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一直以来,内地人们被澳门经久的殖民史和名的博彩化所掩盖,一提起澳门,首先映入脑海的是赌博与博彩业。其实,更为重要的是。澳门是400多年来中西化交流互补、多元共存、共同发展的桥头堡,是中西化珠联璧合的典范。  相似文献   

澳门赌业的"大陆筹码" 前葡萄牙殖民地澳门是中国唯一赌博合法的地方。澳门的博彩收入屡破纪录,推动在香港上市的各家澳门博彩集团股价攀上前所未见的高位。  相似文献   

2000年,澳门特区政府刚刚成立不久,即把博彩旅游业定为澳门经济发展的龙头产业,这其实是—个明智而又不得已的选择。整部20世纪的澳门经济发展史,也可以说是一部博彩旅游业由小到大的发展史。弹丸之地的澳门,既无土地又无资源,港口因淤沙严重逐渐萎缩,加之与香港这个东方明珠咫尺相望,什么自然优势都没有。孰料,博彩旅游业竟能绝处逢生、异军突起,  相似文献   

前葡萄牙殖民地澳门是中国唯一赌博合法的地方。澳门的博彩收入屡破纪录,推动在香港上市的各家澳门博彩集团股价攀上前所未见的高位。投资者似乎已不再怀疑澳门增长的可持续性,也不再怀疑这些赌场招徕生意  相似文献   

澳门民间财神信仰旅游资源研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
民间财神信仰是中国财文化的重要组成部分,是澳门地区最具特色的民间信仰之一,近年来已成为澳门主要的旅游资源之一。财神又是博彩业的行业神,但是由于中国大多数地区禁止博彩,因此关于此类信仰的研究甚少。本文从澳门民间财神信仰出发,分析了澳门民间主要祭祀的财神的功能与形象,并探讨了澳门博彩行业神信仰的神灵系统构成及其具备的特点。  相似文献   

和拉斯维加斯"赌场之父"斗、和胞妹斗、和自己斗,何鸿燊每一次都挥戈而上、毫不留情对澳门赌王何鸿燊来讲,2008年7月9日是峰回路转的一天。当天,香港法院驳回了何鸿燊胞妹何婉琪为阻止澳门博彩控股有限公司上市而提出的司法复核申请。这意味着澳门博彩上市的坎坷之途已经扫清最后一个也是最大一个阻碍。  相似文献   

澳门文华东方酒店(Mandarin Oriental,Macau)矗立于澳门临海地段优越位置,临近市内历史文化遗产、高级品牌零售商店及刺激紧张的博彩娱乐热点。酒店设计融合独特品位、优雅及时尚风格,为澳门增添另一耀眼之星。  相似文献   

舒斋 《福建旅游》2005,(4):36-38
澳门的消遣节目十分丰富,除了博彩娱乐之外,还有各式各样的娱乐设施和多姿多彩的夜生活。游客在享受这些内容的同时,还可观察到澳门的方方面面。  相似文献   

曾坤 《古今谈》2009,(4):80-84
二十五、澳门博彩业的比较优势 可以毫不夸张地说,博彩旅游业作为澳门的龙头产业,近几十年来,特别是澳门回归之后,不论周边地区经济景况如何,不论内部环境出现什么磕磕绊绊,一直表现得亮丽无比。  相似文献   

李玺  毛蕾 《旅游科学》2009,23(4):31-35
澳门旅游业历来以博彩娱乐业见长。近五年来,澳门正借助中央政府推进澳门经济产业多元化的契机,大力发展会展及商务旅游业,并希望能在游客心目中树立会展商务旅游城市的形象。然而,从目前的游客感知情况来看,澳门旅游形象的转变仍然存在较大的困境。本文在分析旅游形象演变典型区域的基础上,提出了旅游形象演变的一般路径,并为澳门实施旅游形象的演变提出了相关策略。  相似文献   

澳门"赌城"旅游形象的SWOT分析   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
本文采用SWOT分析法,分析了澳门“赌城”旅游形象的优劣势、机会以及威胁,试图为澳门旅游形象的选择与重塑提供理论依据。  相似文献   


This paper develops a simple model to illustrate the scenario of unsustainable development in a foreign-dominated casino city. We argue that instead of allowing the uncontrolled expansion of foreign casinos, the host community should protect and promote local gambling businesses for the sake of promoting sustainable development. Macao is used as a case study.  相似文献   

