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The archaeological is regularly perceived in negative terms as lacking and deficient. It is fragmented, static, and crude, a residue of past living societies. Accordingly, much of archaeologists’ efforts are directed toward the amendment of these flaws. The present paper, however, argues that these so-called deficiencies are in fact constitutive absences. Whatever the archaeological lacks, it lacks by definition. It thus follows that working to render the archaeological “complete” is in fact an effort to undo it, to convert it into something else. For the sake of discovering the past, archaeological practice is a sustained effort to rid itself of the very phenomenon that defines it, consequently setting in motion self-perpetuating circularity predicated on deficiency and compensation. The reason for this, it is suggested, is the otherness of the archaeological, being at one and the same time a cultural phenomenon and a fossil record, a social construct and a geological deposit. This condition is so baffling that it is approached by transforming it into something familiar. The paper argues that understanding the archaeological should be archaeology’s first priority. Insofar as it is also the study of the past, this should be predicated on the understanding of the archaeological present.  相似文献   

Everywhere the 1990s have been characterized by an odd mixture of ideological triumphalism—Fukuyama's “end of history” being only the crassest example—and of ideological uncertainty—can there be, should there be, a “third way”? For all its pretensions to universality, the “New World Order” has never lost a fragility in appearance. Students of historiography can scarcely be surprised to learn that an uneasiness over the present and future has in turn frequently entailed uncertainty about the past and particularly about those parts of the past which had seemed most able to give clear and significant “lessons.” One evident example is the history of what in my Explaining Auschwitz and Hiroshima (1993) I called the “long” Second World War, that is, that crisis in confidence in the relationship between political and economic liberalism and the nation-state which, by the end of 1938, had left only Britain, France, the Low Countries, and Scandinavia as in any sense preserving those “liberal” freedoms which had spread across Europe since 1789. In this article, I briefly review the most recent difficulties World War II combatant societies have had in locating a usable past in the history of those times. However, my major focus is on the specific case of Italy, very much a border state in the Cold War system, and today the political home of an “Olive Tree” and a “Liberty Pole” whose historical antecedents and whose philosophical base for the future are less than limpid. 1990s Italian historians thus give very mixed messages about the Fascist past; these are the messages I describe and decode.  相似文献   

近代江南地区工商业会馆、公所碑刻述论   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
彭南生 《安徽史学》2005,(3):40-46,128
在现有的行会制度史研究中,尚无专文对碑刻本身进行探讨.本文认为:刻石立碑是行会活动的一项重要内容,是工商业会馆、公所从社会合法性到政治合法性的一个重要标志,是行会受到封建官府保护的象征.在会馆、公所等行会组织的发展中,碑刻具有传承后世的记忆功能、惩戒违规的警示功能、颂扬美德的激励功能、公布官府法令的告示功能以及征信与佐证功能,有助于形成行业的凝聚力和从业者的自豪感,增强会馆、公所的权威性和同业商人对行业的归属感及维护行业利益的责任感,约束违规违法行为,对会馆、公所的变迁与发展具有不可替代的作用.  相似文献   

Starchy plant foods are significant in the diet of almost all peoples. Archaeologically, however, preservation of such plants is limited, and direct evidence of plant use by past people is also rare. Although starch grains can be preserved on artefacts used to process starchy plants, it is very difficult to identify grains damaged by processing methods such as milling or cooking. We present a method for identifying such damaged starch grains using Congo Red staining to identify cooking or milling activities in the past subsistence behaviour of Aboriginal people of southeast Queensland, Australia.  相似文献   

There has been a consistent failure on the part of international actors over the past four decades to resolve the Cyprus problem. The EU framework, heralded as a catalyst, has failed so far to bring the two sides together, despite the significant advantages it possesses in linking resolution of the Cyprus problem with the Turkish ambition to join the EU. Cyprus has always been a testing ground for experimental approaches to dealing with conflict, and what may well emerge after the failure of the Annan Plan in 2004 is a form of 'shared sovereignty' where important governance functions that remain contested are undertaken by the UN and EU Commission. Furthermore, the EU framework has led to the Cyprus problem becoming a catalyst for Turkish accession. While very controversial, these avenues offer the opportunity for the international community to accept the political and interventionary nature of the 'peace' they prescribe.  相似文献   

