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"圣约翰模式"述论   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
圣约翰大学是美国传教士于1879年在上海创办的一所教会学校,在校长卜舫济的努力下,该校引入美国办学理念和制度后脱颖而出,素有东方哈佛、剑桥之称,并逐步形成其办学特色,即"圣约翰模式"。本文梳理了该模式的历史过程,系统概述了"圣约翰模式"尽管为中国新式教育的发展起了示范和推动作用,但是未能恰当处理好与中国本土文化与社会的关系。  相似文献   

金卫星 《安徽史学》2006,5(5):81-86
七七卢沟桥事变之所以迅速成为远东战争全面爆发的导火索,是因为在事变之前日本和中国的政局均发生了重大变化。1936年发生在日本的二二六事件,形成了以主张全面侵华的军部法西斯为核心的政制、经济和对外战略的“举国一致”;同年发生在中国的西安事变,也初步形成了各党各派各界团结御侮、联合抗日的民族统一战线,不可能再对日本的侵略退让。日本当局无视中国政局的变化,执意推行既定的侵华方针,是造成七七事变引发远东全面战争的真正原因。  相似文献   

今年是著名历史学家白寿彝先生90华诞,是他从事学术工作70周年,又欣逢他担任总主编的多卷本《中国通史》全部出版。这部历时二十年而最终完成的巨著,以其用马克思主义作理论指导的鲜明性,以其内容极为宏富、探讨几千年中国历史各方面问题所达到的前所未有的广度和深度,以其编撰体裁的重大创新和科学性、时代性,获得了学术界和社会各界的高度重视。“积一代之智慧”的巨著白先生主编的这部《中国通史》,上起远古时代,下迄中华人民共和国成立,囊括了中国几千年历史发展中政治、经济、民族、军事、学术文化各个方面,全书共12卷22册,约1400万字,…  相似文献   


The fear of Russia in Norway goes back far beyond the Russian Revolution. It played an important role in Norwegian Swedish foreign policies towards Russia from the 1830s and up to 1905 (and in Norwegian conceptions of threat between 1905 and 1917 as well, although the threat seems to have been more down-played in that period) (Nielsen 1994 95). In particular, there has been a fear of a possible attack on North-Norway. Roald Berg, in his recently published work entitled Norsk forsvarshistorie 1814-1905 (The History of the Norwegian Defence 1814 1905) presents evidence that the conception of a Russian danger was an issue in Norwegian military considerations as far back as in the 1820s and 1830s. According to Berg, it is evident that this idea was central in Norwegian military-strategic thought in the second half of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century (Berg 2001: 112 115, 307-308). My purpose in this paper is to try to establish whether there was reason for this fear, that is, if there were any plans among the Russian authorities to conquer Norwegian territory in the period between the Eidsvoll Assembly and the storming of the Winter Palace (1814 1917).  相似文献   

1958至1960年艾森豪威尔政府对印尼的“双轨政策”   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
马骏 《世界历史》2005,17(6):16-23
1958—1960年,艾森豪威尔政府确立了同时与苏加诺以及印尼陆军发展关系的“双轨”政策。该政策是美国对印尼政策演变的一个重要环节,奠定了美国对苏加诺政权政策的基础。双轨政策是在意识到美国对印尼政策目标和政策手段有限、美印(尼)关系具有较强不确定性和较多制约性因素的背景下制定的,带有浓厚的过渡色彩。双轨政策的确立,标志着美国开始调整与印尼民族主义的关系。美国对印尼政策的重点由促使印尼走上与西方联合、共同反共的道路,转向了利用印尼民族主义,抑制印尼共,阻止印尼与东方阵营的联合。  相似文献   

王三义先生认为,以国家起源的“民族模式”代替传统的“部落联盟模式”,易建平这种做法是不对的。本文认为,王三史先生的观点难以成立,原因在于,他混淆了“部落联盟”与“部落联盟模式”两个完全不同的概念,并且,把希腊人和罗马人国家起源的例子当作了“特例”,而这摩尔根与恩格斯是当作典型例子的。  相似文献   

