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On the vast land of the Tibet Autonomous Region, few Tibetans have gained a PhD. Among the few in the past 50 years is Nyima Zhaxi.A CHILD SHEPHERD. Nyima Zhaxi was born into a herder's family in Gyiling Township, Zhanang County. He herded sheep to help his parents eke out a living when very young. However, he kept learning from one of his uncles, an educated man. He entered a primary school at nine.The school lay across a high mountain, so that Nyima had to spend a whole day in m…  相似文献   

In August, Lhasa is full of tourists from different parts of the country and from all over the world.., but no matter where they come from or whatever they are looking for in the city, without exception they all will visit the famous Barkor Street. These days,the Barkor Street looks different from how it did in the past. As you walk along its well-swept slate pavement, you will find the street much wider and tidier.  相似文献   

Since its peaceful liberation, Tibet, at the roof of the world, has been keeping abreast with the motherland to constantly renew its progress.  相似文献   

IinterviewedLobsangGyaincain,MayorofLhasa,inMay.Ifoundheisdevotedtohiswork,kindtohispeopleandbusiness-minded.KAMBAMANFROMQAMDO.LobsangGyaincainwasborninthefallof1957inZayaCounty,Qamdo.Hisparentswerehereditaryserfs.Motherwasforcedtodofarmworkafewdaysafterhisbirth.Shediedasaresultsoon.Fatherworkedhardertosupporthisfivesons.SuchhardtimelasteduntiltheDemocraticReformin1959.In1971,LobsangGyaincaingraduatedfromtheprimaryschool.HetookpartintheentranceexaminationheldbytheTibetInstitutef…  相似文献   

李霞 《神州》2014,(8):2-3
The Story of an Hour is a short story written by Kate Chopin on April 19,1894,and originally published in Vogue on December 6,1894.By describing series of emotions that Louise Mallard endures after hearing of the death of her husband,it reveals the heroine——Mallard's pursuit of freedom and enlightenment of feminist thought.The Story of an Hour successfully created a female image of desiring for freedom,longing for a new life even at the expense of life in a patriarchal society.  相似文献   

Older buildings are important aesthetic, cultural and economic resources but in many jurisdictions hundreds of historic buildings have been demolished because developers and bankers argued that the cost of adapting them for new uses is too high. Still, a growing number of reputable developers are completing exciting projects featuring innovative building renovation. However, when particular development projects are presented to decision makers, generally only the developer/lender’s cost analyses are presented and, therefore, they are unable to make truly informed judgments. This study examines the business of heritage development, which consists of building renovation or adaptive reuse, in order to determine the characteristics of success. In Ontario, Canada, there exists a group of dynamic and creative investors with a passion for older buildings. Some reuse projects are more costly than new building but not all and the return on investment for heritage development is almost always higher. This has important implications in Ontario where recent legislative changes have finally given local councils the authority to prevent the demolition of listed buildings, but the lessons for other jurisdictions are also important.  相似文献   

EDITOR'S NOTE: Fifteen years ago, Zhaxi inherited the properties due to her accord-ing to the will of her uncle in Nepal. She brought them back home to Tibet, and estab-lished its first privately owned company-Potala Carpet Co.Ltd. at Damba Village infront of Zhaibung Monastery.Now 58,she owns properties valued at 20 million Yuan.  相似文献   


The question of individual and collective responsibility and punishment in the Hebrew Bible has been discussed since the 19th century as an important indicator of the changing standards of justice present at different historical periods in ancient Israel. The question, of course, of changing standards of justice based on changing social, religious or political circumstances is itself of interest here. If one has a standard of justice mentioned in one section of the Bible and in another section of the Bible this standard is negated, one is confronting the issue of the mechanism for change of Biblical Law itself. I will for the sake of clarity during this paper be using the standard of “Poqed Avon Avot” as a short marker for individual responsibility. I realize, of course, that it is usually taken as simply intergenerational punishment, but as I will delineate, it was seen from the biblical period through the early medieval period as much more.  相似文献   

XIAOCHANGWEIIntheworldtoday,humanbeingsarenolongercopingwiththeenvironmentinapassiveway.Acaseinpointisthewaterconservancypro...  相似文献   

This article examines the negotiations in the years 1945–7 between Soviet and Swedish diplomats over the Swedish diplomat Raoul Wallenberg, who was arrested by the Soviets in Budapest on 17 January 1945. As is clear from both Soviet and Swedish archival records, including the recently de-classified encrypted Soviet diplomatic cables, the nature of the communication about Wallenberg went through a number of shifts, dividing the years 1945–7 into three periods. Despite in-depth reviews of both the Soviet and Swedish Foreign Ministry archives, no instructions from the political leaderships of Sweden and the USSR explaining these shifts have been identified. Why is it that we can distinguish changing patterns of communication despite the absence of corresponding instructions from the leaders of the two states? This article argues that dynamics inherent to the diplomatic dialogue itself go a long way to explain the shifting communication patterns. In order to make the case viable as well as communicable, Soviet and Swedish diplomats, short of authoritative guidance, were bound to ascribe meaning and purpose to the behaviour of ‘the other’ on the basis of analogical reasoning founded on their experiences from parallel matters on the Soviet–Swedish agenda.  相似文献   

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