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《Political Geography》2004,23(3):265-281
Tracing the impact of public consultation on policy development is vital to theories of the state. Without investigating how civic participation is transformed into policy outcomes researchers cannot adequately account for the interaction of state and civil society. In particular researchers need to refine their explanations of policy development by highlighting how identity and scale can alter both policy application and outcome. I develop this approach by tracing how the civic participation of immigrant women in Canada advanced the rights of women in the development of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act, which came into law in June 2002. By tracing the consultation process between Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) and Sahara and NAC, two women’s advocacy groups, I reveal how public involvement and concern with gender equity transmitted into policy change. The outcomes of this interaction do, however, present some contradictions. In particular policy changes attempt to limit one source of inequality, but in the process enforce greater state control of mobility. Despite this paradox, I conclude that this political involvement represents a partial victory for immigrant women since it succeeded in promoting concerns with gender within the ‘formal’ arena of national policy development.  相似文献   

论文从中国历史和文化的视角出发,将天使岛诗歌作为一部华人囚禁叙事重新加以解读。认为天使岛华工诗歌通过特殊的艺术手法和完整鲜明的思想立场构成了一部华人囚禁叙事。它在意识形态上表现出与美国清教徒囚禁叙事三个不同的特点:一是它的种族化民族主义诉求是历史的产物,其目的是构建一个抵抗种族迫害的有效话语武器;二是它强调集体救赎,并且认为个体救赎只有通过集体救赎方可实现;三是它主张凭借集体奋斗和人类自身之力获得拯救,彰显了一种与中国传统文化精神相契合的人文主义解放哲学。  相似文献   

Multiple concepts of time apply to archaeology—from analytical time used to organize and interpret the archaeological record to the time of lived experience of those individuals responsible for creation of the archaeological record. This paper demonstrates how these disparate concepts of time can be reconciled through a perception-based approach to time perspectivism, which invokes multiple analytical scales working from the minimum scale of the average human lifespan. This approach is demonstrated through a case study of hunter–gatherer demographic change in Yosemite Valley in the central Sierra Nevada of California.  相似文献   

20世纪70年代初由旅美中国留学生发起的“保钓运动”有高潮迭起的发展过程;有由单纯的爱国保土运动向“中国统一运动”转变的深刻原因;起到了维护中国领土主权、谴责美El侵略、唤起国人民族意识的作用,是留美学生和学人关心祖国前途、促进祖国和平统一的发端;中国政府对留美学生发起的“保钓运动”给予了积极肯定;“保钓运动”寻求国家统一的探索,对祖国和平统一事业有积极影响。  相似文献   

尺度重组理论视角下的粤港澳大湾区建设研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
粤港澳大湾区建设是由中央政府推行的新的区域发展政策安排,旨在调控国家、区域和城市尺度之间的关系进而引导资本流动以实现特定的空间发展目标,因此可视之为新一轮国家的尺度重组。借鉴西方的尺度重组理论,本文主要从大珠三角城市在经济上的空间联系以及香港问题在政治上的领域关系等两个方面,探讨关系空间如何影响到国家的尺度重组,以及国家的尺度重组对城市的尺度重组的影响。研究认为,粤港澳大湾区建设在于重塑资本流动的地方空间,为“资本固着”提供社会活动平台,继续参与国际劳动分工,深化经济合作,提高区域的全球竞争力。与此同时,国家也通过尺度重组来解决经济全球化过程中出现的领域政治问题,通过新的空间规划把边界问题纳入一体化的经济发展体系之下,保证政治稳定。中央政府把国家建设的尺度下移到粤港澳地区,促进了粤港澳的城市发生多元尺度重组策略,包括城市内部的尺度上推和尺度下移,城市外部的合作联盟和尺度政治。最后,文章从区域发展的角度分析粤港澳大湾区建设带来的影响,讨论粤港澳大湾区的建设与实践对尺度重组理论的补充和对认识国家政治经济发展的启示意义。  相似文献   

Authors of world regional geography textbooks have recently become more interested in the broader theoretical changes that have emerged in human geography. Relying on feminist and other critical perspectives, concepts such as space, place and scale are being re‐imagined in this ‘new world regional geography’. This paper intervenes on behalf of a more critical world regional geography by suggesting how world regional geography teachers can educate students about scale as a social construction through the use of empirical data. Relying on fieldwork conducted in Thailand, this paper lays out a lesson on the HIV/AIDS crisis and how different representations of that crisis, from the national to the individual, offer different ‘ways of knowing’ the epidemic. Furthermore, this paper examines how we can push students to consider the ways in which scales of analysis are constructed and constituted through our own geographic practices.  相似文献   


