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A Study of the Political Landscape of Tibet During the Republic of China Considering the Tibetan political landscape in the early stages of the Qing Dynasty in conjunction with an analysis of the structure of the local Tibetan government(oligarchy,the two reincarnation systems:the Dalai system and Panchen system,both the secular and the clerical groups,the Dalai and his regent),Dr.Li Zhinong expounds his views on the relationship between local government and the central government.He comments that under ...  相似文献   

Friendly relations, including trade and other intercourses between Nepal and the Tibetan Region of China have beenmaintained since ancient time. After the People's Republic of China was founded in 1949 and a 'Seventeen-Article Agreement on measures for the peaceful liberation of Tibet' was signed between the Central People's Government and the local government of Tibet in 1951, Nepal  相似文献   

Pho-lha-nas quelled the civil strife in Bhutan in 1730,and in 1734,and both sides of the conflict respectively dispatched envoys to Beijing to ask the Qing Court to confer honorific titles,which resulted in the final establishment of the Suzerain-vassal relationship between Tibet and Bhutan in the Qing Dynasty.However,the establishment of the political subordination relations did not necessarily eliminate the estrangement caused by the confrontations between Tibet and Bhutan in the past over 100 years.  相似文献   

<正>Ancient Tubo-Nepal Road, namely, the ancient road from Lhasa in Tibet to Kathmandu in Nepal, is one of the crucial main roads connecting Tibet and inner China with Nepal, India and Central Asia and it is also a pivotal part of the Silk Road. Since its initiation, it not only has generated huge political, economic, social and cultural impact on Tibet but also has greatly influenced the communication between  相似文献   

<正>The extraordinary location and strategic position of Tibet determines that the Tibet Autonomous Region is faced with different political and economic tasks from those of other provinces in China. To ensure that Tibet succeeds in these special political and  相似文献   

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<正>A Study in the Relations between India and China with Regard to Tibet(1904-1914)This is a translated book originally written by British scholar Alastair Lamb and translated by Liang Junyan,proofread by Zhang Yun.Alastair Lamb applies full use of various archives,letters,articles,blue books,and maps to narrate the history of the relationship between China and India with regard to Tibet.He analyzes political policies and practices concerning Tibet and the effectiveness of either the Chinese or British governments in the region from 1904 to 1914.The  相似文献   

正Keeping abreast of China's massive economic and open-door reform,the social productive forces of the Tibet Autonomous Region(TAR)have gradually started to match the same pace as other areas of the country.All ethnicities living in the region have been enjoying the ever-increasing achievements of an abundant modern civilization,and with fullscale assistance from both the central government as well as Chinese people nationwide,local residents have united as one to fight against poverty and backwardness.  相似文献   

Keeping abreast of China's massive economic and open-door reform,the social productive forces of the Tibet Autonomous Region(TAR)have gradually started to match the same pace as other areas of the country.All ethnicities living in the region have been enjoying the ever-increasing achievements of an abundant modern civilization,and with fullscale assistance from both the central government as well as Chinese people nationwide,local residents have united as one to fight against poverty and backwardness.  相似文献   

The visit of our delegation to Tibet was, indeed, an eye-opener. Ours was one of the first political delegations fromIndia to visit the Tibet autonomous region in many decades. The economic development that we could see in the capital city of Lhasa as well as in the other urban and rural areas clearly showed that compared to Nepal, Bhutan or other Indian Himalayan areas, the Tibet region is witness to unprecedented economic and other consequent social  相似文献   

<正>A 8.1-magnitude earthquake shook Nepal on Apr.25 in 2015.The quake also strongly affected parts of Tibet.The township of Dram in Nyalam county of Shigatse is one of the most devastated areas.Given the local complexity of geological structure and the harm of aftershocks,after the earthquake,the government of Tibet Autonomous Region decided that the reconstruction of the township was based on transferring all the masses in Dram and relocating them in Samdrutse district  相似文献   

The thirteenth Dalai Lama Ngawang LozangThubten Gyatso was a very spectacular and complexcharacter on the political stage of Tibet in moderntimes.His experience of a lifetime of frustrations re-flected the then tempestuous and changeable situation.Any evaluation of a Tibetan political and religiousleader has always been a contentious problem in aca-demic circles,because it involves the explanation andexposition of relations between the Tibetan local gov-ernment and the Central Government after the Revo-lution in 1911. For a long time I have had a keen inter-est in the“the Great Thirteenth,”as he has been called.After a long period of study I have formed my view-point on this historical figure, and I present it here to  相似文献   

