remains to be established whether these conditions were peculiar to the environmentally-stressed Robberg phase or to the broader LSA.  相似文献   

The Lesser Enda Ruins arelocated 5 km north of theQamdo County seat.Lying on the northernbank of the Ongqu River, it is closeto a village and primary school.Some 800 meters to its east is theLesser Enda Township, covering anarea of 10,000 meters. In October2000, Tugar, Director of the CulturalBureau of the Qamdo Prefecture, andI went to view the ruins.As our vehicle stopped by thehighway skirting the ruins, we followed an earthen path upward. Astone tablet stood by an adobe wall,inscri…  相似文献   

Under the auspices of the Portuguese colonial government, Lereno Barradas and Santos Júnior (coordinator of the Anthropological Mission of Mozambique) carried out several archaeological field surveys from 1936 to 1956 that resulted in a data set that includes a total of close to 90 sites, mostly attributed to the Stone Age. This early research added to the previous work of Van Riet Lowe in the Limpopo Valley of southern Mozambique. With the new millennium, Mozambique has emerged as a crucial geographic area in which to understand the various hypotheses about recent human evolution. Specifically, its coastal location between southern and eastern Africa is ideal for testing ideas about the link between early coastal adaptations and the appearance of anatomically modern humans (AMH). Except for the recent work by Mercader’s team in northern Mozambique, the number of researchers and projects on this topic in Mozambique is still limited because of the general predominance of interest in later periods among archaeologists working in the country, mainly due to their focus on issues related to precolonial heritage and national identity. Based on the early maps from Santos Júnior and more recent data acquired through various projects, we present a series of maps for the Stone Age prehistory of Mozambique. The maps are also based on a critical evaluation of the sites and a review of some of the materials that are presently curated at the Instituto de Investigação Científica e Tropical (IICT) in Lisbon, Portugal, as well as the materials stored at the Department of Archaeology of Universidade Eduardo Mondlane, Maputo. The sites are also presented in an online database with the information on all sites used in this study. This database is open to all and will be updated continuously. A preliminary interpretation of the regional distribution of the sites is also attempted, linking aspects that include region, topography and altitude, geomorphology, and cultural phase. These results will be the first step for research and knowledge in Mozambique on Stone Age prehistory and the emergence and settlement pattern of AMH.  相似文献   

SHANNANARTTROUPE:EuropeanVisitFruitfulWANGHUILINWhenaCAACplanelandedatSalem,theNetherlands,ontheeveningofJune14.outstreamed27...  相似文献   

袁伟 《收藏家》2008,(5):31-36
中国雕琢和使用玉器的历史可以追溯至距今8000年左右的西辽河流域内蒙古兴隆洼遗址。据考古发掘资料显示,我国最早的环形玉器出现在内蒙古兴隆洼遗址,同时也正是以环形玉器的制作,揭开了我国各地区玉器制作和使用的序幕。以红山文化和良渚文化玉器的发现为代表,西辽河流域和长江下游地区环太湖流域成为新石器时代两大雕琢和使用玉器的中心。与此同时,  相似文献   

African Archaeological Review - The recent investigation of an archaeological site in southwest Nigeria has added new insight into the early human occupation and cultural development in the...  相似文献   

Structuring the Late Stone Age of Southeastern Arabia   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
This paper treats the classification of a number of facies in the Late Stone Age of Southeastern Arabia. The basis for this classification is a selection of substantial find complexes of chipped stone artifacts from sites located along the coast of Oman. Human occupation in the region dates to the beginning of the Holocene, but insufficient material is available for the first quarter of the post-Pleistocene era. At the beginning of the second quarter of the Holocene, we find a relatively undifferentiated stone tool-using facies (Wadi-Wutayya-Facies) which was appar- ently contemporary with the Qatar B blade-arrowhead horizon in the interior of the Oman peninsula. Early in the 5th millennium BC, the Wadi-Wutayya-Facies was superseded by the Saruq-Facies which can be seen as a local variant of the “Arabian bifacial tradition”. The high point in the Late Stone Age occupation of the coast was reached early in the 4th millennium BC when various local facies can be distinguished. These include the Ra's-al-Hamra-Facies in the central coastal zone around Muscat and the Bir-Bira-Facies in the area around Sur. This phase, which was characterized particularly by the formation of shell middens, seems to have lasted only about 500 years. An essentially aceramic occupation on the coast of the Gulf of Oman, called the Bandar-Jissa-Facies, represents the final phase in the classification of Late Stone Age occupation outlined here. This facies was characterized by the use of a simple stone tool industry alongside of metal artifacts, and was contemporary with the Early Bronze age occupation of the southern and southwestern flanks of the Oman mountains. Information on categories of finds other than chipped stone, particularly those made of groundstone and shell, as well as observations on the economic and environmental history of the periods discussed, complement the study of the stone tool industries and form the basis for an outline of the history of Southeastern Arabia in the second quarter of the post-glacial era.  相似文献   