Angel Mounds was a heavily fortified Mississippian settlement with several discrete palisades. Although the palisades were identified early on, the construction sequence has remained elusive because the construction episodes do not have stratigraphic relationships with one another. Recent work at the site reexamined old test excavations and collected new material for radiocarbon dating. AMS dating yielded a suite of new dates from palisade contexts. To refine the construction sequence, five Bayesian chronological models were constructed for palisade building. These models indicate that palisades were first built at Angel Mounds sometime between A.D. 1278 and A.D. 1410, which precedes or coincides with regional depopulation in the lower Ohio River valley. These results further indicate that palisade building at Angel Mounds may be a consequence of external competition and conflict caused by resource-induced stress resulting from deteriorating climatic conditions.  相似文献   


A group of Māori textile artefacts were discovered in a rock shelter in the southern South Island of New Zealand in 1895. The assemblage comprised a significant number of textile and textile-related artefacts including large and small bags, footwear and prepared leaf and fibre for textile production. The artefacts were privately owned until the 1920s when they were acquired by the Otago Museum, remaining there until new techniques made further investigation possible. This paper presents information from an interdisciplinary investigation of the Puketoi Station assemblage of textile artefacts, which examined artefact structure, form and function, and materials of construction. Interpretation of these artefacts using contemporary textile analysis methods, traditional weaving knowledge, and recent archaeological research, turns them from static objects into dynamic components of culture. The Puketoi Station artefacts embody and illustrate a unique material culture associated with the late prehistoric southern New Zealand Māori lifestyle.  相似文献   

The British preference of Australian immigration policy was challenged by the demands of a rapidly expanding post-war programme overseen by the newly established Department of Immigration. An essential function of the department was the screening of prospective migrants against criteria shaped by national population policy preferences. This paper examines Australia’s post-war immigration security screening policies in domestic and international contexts. It compares the immigration department’s approaches to immigrating British subjects with their approaches to those from other national and ethnic backgrounds. We explain how assumptions about the free passage of British subjects across empire could persist until the 1970s despite revelations that Australian authorities were powerless to stop those with serious criminal histories gaining entry to the country. These revelations about risky British migrants exposed the limits of Australian control over entry and exclusion, while illuminating the emerging frameworks of post-war border controls.  相似文献   

国内外地名研究的批判主义转向,注重地方命名时地方意义的生产、再生产以及争夺。文章以黄岩岛地名的演变为例,研究其地名变迁背后的政治博弈。研究表明:①黄岩岛的地名演变是中、西方话语体系下国际行为主体政治角力的过程。②中国的黄岩岛地名演变彰显的是中国对其无可争辩的主权;西方殖民者的黄岩岛地名演变展示近代以来对南海及其周边地区的殖民统治;菲律宾当局对黄岩岛的更名,谋求建构国家认同、侵占更多海洋岛礁资源。③地名是集体记忆解构与重构的纽带和国家权力博弈的指示物。中国对内应增强国家认同感和民族凝聚力,唤起中华民族的集体记忆,对外提升国际话语权,通过国际舞台阐释对南海主权维护的法理依据和坚强决心。  相似文献   

新世纪以来中德世界城市全球化模式对比分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
城市全球化逐渐从跨国资本主导下的单一化模式向国家特性作用下的多元化发展转变。本文对比分析了新世纪以来中国和德国世界城市全球化的过程、格局、规模、产业和动力,揭示出国家特性作用下的差异化城市全球化模式。结果表明:①中国城市全球化起步较晚但发展迅速。②中国世界城市呈现“大分散,小集聚”的格局,全球化要素具有分散化趋势。③中国世界城市经济的总量大但平均规模小,企业总部集中分布于北京。④中国世界城市一、二次产业产值比重大,金融地产、社会公共服务业和总部经济发展滞后。⑤中国城市全球化是国家政府主导下依托跨国投资生产并出口初级工业品的被动全球化,未来须发挥高级生产者服务、研发服务和社会服务的动力作用。  相似文献   

This article examines how Maoist theory and practice were imported to France during the 1960s. A syncretic phenomenon, as notions developed in the Chinese cultural context were adapted to the very different Gallic situation, French Maoism proved to be especially influential among students at the École normale supérieure at the rue d’Ulm in Paris, where the Marxist theoretician, Louis Althusser, was teaching. Maoist philosophy facilitated critiques of the Moscow-aligned French Communist Party and its student union; it enabled Althusser's rethinking of the Marxist tradition, and it ultimately provided ammunition for his students’ eventual break with his “theoreticism.” Maoism's fecund contribution to French intellectual culture in the 1960s, helping to lay the groundwork for the events of May 1968, derived principally from its dual theoretical and practical nature. This article highlights two specific Maoist tenants—the inevitably violent nature of revolution and the ersatz-empiricist method of the “investigation”—and suggests how, after 1968, French Maoism ultimately surrendered the former as the latter proved more useful to direct democratic politics.  相似文献   