《Acta Archaeologica》2006,77(1):23-34

Linda B. Hall. OIL, banks, and Politics: The United States and Postrevolutionary Mexico, 1917–1924
Thomas F. O'brien. The Revolutionary Mission: American Enterprise in Latin America, 1900–1945  相似文献   

郑玄《周礼注》大量运用“若今”例,解说自周至汉发生了变迁的典制、名物、风俗、事类等。在“以今释古”方法论下,“若今”例有效地廓清了概念古今名实的变迁、被释语与释语间前后不一致、古今不对等的逻辑对应关系等问题,蔓成了一种具体的训诂方法——比况例释法。  相似文献   

This project is focused on the long-term constitutive elements of presidential discourse; in other words, how rhetoric helps frame and determine national identity. Seemingly innocuous, and appearing in both ceremonial and policy addresses, presidential language concerning national identity helps shape the context, and thus sets the terms for more substantive, issue-laden debates. While one cannot measure the impact of this type of rhetoric in terms of specific issues and time frames, its influence is apparent in a broader and more diffuse perspective. This research compares the public rhetoric of presidents William H. Taft and Richard M. Nixon specifically in terms of their definitions of national identity. Both Republicans, albeit with very different political contexts and time periods, exhibited marked similarities in their strategies for defining the American polity, particularly with respect to their view of the president as the national representative, the idea that the nation is a unified whole, the belief that the nation follows the greatest good for the greatest number, the belief that each citizen occupies a natural place in the hierarchy of American society, and finally, the conviction that liberty is the most important foundational value of the country. The evidence suggests that rhetorical conceptions of national identity are important over time in the United States. Enjoying a broad audience, the president has the ability to shape national debate according to which groups and issues he includes or excludes from the polity.  相似文献   

湖南会战是1944年“一号作战”中交战时间最长、国民政府军队抵抗最为顽强的一次战役。以湖南会战为个案,具体而微地剖析国民党军的战略决策机制、情报信息系统、官兵素质、后勤补给、兵役军纪以及民众动员等情形,也许有助于从军事史的层面加深或纠正我们对抗战正面战场的既有认知。  相似文献   

中国的西部,雄奇而又神秘。自古以来,在这片神奇的土地上,生存、繁衍了众多的民族,创造了灿烂的西部文化,成为中华民族文化大花园中的奇葩。而其中包含个性自由精神和民主精神的民歌更是以其丰富的内容、朴实的语言和优美的曲调吸引了诸多的听众,并使他们在这种美的欣赏中,在得到听觉享受的同时,还通过民歌了解了不同的民族风情,在这种了解中加深了对于民族文化的认识。民歌,在一定程度上也成为了认识一个民族最直观最简捷的途径。而情歌,更是以其灼热的表白成为了民歌  相似文献   

During the minority of Ivan IV, his mother, Elena Vasil'evna Glinskaia, and the boyars legitimized their rule through various means: declarations of co-rulership; references to the will of the previous grand prince, Ivan's father, Vasilii III; selected appearances by the child sovereign; and requests for Ivan's approval of plans developed without his input.  相似文献   

The tenure of Associate Justice—and later Chief Justice—William H. Rehnquist on the Supreme Court spanned more than three decades. Despite his public importance, he was a quite private man. During his time on the Court, relatively few accounts appeared of what life was like inside the Rehnquist chambers, especially during his years as an Associate Justice. In the aftermath of his death last fall, former clerks have begun to reminisce about what it was like to clerk for him.  相似文献   

自古以来,互助土族自治县农村的居民都把供人畜饮用的出水量大的四季旺盛泉习惯性地称作"娘娘泉",这种现象今天在互助的农村山区中仍然十分普遍。然而在互助县城钟  相似文献   

重新定位"县啬夫"的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
学界一般将云梦秦简所见“县啬夫”、“大啬夫”视为“县令”。不过,其说很难解释这三种称谓在同一文书或律条中并见的现象。实际上,细心排比分析三种称谓的材料,至少可以看出“县啬夫”与“县令”是有所不同的。再结合对新出里耶秦简“县啬夫”的分析,可以初步将“县啬夫”看成是郡府分部下派监理县政之吏。这一定位,恰与秦代错杂的地方行政统属关系相一致。  相似文献   

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