We present here a framework for using stable isotope analysis of bone and teeth to study individual life history. A sampling strategy and analytical approach for stable carbon and nitrogen analysis of bone and dentine collagen optimised for intra-individual purposes is put forward. The rationale behind this strategy, various requirements and constrains, and recommendations on how to modify it according to variations in material and analytical instrumentation, are discussed and explained in detail. Based on intra-individual data for 131 human individuals from Mesolithic and Neolithic sites in Northern Europe, we consider the sources and various kinds of variation one is likely to find, and how the data can be explained and transformed into an archaeologically meaningful interpretation. It is concluded that the use of stable isotope analysis to trace individual life history is not limited to carefully excavated, neatly preserved, single burials with articulate skeletal remains. Even collective burials, disturbed graves, disarticulated human remains in cultural layers, or other depositions that deviate from what is often considered as a “proper burial”, offer the possibility to look at individual life biographies.  相似文献   


Current interest in the origins of anatomically modernHomo sapiens has focused attention on early modern human remains and related archaeological materials associated with the southern African Middle Stone Age. While the anatomically modern status and a Last Interglacial or later age for the human fossils enjoy general support, issues related to the definition of the Middle Stone Age, its dating, and the interpretation of human behavior lack consensus. Available evidence suggests that the anatomically modern human skeleton appeared well before many aspects of the subsistence and symbolic behavior that characterize recent foragers and that Middle Stone Age technology persisted longer in southern Africa than its northern hemisphere counterpart.  相似文献   

薛玉川 《文物春秋》2004,(6):16-27,34
本文对建国50多年来邯郸境内的旧、新石器时代考古工作做了回顾性的综述,同时,对今后邯郸区域史前考古的研究工作提出了一些方向性的建议,如:进一步做好现有资料的纵深研究,从自然生态环境方面分析古人类的生存状况,及与其他学科研究成果的结合研究等。  相似文献   

Analyses of modern human societies have consistently demonstrated the presence of recurrent grouping levels forming a nested, hierarchical structure. That this structure exists in both hunter-gatherer and western industrialized societies suggests that it may be a fundamental organizing principle of considerable antiquity. Stone circles are perceived as being foci of aggregation for prehistoric groups and thus provide a proxy for the sizes of those aggregations. Combining an empirical analysis of a sample of 140 stone circles with a Monte Carlo simulation model that derives expectations for a continuous size distribution based on the nested hierarchy concept, the current paper suggests that similar organizing principles were already in place during the Bronze Age. Furthermore, it is suggested that findings traditionally attributed to the operation of the ‘rank-size rule’ may in fact reflect the basic underlying structure of human society.  相似文献   

Throughout most of the Stone Age, which covers the time period between ca. 10,000 and ca. 3500 B.P., the majority of groups in northern Scandinavia was hunter-fishers with a strong orientation toward the coastal environments. Three areas, southwestern and northern Norway and northern Sweden, have been singled out for more detailed discussions of the social and cultural developments in different types of marine environments. Differences can be discerned between the societies in the southern and those in the northern regions, as the northern groups seem to have developed more complex social and cultural systems than in the south. These differences have been related partly to a greater emphasis on maritime sea hunting in the north. Agriculture was introduced twice. The first time, in the early Neolithic, agriculture was tried but apparently did not manage to compete with better-adapted local hunting-fishing practices. The second time, in the late middle Neolithic, agriculture resulted in drastic social, economic, and cultural changes.  相似文献   

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