This paper examines ironworking practices and traditions among the Mawu (Akpafu) and Lolobi communities of the northern Volta Region of Ghana. It compares them with other accounts gathered from published sources and observations made during fieldwork conducted in the 1970s. It describes the processes of mining, smelting, and tool manufacturing from reconstructions and oral histories and delineates the transformations that have been worked on the content of the tradition in the past 100 years. The narratives of the migrations of the Mawu, gleaned from their own elders, from ground surface evidence, and from written reports are considered in the context of archaeological and historical evidence from other parts of southern Ghana. The conventional picture of the movement of the Mawu/Lolobi communities is one of displacement by incoming groups, but the conclusion that they have been pushed within the past 150 years into the very district containing the greatest concentration of iron-rich deposits in this whole mountain area is given critical examination. It is likely that the Togo hills have been the site of ironworking for several centuries. It is, therefore, suggested that these communities may represent the distillation of a formerly more widespread set of such communities which existed wherever iron ore was to be found in southeast Ghana.  相似文献   

科默·V.伍德沃德在美国是享有盛誉的南部史专家,同时也是一位非常活跃的社会活动家。在长期的学术实践中他形成了注重史学的社会功能、强调历史发展的非连续性和善用反讽的史学研究风格。他以自己对美国南部历史与现实的深切关怀,积极推动了南部史的研究。其贡献既表现在对新的史学领域和问题的开拓,也体现在围绕他的著述所展开的学术商榷、学术批评中,以及由此而形成的良性的学术研究氛围上。  相似文献   

日常生活是人类尤其是普通民众惯常的经历和感受。日常生活史在研究内容上与社会生活史有类似之处,但它主要强调站在日常生活经历与体验的立场上观察历史、叙述历史。民国时期是中国历史上承前启后的一个重要历史阶段,日常生活既是民国历史的影子,也影响了民国历史的走向。与民国日常生活史相关的研究,多发表于上个世纪90年代中期以后,尤其是近五六年之间。这些研究大致涵盖了日常生活史的各个主要方面,一定程度上改变了民国史研究中日常生活史的失语状态。但就总体来看,自觉地以日常生活的视野进行研究者较少,尤其是缺乏个人经历、心灵体验以及对生活表象背后的意义的挖掘。  相似文献   


By its very nature, historical narrative that is rooted exclusively in textual sources is destined to be more linear, more univocal, and less equipped to deal with the problematic. On the other hand, due to its unique abilities and approaches, historical archaeology thrives on the tensions inherent to any attempt to understand past and present experience. In this article I negotiate between two approaches to studying the concentration camps of the Third Reich—one canonical the other experimental. It is suggested that when studying the camps, we are faced with a series of tensions: between past and present, between remembering and forgetting, and between live human actors and the material record. This article explores two research paradigms: first, the traditional text-centric historical approach, and second, an approach that might be called 'historical archaeological'. I embrace the inherent tensions between the two approaches, and put forward some innovative ways for coming to terms with these places of internment.  相似文献   

The present article assesses the complex reconfiguration that studying the past signifies when one becomes visibly aware of the enormous political and cultural implications that such an endeavor entails. To this end, I will use the Ecuadorian landscape as an entry point or particular case to understand these larger theoretical problematics within a more empirically grounded ethnographic framework. I will rely heavily on my own previous assessments of particular reconfigurations of the past in the Ecuadorian imaginary through the production of the archaeological site of Cochasquí (Benavides, Making Ecuadorian Histories: Four Centuries of Defining Power, 2004a); the Indian movement’s historical recovery of their pre-Hispanic past; the representation of a troubling pre-Hispanic homosexual harem of young coastal boys known as the enchaquirados; and the more recent representation of Guayaquil’s national identity over the last century. All of these studies have viewed the manner in which the differing communities of the Ecuadorian nation-state utilize the past in conscious and unconscious forms to legitimize their own political ambitions. More concretely even, these studies exemplify the manner in which archaeological discourse is used to identify itself as the most rightful heir to assessing and understanding the national past, and ultimately, defining what being Ecuadorian means or should be all about.  相似文献   

This paper discusses some well–known legends and hagiographic stories, and explores the context of their production and consumption. From an examination of Welsh foundation legends and Cornish hagiographical accounts, we focus on the methods by which versions of history were used in the Middle Ages to provide a context for fundamental changes in the way in which society was organised. It is found that, far from abandoning traditional versions of history, accounts of the past were promoted that sought to couch newer territorial notions of organisation within existing constructions of identity and mediations with the past. In an examination of the production and reception of these popular stories, we attempt to relate the legends to the generation of communal identity and memory. Consequently, drawing on Bourdieu's notion of habitus, we argue that pre–existing beliefs and customs were an important part in the development of newer institutional structures. Rather than initiating new practices that had no grounding in any particular past, institutional developments gained social currency by being inherently grounded in existing facets of cultural identity. In essence therefore, changing societal and institutional structures were unintentionally couched in the language and understandings of existing structures, so that in many ways a concept of continuity was at the very heart of actual change.  相似文献   