I am 61 years old. My hometown is Batang, now part of Sichuan Province. Driven by apoor life, father joined the KMT five days after I was born. His troops went over to the PLA right before national liberation. He joined the PLA 18th Army and was sent into Tibet. On the morning of October 17,1950, the PLA forces marched from Mamkang and Dege toward Qamdo, which was garrisoned by Tibetan troops. The latter soon surrendered or were routed. Qamdo was liberated on the 19th. On May 23,1951, the Central Government and the local government of Tibet signed an agreement for the peaceful liberation of Tibet.Join the PLA When 11I joined the PLA to follow in my father's footsteps in 1951, when I was only 11.1 left Batang on April  相似文献   

After the Opium War in 1840, China was more and more semi-colonized. Around the turn of the 20th century, the national strength of the Qing Empire was quickly weakening. As a result, the Qing Court exercised a weaker rule over Tibet, and its political relationship with Tibet was consequently affected. On the problems of how to resist foreign invasions and how to handle Tibet's internal affairs, the Qing Court and  相似文献   

<正>From September 25th to27th,2014,the First China Tibet Tourism and Culture International Expo,which is cosponsored by the State Culture Ministry,the National Tourism Administration,and the government of Tibet Autonomous Region,was held in Lhasa.During those three days,all forms of activities ranging from exhibitions and theme forums all the way to economic and trade  相似文献   

Traditional Tibetan historiographies agree that gnyav khri btsanpo's reign over surrounding principalities (rgyal phran) throughout the Tibetan plateau ushered in a socio- political transformation of Tibet characterized by a trend toward political convergence. Because of his status as the progenitor of the Tibetan royal lineage and as the founding ancestor of the spu rgyal in the old Tibetan and Chinese sources, the topic ofgnyav khri btsan po and spu rgyal has received a significant amount of scholarly attention from contemporary researchers.  相似文献   

From the peaceful liberation of Tibet in 1951 to 2000, Central Government policy for language development in Tibet has experienced many changes. But despite transformation through three stages, the basic points have never changed.(I) CREATION OF A TIBET LANGUAGE POLICY(1) In the 1950sThe 17-Article Agreement signed by the Central Government and the local government of Tibet in 1951 for the peaceful liberation of Tibet stipulated  相似文献   

As a member of a big aristocratic family in old Tibet,Horkhang Champa Tendar lived the sweet life,but bitter experiences also happened to him.In his old age,though both honor and dishonor sometimes came to him,he was never bothered,and he always carried on without any concern for his life.After retiring,though Gyama Village had no close relatives,he prefers to commute between Gyama and the city to contribute to the course of local development.His passionate sentiments toward his hometown and this land so impressed me I am profoundly touched.  相似文献   

Between 1635 and 1642 AD, the dge-lugs-pa sect of Tibetan Buddhism, headed by the fifth Dalai Lama, blo-bzang-rgya-mtsho, allied with Hoshot Gushri Khan to defeat the allies consisting of local forces and religious groups who hated dge-lugs-pa. It marked the end of a long phase of disintegration in Tibet. During this historical period, the Fifth Dalai Lama chose the hour and sized up the situation, exploited his advantages, escaped the disadvantages, cleverly utilized various feudal conflicts amongst his enemies, constantly held  相似文献   

正The extensive territory governed by the Qing dynasty is much larger than that of the Ming;the various ethnic groups living on this territory spoke different languages and the central government relied on translation to communicate with local people and to collect military and political intelligence.The history of how the Qing court  相似文献   

In the 1939 New County Reforms, the Nationalist government made the baojia system the lowest level of self-government in the country. This decision was the result of more than ten years of discussion among Nationalist administrators and writers who were searching for a tutelary system to train the people in their political rights in preparation for constitutional rule. In the 1920s and 1930s, Nationalist writers claimed to be following Sun Zhongshan's (Sun Yat-sen) philosophy by reinventing the baojia as a form of democracy. Harkening back to a reimagined national past, they "discovered" that the imperial baojia was not a system of local control, but a traditional model of bureaucratically-designed local self-government. Nationalist writers dovetailed this new baojia with Sun Zhongshan's philosophy in order to rationalize its position as the foundation of the Three Principles of the People State. Once philosophically legitimized, Nationalist writers endorsed the baojia as a top-down bureaucratic system that would transform the political, social, and economic life of the country; it would become the core political unit of their state-making and nation-building projects. In so doing, the baojia came to represent the Nationalists' deeply-held belief in the power of human agency to create state institutions capable of entirely remaking society and transforming the nation.  相似文献   

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