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At 18:30 on the evening of June 15, horns were blown as the 11th Panchen Erdeni stepped out of the Sunlight Hall of the Tashilhungpo Monastery in Xigaze into the Dorgyia Courtyard, where he was seated on the throne prepared for him.When all of the 500-odd monks present had taken their own seats, the young Buddhist master led them to recite the Sutra of Tara and eight other sutras.The sutra recitation lasted about 90 minutes. The young master, seated on his throne from beginning to end, never stumbled while the monks recited with closed eyes and lowered heads, obvi-  相似文献   

SkiesinLhasaareblue.But,skiesinLhasaseemedtobeblueragainstthebackdropofday,the11thPanchenErdeni,whohadbeenpracticingBuddhismforthreeyearsrunning,returnedtoLhasa.GreetinghiminhispalaceXoilingdorjePhrodrangwereNPCVice-ChairmanPagbalhaGelegNamgyaiandleadersoftheTibetAutonomousRegion.Lamaswiththesevenmajormonasteriesinthecity,includingtheJokhang,Zhaibung,SeraandGandain,aswellasBuddhistfollow-erswentworshippingtheLivingBuddha.ThellthPanchenErdeni,whowasonlyloyearsold,gavethemb1essingtou…  相似文献   

he10thPanchenErdenihasbeengonefromusforeightsharpyears.HissmilesandwhathedidfortheTibetansaresofreshinmymindthatImisshimverymuch.IfirstmettheBuddhistmasterinthelate-197oswhenChina,havingexperi-encedthe1o-yearordealduringthechaoticculturalrevolution,wasb…  相似文献   

Editor‘s Note: In the fall of 2004, this reporter paid a visit to the Tashilhungpo Monastery where the 11th Panchen Erdeni studies Buddhism and saw how he studied, debated with others on Buddhist doctrines and gave blessing touches to worshippers. The ll th Panchen Erdeni often visited farmers and scenic spots in the area. We are going to cover his life in different issues.  相似文献   

At7 in the morning, we went to see the 11th Panchen Erdeni at his resident palace in Xigaze. The building was brightly lit. "He is taking a shower," said the monk who opened the door for us. Half an hour later, we found him. Dressed neatly, he was kowtowing to the statue of Sakyamuni, founder of Buddhism. Following this, he started to recite surras: Sutra of Paying Sacrifices and Laud to Master Zongkapa. Both laud Master  相似文献   

Ithasbeen10yearssincethe10thPanchenErdenidiedofsuddenheartattackonJanuary28,1989inTibet.ThestupawasbuiltwithaCentralGovernmentallocationamountingto60millionyuan.BeforehisdeparturefromBeliing,manyofhisfriendsadvisedhimtopostponetheconsecrationonthegroundsthatTibetwasenduringafreezingwinter.Butthemasterrefused.sayingthatthetimingwassetaccordingbydivination.DuringhisstayinTibet,themasterworkedtirelessly.Hehelddiscussionswithlocalresidentsandlamas,inspectedurbanandruralareas,andblessedmanyfoll…  相似文献   

WEISEROnJune1,1998(theseventhdayofthefourthTibetanmonth),the11thPanchenErdeniunderwentTantricAbhisekaconsecrationintheXihuang...  相似文献   

Talkingaboutthesuddendemiseofthe1OthPanchenErdeniinTibet1Oyearsago.everyoneImetexpressedtheirsorrowbysay-ingItwasfartooearly.Indeed,the1OthPanchenErdeniwasagreatmasterreveredbyall.MyfirstmeetingwithhimtookplaceinLanzhouinApril1951,whenIwasworkingintheEthnicGroupOfficeoftheCPCGansuProvincialUnitedFrontWorkDepartment.HewasonhiswaytoBeijingtopaytributetotheCentralGovernmentandassistinthenegotiationswiththelocalgov-ernmentofTibetonmattersconcern-ingthepeacefulliberationofTibet.Heimpr…  相似文献   

In the 11th month of the 45th year of the reign of Qing Dynasty Emperor Qianlong (1781), he gave the 6th Panchen Erdeni a painting of a Saba tree complete with a Chi- nese text when the latter came to Beijing to celebrate the imperial birthday. The ink-water painting, 204 cm wide and 90 cm long, bears words written in the Chinese, Tibetan, Manchurian and Mongolian languages. Each of the four sections ends with a seal text meaning Qianlong in corresponding language. Also stamped on the painting are four seal texts of the emperor, such as the one meaning "Treasure of the Emperor in His Advanced Age."  相似文献   

TheauthorisasenioreditorWiththeChinaUniversityforNationalitiesPressinBeijing.The10thPanchenErdeni,writtenbyJiangPingandothers,hasrecentlybeenbytheChinaTibetologyPress.ItrecordsrelationsbetweentheCentralGov-ernmentandthe4thtothe10thPanchenErdenis,highlightingtheircontributiontonationalunityandunificationofthemotherland.TibetanBuddhistcir-cleshaveatraditionofdefendingtheunificationofthemotherland,partofthepatriotismoftheTibetanpeopleatlarge.Drawingonarchivalmaterial,thebookshowshowthePan…  相似文献   

OntheeveningofDecember8,1995,theCCTVnewsprogramwasmentceremonyforthe11thPanchenErdeni.AnoldTibetanmansatinfrontofhisTVsetinChengdu,capitalofSichuanProvince,hiseyesgluedtotheproceedings.WhenStateCouncilRepresentativeLiTieyingreadoutthetextofthegoldencertif…  相似文献   

The11thBainqenErdeniStartstoStudy¥The11thBainqenErdeni(takenonhissixthbirthdayin1996).DOJEZHAMDUThe11thBainqenErdeni,sixyears...  相似文献   

From July 26 to 30,the 11th Panchen Erdeni Choskyi Gyalpo paid a visit to Chengde in Hebei Province for his religion activities. He respectively visited the Summer Resort,Puning Monastery, Anyuan Monastery,Xumi Fushou Monastery,and Putuo Zongsheng Monastery and paid his homage to Buddha keeping in those monasteries.In Puning Monastery(Monastery of universal peace),  相似文献   

From July 26 to 30,the 11th Panchen Erdeni Choskyi Gyalpo paid a visit to Chengde in Hebei Province for his religion activities. He respectively visited the Summer Resort,Puning Monastery, Anyuan Monastery,Xumi Fushou Monastery,and Putuo Zongsheng Monastery and paid his homage to Buddha keeping in those monasteries.In Puning Monastery(Monastery of universal peace),  相似文献   

The world's first Buddhist Forum opened in the scenic city of Hangzhou in east China's Zhejiang Province on April 13,2006. The 11th Panchen Erdeni attended and delivered an important speech at the opening ceremony whose theme was "A harmonious world begins in the mind."  相似文献   

Buddhist Studies     
BuddhistStudies¥TheSeraMonasteryfollowsitstraditionbyofferingBuddhiststudiesdegreestolamastudents.ThesedegreesincludeKainbo,W...  相似文献   

<正>Tibetan Buddhism is not only one of the two branches of Mahayana Buddhism, but also one of the two most important and evolving traditions of the contemporary Buddhism world. It has  相似文献   

The Eleventh Seminar of the IATS was held from 27th August—2nd September 2006 in K?nigswinter near Bonn of Germany. The sponsor of the Seminar was IATS and the convenor was the Institut fur rientund Asienwissenschaften der Universit?t Bonn, Germany. Other sponsors were DFG, Fritz Thyssen Stiftung, Gerda Henkel Stiftung, Kulturstiftung Ruhr,  相似文献   

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