孟子说:"《春秋》,天子之事也。"这一说法对探讨先秦中国学术发展意义重大。西周时期的王官之中,史官至关重要,甚至被称为"天子之左右手",史官所记录的"史记旧闻"则是孟子所谓"天子之事"的重要载体。然而,在"礼坏乐崩"的春秋社会,史官的职责及其命运都遇到前所未有的挑战。在"王命不行"的背景下,孔子作《春秋》,他是以布衣身份代史官行"天子之事",这标志着由史官到史家的转变。  相似文献   


This essay is a response to Julie Cooper’s piece in this volume. In her essay, Cooper insightfully analyzes ways in which the rise of the modern state has imposed “religious” forms of identification on Jews, and she engages a series of early twentieth-century Zionist thinkers who resisted and challenged that problematic imposition. I build on Cooper’s analysis, highlighting ways in which even these thinkers may still be caught up in the very paradigm that they sought to challenge. Yet despite their limitations, I suggest that it is precisely by engaging more deeply with such thinkers that theorists today can extend and continue the critique that they initiated. By gaining greater awareness of the ways in which useful critiques of “religionization” can still succumb to problematic “politicization,” and vice versa, theorists can better position themselves to draw on past texts and thought in order to challenge the hegemony of dominant “political” and “religious” options.  相似文献   

大海道是古代丝绸之路上连接吐鲁番和敦煌的最近一条路。因道路险阻 ,近现代各种探险活动很难走完全程。新世纪之初 ,我国大海道考古探险队克服重重困难险阻 ,历时11天 ,成功穿越了大海道。文章较为详细地记述了此次探险考察活动的全过程  相似文献   

Nation-states’ investment in heritage supports Benedict Anderson’s thesis that nationalism offers collective immortality in the face of individual mortality. By the same token, however, corruption – a metaphor based on the impermanence of the flesh – corrodes the official face of heritage, offering more covert and carnal understandings of urban life and of its architectural beauties while also affording opportunities for kinds of profiteering that damage the very fabric that heritage policies seek to celebrate. Both these aspects of social reality represent the ‘cultural intimacy’ that governments seek to deny or suppress but on which their citizens’ loyalty often depends. It thus becomes imperative for scholars of heritage to recognise that heritage and corruption represent two closely interrelated dimensions of the management of the past in the present, and that theories of heritage therefore cannot afford to ignore the concomitant implications of local ideas about corruption and the practices on which they rest.  相似文献   

‘Friends and neighbours voting’, that is, the propensity of voters to support local candidates, is a characteristic of a number of contemporary democracies. The Republic of Ireland is one of the settings where this phenomenon has been explained and documented very comprehensively. In this paper, we study local candidate effects in the most recent Irish general election, held in 2011. We show that during this unusually volatile election, fought in the shadow of an EU/IMF ‘bailout’, ‘friends and neighbours voting’ persisted but was attenuated in comparison to what has been observed in the past. This was most pronounced in the case of the historically dominant party – Fianna Fáil – and (in a weaker form) for its all-time rival – Fine Gael. We describe the changing electoral strength of these two and other Irish parties in terms of fluctuating local candidate effects.  相似文献   

This article focuses on what kind of impact Western thought has on cultural heritage management on a global scale. UNESCO seems to provide and exercise a worldwide and unified definition of the character of the past and cultural heritage. Important here is the idea of sustainable development, including the perspective of cultural heritage as a non-renewable resource. Through an actor-network analysis of the UNESCO system and its relation to the assigned state parties, it is shown that the process of managing cultural heritage in itself contributes to the very definition of the past and cultural heritage. However, there are indications that outside the Western world this effect is to a large degree superficial and mainly relevant for the monuments and sites present on the World Heritage List. The suggestion is that the world cultural heritage seems to function as a varnish covering heterogeneous matter, rather than being a phenomenon encompassing a genuine global essence accepted throughout the world.  相似文献   

Despite changes in archaeological theory and practice over the past 40 years, most archaeologists are still not very good at acknowledging that “significance” is context-dependent and non-material. In this paper I present two cases studies from New England where archaeologists collaborated with Native peoples on sites that had significant preservation concerns. I evaluate to what extent these projects were successful in their goal of decolonizing archaeology. I call for a definition of materiality that acknowledges that tangible objects and their intangible contexts and meanings are inextricable, and that values are continuously created and recreated in the present by a variety of memory communities.  相似文献   

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