城镇化问题是当代中国社会经济发展的综合性课题,也是涉及到我国国民经济各部门如何协调发展,达到一个新的现代化和谐社会发展的根本问题:新型城镇化是以人为本,强调市民化和公共服务均等化,实现中国城镇化健康稳定发展的关键。本文从新型城镇化发展背景,五大发展策略与实施长远目标的关键措施,论证了我国大城市群地区的新型城镇化建设方针、路径与方法措施,探索中国新型城镇化的理论与实践问题。同时,从国情特点、城乡统筹、产业转型、区域协调、资源环境统筹视角出发,对我国城镇化的合理进程、规模建设与规划布局以及环境生态保护等重大问题,进行了综合性、区域性的研究探索,对我们深入的理解中央有关新型城镇化一系列方针政策理论具有重要指导意义与实际价值。  相似文献   

《Political Geography》1999,18(5):563-589
Within the context of globalisation that confronts the world today, I aim in this paper to illustrate one particular state's attempts at constructing a `nation' amidst efforts to encourage its citizens to globalise, actions which are ostensibly, or at least, potentially, contradictory; and to analyse how these citizens who became transmigrants construct and negotiate their sense of `nation' and national identity. Specifically, my empirical questions centre on Singaporean transmigrants working in China. I ask the following questions. What happens to the sense of national identity among Singaporeans and their relationship with the `nation' when confronted with transnational conditions? What are the forces that impinge on the on-going construction of community and (re)construction of national identity amongst Singaporeans? What are the implications for a young state in its attempts at nation-building? This paper examines how the Singapore state continually attempts to establish the boundaries of the nation-state through hegemonic, policy and strategic actions. From the perspective of individuals, transnational location enhances their sense of national identity rather than its demise, leading to assertions of `Singaporeaness' and rootedness. I present empirical evidence that physical presence in a territory is not a necessary condition for a feeling of nationhood, and examine how Singaporeans maintain this sense of national identity through their everyday actions.  相似文献   

This paper examines the role of the Ottawa Local Immigration Partnership in the Syrian refugee resettlement in Canada's national capital following the federal government's 2015–2016 resettlement plan. Based on the findings of qualitative data collection—including semi‐structured interviews with representatives from community organizations, settlement agencies, and the City of Ottawa—two main arguments are advanced. First, while the current literature tends to portray the Canadian settlement sector as a passive victim in the face of neoliberal restructuring and austerity measures, this paper offers a more nuanced perspective by reflecting on the sector's ability to exert agency by developing initiatives and devising strategies that are rooted in the local context. Second, the case of the Ottawa Local Immigration Partnership sheds light on the significance of intersectoral networks and partnerships that extend beyond the settlement sector to build a sound approach for welcoming refugees and newcomers more generally. These findings serve to demonstrate the potential of partnerships as a place‐based settlement model that is responsive to context‐specific needs and enhances local community strengths, thus providing important lessons that can inform future immigrant and refugee (re)settlement and integration in other Canadian cities and regions.  相似文献   

Citizenship and Immigration Canada's new citizenship guide, Discover Canada, received significant coverage in the national media and among popular bloggers when it was released in late 2009. Among the more controversial responses were allegations that the guide served a partisan political purpose. It was “an incremental step in the rebranding of Canada into a conservative country, full of people more inclined to vote Conservative.” This paper investigates the veracity of this claim by documenting the historical evolution of Canada's citizenship guides. It finds that while Discover Canada departs notably from its immediate, Liberal-sponsored, predecessors, it is not so different from the initial documentation produced under the Liberal governments of Pierre Elliott Trudeau. To suggest that the new guide has fundamentally altered the national image is therefore a profound exaggeration.  相似文献   

The 1923 deportation of two Irish republican envoys was a signal moment in the construction of Australian immigration policy, remembered more in legal than political history. The arrival of the Irish envoys, anti-treaty, anti-Free State and anti-British, provoked anxieties about imperial loyalty and domestic harmony. This article contextualises the role of the envoys as a performance of Irish republican politics in the dying stages of the Irish Civil War before analysing the responses to them by Australian governments determined to curb their activities. Immigration policy and administration were constructed in this episode as an element of national security, one that implied a consideration for relations between states of a changing empire as well as the need for domestic harmony within Australian borders.  相似文献   

本文初步探讨了苏联因素对毛泽东发动"大跃进"的影响,认为苏联的建设成就使毛泽东坚信,只要真心实意学苏联,中国经济就能获得高速发展;通过借鉴苏联模式,毛泽东探索出了"大跃进"的发展方针;通过批判苏联领导人的"老子党"和大国沙文主义作风以及通过打破苏联模式在人们心目中的神圣地位,毛泽东使党和人民清除了民族自卑心理,振奋了民族精神,从而全面投身于"大跃进"运动.  相似文献   

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