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DOJECERINGTeaisindispensablefortheTibetans.PictureshowsloadsofteabeingshippedtoTibet.Theauthor,alsonamedMaHongji,wasactiveont...  相似文献   

摘要:作者拟从表演者、学者、行者三个角度分析大陆研究及传播国学的利弊,认为中国文化最核心是怎么面对你的生命;怎么面对你的生活;怎么面对你生命里面所有的喜、怒、哀、乐。真正的中国学问一定要具体,一定要面对真实的状态。  相似文献   

The surest air in the world; and the bluest sky in the world. This is what I firstsaw in Tibet when I got there some 20 years ago.Under the blinding sun-shine were men wrapped up in sheep hides. With chests and arms exposed to the air, they chatted merrily with girls with deeply sun-tanned cheeks.Out of my love for art, I spent one year there. I lived in Tibetan wooden or felt huts, drank buttered tea and qingke barley wine together with my Tibetan friends. With cutting knives and pens, I …  相似文献   

<正>Just when the earthquake took place,he hiked over three hours toward the epicenter to organize disaster relief.Fighting against aftershocks,he walked tens of kilometers to Drenthang,the so-called"island"situated in the mountain valley,to comfort the local people who were in a physically and mentally fragile situation.With only three to four hours sleep every day,he was in pursuit  相似文献   

When I was gathering materials in Zhanang County in Shannan in July 1981, I got to know that there was a young man named Kezhub in Gyiling Township who had collected lots of folk tales, folklore and ballads.  相似文献   

Tsatsa is Indian transliteation tha was introduced into Tibet from India some time after the 10th century.Tsatsa clay figurines appeared around the time when Atisa became inbolbed in the development of Tibetan Buddhism.A number of stupas of the time can still be found  相似文献   

<正>Traditional Tibetan opera is classified into two categories-the folkloric Tibetan opera,which is popular in the secular world,and refined Tibetan opera that pervades in upper-class society and Tibetan Buddhist monasteries. These two aspects of Tibetan opera mainly showcase the contents and themes of Tibetan Buddhism in order to reflect  相似文献   

During the time of the Tubo Kingdom in the 7th century, the ancestors of Dorgar Puncog Raogyi assisted Tibetan King Songtsan Gambo in governing.  相似文献   

In the early spring of 1965, the Nationalities Pictorial Press learned from the Central People's Government representative in Tibet, Zhang Jingwu, that a picture album was to be published to mark the founding of the Tibet Autonomous Region, and Chairman Mao Zedong was invited to write its title, "Collected Paintings on the Tibet Autonomous Region". The press sent Zhang Guanrong, Zhaxi Nyima and I to Tibet for gathering the pictures and for interviews.  相似文献   

美国当代哲学家乔治·桑塔亚那曾经这样用诗歌来形容自己:“我是一个被驱逐的人不仅从微风吹拂的草地从瓜达玛兰那鸟展开红羽的地方也从精神的天国从希望之星从最美好的幻景中被永远驱逐”我以为,这不是哲学家个人的遭遇,而是全体人类永恒的结局,人们无论经历了怎样的努力和奋斗都逃脱不了被时间、梦幻和肉体驱逐的命运。这是否意味着人生是绝望、无意义的呢?不能期望从哲学家那里得到令人振奋的回答,我们只有在永远混乱的现实中通过写作和回忆或许能得到少许的安慰。如果说哲学是关于未来的逻辑,那么文学就是昨日的记忆;如果哲学是历险的路…  相似文献   

于Rum 《旅游纵览》2014,(1):38-41
<正>"平静与爱"(never end peace and love),是对尼泊尔的英文名称NEPAL的解读,我很喜欢这个说法,尼泊尔也确实是个平静而祥和的国度。01.有人说尼泊尔是上帝布好的景观,我要特别推荐一个地方,那就是巴克塔普尔,位于加德满都谷地一侧的一座尼泊尔古城,每当傍晚或清晨,游客散尽之时,便是这里摄影的最佳时机,光线最好。  相似文献   

ZHUJUNJIEpontheinvitationoftheAustrianAcademyofSciences,IcariedoutresearchintoSanskritdocumentationconcerninglogicsin1995.My...  相似文献   

MyExperiencesinNepal¥byWangLuInMay1993,IarrivedinKathmanduasaTibetanculturescholarontheinvitationoftheAsianResearchCenterofth...  相似文献   

<正>In March 2010,the Tibet Autonomous Region selected both national and regional level music and dance items for an intangible cultural heritage performance.On March 25-26th,a performance was given in the Tianqiao Theater,Beijing,to demonstrate the intangible cultural heritage of Tibet in both diversity and abundance.It revealed the beauty of Tibetan culture as one of the preserved special cultures of the Chinese Nation.  相似文献   

《Public Archaeology》2013,12(2):68-95

Museum education has undergone a profound transformation from the ideals of the Enlightenment through modernism to those of postmodernism. Museum visitors are no longer perceived as passive receivers of information provided by experts but as active learners who freely construct their own meanings, driven by their personal motivation. Museum education is no longer about educating the masses but facilitating learners in their individual learning processes. Learning outcomes are no longer to be measured by the amount of new information absorbed in an exhibition but by more abstract things: improved quality of life, increased awareness of one's own identity, and better self-esteem or increased ability to cope in society. The question is: how can museums provide their visitors with such learning possibilities? This article presents three projects that have been carried out at the Aboa Vetus & Ars Nova Museum in Turku, Finland, to test methods and models for increased personal experience and involvement, especially in facilitating interaction and understanding between cultures. As a result of this it is proposed that exhibitions and their related activities should be planned in such a way that they facilitate the self-on — the individual's projection and associations through involvement of emotions — thus facilitating connections between the exhibition and contemporary life.  相似文献   

BeforethepeacefulliberationofTibetin1951,therewereonlyabout80kindsofjournalsonTibetanstudies.After1952,theCentralGovernmentgavespecialsupporttothepreservationandpromotionofethniclanguages.Newspapers,magazinesandpublishinghousesmushroomedinXinjiang,InnerMongolia,Yunnan,Guangxi,Guizhou,Tibet,Qinghai,Gansu,Yanbianandotherplaceswhereethnicgroupsliveincompactcommunities.Inthissituation,journalsonTibetanstudiesdevelopedintwostages:Firststage:1950-1980.Duringthisperiod,allthenewspapersandjounn…  相似文献   

<正>对于大部分中国人而言,蜿蜒于喜马拉雅山麓的尼泊尔,是一块神奇而遥远的国土。这个地方曾一度保留着君主制,远古时代的庙宇和数条世界上最佳的徒步旅行路线,令众多的游客为之倾倒。  相似文献   

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