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Driving from Gyangze to Xiasima Town, seat of YadongCounty, via the Nyang Qu River Bridge. the trip cov-ers a distance of 209 km.Nanni Monastery and Nanni Village About 10 km from Gyangze is Kangma Coun--ty, close to the Kangma River, a tributary of the Nyang Qu River. The county is famous for its red-walled Nanni Monastery (also called Nening Monastery). First built dur-ing the Tubo period, it is located in Nanni Village. All the villagers tell the same story related to the love a…  相似文献   

<正>Dovetail caps and white coats are representations of holiness and purity of nurses.They silently do their work to safeguard the lives of the people and look after every individual patient.This is why they are given the name"angels in white".In March of 2017,when coming to the People's Hospital of the Tibet Autonomous Region,  相似文献   

The paper presents an extended summary of the most important earthquakes of the 19th century in the Marmara Sea region in north-west Turkey. We can find no evidence for a significant earthquake occuring during the first half of the 19th century, a period during which the west terminal of the North Anatolian fault system was much more active further west.This variation of activity with time of segments of fault zones, such as the Anatolian, is typical; the smaller the segment considered the longer the sampling period needed for moment rates and hazard estimates to be reliable. We find that the larger and some of the smaller events of the 19th century are clearly associated with known active faults which have generated earlier and later damaging earthquakes.  相似文献   

Will the post-9/11 environment revive Canada–US intelligence cooperation and catalyze a security community? A comparative study based on intelligence principles, ideas, norms, orientations, and institutions drawn from the literature predicts cooperation but not necessarily a security community, owing to different (a) histories, (b) security interpretations/agenda placements, (c) political and legislative cultures, (d) degrees of public acceptance, and (e) domestic–international inclinations. Waning British influences, evaporating Anglo-Saxon identities, and changing strategic interests compel Canada to play Thomas Hughes's butcher role, and the US the more encompassing intelligence-policy maker role.  相似文献   

<正>5.The Reigns of Ninurta-tukulti-Aur and Mutakkil-Nusku As noted above,the AKL records that both Ninurta-tukulti-Aur and Mutakkil-Nusku reigned  相似文献   

<正>From September 6~(th) to 11~(th),2009,80-year-old John Naisbitt,a famous futurist and the author of books respectively entitled Megatrends,Asia's Megatrends and China's Megatrends,together with his wife Doris who was also his co-author on the"Roof of the World",visited the holy city of Lhasa.Thus was a long-time dream finally realized. Though this was their first trip to Tibet,they have had a profound attraction to Tibet.  相似文献   

SummerinShannanfea-tUresemeraldmountains,Icrystalclearwater,greentrCesandaDleasantlivinRenvironment.Inducedbyallofthis,Irecentlypaidavisittotheprefecture.onceIwasthere,IfoundIwasveryattractedbytheSamyeMonasterytheNo.lancientmonastCryinTibet.COLLECTlONOFTHREETREA-SURES.TheSamyeMonasteryislocated38kInawayfromZetangTown(thesiteoftheShannanAdmin-istrativePrefecture),inChanangCounty.ItliesatthesouthernfootoftheHaburiMountainonthenorthernbankoftheYarungZangboRiver.Thelocationis…  相似文献   

Rural landlessness and pauperisation are ongoing processes in Bangladesh, forcing people to migrate to other areas or countries in search of a livelihood. The study estimates levels of and differentials in out-migration of adult Bangladeshis, and examines reasons for migration and place of destination, using longitudinally collected migration data in the International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research, Bangladesh's (ICDDR,B's) Matlab surveillance area during the periods 1997–1999 and 2006–2008. The out-migration rate increased over time (48 per cent men versus 28 per cent women). Men migrated primarily for economic reasons (73–76 per cent), and women, for familial reasons (77–78 per cent). The younger, educated and well-off were more likely to migrate to urban areas and foreign countries than their older, less educated and poorer peers, who were more likely to migrate to other rural areas. Effective steps are needed to check rural-urban migration, and its numerous adverse consequences.  相似文献   


Since its inception, the railway has been intimately connected with mining. On one hand, the arrival of trains permitted the large-scale development of numerous mines far from the sea, with the railways facilitating supply delivery to the mine as well as the transport of its products to ports or industrial centres and other interior points. On the other hand, railways depended on the mines being provided with raw materials and fuel. Thus, during the 19th and 20th centuries, a close relationship was established between the two industries, often reflected in the capital invested. In this article, we study this relationship using the example of the British-worked Cerro Muriano mine (Córdoba, Spain).  相似文献   

<正>I.The problem of the relationship of li and fa in ancient Chinese law Because of differences in culture,an independent law system,the Chinese Law System,came into being with its differences from other law systems of the world,which are represented by the Continental Law System(also known as the Code Law System)and Anglo-American Law System(also known as the  相似文献   

5. The Reigns of Ninurta-tukulti-Assur and Mutakkil-Nusku
As noted above, the AKL records that both Ninurta-tukulti-Aggur and Mutakkil-Nusku reigned .tuppisu. The question of the meaning of this term has been a subject of debate among the scholars.  相似文献   

By rejecting the old divide between prehistory and history, the group of scholars behind Deep History opens a new window on the problem of the unity and diversity of human experience over the very long run. Their use of kinship metaphors suggests not only a link between modern society and the deep past, but also perhaps a way to imagine the common legacy of the human species. But what emerges from Deep History is hardly a sunny story about the distant origins of social justice and ecological harmony. The other central metaphor of the book—the fractal—uncovers the slow prelude to the Anthropocene. Rather than seeing a sharp break in the Industrial Revolution from an “organic” to a fossil fuel‐burning economy, these scholars stress the history of environmental destruction that has accompanied human expansion. My critical reading presents an alternative understanding of deep history as an arena for a new politics of species. Here a cornucopian understanding of human adaptation clashes with a new pessimism about the climatic fragility of Neolithic civilization.  相似文献   

In the second half of July in 2008 I was conducting interviews on the housing project beginning in Geren Village of Kyitod Town in Riwoche County(Chamdo Prefecture).By chance Jampel Nyima,the town administrator,  相似文献   

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