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Return to Lhasa     
“Return to Lhasa, return to the Potala Palace. In the Yarlung Zangbo , River cleanse my heart, on top of snow mountains awake my soul...”  相似文献   

阿庆来西宁了,这其中有一个感人的故事。  相似文献   

再见,拉萨!那初春的宗角禄康,薄薄的嫩绿罩染着树梢。上百只鸟儿刚又掠过天空,又静静地飘浮于湖面。我没能看见布达拉宫那动人的倒影,却遇见了满树的繁花。很多人喜欢这高原上干裂的季节,就像他们,平日里总会来这里消磨些时间,在这样的午后慵懒地倚着湖光山色,发着呆,寂静无言却也恬淡温暖。人潮流动,却听不见喧嚣与嘈杂。所有的转经筒都在晨光里摇动,像是一声声清脆的音符。清晨的八廓街,阳光散发着动人的金黄,从四面八方而来的人们,行走在转经道上。  相似文献   

On July 1, express trains starting from Beijing and other cities will pass through Xining and Golmud and finally reach Lhasa. On that date, Tibet's long history of having no access to railway transportation will come to an end.  相似文献   

Cedain Zongba Returns to LhasaCedainZongbaReturnstoLhasa¥LIAODONGFANGCedainZongbameetsheryoungersisterinLhasaafteraseparation...  相似文献   

Editor's Note: Lhasa today is home to a rich variety of restaurants and bars operated to cope with incessantly increasing number of visitors to the very traditional city steeped in history.  相似文献   

If I had not been given the assignment to write about Lhasa Prison, I would never have gone to see it. This was where, in the olden times, human beings were skinned or had their intestines taken out for what the Dalai Lama says were Buddhist rituals.  相似文献   

The Norbu Lingka Road running for two km between Norbu Lingka andthe Potala Palace was built in 2000 with investment of 20 million Yuan.It is lined with snow pine trees and its sidewalks are paved with galzed tileslike those used to pave the sidewalks of the Chang'an Boulevard in Beijing.  相似文献   

The Lhasa River originates from Nyangqentanglha Mountain on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.It is 551 km long and is one of the five major tributaries of the Yarlung Zangbo.For many years,the average diametric flow volume has been 6 billon cubic meters,which is about one-eighth of that of the second largest river in China,the Yelow River.The drainage area is nearly 30,000 square km.The Lhasa River is the Mother River of the Tibetans,which witnessed the changes of ancient Tibetan culture.The drainage area of the Lhasa River serves as the center of politics,economy,culture,transportation and religion in the whole Tibet, as well as the significant part of three-river area(the Yarlung Zangbo River,the Lhasa River and the Nyang Qu River)that Tibetan government attaches importance to the development there.  相似文献   

CAAC Southwest Airline's wide-bodied Airbus A330- 200 made its maiden flight, CA4401, to arrive smoothly at Lhasa Gonggar Airport at 9:50 a.m. on June 11 bringing 258 passengers. Another two Airbus A330s join the Air China fleet before July 6. These new planes choose high-performance engines that have been through special technological modification to operate on the high Tibetan plateau and they will become main aircraft on the Lhasa mute. This has been the sixth aircraft type introduced after the first Ilyushin 11-18, and then Boeing 707, Boeing 757, Airbus 340 and Airbus 319 on Tibetan flights since CAAC began operating the Chengdu-Lhasa route 41 years ago.  相似文献   

On July 1stof 2006, the Beijing to Lhasa train accepted its first passengers. Later, train services commenced from Guangzhou to Lhasa, Chongqing to Lhasa and Chengdu to Lhasa, Shanghai to Lhasa. Within three years, the total number of passengers reached millions. This greatly accelerated economic growth and the tourist industry of TAR.  相似文献   

Changes in Lhasa     
LHAZHOIN&BENGYIECONOMY&SOCIETYVarietiesoffruitareavailabletotheLhasanstoday.ColddrinksenjoyareadymarketinLhasa.Fashionstores....  相似文献   

Trees in Lhasa     
Trees are flourishing in Lhasa wherever the history exists. There is such a man. He has already been through cus-toms after his annual trek to Lhasa, which he has been doing for over twenty years in succession to visit his tree.Although he has been making this journey for so long,it is neither to visit friends or family,nor is it his hometown.It is a tree that is tied so profoundly to his heart.When the wind blows fiercely on the bare tree and winter snow falls,he stands be-fore the tree with tears of jo...  相似文献   

西藏的天然药浴,拉萨沐浴节沐浴节,诚如其名,是高原人民集体沐浴的节日在拉萨众多的节日之中,沐浴节绝对称得上是美妙而壮观的。据藏民间传说,沐浴节洗浴可以洗去疾病,男人强身健体活血化瘀,同时也能带来来年的吉祥和好运。所以,每年沐浴节来临之际,男女老少不约而同走进就近的天然浴场,进行一场身心的洗涤。  相似文献   

前些天,北京的几个客人来,我陪他们游览了西宁的南山公园,随后就在公园的茶园野餐。客人们在享用便宜实惠的羊肉套餐时感到别有风味,而满山树阴底下一团一簇围桌而坐的人们或饮酒吃肉,或打牌下棋,或唱歌说笑,那种怡然自乐的情景更是令客人感到新鲜和惊奇。当我向客人们介绍西宁市郊的大小茶园有数十个,西宁人历来就有郊游野餐的习俗,并且到如今愈来愈盛时,客人们感慨不已,说这才是真正的享受生活。西宁人很早就有郊游的习俗,俗称“浪河滩”。每年农历五月至八月,是“浪河滩”的主要季节。人们或以一家一户为单位,或亲朋好友联合起来,在天朗…  相似文献   

DuringarecentvisittoLhasa,Iwentwindowshoppingforacoupleofdays,andwasverymuchimpressedbythewell-stockedmarketsthere.PURNITUREWORLD.Iwentintoafurni-turemarketontheBejingRoadEast.The300-metersectionoftheroadisflankedbyestablishmentsofferingmorethan300kindsofTibetan-stylefurniture,includingcabinets,teatablesanddesks.Alsoavailablearekardiancushionsembroideredwithflowerandbirdpatterns.Therearealsocushionsembroideredwithreli-giouspattemsintendedtodispeltheevilspirits.Weenjoybriskbusiness,s…  相似文献   

Beforetheadventof1980s,TibetanswhowenttovisitChina'shinterlandreturnedloadedwithvegetabIesasgiftstofriendsandrelatives.Themid-1980ssawanincessantflowoffreshvegetablesfromSichuan.Buttheywerehorriblyexpensive.InMarch1986,thepeople'sgovernmentoftheTibetAuton…  相似文献   

The ancient city of Lhasa sits in a basin screened by high mountains that, Ithink, are holy. When I mentioned what was on my mind to a senior Tibetan, he agreed with me, explaining that these mountains face the city with their peaks as a token of respect for Sakyamuni, the founder of Buddhism. The only exception, he added, is the Chagyia Garbo (Droppings of White Eagle) Mountain on the southern bank of the Lhasa River. As it faces the holy city with its back, a ritual is held on the 29th day of the second Tibetan month each year to bom-  相似文献   

2019年11月25日,“冬游西藏·共享地球第三极”旅游推介活动在河北廊坊丝绸之路国际文化交流中心举行。巴桑次仁没有意识到,他的餐馆与剧场,应和了西藏旅游文旅产业融合发展路线,在为“冬游西藏”提供文化支撑。  相似文献   

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