A team of Hong Kong-based geographers led by a noted specialist provides a comparative overview of Hong Kong and Macao under Chinese sovereignty (respectively, since 1997 and 1999). The authors outline the historical development of both cities, identifying their common legacies as colonial enclaves as well as shared economic experience as autonomous Special Administrative Regions (SARs) under the "one country, two systems" formula devised in Beijing. The paper includes up-to-date statistical information (some through March 2008) on per capita GDP, visitors from Mainland China and from abroad (for both cities), direct investment, employment in financial services, trade and logistics, and tourism (for Hong Kong) as well as revenues from gambling casinos in Macao that are reportedly surpassing those of Las Vegas. Journal of Economic Literature, O16, O18, O20, R11. Classification Numbers: 11 figures, 4 tables, 46 references.  相似文献   

珠海、澳门均位于珠江口西岸,澳门处于珠海拱北南部,双边以古老的沙堤相连着,现已陆路相通。珠海总面积7555平方公里,其中陆地1266平方公里,海域面积6289平方公里,有岛屿仔、路环两个岛屿组成。一、珠海史前文化概述从目前的考古材料看,珠江三角洲地...  相似文献   

本文略述了澳门地区的古文化及其渊源,十分明确地指出澳门的历史文化源于大陆。  相似文献   

Hong Kong and Macao were once European colonies. A unique, hybrid culture of East and West now flourishes in these two Special Administrative Regions (SARs) of China. Both cities opened new history museums in 1998, but they adopted remarkably different approaches in their representation of their complicated and politically sensitive history. The Hong Kong Museum of History (HKMH) represents history by closely following the orientation of traditional Chinese nationalism. The postcolonial characteristics adopted by the Macao Museum to reproduce history, in contrast, are likely amongst the richest of all history museums in China. What are the reasons behind the different historical representations by Hong Kong and Macao, which were both promised a ‘One country, Two systems’ policy by the Chinese central authority? This paper argues that both museums reveal two faces of a rising China; the one in Hong Kong emphasises national dignity, and the people’s identification with and loyalty to the nation when it is engaged in state building. The one in Macao emphasises the multiple roles in finding a balanced position to coexist with superpowers, forging friendships with developing countries and building an idealised image of a (re-)rising nation through historical construction. The difference between these two museums indicates the exceptional flexibility of China’s postcommunist regime in engaging in soft power diplomacy.  相似文献   

Research assessing the consequences of gambling proliferation fails to recognise the influence of local circumstances on its costs and benefits. The consequences of new gambling facilities need to be assessed at the community level. The introduction of poker machines to hotels in the South Australian town of Peterborough has exacerbated pre-existing socio-economic problems associated with the wider effects of the rural crisis. The growth of gambling worldwide requires new policies that reflect the current geographies of gambling.  相似文献   


While dominant discourses, media representations and corporate entities in China downplay the presence of Chinese mainland gambling in Macau, Beijing sanctions millions of its citizens to make the journey to Macau to gamble each year. While Macau’s success is often put down to the extent to which visitors are drawn to a secular destination with integrated resorts to engage in individualistic activities, our approach explores Chinese gambling tourists’ movements, rituals and behaviours along post-structuralist lines, so as to generate new insights. The analysis shows how the metaphor of pilgrimage is an important lens to address individual and communal practices amongst outbound Chinese gambling tourists and brings to light the hyper-meaningfulness, shared values, ritualization, play, risk, and liminal conditions that characterise the processes of their entanglements and the centrality of commercial and political interests. In particular, the analysis indicates the need to explore the significance of cultural, spiritual, economic and social dimensions of Chinese outbound tourism, as well as the unique discourses of power and control affecting their movement and practices. By reframing and reconceptualising gambling tourists as a Chinese pilgrimage, we account for manifestations of culture, governmentality and intentional ritualization as well as contribute an alternative construction of pilgrimage beyond euro-centric accounts, which in turn, will stimulate discussion on geographies of pilgrimage.  相似文献   

港澳与珠江三角洲文化特色及其关系比较   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
港澳文化与珠江三角洲文化都以岭南文化为本根,由于历史原因,形成不同文化特色;港澳文化与珠江三角洲文化之间是互动关系,这种互动性在时空分布上是一个动态过程;港澳与珠江三角洲文化的交流与融合,最终将导致文化的趋同。  相似文献   

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