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Some 1,300 years ago,the 32nd tsampo of the Tubo Kingdom unified whole TibetPlateau and founded the Tubo Kingdom Lhasa was made its capital. From then on,the city of Lhasa fell prey to scrambles between various generations of Tibetankings and Buddhist sects.  相似文献   

Lhasa, capital of the Tibet Autonomous Region,is a frontier city of China with a history of morethan 1,300 years. Entirely surrounded by moun tains, and dissected by the Lhasa River, the cityteems with historical relics and ancient buildings. Themost famous and best preserved are the Potala Palace andSuglakang Temple, which draw many visitors from otherparts of China and foreign countries each year.STORY I: LHASA CITYDissected by the middle and lower reaches of theLhasa River, a tri…  相似文献   

smokewhirledupfromstovesfedwithholytreebranclies.Aroundrowsofwillowtrees,standsofferedarticlesfordailyuserangingfromsummerfashionstoneedlesandties.NeartheGermanbeerstand,GalsangWangduiandhisthreefriendsweresellingfriedpotatochipswhosetastyflavorattracteda…  相似文献   

NewSightsinLhasa¥byBengyiLhasawitnessedmanychangesasitsjoinedthewholeofChinaembarkingontheroadtowardsamar-keteconomy,anabrupt...  相似文献   

Overthelast50years,Lhasahasexpandedinareafrom3squarekintosome50squarekm,andthepopulationhasincreasedfrom30,000to200,000.NEWSPAPERMARKETManynewspapersstandsnowmakearound1,000yuaneachpermonth."Inthepast,therewerethreenewspaperscentersinthecity,andmanyofthepapersavailablewerepublishedamonthorsoearlier,"saidWeidongoftheLhasaPostalandNewspaperCompany."NowthepeopleofLhasahaveaccesstosome5,000journalsandnewspapers.ThemostpopularjournalsareReaders,WomenandYouthDigest.Otherpopularjournalsinc…  相似文献   

In 633, when Tubo bang SongtsanGambo moved his capital to what isnow Lhasa, he ordered constructionof monasteries, river dams androads. The Jokhang Monastery wasbuilt in 647. By 823, the area was namedLhasa, which means "the holy land"Lhasa has, since its formation 1,300years ago, been the economic, political andcultural center of Tibet. For many reasons,however, it covered only 3 square km andhad a population of only 30,000 in 1951when Tibet won Peaceful liberation. Urbanarchitecture cov…  相似文献   

Lhasa,to some extent,is regarded as a holiday city.It is hard to meet people when they are in a rush. Whenever a pilgrimage procession passes by,you can always see the pilgrims holding their praying wheels, followed by dogs,while they walk peacefully along the path of the pilgrimage.On the edges of streets and laneways,tea bars are teeming with people playing cards or chatting.Once they sit down,they might easily let half a day slip by.  相似文献   

The Norbu Lingka Road running for two km between Norbu Lingka andthe Potala Palace was built in 2000 with investment of 20 million Yuan.It is lined with snow pine trees and its sidewalks are paved with galzed tileslike those used to pave the sidewalks of the Chang'an Boulevard in Beijing.  相似文献   

Return to Lhasa     
“Return to Lhasa, return to the Potala Palace. In the Yarlung Zangbo , River cleanse my heart, on top of snow mountains awake my soul...”  相似文献   

Changes in Lhasa     
LHAZHOIN&BENGYIECONOMY&SOCIETYVarietiesoffruitareavailabletotheLhasanstoday.ColddrinksenjoyareadymarketinLhasa.Fashionstores....  相似文献   

Trees in Lhasa     
Trees are flourishing in Lhasa wherever the history exists. There is such a man. He has already been through cus-toms after his annual trek to Lhasa, which he has been doing for over twenty years in succession to visit his tree.Although he has been making this journey for so long,it is neither to visit friends or family,nor is it his hometown.It is a tree that is tied so profoundly to his heart.When the wind blows fiercely on the bare tree and winter snow falls,he stands be-fore the tree with tears of jo...  相似文献   

西藏的天然药浴,拉萨沐浴节沐浴节,诚如其名,是高原人民集体沐浴的节日在拉萨众多的节日之中,沐浴节绝对称得上是美妙而壮观的。据藏民间传说,沐浴节洗浴可以洗去疾病,男人强身健体活血化瘀,同时也能带来来年的吉祥和好运。所以,每年沐浴节来临之际,男女老少不约而同走进就近的天然浴场,进行一场身心的洗涤。  相似文献   

<正>During breaks between meetings,I visited a dozen citizens in Lhasa in order to get to know about their lives.I was very impressed by their happy existence.  相似文献   

The Day in Lhasa     
Procession at Sunup As the sun rises,pilgrims,one after another,come from various directions and gradually form a procession around the Potala Palace.Undeniably,in the short term,this daily procession has been reduced due to the negative impact of the tragedy that occurred on March 14~(th) in Lhasa. Notwithstanding,today it seems everything has returned to normal.  相似文献   

ocated at the Lingkor Road in thesouthern part of Lhasa and at thesouthwestern part of the Yaowang-shan;a rock stands conspicuously with aheight of over 20 meters and a width ofsome 30 meters.  相似文献   

R. A. C. PARKER. Chamberlain and Appeasement: British Policy and the Coming of the Second World War. London: Macmillan, 1993. Pp. v, 388. £35.00;

GAINES POST, JR. Dilemmas of Appeasement: British Deterrence and Defense, 1934–1937. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 1993. $48.50 (US);

R. J. Q. ADAMS. British Politics and Foreign Policy in the Age of Appeasement, 1935–39. London: Macmillan, 1993. Pp. xii, 192. £40.00;

MICHAEL J. COHEN and MARTIN KOLINSKY, eds. Britain and the Middle East in the 1930s: Security Problems, 1935–1939. London: Macmillan, 1992. Pp. xvii, 231. $40.00;

BENNY MORRIS. The Roots of Appeasement: The British Weekly Press and Nazi Germany during the 1930s. London: Frank Cass, 1992. Pp. 212. $40.00 (US);

GERARD J. DE GROOT. Liberal Crusader: The Life of Sir Archibald Sinclair. New York: New York University Press, 1993. Pp. xi, 266. $35.00 (US);

CLEMENT LEIBOVITZ. The Chamberlain-Hitler Deal. Edmonton, Alberta: Les Éditions Duval Inc., 1993. Pp. viii, 544. No Price Available.  相似文献   

DuringarecentvisittoLhasa,Iwentwindowshoppingforacoupleofdays,andwasverymuchimpressedbythewell-stockedmarketsthere.PURNITUREWORLD.Iwentintoafurni-turemarketontheBejingRoadEast.The300-metersectionoftheroadisflankedbyestablishmentsofferingmorethan300kindsofTibetan-stylefurniture,includingcabinets,teatablesanddesks.Alsoavailablearekardiancushionsembroideredwithflowerandbirdpatterns.Therearealsocushionsembroideredwithreli-giouspattemsintendedtodispeltheevilspirits.Weenjoybriskbusiness,s…  相似文献   

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